What a fine life!
Heya guys! This is my first One-Shot between Santana and Rachel. I also haven't written one like this EVER before. (Thank gawd I love reading romance books LOL).I don't exactly know how to get off a cheerleaders uniform, so I just guessed! Includes details (If you'll know what I mean xD) Anyways, This includes a bit of Brittana, a dash of Finchel, and a whole lot of Pezberry! Merry Christmas and have a great new year everyone! P.S- I love reviews :D and tips and hints.

Santana Lopez sighed as her locker slammed shut, In front of her stood Finn Hudson, quarterback of the football team.

"Why'd you call Rachel a hobbit?"

Finn eyed her warily, but at the same time, running his eyes over her crisp, tight Cheerio's uniform, and stopping at her massive, but firm breasts. Santana rolled her eyes and gave him the death stare of Lima Heights. Santana, being the second-most-popular girl in WMHS, had to have a great body, and a great sex life that would put out for almost everyone and anyone.

"I just stated whether she was trying out for that new movie, The Hobbit. She'd be getting her dream role! Anyway, what's your point, Jack 'O' lantern? "

Santana sniggered at her own joke silently. At the same time came a stampede of guys, bolting past the two bickering girls and straight to a blonde figure standing on a podium at the end of the hall.

"I said on Tuesdays, I would go topless. I will keep that promise. Here ya go!" The blonde shouted out towards the sea of with that, the blonde bought pulled off the top of her cheerleading uniform and revealed a purple, lacy bra, Santana groaned awkwardly and covered her eyes and ears in shame and as all the guys screamed and surged forward. She was about to grab Finn and shove him in the janitors closet with a slushy in his face to accompany him, but when she looked, he was nowhere to be seen.

"Oh wait" she muttered to herself, "There he is. He's at the front line of the crowd. If only that dwarf could see this. Maybe I should help Brittany off stage first before I tell her"

She rolled her eyes and proceeded to push through the crowd with the occasional


"Watch it!" or

"Can you take off your top too?"

When she finally reached the front, she clambered onto the podium, flashing a couple guys in the process.


She yelled. Everyone immediately fell silent. They very well knew that Santana would most likely beat them down with those Lima Heights insults she's so good at.

"Britt... Why the f-"

She started her rant, but not before her best friend jumped on her back and Santana took off. Weaving through the crowd of gawking people and passing Figgins, who just simply said;

"Hello Miss Lopez. Miss sexy teen trollop Brittany S Pierce,"

They eventually came across a girl's toilet, and ran inside. Once Santana checked all the toilets, making sure they were all empty, she dropped Britt off her back and cracked up laughing. She stood over Brittany, who had a dumb-struck face on, and sighed.

"Why?" She asked her best friend, who gave the puppy dog eyes.

"Cause I wanted Puck to like me..."

Santana took a quick step back, and took a sharp intake of breath.

"Him, HIM?! Britt, of all fucking people..."

She turned and kicked the wall, which in doing so, hopped away on one leg. She rubbed her foot and turned on Brittany and stood over her protectively.

"I won't allow it!" Santana said, sticking her perfect nose up in the air.

Britt looked at Santana, with fire in her ice-blue eyes "San, I really like him."

"And I really like you, but seriously, who would you prefer? Me, or that worthless, fucking, bad-boy?" Santana snarled. She knew what Britt would say to her, and then she waited for that important, life-changing answer. Britt looked down meekly. Their strong relationship was falling apart, with the pieces falling fast into both of their hearts. Britt stood.

"Well, I guess I have nothing to say to you."

Then, as Santana stood, shocked to her core, Britt brushed past her, wiping her tears from her eyes as she exited the toilets. Santana walked to the wall and leaned against it. Her brain told her not to try, because knowing her luck, she would get caught, but her eyes told her something entirely different. Then she broke down in tears. They wracked her body and the tears just kept falling. Britt was like a beacon of light, of all that was pure in this god-damn, crappy world, and the only thing Santana would, and could, truly care for. As she sat there, tears streaming down the Latino's face, none other than the goody-two-shoes, short as shit, Rachel Berry came strutting out the cubicle. Obviously Britt didn't check all the stalls. Rachel gave Santana that know it all face and sneered over Santana's slim body.

"Well, well, well. That's probably just a regular night for you, slut."

Poor Santana, being practically brain-dead and all, only forced her to cry even harder. Rachel took a small step back and raised her eyebrow.

"Wow! Maybe I should do this more often... It's fucking hilarious! If only I had a camera and posted it to the schools newspaper, I could imagine the title... Extra, Extra! School whore breaks down after girlfriend leaves her!"

It was hard to her Rachel over the sound of her own cries, but it was only the unavoidable truth. Santana looked up at Rachel with tear-stained cheeks, not being there much to look up to, and said a sentence that made Rachel go cold with anger.

"Hey Rachel? Hice Finn anoche, y afirmó: "Fue el mejor polvo que he tenido""

Rachel shrieked in anger and lunged at the ready Latino. Santana, being raised in a place where there was constant violence, just stuck her foot out. Rachel was SO tired of people saying she and Finn don't belong together, and Santana's stupid, little comments didn't help the situation. That was the last straw and she simply had enough. Rachel hit her foot with the force of a truck and slid along the cold, tiled floor, cleaning it with her ass as she went. Rachel stopped and went slack in all her muscles, hoping to fool the bitch into thinking she was knocked out. With a nice clean strip of tiles and more that had yet to be cleaned, Rachel jumped onto Rachel and as she threw a punch, Santana caught her left wrist and put it above her head, and as she threw another one, she grabbed her right wrist and slammed it above her head, like the other one. For now, Rachel's face was just barely millimetres away from her own, and Santana quickly pinned her legs against Rachel's waist. A sudden fire shot up through Santana's legs and straight up to her core, making herself all tingly. Only Brittany and her do this, so why was she here, doing this to Rachel?

"Awkward enough for us Santana? I knew you hated me, but was that hate covered by passion? I know not many people know that you're a lesbian, but I for one support your decision. You're quite a catch in the lesbian community, with that dark hair and a great ass..."

"Wait, did you just say I had a great ass? Are you on crack or something?" Santana pulled back a tiny bit. If Rachel thought she was hot, that was defiantly something. The girl herself was a good looking one, if you liked the no boob's type thing.

"Well..." Rachel started. "I personally think you're hot, and I'd totally do you, only it would hurt Finn way t-"

Before Rachel could even finish her sentence, Santana sealed her lips over Rachel's. Rachel layed there in complete shock before closing her own eyes and kissing the Latina back harder. Santana's tongue came close to Rachel's teeth and she allowed entrance. She rubbed her tongue against Santana, and with that action, Santana groaned and let Rachel up off the floor with their lips still plastered together. Santana pulled Rachel closer to her body and Rachel looped her hands around Santana's neck and pulled Santana even closer. Santana eventually tore her lips off Rachel's and kissed her way along Rachel's jaw, all the way up to her ear. Rachel shivered and thought about what her dads would say about all this. Her thoughts evaporated when Santana nibbled at Rachel's earlobe. Rachel let out a low groan and let her hands leave the Latino's neck. Her hands went down to Santana's uniform and she grasped Santana's boobs, just to see how she would react. As expected, the girl let out a gasp and then a murmur. She didn't care what Santana said. She just needed her. Santana's mouth trailed down to Rachel's neck, and stopped.

"Well now, these have to go." Santana just managed to gasp out to the clothes. Santana pulled off Rachel's reindeer sweater and pulled down her skirt. Rachel was left in a black and pink bra, with matching panties and red ballet shoes. Rachel kicked off her shoes and smiled shyly.

"I wore these because I had a feeling that something like this was going to happen." Santana took a step back and was very impressed. Rachel was a midget, but she had a smoking body. With cute little thighs and a nice flat stomach, Santana was defiantly going to have fun.

"Now your turn." She said, smiling at Santana flirtatiously. Santana just stared at Rachel, trying to comprehend on what she just said. Rachel unzipped her Cheerleading top and threw it on the ground, not one of them caring where it landed. Rachel just stopped and stared. Santana took the liberty of wearing a lacy, red bra and a matching pair of panties which say 'Satan is here!' complete with little devil horns and a devil tail. Rachel would find that out later, but all in good time. Santana had a very toned body. Rachel saw her abs starting to poke their way out. She took after her mother, thin and petite, with the mouth of a biker.

"And now away with the skirt." She said with a smirk on the edge of her mouth. Santana sighed with excitement and turned around with her hands on the wall. Rachel unbuttoned the metal clip and slid the skirt right down the toned Latino's legs. She reached her feet and Santana stepped out of it, and took off her shoes as well. Only Santana could make taking off shoes sexy. Rachel kissed way up the Latino's legs and kissed the inside of her tender thighs. She finally got to her panties. Soaking wet, and just waiting for Rachel, thank god she couldn't wait any longer. Overpowered by lust, she ripped the panties off and chucked at the message on her panties, then kissed her way up to the top of her sweetness and then stopped.

"You ready for this?" she asked Santana, who just grunted and sighed in response.

Rachel slid two fingers inside Santana. Santana writhed under her touch and sighed. Rachel leaned upwards and kissed Santana hard. Santana responded immediately, pushing her tongue in deep and then Rachel started thrusting. Still kissing Santana, she thrusted deeper and faster. Santana groaned load and louder until the point of an orgasm, then Rachel thrusted a final and deep time. A scream wracked Santana and she became still. Rachel lifted her lips up from Santana and got off her. Santana sighed and got up off the floor. She tackled Rachel to the ground. She kissed Rachel for a split second and sighed.

"Your turn now missy..." Santana said with a husky voice in Rachel's ear. Rachel shivered in anticipation when she said that. Santana ran her nose down Rachel's stomach, stopping at her boobs, and pinched each one, as to keep the feel still there. Rachel moaned in ecstasy and raised her hips for Santana to keep on going. And so Santana did. She got down to the panties. She slid them down to Rachel's ankles and kissed her bellybutton. Then she trailed her nose downwards and took Rachel's bud in to her mouth, she rolled it around in her mouth before licking around it. Rachel moaned loud. She knew she had the spot. She kept on sucking and she groaned louder until finally she let out a breath of air and a small groan escaped her lips. Santana quickly trailed her lips down to the opening and tooka mall taste of Rachel. She then went up to Rachel's cheek and kissed her quickly and got up.

"Wow." Santana said, looking down at Rachel. Rachel got up as well and sighed,

"Yes. Wow. That was the best thing I had ever experienced."

Santana walked towards the door, and turned around with a small smile on her lips.

"You know Rachel? You actually tasted pretty nice." Santana said quietly.

And with that, Rachel ran into Santana's arms for the second time and started kissing her.

Yes, life was good.