AN: This is my first story so and I'm really nervous about putting it up. I'm not sure how many chapters there will be but there will be a few more so please review and help me out!

Thanks :)

"Where are we now computer, we need to get down to these engines," the Doctor pointed at the screen.

There was a flash and Rory, The Doctor and Brian disappeared.

They appeared on a beach. The Doctor looked around.


"We're outside, we're on a beach!" Brian said, surprised.

The Doctor turned around, "Teleport, ugh I hate teleports, it must have activated on my voice."

"Ah yes, well thank you Arthur C. Clarke," Brian replied sarcastically, "Teleport, obviously, I mean, we're on a spaceship with dinosaurs why wouldn't there be a teleport? In fact why don't we just teleport now!"

He walked away and the Doctor stared at him, "Is he alright?" He asked Rory.

"No he hates traveling, it makes him really anxious, and he only goes to the paper shop and golf."

"What did you bring him for?"

"I didn't! Why can't you just phone ahead like any normal person?"

Brian came back. "Somebody tell me where we are, now."

The Doctor stuck out his tongue, tasting the air. "Well it's on earth, doesn't taste right…"

"Where could we be? I think it's on earth but it seems strange… it seems familiar…" The Doctor thought.

"Come on, come on think!" He said out loud.

He walked along the beach, trying to find out where they were. Rory sighed and followed, as did Brian. Rory wandered if The Doctor had been here before, he looked as if he recognised it. But if he did recognise it he would know where they were and he could get them back to the spaceship.

"No…" The Doctor said quietly, "It can't be…."

"Doctor, do you know where we are?"

The Doctor just stood there, silently.

"Oh look there's someone one over there, we could ask them where we are," Rory started walking towards a person sitting on the other side of the beach.

"Excuse me, we seem to have gotten lost, where are we?" He politely asked the blonde woman.

The Doctor didn't hear the reply and he saw Rory nodding at the woman.

"We're in Norway apparently," Rory said as he walked back, "I've forgotten the name of the beach, its Norwegian, but the woman was English actually, she said she could help us get to the nearest main road, although I doubt that would help us get back to the spaceship…."

The Doctor started to remember why he found this beach so familiar.

Rory continued "But um maybe we can think of something after we get off this beach, it's getting windy, and she seemed nice enough…. Oh look I think she's coming now."

The woman turned around and the Doctor looked up. He stared at her. It couldn't be.

"Hi," said the woman, whose face was much too familiar, "I'm Rose."