I know I know, I have so many stories I'm working on right now, but I had this idea and I just had to write it! x) I'm still working on the others so please be a little patient with me! Thankyou!

I hope you enjoy this story!

I do not own Fairy Tail!

Chapter 1

Sting slowly opened the door, trying not to wake the sleeping body that was sprawled on the hotel mattress. His blonde hair was a gorgeous mess, the buttons of his dark grey, collared shirt unbuttoned, exposing the smooth skin that was his chest, his tie unknotted. Tiptoeing out of the room, and making sure it was locked, he exhaled, letting out the breath he was holding. As he tried to buckle the belt of his pants, the door across from where he came opened.

A feminine figure walked out, her long golden hair waved in a mussed up, sexy kind of way. She seemed to be trying to remain as silent as possible before turning to close the door behind her. She wore a fitted, short, black dress that hugged her curves perfectly. The sweetheart neckline exposed plenty of cleavage, and in her hands were tall, silver wedges. Sting could not help but whistle, and in turn, the blonde female that was before him shot narrowed, chocolate brown eyes towards him.

He was about to make a comment, but she turned, and walked away, her hips swaying in the process. He was not going to lie to himself; she was one hell of a turn on. Her body, that golden hair, those hips, and those piercing brown eyes. It was too bad; he would probably never see her again.

A loud click from the door behind him disrupted him from his thoughts. Cursing himself, he ran the other way, opposite from the stranger he had just encountered, and ran from the girl he had sex with that night. He wouldn't want them to get attached, it would only make a mess of his already messed up life.

After driving for about an hour, the blonde male arrived at his home. Well, home as of the moment, it was his and a few others of his friends. They were roommates/housemate, not that he minded. It was the only way his parents had agreed to allow him some freedom away from them. Oh how he disliked having successful parents. They always pressured him to study hard and focus on being able to manage the family business.

Not bothering to check if his friends were awake or not, he barged into the house, well, mansion, and slammed the door behind him. They were not asleep, but rather spread out in the living room. Rogue, his best friend who had jet black hair, was reading a book, but that was normal. Another guy with pink hair, Natsu, was laying upside down on the sofa, munching on popcorn, while watching a raven haired guy, Gray, play video games.

"You're back," Natsu was the first to speak up, but not the first to notice. "God, Sting, are you satisfied having sex with random girls. Why not just get a girlfriend so you won't have to worry about STDs and shit?"

"Shut up," Sting's eyes narrowed. He never did get along well with the guy. It was still a question as to how they became friends. In fact, he didn't know how they all became friends. Natsu rarely got along with Gray. Rogue never really communicates.

"The idiot is right for once," Gray laughed, his eyes never leaving the television screen. Natsu smacked him on the head, earning him a string of profanities from Gray. "I'm telling Erza, Natsu."

"You wouldn't! That's low, even for you ice-princess." Natsu cringed at the sound of his girlfriend's name. She was scary, obviously, which was the reason why the others still questioned as to whether or not Erza merely threatened him into a relationship. Either way, it never made sense on how those two could possibly have gotten together.

Sting rolled his eyes, "So how were the interviews today?" he really was supposed to assist with the interviews for the housemaid they were hiring, but he had other business to attend to. Sure, it may have been to get it in with some girl, but there is nothing worse than having to have to deal with sexual frustration.

Natsu waved a hand, "Pretty good. There was one in particular that I like, and I think we would all get along well with her. Right, Gray? Rogue?" The pink-haired man turned to the other two of his housemates and all nodded in agreement, though they really didn't care. After all, Natsu was the only one who paid attention to what the applicants were saying. His questions were relevant and appropriate, whereas when Gray stepped in, he would question them about personal, and inappropriate things. "And I've already explained the hours."

Sting nodded in approval, for once. "Good. We wouldn't want anyone else, especially a girl to live here." Girls only meant problems, drama, and mood swings. "So who'd you choose?"

Natsu stood up from the couch, and walked over to the lamp table, opened the drawer, and pulled out a file. "Here," he handed the papers to Sting, "Sorry I didn't get a picture of her, but she seemed nice enough. Well-mannered, and she didn't look like one of those fangirls always trying to seduce you. Or any of us for that matter. In fact, I doubt she even noticed how gorgeous well all are," he let out a small laugh. "She said she never really had experience, but she looked like the fast learner type. She didn't elaborate much when it came to her background, but I can assure you she's no criminal."

Gray had his jaw hanging open, "Wow, how many times did you practice that little speech?" This earned him a glare from his best friend, which he merely laughed off. Gray was always insulting Natsu, but that was the usual. They practically grew up together, along with Erza, and it was still a wonder as to how they ended up together. Maybe it was because they were both strong-willed and determined, but Natsu always loses the former once Erza threatens him. It made him feel a little left out now that his two friends were suddenly going out, so maybe it was time for him to get a girl of his own. He had actually planned on flirting with the applicants, almost like speed dating, but was eventually kicked out once Natsu got tired of his perverse comments. So their new housemaid was still a stranger to him.

"She starts tomorrow?" Sting raised an eyebrow at the typed out schedule and smirked, "Well she's going to have a lot of fun cleaning up this house." That is, if their new housemaid had a passion for cleaning up messy home, because the fact is, their home was a mess. They had tried, the past spring, to clean it up but to no avail. Their rooms were messy as was the living room. The front yard needs to be mowed as do the backyard. The pool needs to be cleaned, and the kitchen too. The only rooms they ever kept clean were the bathrooms and it was amazing they were able to keep up with the laundry. They thought they were gradually becoming used to it, but obviously not. They unanimously agreed to hire someone who will clean it all up for them.

"We're such assholes," Natsu rolled his eyes and for a moment, it was silent, until laughter filled the room. "I feel kind of bad though. She's going to be cleaning up this mansion alone." He pondered for a moment. He really took a liking to the girl too. He was sure Erza would like her as well.

"Well I'm off to bed. Busy day it was today," Sting yawned. He was tired and busy, but the primary cause of his exhaustion was, of course, the female stranger he had his fill of that night. He could practically feel the others rolling their eyes at him. Without even bothering to say goodnight he headed to his room upstairs for both solitude and to go over the information regarding their new housemaid.

After taking a quick shower, he sat at the foot of his bed and opened the folder. "Lucy Heartfilia." Now why did that name sound oddly familiar? "Female. Of course. Age 19. Kinda young for a housemaid. Must be pretty desperate for money. Work experience, none." Sting sighed. If their idiotic pink haired friend only chose a housemaid for personality then there was no way their place would get properly cleaned. He was beginning to regret not being there for interviews.

"Very little to no background information." Now that was strange. He was sure he had Rogue thoroughly research every applicant. So why was there very little information on this girl? He thought back to what Natsu said. He hoped that he was right about her not being a convicted felon. He let out another breath. He needed to get some sleep, seeing as it was early in the morning. He would have to deal with the housemaid tomorrow morning.

He closed his eyes and was startled by the sudden image that flashed in his mind. It was that girl he encountered earlier. He's seen plenty of sexy, drop dead gorgeous girls before. There was Mirajane, Erza, Cana, and a few others, but there was something about her. He decided then that it was because of his hormones. She was the first sexy goddess he saw after a night of wild sex, and of course his body would react. He just needed to vent out more sexual frustration, and maybe this time, he would ask someone he knew for a change. Keeping a mental note, he then drifted off to sleep with images of shimmering, golden hair, and innocent chocolate brown eyes flashing in his dreams.

When Sting woke the following morning, he was in no better mood as he was just before he fell asleep. Waking up with a hard on early in the morning without a feminine body beside him was on top of his list of pet peeves. He could already hear the loud mumbling and talking downstair, especially that of Natsu's and Gray's. It seems that they decided make one of their daily arguments ahead of schedule, and it did no good to help Sting's mood.

He sat up, placing his thumb and forefinger on his temples. It was all that stupid girl's fault. She was the reason why he was so aroused early in the morning. He could feel a headache coming, and regrettably decided on a cold shower.

After pulling on some gray sweats, he made his way downstairs, to be greeted with unfamiliar surroundings. The marble staircase was spotless, as was the house as a whole. He could literally the sparkle of cleanliness before him. He had to make sure he was in the right home. The last time he ever saw the mansion this clean was the day before they moved in. Natsu and Gray were downstairs glaring at each other and he assumed Rogue had gone to work already.

"YOU PERVERT!" Natsu roared. "It's only her first day! You have no right to disrespect her!"

"Psh! You were ogling her, too, idiot!" Gray barked back, clearly irritated.

Sting's eyebrow rose. They must be talking about the new housemaid. Was she really that hot that both men, including Natsu (who was sure to be pummeled by Erza if she found out) was checking her out. As he neared the bottom step, he could hear movements coming from the kitchen.

It was obvious the two bickering men did not yet notice his presence, so instead, he made his way to the direction of the sounds, to meet their new employee, as well as grab a quick breakfast. He could not help but admire her work. He was beginning to doubt if she really had no work experience.

When he entered the kitchen, he was greeted by the scent of pancakes and pan fried bacon. and in front of the stove was another sight to behold. Strikingly familiar blonde hair was tied to a high ponytail with an aquamarine ribbon. Her figure was emphasized by the short maid's uniform that she wore. A black and white corset wrapped tightly around her tiny waist. He knew that figure anywhere. And when she turned, he was greeted by the same brown eyes from before, only this time they were wide with surprise.

"You!" her eyes suddenly narrowed, but Sting couldn't help but take a good glance at her body. Her breasts were large, but the corset only made them look bigger than from what he could remember. He swallowed, his throat suddenly gone dry. Heat shot down the pit of his stomach and he couldn't help but smirk. This was definitely a coincidence he could not let pass. "What are you doing here?!" she hissed.

Sting took a step forward towards her, the smirk never leaving his lips. She took a step back as his hand moved to turn the stove off behind her. She tried to make an escape, giving him a glare when he circled his arm around her waist to prevent her from running away. "What do you think you're doing?!" She tried to pry his hands off, but failed.

"I'm your boss. You, owe me, Lucy Heartfilia," Sting whispered near her ear. Forget the fact that he was going to ask someone else for sexual release. The focus of his desire was in front of him and he was not about to let that go. He could hear her breath hitch. "I think it would be best for you to live here, instead." And with that he pulled away, grabbing a strip of bacon and leaving a frustrated and irritated female behind. He could hear her shriek and complain about perverts and how much she despised them.

Sting had so many questions about Lucy Heartfilia. Who exactly was she? Her family? Why was it so difficult to find information about her? He had all the sources and money, but even with thorough research nothing popped up. And now, if she hated perverts so much, what exactly was she doing in that hotel room the previous night?

It was then he realized: Lucy was a dangerous girl. It was different because he was usually the dangerous one, but this time he didn't know what he was dealing with. He was playing blind in a new game, and all he knew was that he needed her. One way or another, he was definitely going to have her.

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