I've decided to update Hot Professor on Jan 2013 cause I have no idea what to write next and I want to make a New Year's fic xD I know, Christmas isn't over yet but this'll be a 3 chapter story which is based on my favorite couple, MxR ;) so this chapter is really short, but as each update the chapter will get longer since it's just chapters I think I can promise you that I'll be updating up until New Year :3 so, proceed to the story and Have a very Happy Christmas guys! :D
Chapter 1: The Past
But the little boy stayed hidden behind the slide of the huge playground, he heard the pitter patter of her little shoes as the girl, with shoulder length midnight blue hair, ran above on the bridge that connected the slide with the stairs.
"Wiven?" her voice sounded a bit scared, she looked around with her small azure eyes for her friend, but all she could hear and find were other kids who were strangers to her.
She climbed down the stairs and sat on the swing where they would always meet every friday afternoon after school, they would play until the sunset, they would laugh until their ribs started to hurt, and they would exchange stories about their week. It was a routine the two kids always looked forward too.
"If yoh not gonna come ouwt.." she pushed herself so that the swing would move, her feet couldn't touch the sandy ground so she used her weight to make it swing "I won't be yow fwiend anymow" the little girl threatened as she picked up some movement by the slide, she was sure it was him.
She looked again and smiled, there was no way he could bear her drama, even if they both knew that she was kidding. So he came out of hiding.
"Fine" he groaned as he ran out from the slide and tackled the girl on the swing with a big hug, his hands slipping itself under her arms and his head resting on her shoulder.
She stuck her tongue out at him and giggled as his body stopped her swinging, she looked at him from behind and gave him a kiss on the cheek "Wiven, I'm youw best-est fwiend, wight?"
"Of couws!" he answer without hesitation, he pulled his arms from her body and ran in front of her "Am I youw best-est fwiend?"
She didn't answer at first, the little girl closed her eyes and felt the breeze pass through her rosy cheeks, she listened to the birds beautiful chirping, she inhaled the smell of lilies that grew during this time of the year.
Once she opened her eyes she raised her hand which would align to his face and brought her fingers down, except the smallest one by the far end which was her favorite "We'll be the best-est fwiends"
He nodded and wrapped his pinky around hers "Pwomise?" his eyes that were full of joy were locked on hers.
"Pwomise" she giggled and withdrew her hand so that it could grip the chains of the swing.
She then looked at the ground and saw how his shadow hovered over her body, she felt safe, she felt secure, she felt how this little boy in front of her would always be there for her.
"Wiven" she called out again, a bit soft this time.
He looked at her and saw two adults standing by the entrance of the park, looking at them. He frowned, knowing that their day would end and that they'd have to wait another seven days before they could see each other again.
"Wiven" she poked his shoulder causing him to flinch a bit "Would the people in youw house mind if you slept ovew in my house tomowow?"
Riven glanced away, even as young as he is, 8 years old, he knew how big the world was. He knew terms that grown ups knew, he knew that there were different types of people with different personalities, he knew for the fact that his best friend wasn't aware of his knowledge.
"I can ask" he bitterly replied, not making it too obvious to her.
"Gweat!" she hopped down from her swing and gave him a quick hug, but it wasn't the normal hug he'd gotten, he felt something different when they came in to contact.
Once she pulled away she saw the questionable look that invaded his face.
"Sweetheart!" a lady that looked to be in her mid-twenty's, she had black hair, white skin, and Asian eyes, called out with an older man beside her "It's time to go"
Riven frowned more, he sighed and looked away from the happy family.
"Mommy's leaving me soon" the little girl whispered in to Riven's ear before she ran to the older woman and man.
He watched the 3 walk away until they disappeared from the distance, it was like any other day for him. But Riven knew that the next time they meet it won't be like any normal day.
Before leaving the park Riven sat on the swing and looked straight to see an old mansion that looked to be centuries old, but this was Magix, everything looked old. He sighed once more before kicking the sand that filled the playground, he felt so confused. For a kid, he had a ton of problems.
The one thing that kept him going was her, she was always there for him when no one was, she accepted him for who he is, she is his best-est friend.
As he hopped of the swing he walked straight to his home, the huge mansion wasn't that far so he had some time to walk around.
But he couldn't enjoy his alone time that long, he met up with the keeper of the house who was fixing the mansion gate, Cordatorta.
"Where've you been, lad?" the huge brute was fixing the gate to the house, it had a lose bar and a little tinker would do the trick.
"I was at the playgwound" he hopped up the stairs and sat with his face resting on his knees.
"You saw ya little friend?" Cordatorta wiped his hands on his jeans and joined Riven on the porch.
"Mm-hmmmm" he nodded, a bit down "She's asking if I could sleepovew in her house tomowow" his squinted his eyes and sighed "I think her moma's going to go to that place my pawents went"
Cordatorta was taken back, he knew what kind of kid Riven was but he never knew that he was this mature. The way he acts, the way he talks, the way he sees the world. But maybe that's what you get if you saw how your parents died, you embrace the ugly truth of life.
"Might that be a fine idea, lad" the big man exhaled as the sun was setting, he saw how the orange sun submerged itself to the ground, it was the most beautiful thing he saw "Musa will be needing her best friend"
Please do review, and don't worry, it might be confusing right now but I'll be explaining the story as it progresses :D don't forget to review, think of it as a present for me, hahaha! Oh, and happy holidays everyone! Stay safe! But seriously, don't forget to review :)