Hearts On Ice

Chapter One

Author Note: Just read it. I don't want to give it away.

Finn stepped onto the sidewalk, his mind quickly taking in the sound of roaring engines and horns. This was New York, and it always hit him, being from a small town like Lima. He thanked the cab driver and went around to the back to grab his luggage. He waved to the driver and made his way toward the building, stepping onto the elevator. His heart seemed to rise with the steadily rising car. He really needed this vacation, this time with Kurt. His life had become so repetitive lately with the shop and Glee club. He was thankful to have a change of pace. He stepped out onto the landing and knocked at the loft door. The door swung open and frantic arms embraced him almost immediately.

"Good to see you too bro," he laughed, patting Kurt's back with his free hand.

Kurt smiled and held out his hand. Finn thought his suitcase might be a lot for his stepbrother to carry, but he knew he'd insist. Kurt huffed and dragged the heavy piece of luggage into the loft. He released the handle and exhaled.

"I could have got it," Finn said.

"No biggie," he panted, waving his hand.

Finn knew that Kurt was just being helpful. He looked around. An empty loft greeted him.

"No Rachel?" he asked.

"Nah, I got her out of here for a few," Kurt replied. "Don't ask. Figured you wouldn't want to see her, it'd just make things awkward."

Kurt was right.

"Yeah man, thanks," Finn managed a grin. "So uh...when we getting out of here?"

"In about five minutes," Kurt said. "Grab anything you want now."

Finn nodded and proceeded to the fridge to grab a soda. He popped open the top and drank, the cool liquid washing down his throat refreshingly. A hand touched his shoulder.

"May I suggest we get going Finn?" Kurt asked dramatically. "I mean- unless you want Rachel..."

"Nah man, I'm coming," Finn said, shutting the fridge door.

They were soon making their way down the busy avenues of NY in Kurt's car. Finn stretched out in the passenger seat and sighed, putting his hands behind his head.

"This is the life," he said happily. "Nothing like a road trip."

"Yeah well, put your seatbelt on," Kurt suggested.

Soon they were leaving the city, making their way into New Jersey. Kurt's fingers flexed on the steering wheel.

"Where is this place anyway?" Finn asked.

"Not far," Kurt remarked. "Well, depending what you call far. Its in Pennsylvania."

"Good little ride then," Finn replied. "Awesome."

Kurt smirked and gave a little cough. This little trip was just what they both needed. Kurt needed a break from Rachel's dramatics and relationship issues with Brody. Good god, that's all she ever talked about! His thoughts were derailed by one of the blue signs on the side of the highway, indicating that the next exit had a McDonalds. His thoughts turned to his stepbrother.

"Hey Finn, you hungry?" he asked.

"Kinda," his stepbrother replied.

"I'm stopping," Kurt informed him.


Kurt had insisted on paying for Finn's lunch, nice as he was. Two Big Macs and a McChicken. Finn pat his stomach appreciatively while Kurt wrinkled his nose.

"Honestly Finn, I'm surprised you're not a blimp," Kurt remarked.

They were on the road again after their little detour. Finn yawned sleepily. He was full and ready for a nap. Shouldn't he stay awake and keep Kurt company? His brain didn't want to cooperate. He blinked and saw a snow flake swirl slowly by. He yawned as his eyes became heavier. Was the snow falling faster? His eyes shut for the last time and sweet sleep overtook him. The next thing he was aware of was how cold it had become, like a freezer, and dark. Was it night? The car wasn't moving. What had awakened him? A hand shaking his shoulder.

"Finn wake up," Kurt hissed frantically.

Finn blinked his eyes and stretched. They appeared to be pulled over somewhere, like a deserted street. The snow was now whipping around the car in rapid bursts.

"Kurt can't you drive in this?" he questioned.

Kurt scowled and turned the key in the ignition. The engine barely reved before stopping.

"Not if the car doesn't run," Kurt said sarcastically.

Finn huffed and folded his arms. Great, just great.

"What happened?" he asked, trying to keep from snapping at Kurt.

"It wasn't my fault," his stepbrother said defensively.

"No of course not," Finn said more gently, placing a hand on Kurt's shoulder. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound angry. What happened?"

"Well about thirty minutes after you fell asleep it started to snow real bad. I pulled off the nearest exit. I couldn't hardly see to drive. Then the car..."

Finn nodded and folded his arms.

"Well should we see where this is?" he suggested. "We can't stay out here. Its getting cold and we don't have any food."

"I suppose we'll have to get some food," Kurt agreed.

The two of them made their way out into the whipping storm. Kurt folded his arms around himself. He was only wearing a light sweater. Finn noticed this and his heart sank. He moved over to his brother and held out his own jacket.

"Oh Finn don't be silly," he laughed, his teeth chattering a bit.

"Come on," Finn protested, wrapping the jacket around him.

"T-thank you," Kurt told him.

Finn smiled and shrugged. He braced himself against the cold weather, pressing on stubbornly.

"Is that a store up ahead?" he questioned.

Kurt squinted, holding his hand above his eyes.

"I think so," Kurt exclaimed, increasing his speed. "Come on Finn!"

The two of them made it to the doors. Luckily they seemed to be open.

"Snow's falling like hell out there," an older man greeted them.

He was gray-haired and a little bent over, but his eyes had a kindly twinkle to them. He observed Finn and Kurt and his smile widened.

"Where ya from youngens?" he asked, stepping closer. "I don't think I've ever seen ya around before."

"Lima, Ohio," Finn answered out of habit.

The elderly man gave a start.

"Well I'll be," he exclaimed. "Ohio. What brings you out here to New Jersey?"

"Uh well, its kinda a long story," Finn replied. "You see my brother here..."

"Brother?" the old man asked, eying up Kurt. "Yeh don't look it. You sure ya brothers?"

"Stepbrothers technically," Kurt told him. "I'm Kurt Hummel, and this is Finn Hudson."

The old man sized them up again and gave a laugh.

"Enough questions," he grumbled. "What can I help ya with?"

"Actually, we're uh...kinda stranded," Kurt said nervously. "That is, we're broke down. I pulled off the interstate because of the storm. I'm broke down about a block away."

"Broke down," the old man said in a quiet voice. "Oh goodness me. That's a bad storm out there boys. I don't think you'll be going anywhere tonight."

Kurt's stomach clenched at this news. Where were he and Finn going to stay? They couldn't stay in the car. He looked at Finn with worry.

"Well I suppose I might as well be neighborly," the man observed. "Good Samaritan and such. I tell ya what. I got me a cabin just outside town. Now its pretty wooded mind. I can give you a ride up there before the snow piles up. I tell ya what. Take whatever you need from the store. You'll be needing supplies after all."

"Oh sir we couldn't," Finn began. "Are you sure?"

"Sure I'm sure," the man laughed. "Call me Barney. I can't just let you kids sleep in your car in the cold. Don't worry about yer car by the way. I knows the towing folks. They'll tow ye right on down here to the store. I'm sure it'll all be taken care of."

"Thank you, so much," Kurt said with his mega smile. "We appreciate it."

The old man brought him a cart.

"Well then, get started young fella. That storm ain't slackin ya know."

Kurt pushed the buggy. Finn loaded it with canned goods, crackers, chips, sodas, meat, and all the necessities.

"Oh Finn, don't take advantage," Kurt chided.

"I'm not, he said take whatever we want. We can give him some money when we leave."

Kurt nodded, assenting to the idea. After grabbing a few more things they took it to the front of the store. Kurt pulled out his wallet.

"No sir," Barney said with a laugh. "I'll not have any of it. Like I said, this is strictly a goodwill act. Now lets bag it up for ye."

Kurt tried not to be ashamed as their 'purchases' filled four whole paper bags. Barney handed him one.

"Now then," he said merrily. "Your brother there looks like he could carry two."

Finn hoisted one bag up in his right arm, and Barney placed the other in his left. The jolly old man took their last bag and led them to an old truck parked behind the store.

"Right then, just put it all there," he told them, depositing the bag he was holding into the rear of the truck. "Never mind if it gets a little snow on it. Now you two just seat yourselves and I'll go close shop really fast."

"He's real nice," Kurt remarked as Barney hurried back into the store.

"Yeah its lucky we found him," Finn pointed out. "Otherwise we'd be pretty fucked right now."

"Well this wasn't our idea of a vacation, but here it is," Kurt sighed.

"I think it'll be great," Finn grinned. "Think about it dude. Just us, alone in a cabin, all to ourselves. Quality bonding time bro."

Kurt gave a little laugh and kept his thoughts to himself. It wasn't exactly a secret that he had some rather conflicted feelings for Finn. This was certainly going to be interesting.