I've come to the conclusion that it would probably best if I focused on one story at a time, despite my past self thinking she could juggle multiple works at once while keeping reading happy and satisfied. I was a dumb bitch back then, sorry.
Luckily for this fic readers, this fic won the coin flip… no I didn't actually do that, this story is more popular and I have less regrets to it.
Chapter 13
"Okay!" Misaki exclaimed loudly, a clenched fist slamming itself into its neighbored palm on the left side. The sudden shouting surprised Akihiko for a nano second, his eyes widening before going back to their original, for lack of a better word, bored expression.
"Enough dicking around, you stupid Usagi!" The young brunette yelled again; this time slightly more aggressive.
"Just who are you calling stupid, stupid?" Akihiko bit back childishly. Misaki only crossed his arms and smirked up at the old man that sat across from him in his small office.
"Very mature, Usagi-san. But I'm talking to you, of course. Do you see anyone else in here?" Before Akihiko could muster a witty reply, Misaki spoke again. "In all seriousness, I need you to start taking this time me and you have behind these four walls a bit more earnestly."
"I am-" Purple eyes flickered as he was cut off once again.
"No," Misaki sighed, setting his arms across his desk. "You're really not. But!" One slender arm snaked its way to the side where the small drawers connected to the desk were. Opening one of the drawers, Misaki picks out a single item before closing the square door, lifting his arm back to its original spot. "Nothing I didn't expect after ten minutes of meeting you of course."
Akihiko sat up straight, trying to at least make his posture look like he was trying to respect Misaki in his own setting.
Emerald eyes softened as he eyes the man across from him, the gold coin flipping between pale fingers until he grasped it firmly between his thumb and index, holding it up to view. "I really want to be able to give this to you, Usagi-san."
Akihiko eyed the 30-day sobriety chips, resisting the urge to roll said eyes. Misaki could tell he was annoyed again. The Great Lord Usami Akihiko's pride was nothing to joke about. Unfortunately, this wasn't a joke.
"You claim," Misaki started, swallowing softly, "that because you've come to terms with Takahiro that your problem is all solved, over and done with, that you don't need these dumb sessions anymore. But I don't think that's the case." Misaki purposely avoiding the whole 'done with Takahiro and onto Misaki' ordeal. "What I don't think you understand about addiction is that it sticks with you, whether you realize it or not, whether you want it to or not. So despite your initial cause being… dealt with, you still have a problem, Usagi-san."
"What makes you say that?" Akihiko challenged, truly believing he was an adult and he could do whatever the hell he wanted to. Misaki wanted to laugh at the question.
Scoffing, Misaki sat all the way back in his desk chair, the sound of a light squeak from its wheels going off from the floor. "Well, for one, you hold this complex of not liking being around people for over a certain period of time, but you decided to be quite chummy with that Isaka person last week, which, by the way, I don't think you like him at all. And for what reason? An excuse to crack open some cold ones with someone other than yourself for once." Misaki looked to Akihiko with a gleam in his eyes. Akihiko only shared him a look that could only be read as 'so what?' "I'm right, aren't I?"
Akihiko said nothing, his bored expression never leaving his mature yet still youthful features. Misaki sighed again, something he found doing quite a lot when it came to being around the other man, or thinking about him, or talking about him. Akihiko in general just released a natural urge to sigh all the air from his body. He didn't know if that was a bad thing or not. The slender brunette raised himself from his seat so he could position his body in front of Akihiko, partially leaning on the front end of his desk with both legs and arms crossed. "Wanna make it a twofer?"
Akihiko smirked at the man than was above him now, only a couple feet away from each other. A hand raised to lay comfortably against his own cheek, purple eyes squinting with an air of superiority over the opposing green ones. "Oh, I'd love to hear what else you got."
"I think you make anything an occasion. Now that you can't drink because you're sad, you think of reasons to drink for literally anything else. Successful workday? Drink-"
"Nothing wrong with something after a long day of work." Akihiko fought back.
"Saw a friend? Drink."
"I don't socialize often."
"Out for dinner? Drink."
"Whiskey goes well with meat."
"Akihiko!" Misaki stared in bewilderment at the man across from him, eyes twitching. "Why do you insist on being so damn impossible?"
"You're cute when you're riled up."
Misaki wanted to slam his face against a wall. Actually, no, fuck that, Misaki wanted to slam Akihiko's face against a wall. Misaki's hand found its way up to his face, trying to rub away the frustration. He paused, one eye peering down. "But I'm right." There was a pause.
That one affirming word made Misaki want to jump for joy. Finally, some progress! At the moment it seemed like they kept having ups and downs, but he will be damned if he lets this go.
"Okay, good." Misaki stated, taking a seat next to Akihiko in the other spare chair. "That's good. At least you know, then. It's a start." Misaki smiled softly at the other man, relieved that their continuous back and forth isn't always for nothing. Akihiko, for some reason, thought this was the best time to grab Misaki by the collar of his shirt, their lips connecting in a mixture of confusion and amusement.
"Mmph-!" The brunette instinctually reached for the offending hand holding him in place, eyes wide in surprise of the sudden action. After a few moments, after the initial shock of course, Misaki pushed himself back from the other's face, sucking in air desperately. Beet red and sporting what Akihiko would call an adorable glare, Misaki pushed his feet on the ground so that his chair scooted just a small distance away from the pervert who just molested his mouth without permission, clutching the front of his shirt as if they were pearls. "That's pretty fucked up to take advantage of the moment like that, bastard Usagi." The words came out muttered with a splash of embarrassment and a hint of anger, but Akihiko only smirked.
"I couldn't help it, Misaki, you looked so inviting smiling so warmly at me just now. Was that not what you wanted?"
"Idiot! Don't take my joy of accomplishment for some twisted fantasy of your own perversion! I thought that's what those damn books were for…"
"Hm, those books are of course merely fantasy, but that doesn't mean fantasy never becomes reality, Misaki."
"IN YOUR DREAMS!" The redness on Misaki's face has evolved into a darker shade, spreading throughout his entire body.
"Yes, I dream about you a lot. Especially your naked b-"
"LALALA I'M NOT LISTENING!" Misaki's hands shot up to his ears to prove that he was in fact, definitely not listening. Akihiko chuckled and reached for slim wrists, taking them away from the boy's ears.
"Even if you're not listening, I'll still remind you every chance I get." He leaned in close, so the whispered words practically tickled the innards on Misaki's ear.
Misaki wanted to melt away, mostly just to get away from the smooth-talking author gently holding his wrists, but all he could manage right now was eyes squeezed shut and embarrassed jumbo escaping his lips. No, he wasn't falling for it. No matter how smooth or piercing or gorgeous the other man was, he wouldn't give in! Not ever! Wait, did he just say gorgeous? Misaki's eyes widened at his own thoughts. No! I meant charming! No matter how charming or attractive or- Gaahh I did it again! Shut up, me!
Taking possession of his limbs back, Misaki cleared his throat, wanting to disappear until he could regain his composure. Now is not the time to wallow in mortifying self-deprecation. We mustn't let this step go to waste. "Moving on," Misaki reclaimed the seat at his desk, picking up the 30-day sobriety chip and swapping it out for a 24 hour one. "Tell you what, if you can at least earn this here," he held the chip up, this time the metal was silver, making sure Akihiko could see the engraving on it clearly, "We can talk about our next session being somewhere else again, like a park or a diner or even a-"
"Just say a date, Misaki. It's much easier."
Misaki gritted his teeth. "I can't say it would be a date because it wouldn't be. I said our next session. Don't make things up on your own."
"Oh, that's funny, coming from you." Akihiko smirked again, not even having to mention the events of last time where Misaki basically thought of anything to make sense of their current relationship as Misaki's face lit up bright red once again. "Although, I'd be more inclined to succeed if it were a date." Akihiko's head suddenly came to rest on the opposite side of Misaki desk, where he gave what Misaki could only call puppy dog eyes. Puppy dog eyes coming from Usami Akihiko.
I can't tell if this is a charming or outright terrifying sight.
Misaki jolted at the other man's facial expression and position, not wanting to see him look so sullen or down anymore. Now, Misaki usually didn't like to take the whole 'give effort and you shall receive effort' route, but with this man… it seemed like the best option. Although, he could see himself regretting this later. But for now, he swallows his pride, or what little of it he has left.
"Fine, Usami-san, call it whatever you want." He bit out through clenched teeth, practically gasping as the gloomy mood surrounding the older man suddenly dissipated and was replaced with triumph, Akihiko sitting straight back up. "What the-"
"Great." Akihiko smiled large.
Ack… so bright. So, this is Usami Akihiko after getting his way… I hate it.
"Misaki." Said boy raised his head, it previously falling flat on his desk, suddenly feeling very exhausted just from being in the other man's presence.
"Stay over tonight."
Green eyes shot wide. "Eh?" Misaki wanted to sputter. "W-What? No, you're out of your mind."
Akihiko was suddenly gloomy again in the blink of an eye, his head and arms back sprawled out on the hard surface in front of him. "I don't know if I can do it without you. Please, Misaki… the nights are the hardest. It's when I'm most trapped with my own thoughts. You'd be really helping me… I really want to get that chip from you, I just don't know if I'm strong enough right now."
Misaki twitched nervously at the confession, even though most of him knew it was complete bullshit. But the other part of him, the small, compassionate, annoying part of him, could only think that if he could help Akihiko in anyway, then that's what he wanted to do. Even though he wanted to stand his ground, to laugh in the older man's face in defiance, Misaki let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in before rolling his eyes.
"Ugh, damn! Fine! But no funny business! The only reason I'm even considering this is because I feel we will be back to square one without a little extra… motivation. But that's all! Don't think anything of this!"
While Misaki was jabbering away about Akihiko not getting the wrong idea, the other man was already up from his seat and reaching for the coat rack by the door, flashing Misaki another award-winning smile, throwing a quick 'I'll meet you outside' before opening the door and disappearing down the hall.
Misaki watched as his form went out of sight as he rounded the corner, his face blank but his mind was buzzing ferociously.
I feel… as if I've been swindled into something I'm not ready for.
Shaking his head, realizing it was too late and not wanting to go back on his word, the brunette snatched up the 24 hour chip in his palm and stuffing it into his back pocket, rounding the table to head towards the door, his hand on the knob.
To progress.
I feel like this was short. idk at least it's something.
Since I'm gonna try to work on only this story for right now, I'm gonna try to post more updates a little more frequently. But, you know, we'll see lol