Penname: kyla713
Creative Original or Derivative Fiction: Derivative
Rating/Warning(s): M
Disclaimer: All copyrighted, trademarked items, or recognizable characters, plots, etc. mentioned herein belong to their respective owners. No copying or reproduction of this work is permitted without their express written authorization.
Word Prompt: Cafeteria
"There's a man I didn't expect to see outside of that hospital room until his wife and son left with him."
Edward turned his head at the familiar voice and chuckled softly as Emmett stepped into line with him. "Bella wanted a chocolate milkshake," he explained and placed the order, returning his gaze to find the man's raised eyebrow directed at him. "She's freaking out a little bit. They're doing Alexander's circumcision."
"Okay. And I'm sure she's the only one freaking out 'a little bit'," Emmett replied sarcastically, complete with air quotes. "It's not like they do it in front of you, ya know."
"Look, I get it, okay? We agreed on this before he was born, that if we had a boy, he would be circumcised. And it's supposedly cleaner and healthier and all that. And he won't remember it, I don't remember mine…"
"Dude, seriously?" Emmett interrupted, giving a slight shudder. "Did not need that much information about your genitalia, man."
"Seriously?" Edward retorted, mimicking Emmett's tone from a moment before. "And you think you have room to talk about my maturity level over a very sharp object being that close to my son's genitalia? That doesn't make you wince a little to think about?"
"It totally did. Tried right up to the last minute to talk Rose out of it when Joshua was born," Emmett said with a laugh, pouring himself a coffee. "Other than that, how are you doing?"
A smile reappeared on Edward's face, his eyes crinkling in the corners. "Amazing. It's like nothing I've ever felt before. I knew I'd be excited and emotional when our baby was born, but when the doctor said we had a boy, there are just no words. I honestly thought I wanted a girl, though I never admitted as much to Bella. What father doesn't want a 'daddy's girl'? I always told her that I would be happy either way, and I believe that's true. So, the way I felt when Alexander was born completely knocked me for a loop."
"Yeah, I thought I wanted a girl first, too, until the moment they placed Joshua in my arms. And now that I have a daughter as well, I'm even more glad that my first child was a son," Emmett replied as he paid the cashier, and Edward glanced over to him in question. "Now anyone that messes with my baby girl has a daddy and a big brother to contend with."
"You know, Rosalie would kick your ass if she heard you say that. For insinuating that Brianna actually needs protection."
"True enough. My baby could probably lay out a kid twice her size before her brother and I could get there, but still. A little intimidation factor won't hurt when she gets to be a teenager," Emmett replied with a grin. "You'll see what I mean when yours comes along."
Edward chuckled and shook his head. "If Bella even suspected I was thinking about the next one before our son was even a full twenty-four hours old, I might be the next one going under the knife."
The two men shared a laugh and Emmett clapped him on the shoulder with his hand. "I give her about six months before she's thinking about it again. And you, my friend, will have your first daughter-induced grey hair before you know it."
"Thanks for the words of encouragement, Em," Edward replied jokingly, but couldn't deny that the idea caused his heart to do a little flip.
Someday, he was sure that they would finally have the little girl that he could spoil with all things frilly and Disney Princess. In the meantime, however, no man could be happier than he was at that moment.
He had an incredible and beautiful wife, who had just given him a perfect and healthy baby boy—he finally had his own family, and there were many more years and adventures ahead of them all.
Edward felt nothing less than thoroughly blessed.
~The End~