Back again: Hey everyone:

Ok, I know I haven't updated in a while. This is why: I have a computer that we brought back from the dead, literally so naturally, it's too stupid to know how to update chapters. I have to walk to my grandfather's house to update. Even his computer wouldn't work. Well, my computer was just updated from Windows to XP. Hopefully this will work.

A great friend of mine had warned me about my reviews... He told me that you started to threaten me..once again! I'm soooo sorry! I really am. I was mad that I take sooo long. It's just hard to get to my grandfather's house with school, work, tutoring, volunteering at a nature center, and since it's a 40 minute's hard to do in bad weather. And no, I don't drive....yet... I plan to end the story soon in maybe a few more chapters. Then I have a new idea. I MIGHT do a sequel but this time I'll write it all out (it's not going to be as long as this story) and THEN start to update it.

For all who are interested: I redid the first chapter. Nothing was changed really except the form. I made it paragraphs! YAY!

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The time that Harry spent with Ashely's family was eventful. The house was decorated with many christmas decorations. The whole house was lit up with lights. Brian had no clue that Harry was a wizard. Before Harry knew it, it was finally Christmas. Snow was falling outside covering everything in white.

"Harry wake up!" a voice called in his ear. Harry opened his eyes to the morning sun. Ashley was standing by his bed, a look of excitement on her face.

"Good morning to you too," Harry replied as he closed his eyes to sleep. Hedwig was sleeping in her cage.

"You can't go back to sleep!" Ashley said. "It's Christmas!" Harry yawned.

"Finally Christmas," he said with a smile. With his quick seeker reflexes, he grabbed Ashley's arms and pulled her onto the bed.

"Hey!" Ashley exclaimed as she was pulled down. She laughed as she struggled to get back up. "Let me go!"

"You woke me up," Harry said. "You deserve to suffer for that."

"But it's Christmas," Ashley exclaimed. Suddenly Harry stopped. Ashley looked at him concerned. "What is it?"

"If it's Christmas," Harry began. Suddenly he smiled. "Then Sirius is coming!" Ashley laughed and shook her head with a roll of her eyes. Harry looked at his clock. It was around 10 already.

"What time is he going to be here?" Ashley asked.

"I don't know but I hope soon," Harry replied. He threw his covers off and stepped out of bed. He crossed the room to the closet. He heard a growl of annoyance when his foot hit something soft.

"Sorry," Harry said to the white puppy sleeping on a dog bed on the floor. The puppy just looked at him before shutting his eyes once again.

"I have to go change too," Ashley said. She stood and left the room. Harry looked through his closet of clothes searching for something nice. He was searching through shirts when suddenly he felt pain in his head. He gasped and put a hand to his head. He put a hand to the side of the closet to steady himself. His vision blurred and changed.

He saw Voldermort standing in the middle of a crowd of death eaters. He looked a little worn out. He seemed to be very angry. Harry couldn't recognize the place. It was empty and all around as if he was in a field surrounded my nothing. There wasn't a village in sight. Harry couldn't hear what he was saying but he noticed a smirk appear on Voldermort's face.

Harry looked around him. Nothing was in sight for a few miles. There was no place for Harry to hide. He watched from where he was. The group started to move right toward him. Voldermort still had a smirk and was ordering his death eaters around.

"They will be on their own and on their own they will die!" Voldermort exclaimed and the Death Eaters cheered. They formed a cirlce around Voldermort. Harry sighed in relief when he noticed that no one looked at him. It was as if they couldn't see him, and Harry hoped that it was true. The death eaters started saying spells. Harry couldn't figure out what they were saying. Harry felt something next to him and looked down to see a large white wolf looking at the death eaters with a snarl. It was his white wolf. The white wolf looked at Harry and gave him a lick on the hand before disappearing in a ray of light toward the sky.

Harry's vision cleared and he focused in on his closet once again. He was breathing hard and felt alittle dizzy. He didn't move as he thought about what just happened. He suddenly heard a cry.

"Harry!" Ashley ran into the room in a panic. Harry's head snapped to her.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"My elemental animal is gone!" she replied. She suddenly moved toward Harry quickly. "Harry, what's wrong, you look pale and shocked." She put a hand on his shoulder as if to steady him.

Harry looked to the dog bed and noticed the white wolf was gone. "I saw something but I don't know what it was," Harry replied.

"Sit down," Ashley instructed. She brought him over to the bed and they both sat down. "What are you talking about?"

"I was picking out clothes when suddenly I became dizzy and my vision blurred. I suddenly saw Voldermort and a bunch of death eaters in the middle of nowhere. They didn't seem to realize that I was there. Then my wolf was by my side. It licked my hand before disappearing into the sky in a ray of light," Harry explained. "Then my vision cleared and I was back here. A second later, you came running in."

"What do you think it was?" Ashley asked. "A vision of the present?"

"I've never experienced one of those before," Harry replied.

"Well, maybe you learned something new," Ashley suggested.

"Maybe, but did I have to see Voldermort on Christmas?" Harry complained. Ashley laughed.

"I'm going to go and get ready. All I got to do was pick out clothes before my necklace disappeared," Ashley said. Harry looked on his bed side table and noticed that his necklace was gone as well. Just as Ashley was about to leave, Harry felt his mind blur for a second before saying, "phone," to Ashley. She turned and was about to ask him what he was talking about when the phone rang. Her eyes went wide in surprise. Harry's eyes unfocused for a second before focusing again.

"I think it's Jake," Harry replied. He looked up into Ashley's eyes. "This is getting creepy." The phone rang again.

"Very creepy," Ashely agreed before leaving and running to answer the phone. A second later she returned with a portable phone. She was talking to someone on the other end. Harry grabbed a pair of khaki pants before leaving to quickly brush his teeth and clean up. He returned to the room with his pants on while Ashley was still on the phone. He quickly changed into a black shirt while listening to Ashley.

"It's Jake," Ashley said to him. "His necklace disappeared also. He wants to know how you knew it was him on the phone."

"I don't know how. Suddenly I saw an image of him on the phone talking to you. It only lasted a second though," Harry replied. After he was done getting ready, he sat on the bed next to Ashley. He listened to the conversation. Hedwig had woken up and headed out to find food.

"We should all meet," Ashley said. "The only problem is that it's Christmas."

"We can meet tomorrow," Harry suggested. "We can talk to Sirius today." Ashley nodded in agreement. She told Jake her plans before hanging up with him.

"So, what are the plans?" Harry asked.

"We'll all get together tomorrow as soon as possible. Jake's going to call everyone else. We'll all meet at his house. It's in the middle of everyone. Hogwarts or even the House of the Gifted is too far from here," Ashely said.

"Jake's parents are wizards right?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, that's why his house would be a good choice too," Ashley said.

"We can either teleport or fly," Harry said.

"I think if we fly, broomsticks will be seen and stir attention. It's not the best way," Ashley said.

"Not broomsticks," Harry said. "We can fly. We're shapeshifters after all."

"Oh! Birds!" Ashley exclaimed getting what Harry said. Harry nodded. "That might be cool. We can fly! I hope birds don't feel the cold."

"Me too," Harry replied. They sat on the bed and looked around the room for a little bit without talking.

"It's finally Christmas," Ashley said.

"And I couldn't think of anyone else better to spend it with," Harry replied with a smile. He leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

"I'm glad you decided to come here for the holidays," Ashley said.

"Me too," Harry replied. Suddenly he stood and went over to a drawer in the desk in the room. He reached in and took out a small box. It was wrapped in pretty paper. He walked over to Ashley and handed it to her. "Happy Christmas," he said. He sat down and put an arm around her shoulders. Ashley looked at it before slowly unwrapping it. It was a tiny box inside. She opened the box. Inside was a beautiful ring and a necklace. The ring was silver with a flower on top. In the flower was a beautiful blue stone. The necklace was a silver neckalce with a see-through locket. It had a beautiful blue stone in the center.

"They're beautiful," Ashley said. "You didn't have to get me these for Christmas."

"I wanted to. I found them on one of the trips to Hogsmead and I just altered them with a little bit of magic," Harry said. Ashley put the ring on her finger and looked at it. She then took the necklace out of the box and Harry put it on her neck.

"I love them," she said. She hugged him and gave him a kiss. "I have something for you too." She left the room before coming back with a box and a book. She handed the box to Harry. Harry opened it and looked inside. It was a collection of various candies as well as clothes. Under the clothes was a small box. It was labeled Tarot.

"This is interesting," Harry said as he took the Tarot box. He opened it to see many cards inside. He took one and looked at it. It was a fairy in great detail. Angels were in other cards. Dragons were found in some as well.

"I thought you might want to try those. Since you have the element of the mind I thought that maybe you could read cards easier," Ashley said.

"Maybe. Worth a try. And if I can't get it right, at least I'll enjoy just looking at the cards. They're so detailed, it's amazing," Harry said as he looked at them in turn.

"I saw them in a bookshop and I fell in love with them. I thought it might be interesting to learn how to read them," Ashley said. Harry handed her the cards and took out the clothes. Most were nice clothes while others were more for everyday wearing.

"If you don't like them, I can return them," Ashley said. "I saw them and I thought they would look good."

"I love them," Harry replied. He put the clothes back in the box and placed the box next to his bed.

"I also have something else that I want you to see," Ashley said. She stood and closed the door to the room. "I was looking through some books at the bookstore in Hogsmead and I found an interesting spell in one. It's a spell to bind two people so they know where each other are at all times and can feel if they need the other person there." Ashley picked up the book she brought into the room and flipped to a page marked with a bookmark.

"You want us to bind ourselves together?" Harry asked.

"We don't have to but I just don't want anything to happen to you," Ashley said. "The book says that two people can create a bond between them and they can contact each other. I wanted to do it so I knew that you were safe at all times."

"And I would know the same with you," Harry said. He looked over the page. It only called for a potion to be made from simple ingredients. There was also a single cut to be made. It was simple.

"We don't have to do it if you don't want to," Ashley said quickly.

"No, I think this might be a good idea," Harry said. "It's simple enough for us to do alone."

"With the evil arising, I thought it might be best for us to be bound together," Ashley said. "I'll search for a spell to unbind us if you'd like after the evil is gone."

"I think this is important for right now. Ever since we were attcked, I always worry where you are and if you're safe. But with this bond, I wouldn't have to worry," Harry said.

"Nor would I," Ashley said. They looked over the spell until they heard the doorbell ring. A second later a voice called them down. Harry put away the book before the couple left the room and headed down the stairs. When Harry reached the landing, he saw someone standing at the door. The figure shook snow off their shoulders and head before unwrapping a scarf and pulling off his hat. Harry looked back at the cold figure of his godfather.

"Sirius!" Harry exclaimed in excitement. He ran to his godfather and hugged him despite snow still stuck on Sirius' coat.

"Happy Christmas, Harry," Sirius said. "Hello there Ashley. Happy Christmas."

"Happy Christmas, Sirius," Ashley said. She hugged Sirius as well and took his coat, scarf and hat. She put them away in a closet as the group walked to the kitchen.

"I hope I'm not late," Sirius said.

"You're just in time," Paul said. He shook Sirius' hand and introduced Brian. Then they all sat down to a Christmas breakfast of pancakes, bacon, sausage and eggs.

"How has your vacation been so far?" Sirius asked.

"It's been great. I've been all through town. How is Remus and Stacy?" Harry asked.

"Remus is with his own family. I was suppose to go with him but I decided to come here instead. Remus has his family and I have mine," Sirius said with a smile towards Harry. "Stacy is with her family as well. She's been worrying about all of you. You've never been out of her sight this long before."

"Stacy is your teacher right?" Brian asked. Harry nodded. "What is she so worried about?"

"She's worried that I'd get in trouble with some of the other kids. Plus she's worried that I'll have problems with my studies," Harry lied.

"What do you mean by your studies? Doesn't she teach you?" Brian asked.

"Yeah but I teach myself stuff. She gave up trying to teach me. She just lets me go on my own. She'll give me what I need to know and I'll go about learning it myself. She's just worried that something will give me problems," Harry half lied. It was partially true. Harry did learn a lot by himself and Stacy was worried that something might arise and give Harry problems. Just like his visions that popped out of no where.

"I see," Brain said. They talked through breakfast until everything was cleared up. Christine informed them that company would arrive at 2:30. Brian went to his own room while Harry, Ashley and Sirius went to Harry's room.

"How have you been really?" Sirius asked once they were inside Harry's room and after the door was shut.

"I've been fine," Harry replied. "Except for this morning," he added quietly and quickly.

"What happened this morning?" Sirius asked concerned.

"I think I had a premonition but I'm not sure. It was more like a vision of the present only at a different location," Harry replied.

"What happened to make you have a vision?" Sirius asked. Harry stood and paced around.

"I'm not sure," he replied. He walked toward the closet. "I was looking in the closet for clothes when suddenly my vision blurred and changed. I was suddenly at this other area with Voldermort and some followers. They were talking about something until my elemental animal showed up. He licked my hand before leaving me. A second later my vision changes back to my room. Then Ashley ran in to tell me that her animal was gone as well. Then my vision blurred again and I heard the phone ring. It was only a second long. I was able to tell Ashley that the phone was about to ring and then I told who was on the phone before she even picked it up," Harry explained.

"Stacy had said something about that. She knew that you still had abilities to develop. Everyone else is basically done with developing abilities. They just need to become more powerful and become better experts in their powers. She had said that you, Harry, might still have some things to learn. I guess your visions are what she meant," Sirius said as he sat on the bed.

"We're all meeting tomorrow at Jake's house," Ashley said.

"I'm sure you're going figure it all out," Sirius said.

They showed Sirius around the house and talked before Ashley's relatives started to arrive. Harry and Sirius were introduced to them. Harry ended up being brought around by Brian. He and his male cousins were playing games and had Harry join them. Ashley was with her aunts and other cousins. Sirius was going between haning out with Harry and talking to the adults. The night grew on as dinner came and went. Christmas music was playing on the stereo. Gifts were exchanged and desert was served.

Harry enjoyed hanging out with Ashely's family. It made him feel like they were his family. They treated him kindly even though they barely knew him. Harry felt great to be happy for once during the holiday. It was especially great to be spending it with his girlfriend and her family as well as his own godfather.

Around midnight Ashely's family began to go home. Harry was practically asleep on the couch. He had his arms on the arm of the couch and was resting his head on them. The visions earlier in the day wore him out as well as staying up late with all the excitement. After Ashley kissed her Aunt Hannah good night, Hannah turned to Harry and waved a good night. Harry returned it. Within the next half an hour, everyone had left except for Ashely's family, Harry and Sirius.

"How was Christmas?" Ashley asked Harry quietly as she sat next to him. Harry picked up his head.

"Eventful," Harry replied. "It was fun. Your family is nice."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Ashley said. She turned to Sirius. He was sitting on another couch. "You're staying the night right?"

"Of course he is," her father answered as he walked into the room with Brian. He gave Sirius a smile. "He's staying the night at least."

"I guess I'm staying the night," Sirius said.

"You can sleep in my bed," Harry said. "I'm almost asleep on the couch anyway."

"No, I'll take a couch. You're sleeping in your bed," Sirius said to Harry. Harry shrugged. He wasn't in the mood to argue with him. Harry snuggled closer into the couch. Christine walked into the room.

"It's late. You three should go to bed," she said to Ashley, Harry and Brian.

"Up to bed you three," Paul said. He pulled Ashley up and reached a hand out to Harry. Harry took it and Paul pulled him off the couch. "Go on. Bed time." The three went up the stairs with Sirius following them. Brian went to his own room as Sirius, Harry and Ashley went to Harry's room.

"Christmas came and went too quickly for my liking," Ashley said.

"It did but at least it was fun," Harry replied. He covered his mouth as he tried to hide a yawn.

"I'll leave you two. It's late. Good night," Sirius said.

"Good night," Harry and Ashely replied. Sirius left the two alone in the room.

"We have the meeting with Jake tomorrow," Harry said.

"Around noon we have to meet with him. I'll figure out where we're going tomorrow," Ashely said. Harry nodded his agreement. They both yawned and just looked around the room.

"I guess I have to go to bed now before Mum and Dad kill me," Ashely said.

"We'd better get to bed so we'll be up in time to meet Jake and the others," Harry said.

"Good night then," Ashley said.

"Good night," Harry replied. They looked at each other for a few seconds before Harry reached over to kiss her. She returned the kiss before they broke it off. "Good night, love."

"Good night," Ashely replied with a smile. She got off the bed and opened the door. With one final short wave, she quietly left the room. Harry grabbed some pajamas and jumped into bed. Within a few short seconds, he was asleep.

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In his dreams he was in the middle of a cold dark place. Harry shivered and put his arms around himself for warmth. He walked around as quietly as he could before he saw flashes of light in front of him. Harry stopped and looked toward the light. Flashes of yellow light lit up the walls. Harry moved along the wall slowly. He reached a room and looked it. He gasped when he saw Voldermort in the middle of the room. He had his hands in the air. A snake like creature was flying through the air, setting off millions of falshes of lightning. Harry had to jump back to avoid being shocked. Voldermort laughed as the snake went around.

Harry watched the snake. It was just like his white wolf only it was a yellow snake. It was Voldermort's elemental animal. Harry cursed uner his breath. Just what he and the others needed, Voldermort with an elemental animal. Harry moved back to avoid another bolt of lightning. He decided that he didn't want to be near the animal and its master. Harry moved backward through the halls. He reached a large door and opened it. It led outside. Harry tok a cautious step outside before he saw another flash of light. This time it was blue and it came from the sky. Other colors flashed around. Harry figured that they were the light from his own elemental animal as well as the others'. He snuck around the dark area. It was like a dark castle.

Harry moved around until he stopped completely. The door in front of him opened and out stepped two death eaters: Malfoy and another. Harry's fists clenched and he held back his magic. The two death eaters were talking to each other and walked around as if they didn't notice Harry there. They looked at the flashes in the sky.

"The dark lord won't be happy when he sees the other elemental animals here," the other death eater said.

"Those brats. Them and their animals are always getting in our way!" Malfoy said. He took out his wand. "They won't survive much longer. Once we figure out how to get rid of their animals, they're kneel on their knees in front of us begging us for mercy." The death eaters laughed. "They won't survive once they fight the dark lord again. He's more powerful than before."

"We should try to get some of them on our side," the other death eater suggested.

"This time we take Potter. He was able to get the two we had remember what we tried to get them to forget. With him under our control he could help us kill the others and then it'll be easier to kill him!" Malfoy said. Harry's eyes narrowed.

"Wouldn't the dark lord want to keep Potter alive to help him rule the world?" the other death eater asked.

"He might, but after that Potter is dead. We can't have him slip from the powers of the potion," Malfoy said. "Those brats will die soon. With plans that we have, there is no way that they can survive. We'll just take them out, one by one. Or let the whole wizarding world see their 'protectors' fall." Harry used all his strength to hold back his magic. He was ready to kill them right there.

The two death eaters turned and went back inside, probably to warn the others of an approaching threat. Harry looked over to the flashes of light and saw the elemental animals starting to emerge. From the castle, a large yellow snake approached the animals. With only a second pause, the two sides started fighting. Harry ducked out of the way and hid. He watched the fighting before his vision blurred.

He was in another dark place. This time he looked around and saw Sirius and Ashley sitting in a cell like room. Across from them, Matt was sitting on the floor with Caroline's head in his lap. Caroline's eyes were closed and she had blood at the temple of her head. Harry ran over to the cell and tried to open the door but it was locked. None of them moved to notice him. Harry jiggled the door to get it open. Nothing worked. He tried using magic but it didn't work.

Harry suddenly remembered that he was dreaming. This was just a dream. Harry looked at them. He looked at Ashley. She was looking around the room in fear. She moved her hand and Harry noticed a long cut on the palm of her hand. Feeling a stinging in his own hand, Harry looked down to see a long cut on his own hand. Harry looked at it and realized that it was like the cut that was needed for the bonding spell. Harry ran his finger over it. It was sealed. Harry jiggled the door again before he heard someone coming down the hallway. He quickly hid.

A death eater was coming down the hallway. He stopped in front of the cell. "So how's the girl?" he sneered, talking about Caroline. "We can't have her dying before the dark lord can kill her, now can we?"

"Leave us alone!" Matt yelled. "Leave us in peace or let us go. It's torturous enough to see your face everyday." The death eater raised his wand and pointed it at Matt. A killing curse was said and a green blast ran towards Matt. Harry's yell was added with Ashley's and Sirius'. Harry yelled and dove forward to try to push the death eater even though he knew it was useless. His vision suddenly blurred again.

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When Harry's vision cleared, he was sitting up in bed and was breathing heavy. Sirius was standing over him. Paul and Christine were around the room and Ashley was sitting on the bed next to him. Brian was still asleep. They were all wearing pajamas and were all looking down at him in concern.

"What happened?" Harry asked them.

"That's what we want you to tell us," Ashley said.

"Was it a nightmare?" Paul asked.

"Yes," Harry answered. Then he changed it quickly, "No." He threw his hands up, "Oh, I don't know! It could've been."

"What do you mean?" Sirius asked.

"It felt like a nightmare but it was also like it was real," Harry said.

"That's normal though. Sometimes dreams feel real," Ashley said.

"I know but this seemed too real. It was with Voldermort in a large dark castle. And he had an elemental animal," Harry explained.

"I thought these nightmares were suppose to stop when you got rid of that scar," Sirius said.

"So did I" Harry said. Paul and Christine didn't understand but decided to let it pass. They didn't need everything explained. It wasn't important for them to know at the moment.

"Was it another vision?" Ashley asked.

"The last time I had a vision I was awake," Harry said. "Is it possible to have a vision when I'm asleep? It was like I was there."

"Well you didn't teleport there," Ashely said. "You were here when I came in."

"Maybe it was just a nightmare and nothing more," Harry said with a yawn.

"Let's go downstairs and get some tea," Christine said. "It'll calm yourself down." Harry stepted out fo bed and they all quietly made their way into the dining room. They didn't want to wake Brian. Christine went into the kitchen to up water.

"Don't worry about it now," Sirius said. "We'll worry about it later. I'll ask Stacy about it when I see her."

Christine came in and gave everyone a mug of warm tea each. Harry blew on it before taking a sip. He looked around the room. Everyone looked tired and he figured that he did as well. They talked quietly for a few minutes about different things. When Harry finished his tea, he yawned as he stood up and went into the kitchen. He put his mug into the sink before stretching with his hands above his head.

"We have to do that bonding spell soon," a quiet voice said from behind him. He jumped a little before Ashley stood next to him and placed her mug in the sink.

"When do you want to do it?" Harry asked quietly.

"We need to make a potion but it's simple and it takes an hour at the most. I have all the ingredients in my room," Ashley said.

"Right now I'm too tired to think of a spell. I don't think it would be wise for me to do a spell when I'm tired. Definitely not a spell with us," Harry said.

"Me either," Ashley agreed. "How about tomorrow morning?"

"Before we go to Jake's house," Harry agreed. They left the kitchen and joined the others in the dining room. They said goodnight before heading upstairs to their own rooms. With a quick goodnight to each other, they went into their own room to go to sleep. Harry jumped into bed. He looked at the ceiling for a little while about his dream. Deciding to think about it in the morning instead, Harry rolled over and fell asleep.

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Harry awoke the next morning around eight o'clock. Sun came into his window and fell upon his face. Harry rolled over and pulled the blankets over his head to shut out the light. He tried to go back to sleep but the blankets soon became hot and Harry pulled them off. A soft knock was heard from the door.

"Come in," Harry said, trying to wipe the sleep from his eyes. The door opened and Sirius walked in.

"Good morning," Sirius said. "Time to get out of bed." Harry groaned.

"Why must the sun rise so early?" Harry asked.

"To get lazy people like you out of bed early," Sirius said. "Breakfast will be in about half an hour."

"I'll be there," Harry said, throwing his covers off. Sirius left the room. Harry quickly ran into the bathroom and took a really quick shower. When he was done getting dressed, he walked into his room to see Ashley sitting on his bed, reading out of a book. It was the book with the bonding spell in it.

"Are we doing that now or after breakfast?" Harry asked.

"Everything is ready for now," Ashley said, looking up at him. "As soon as possible would be best."

"Okay then, what do we have to do?" Harry said rubbing his hands together in anticipation.

"Let's go back to my room. Everything is already set up," Ashley said as she lead the way across the hall. Harry closed the door behind him and looked around the room. Two glasses were filled with a clear liquid on the desk. A knife and a spoon was nearby as well as a few towels.

"I guess it's now or never," Harry said. Ashley nodded. No matter how much they both knew that they needed the spell, they didn't look forward to it. Ashley whispered a spell which made sure that any noise that they made couldn't be heard outside the room.

"I made the potion this morning," Ashley said. "It was too hot before so I let it cool down." She picked up a glass and nodded her head. It was cool enough to drink. She picked up the knife and turned to Harry. "This is it."

"I'll go first," Harry said, taking the knife. He held his hand over Ashley's glass. He closed his hand around the knife. After a deep breath, Harry quickly pulled the knife down. He closed his eyes in pain before opening them and opening his palm. Blood was quickly coming out of the wound in his hand. It dripped quickly into the glass. After a few drops Harry grabbed a towel and pressed it onto his hand, stopping the dripping.

"That's one way to wake yourself in the morning," Harry said. The towel was red but the blood flow was slowing down. Ashley grabbed the knife and cut her own palm. It wasn't as deep as Harry's but it made blood drip into Harry's glass.

"Well, this has got to be the most painful thing I've ever done. Painful and gross," Ashley said grabbing a towel for herself. Harry removed his towel and checked out his cut. It started to stop bleeding.

"What do we do now?" he asked. Ashley grabbed the spoon and mixed them both up. She gave Harry his and took her own glass.

"Bottoms up," she said.

"Yes, this is the most disgusting thing I've ever done," Harry said before raising the glass to his lips. "Cheers." They both started to drink the bitter, copper-flavored drink, grimacing the whole time. They finished it as quickly as possible. Harry put his glass down quickly before his vision blurred. He became dizzy and fell to his knees. The whole room spun around. His head hurt and he had a hard time concentrating on anything. Finally the room rightened it's self and everything stood still. Harry looked over to Ashley who in front of him, looking at him in concern.

"That was strange," Harry commented.

"Definitely strange. Did you get dizzy as well?" Ashley asked. Harry nodded his head. He took the towel away from his hand and saw that the cut was closed. He looked at the blood soaked towel.

"The cuts healed," Ashley said looking at her hand. Harry nodded. She hed up her hand to show him. Harry saw the cut across her hand. It was slight and it looked like it was fading. He looked down and noticed that his was fading as well. A thought dawned on him. The cut was in the same place as the cut in his nightmare. Before he had more time to think about it, a voice called to them from downstairs. It was breakfast time.

"Let's quickly clean this up," Ashley said. Using magic, they quikcly cleaned the room and countered the silence spell on the room before leaving. Harry forgot about his nightmare as they ran down the stairs.

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"So Stacy said that we have all of our abilities?" Caroline asked. They were all gathered in Jake's bedroom except for Dean who couldn't leave his friend's house. They were scattered on the bed, on chairs and on the floor. It was around 12 o'clock. Sirius had left the same time that Ashley and Harry did. He went back to Stacy and onto other duties.

"So all we have to do is practice and get better?" Liz asked.

"We'll have to practice hard," Harry said. His eyes were unfocused as he looked out the window. Matt looked at him and waved a hand in front of his face. Harry's eyes snapped back into focus. He looked at Matt in question.

"Do you know something that we don't?" he asked. Harry was about to shake his head before he stopped himself. He remembered his vision the day before when he was getting dressed. He told the others how he was beginning to get visions.

"That's strange," Caroline said. "Well, at least we know where our elemental animals went."

"It really doesn't help us now does it?" Jake asked.

"We're back to square one," Liz said.

"Except that we've been together for almost a year," Caroline said. "Well, at least Jake and I've been. But we've all gotten stronger."

"This is it," Harry said, back into his unfocused state.

"What do you mean?" Ashley asked. Harry turned to look at her.

"We've been together a year. We've gotten stronger. Voldermort has gotten stronger," Harry explained. "This is it. This is the year. This will be the battle for the magical world; the final battle between good and evil. Voldermort won't waste more time. He won't let us build up strategies and strength. He'll attack when he has a chance. The animals knew that and went to slow him down. From now on it's up to us." Everyone was quiet.

"I was going to say that magic went to your head and that you went crazy, but you're right. We're on our own," Jake said.

"On our own," Julia repeated. "But what about Stacy? And Dumbledore? And Sirius? What about them? We're not on our own."

"On our own," Harry repeated as he looked down at the floor. His face scrunched up as he tried to remember where he heard that before. His eyes widened when he finally remembered. The first time he had a vision, Voldermort said that they would be on their own and on their own they would die. Harry gulped. They were in trouble.

"What wrong?" Ashley asked worried. When he didn't answer, she put a hand under his chin and lifted it up to look up at her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Harry said, not wanting to worry them.

"Tell me what's wrong, Harry. Something is wrong and I know," Ashley said. She grabbed his hand and traced the mark running down his palm. It didn't mean anything to anyone else but it reminded Harry of the bonding spell.

"Voldermort wants to fight us alone," Harry said. "he doesn't want the interferance of everyone else. He just wants us, or more specifically, me." Everyone was quiet.

"We have to hold them off," Julia said. "Practice more and more. We have to get better as soon as possible."

"We need to work and try to tract exactly where he is and what he's planning," Matt said.

"Professor Snape can help," Ashley said.

"So could I," Julia said.

"No," Jake said forcefully. "None of us are going near there. Who knows that they will do to you if they found out where you really were all this time. They wouldn't hesitate to kill you or to put you under a curse to betray us."

"I miss when our worries just consisted of passing school," Caroline said.

"Me too," Ashley said.

"So when we get back to school, we'll talk to Stacy and Dumebledore as well as everyone else. We'll practice hard," Matt said.

"I'm going to continue to train Hermione and Ron," Harry said. "They've learned a lot already and could be a big help when the time comes." Everyone agreed. They spent the rest of the day doing other things that took their mind off the troubles ahead. During the rest of the vacation, they hung out more until it was time to head back on the train back to the halls of Hogwarts.


Wow, so many people review...... I can't thank you all! Wow, I love you all! Thank you sooooooooooo much! I just don't like the threatening ones......

TO ANYONE WHO WAS WONDERING: If it doesn't say THE END at the bottom of the chapter, it's still continues...... Just to tell ya so you can stop asking. Wow, I hope you all really liked the new chapter... I become worried that you won't like the new chapter.......Well, I hope you DID like the new chapter!...Until next time.........