A/N: This is the last author's note that will be at the top of the page.

Jack: Finally…

Me: What was that bitch? *glares at Jack* Jamie control your man or I'll do it. Now where was I? OH! Thanks to everyone who favorited or/and followed. Love 3

"Jack are you sure we should be doing this?" Jamie asked the spirit. They were in Santa's workshop looking at the Naughty & Nice list. Jack had convinced (more liked dragged) Jamie to come with him. Now Jamie was standing guard while Jack wrote his name on the Nice list.

"Not really, but the Old Man's been nagging at me to get on the nice list. Well now I am." He said putting the pen down.

"You know, if I get in trouble with North I'm goi-" He was cut off by Jack's cold lips on his. Those lips were like a drug for Jamie and his teenage body. He just couldn't get enough, so it wasn't surprising that when they finally broke apart their appearances were disheveled and they were both panting heavily.

"Relax nothing's going to happen, and North won't find out. Besides if he does you can say I kidnapped you." He said it with such reassurance that Jamie almost believed. That was until he saw said Guardian standing behind Jack with a look that made Jamie want to wet his pants.

"Finding out of what, Jack?" Jack's head spun so fast that it made Jamie worry if the guardian did not break something. When he saw North though the guardian looked back at Jamie worry rising beneath the mischief in his eyes. "You not mess with book, did you?"

"What? Me? Of course not North. Why would I do that?" If Jamie didn't know Jack he swore he would have believed him with the sudden look of innocence on his face. Jamie did know Jack however, and so did North. That's why it wasn't surprising to see North smack the back of Jack's head like he was a bad child (which in this case he was).

"Rimskekorschikov! You mess with book, Christmas ruined! Jack, you know this!" He said then turned to look at Jamie and just shook his head. "And you brought young Jamie too. Jack Frost, fix book now!" With that final statement North pointed to the book and Jack sullenly went back to fix the book.

When North made sure Jack had done nothing else to the book and made sure to put yeti's guarding the book he turned to look at both boys.

"Better. Now we sit and talk about kissing you did and why it is you not have own room to do this in?" The look on both boy's faces when they heard that turned as red as candy canes. They knew there were in for a long night of sex ed from North which they knew was not a good thing…

Not one of my better stories but I liked the concept. Also I always wanted to know what would happen if Jack tried to write his name on the Nice list.