AN: New chapter yay! And I got it up soon! Hope you like it and thanks so much to all the favourites, follows and reviews :)

I don't own Doctor Who :(


Rose leaned back against the console. The Doctor sat down and looked around nervously. "Um Rose, I heard you're conversation with Amy so I know most of your story, but I suppose you don't know mine." And he launched into a long story starting from when he first crashed into the garden of Amelia Pond as a child. "…And then we came to this spaceship and I appeared on the beach and saw you...What have you done in the past 80 years?"

"Well I've just been travelling and going around, never staying in the same place for very long since the metacrisis you died. I stopped dying my hair, but I suppose because of Bad Wolf it stayed this colour. I did think about trying to get the dimension cannon working or finding another way to get back here a few times but I didn't want to destroy the universes, and… even if I was able to get back, I thought that you might have regenerated and might not… want me back…"

"I always wanted you back Rose." The Doctor said softly.

"I thought you might have new companions and you do, Amy and Rory… and you have River…"

Eventually the Doctor spoke. "Rose River…River is complicated… she's Amy and Rory's daughter but got taken from them as a baby to be trained to kill me… yeah… and in universe that never actually existed I… married her, to save the world. I think she loves me but I… but I… I never really moved on…" Rose was staring at him with big brown eyes. He stared back for a while and then coughed. "And what about when the human me was uh alive? What did you do then?"

"Oh… we eventually worked at Torchwood, he wouldn't touch their guns though, and didn't like the way they ran it but eventually became head along with Dad and they changed a few things."

"No Jack Harkness in the other universe then?"

"Nope, one of a kind I suppose." It was silent for a moment. "So how is he then?"

"Jack? Uhh…"

"You haven't seen him since you regenerated have you?"

"No." The Doctor looked down.

Rose brushed her hair behind her ear. "He probably wouldn't recognize you anyway… you look a bit different, must be getting old." She said cheekily.

"Oi! I'm only about 1200!"

"And the bowtie…"

"Bowties are cool! And I look pretty good in it!" He said and straightened his bowtie.

"You did look sexy in one when we fought the cybermen on the parallel universe…"

"What was that?"

Rose blushed, "Oh nothing."

"And I think my hair is pretty good too."

"You are so vain! Not as nice as your old hair though…" Rose smiled.

"Oh you liked it did you?" The Doctor waggled his eyebrows.

"Mm I loved doing John's every morning before work and I always wanted to touch that lovely hair especially when you put on those sexy specs… I mean, um it was alright…" She blushed again.

The Doctor grinned to himself. "You were good with that little girl today…"

"Was I? I suppose I'm alright…"

The Doctor shifted on his seat a bit. "Did you and other me ever have any chil-"

There was a flash of light and a person appeared.

The Doctor's mouth dropped open. "WHAT?" He and Rose shouted at the same time.

Amy and Rory came running in. "What's going on what happened… who is this?" Amy asked.

"WHAT?" The Doctor repeated.

"Doctor who is she?" Amy persisted.



"She's… my daughter." The Doctor said and at the same time Rose said "She's his daughter."

The Doctor frowned and whipped his head round to stare at Rose.

Jenny stepped forwards. "Hello Dad."

Amy stared at the young blonde girl. The Doctor continued to frown at Rose.

Amy eventually spoke, "Um you have a daughter…"

The Doctor sighed. "Got my hand put into a machine, extracted my DNA and boom she is created, and then she DIED but she's alive."

"Nice to see you too Dad, don't act all shocked that I'm alive, I just regenerated but didn't change, unlike you have."

The Doctor continued to frown at Rose. "How do you know she's my daughter?"

Rose fidgeted and didn't reply. The Doctor continued to look at her for an answer, but then turned to look at Jenny. "How did you get into the TARDIS?"

"With this," Jenny held up a small device strapped to her wrist.

"Where did you get a vortex manipulator?"

"Well…" She looked at Rose. "Nice to see you here Rose, how long have you been here."

Rose bit her lip, her eyes were wide and she looked worried. "Not long, just met him again earlier today."

The Doctor looked at the two of them with a very confused look on his face.

"I can't believe I actually found you Dad! Be back in a second!" She pressed a button on the vortex manipulator and disappeared.

"Wait where are you goi-" The Doctor sighed and turned his head sharply to look at Rose. "What is going on Rose? How do you know Jenny?"

Rose was silent and looked down at the floor.


Amy cut in. "You said she was dead, but she's not."

"I went to this planet with Donna and Martha-"


The Doctor looked sad and waved the question off. "Another companion of mine. Anyway Jenny was created, looked exactly like she does now. She took a bullet for me and she died. She didn't regenerate. But obviously she did after I left."

"Oh." Amy wondered who Donna was and what happened to her, but decided not to ask.

There was a flash and Jenny was back. "Hi Dad, just went to tell them that it worked and we found you!"

"Who's 'them…" The Doctor looked behind her and saw a man with a big grin on his face. "Oh… Oh…"

Amy recognized the man from one of Rose's photos.

"Jack," said the Doctor. Captain Jack Harkness stood there beaming.

"Hey Doc! Great to see you again, changed your face again though! Not too bad looking." Jack laughed. "And you have new companions eh? Nice to meet you," he extended his hand to Amy and winked. Amy smiled back.

"Hello, I'm her husband." Rory stepped protectively in front of Amy.

"Captain Jack Harkness." Jack smiled at Rory too.

"Oh no we've got Jack and Pond, the two biggest flirts in the world in the same room." The Doctor moaned.

"Anyway Doc I didn't know you had a daughter! She's very pretty."

"No Jack!" The Doctor said sternly.

Jenny stepped forwards. "Dad, after you left I regenerated and went off the travel the stars like I said I would. I ended up on earth eventually at a place called Torchwood and met Jack here and we got these vortex manipulators!"

"And you know Rose…"

Jack noticed Rose who had been standing quietly in the shadows. "Rosie! I thought he left you behind!" He pulled her into a big hug.

Rose laughed shakily. "He did but I found him again, just today." She wasn't looking at Jack, but behind him.

Jack looked behind him, "Ah almost forgot."

A little boy slowly walked out. Rose breathed in sharply. "Jack." She whispered and reached forward and picked the boy up and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back.

The Doctor's eyes were wide. Amy and Rory were standing watching what was going on looking confused. Rose put the little boy down and he stood next to her clutching her hand tightly.

She looked away from the Doctor. "This is Jack, my son."