A/N: Hey guys and gals, I hope everyone's enjoying their Christmas so far. Also, This is my fourteenth fic, but my first Gohan/Videl fic so, don't be afraid to tell me if you think they're out of character or not. Just be respectful about it. Anyway, this is going to be a Twoshot, but as you can see, I only have one out of two done. I decided to post what I have since this is a Christmas special... This twoshot is dedicated to a very special friend of mine and this is my gift from myself to her: Dbzlover500. She's read practically all of my stories and I thought she deserved something. Please read, review, and enjoy! Especially you, Dbzlover500!

Videl smiled as she pulled out the freshly baked, tree-shaped, sugar cookies out of the oven. Finally, after one or two hours of preparations and waiting, the cookies were done. Videl then, took the cookies out the oven, and slid all of the cookies into a circular, plastic bowl, before placing them in the center of the table. Afterwards, she checked the time on her wristwatch and released a relieved sigh. Gohan was at work and he wouldn't be home for another hour or two. So, that left her plenty of time to get everything up and decorated. This would be their first Christmas together as a married couple and just as much as she wanted it to be perfect, she wanted it to be memorable as well. Now, she just needed to figure out where to start.


After mentally debating on where to start first, she decided to go ahead and put up the Christmas tree and then follow up with putting the stockings up and then the remaining decorations. Videl headed upstairs to the spare bedroom and began gathering all the Christmas decorations she bought from the store earlier. Once she had all the decorations where she wanted them, she headed back up stairs to grab the Christmas tree. Finally after gathering everything that she needed, she set to work.


Gohan descended on to the soft grass that happened to be currently, covered with light snow. He could already tell that by morning, everything would be completely covered in snow. A small smile overcame his features as he began to loosen his tie with one hand, and continue carrying his briefcase in the other Christmas was going to be great. He could feel it. Astonishment swept over him when he finally noticed the outside of he and Videl's house. There were lights covering the small path he was walking on, two inflatable snowmen along with nine inflatable reindeer's, and lights were draped over certain parts of the house as well.

'Wow. She really outdid herself. I can only imagine what the inside looks like.'

Just as Gohan reached the front door, it yanked opened, revealing his purple-eyed wife.

"Welcome home, hon."

Videl stepped to the side, allowing Gohan to enter, before closing the door again. Gohan looked around the house, his astonishment growing as he took everything in. The Christmas tree had multicolored lights wrapped around it, along with different flavored candy canes and variety of ornaments. And it even had a star on the top. The decorations didn't stop there, for Videl had stockings lined up near the tree and multicolored lights wrapped around the staircase railings as well.

"Videl, this is amazing. "

She smirked before giving him a small peck on the check.

"It is, isn't it?"

Gohan nodded as he gently pulled her into his arms, before suddenly eying her suspiciously, "Weren't you told to take it easy by the doctor?"

Videl rolled her eyes, "I'm fine, Gohan and so is the baby. I'm only three months and besides, this didn't require much lifting."

He looked at her with a worried expression and she decided to reassure him further, "It wasn't anything I couldn't handle. "

"Okay Videl, if you say so."

She smirked before pecking him on the lips again, "Yes, Gohan, I say so. Now, go ahead and get comfortable. Cookies are on the table and I'll be back with your gift."

Gohan watched as Videl headed upstairs and decided to get comfortable liked she said. He set his briefcase down by the door, mentally reminding himself to get it later, before slowly taking off his jacket, being careful not to shake the gift too much inside it. Once his jacket was off, he took out the gift before hanging his jacket up in the nearby closet. Hopefully, she would like it. It took him days' to try and figure out the perfect gift to give her. He knew Videl wasn't like most women. She wasn't materialistic, nor did she want everything her eyes laid upon. She enjoyed the simpler things of life and that's one of the things he loved about her most. He looked down at the gift in his hand and sighed. Maybe, he should have just took her out for dinner and a date. At least, he knew she would've enjoyed it. His thoughts shut off once he heard Videl coming back downstairs and he immediately hid the gift behind his back.

Videl smiled and handed him the gift once she reached him, "I hope you like it, Gohan."

Gohan smiled and handed her the gift he had behind his back, "I hope you like yours as well."

They traded gifts, each of them anxious about what they received, and both were slightly nervous about whether or not the gift they picked out would be liked. Gohan was first to open his and his eyes slightly widened when he saw what it was, "Videl, this is great!"

It was two new gi's, one similar to his father's and the other one similar to what he wore during the whole buu situation, and on top of the gi's were a couple of books he always wanted. She released a short laugh at his reaction, happy that he liked his gift, "I'm glad you like it."

He nodded, "Thanks, Videl."

She looked down at her gift, and slowly began opening it. Gohan watched her nervously, "I only got you one gift and if you don't-"

Videl cut him off with small kiss, before slowly pulling back, "Gohan, that doesn't matter and I love the gift. It's beautiful. Can you put it on me?"

Gohan smiled and put the heart-shaped necklace with her name engraved in it around her neck. She turned around to face him with a small, satisfied smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around him, "Merry Christmas, Gohan."

He wrapped his arms around her as well as he stared down lovingly at her, "Merry Christmas, Videl."