Hey everyone! This is my first fic. Please: NO FLAMES!
Disclaimer: I don't own HP but I own the rest of the people you don't recognize as well as the ideas and plot.
It's been one day since he arrived back home from Hogwarts. Away from his true home. Away from his friends. The friends that no one else could hope for. But now he's stuck in a small, stuffy house with no one to talk to but his beautiful companion, Hedwig. At least he was allowed to have his books with him. Homework kept his mind off things, but not for long. Harry James Potter was laying on his so-called reading a book he had bought on one trip to Hogsmead. It was called Special Abilities for Special People. He didn't know why he bought it but he did. Once he saw the book, he couldn't think of anything else and felt as if he had to buy it, so, he bought it. He started reading it a few minutes ago but was having problems keeping the pages still.
In the room, he had his window wide open. Ever since he was born, each year later, he gets more and more claustrophobic. When having to live in the cupboard under the stairs, he usually passed out from his claustrophobia. Since his horrid uncle locked him in there and he couldn't get out, he's fear swept over him as he passed out. No one knew about it of course. He wouldn't tell any one his fears or problems.
Harry looked around the room and out the window. Looking at the driveway, he saw that there was no car there. His aunt and uncle have left the house once again. Dudley has been going to summer classes for failing practically all of his subjects during the school year. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon both have to attend the classes with Dudley and attend classes to teach them how to help the small whale with studying. More than willing not to go, Petunia and Vernon were going to stay home until they learned that they had to attend. (Boy did they throw a fit. Especially when they didn't have anywhere to put Harry but to leave him home.)
Happy to get out of his small room, Harry made his way downstairs and out the door into the yard. Walking over to a huge oak tree on the side of the house, Harry sat down by its trunk in the shade. After a few minutes of enjoying peace and quiet as well as the soft, refreshing breeze, he closed his eyes and rested his back along the tree. He was relaxing until he heard a hoot from an owl coming from the fence in the front of the property. Opening his eyes, Harry looked towards the noise and saw a girl standing there with a beautiful snowy owl sitting on her shoulder. The girl smiled at him, her blond hair blowing in the breeze and her light blue eyes sparkling. After a nod to her owl, the owl spread it's wings and flew towards Harry. Looking at the owl, he saw a small piece of parchment within its claws. Taking the paper, he unfolded it to find a sentence written in neat print.
Keep safe until we meet again, Harry, and await my owl. ~ A.S.
He looked up but the girl was nowhere to be found. Harry sat there with his mouth open not even realizing that the owl too had left him. Taking the message and his book, he headed to his room to write a letter to Sirius. Sitting at his desk, he took a piece of parchment from his trunk as well as a quill and ink and started his letter to his beloved Godfather.
Sirius- How are you? I'm fine actually even if you might not believe it. My aunt and uncle have to go to Dudley's school everyday and they leave me alone for about eight hours. It's great because I can do whatever I want (as long as my aunt and uncle don't find out). Today was really strange though. I was outside reading a book when I saw this beautiful girl. She had blond hair and sparkling, light blue eyes. She had this owl on her shoulder that gave me a message. She wrote ' Keep safe until we meet again, Harry, await my owl. A.S.' Do you have any idea who she is? She has to be a witch to have a mail-carrying owl right? I just want to see her again. How is Professor Lupin doing? I hope you are safe. Don't worry about me. I like this freedom. Keep safe. ~ Harry
Finishing his letter, Harry turned to Hedwig and noticed how much she looked like the other owl earlier before. Hedwig took the letter and soared out Harry's open window into the sky. Harry walked over to his trunk and pulled out his Potions book and started his homework. A few minutes later, an owl soared into his room. Harry turned expecting to see Hedwig but saw the snowy owl from before. This time, the owl had a package within its talons. Carefully taking the package, he noticed a note on top with the message showing which read:
Harry, I suggest that you read these and memorize a little of each. I'll explain when I see you and I truly hope that it's soon. Keep safe, Harry. A.S.
Harry put the package on his desk and carefully opened it. Inside were four books titled: 'So You Can't Choose Your Animigus Form?', 'Wandless Magic: Impossible?', Fairies and Other Magical Creatures', and 'Do You Control an Element?'. Tossing his books aside, he started reading. These books seemed to have the same effect on Harry as the one he bought in Hogsmead before summer started. He read not even realizing when his aunt and uncle arrived back home or even that midnight came and passed. Finally getting tired, Harry fell asleep and had dreams about what he had read in the books.
Within a few days all of the books have been read. Going back to and finishing his homework, another owl swooped into his room but this time it was Hedwig carrying a letter. After Harry took the letter, Hedwig went over to her cage and drank some water happy to have accomplished her task. Sitting on the edge of his bed, Harry unfolded the letter.
Hey kido. I'm fine so don't worry. Remus is fine as well. Well, about this mysterious girl, she seems beautiful but I don't know who she is. I wouldn't know if to tell you to stay away from her or look for her. I'd look for her but be careful; when you do. She is probably a witch if she uses owls to carry her mail. Did she send you anything else? I don't know who would belong to the initials A.S. I hope you see her again. In her message, she did say that she'll see you again so wait for that time. Hey, its great that the Dursleys aren't home a lot. Have fun with your freedom. Don't get into trouble and be on your guard. Stay safe! ~ Sirius
Harry sighed in relief that this A.S. girl wasn't dangerous (well, as they know). He started to write a response when another owl flew through the window. It was the same owl that has been visiting with news from A.S. This time, there was a blue piece of paper in its talons. The owl dropped it on Harry's lap and disappeared. Picking up the paper, Harry unfolded it. It was a flyer to a teen center just around the block. It showed pictures of sports and activities available there to play free of charge. At the bottom was a message that read:
Harry- Please go here tomorrow at 9 in the morning. It's early but I need to talk to you. I'll be sitting in the front. Please come down. - Ashley.
Ashley! So that's what A stood for. Looking back at the time she wanted him to meet him there, he sighed again in relief. The Dursleys left at 8, which gave him a chance to go there. Placing the flyer on his desk, he wrote back to Sirius and impatiently waited for the next day to come.
"Get down here!" his aunt called from downstairs the next morning. Her screech woke Harry up. He quickly dressed and headed downstairs.
Down in the living room, Uncle Vernon gave him the normal threat of killing him if he broke or ruined anything in the house before leaving. Leaping for joy as soon as the car pulled out of the driveway, he made his way to his room and dressed in something that wasn't oversized. On some Hogsmead trips, he bought some muggle clothes. Quickly dressing and running downstairs, he headed to the kitchen to make himself breakfast. After a few pancakes, Harry washed the dishes and dried them so his relatives wouldn't know what he was eating. By the time he was done, it was almost 9. Running to his room, he quickly decided to put the books he received from Ashley in a backpack and placed the flyer in his pants pocket.
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I've been thinking about this story for a while and I've finally put it down on paper. Expect a lot of chapters. If you have any ideas for the story, review to tell me and you might see it in a chapter. Remember to review!!
Disclaimer: I don't own HP but I own the rest of the people you don't recognize as well as the ideas and plot.
It's been one day since he arrived back home from Hogwarts. Away from his true home. Away from his friends. The friends that no one else could hope for. But now he's stuck in a small, stuffy house with no one to talk to but his beautiful companion, Hedwig. At least he was allowed to have his books with him. Homework kept his mind off things, but not for long. Harry James Potter was laying on his so-called reading a book he had bought on one trip to Hogsmead. It was called Special Abilities for Special People. He didn't know why he bought it but he did. Once he saw the book, he couldn't think of anything else and felt as if he had to buy it, so, he bought it. He started reading it a few minutes ago but was having problems keeping the pages still.
In the room, he had his window wide open. Ever since he was born, each year later, he gets more and more claustrophobic. When having to live in the cupboard under the stairs, he usually passed out from his claustrophobia. Since his horrid uncle locked him in there and he couldn't get out, he's fear swept over him as he passed out. No one knew about it of course. He wouldn't tell any one his fears or problems.
Harry looked around the room and out the window. Looking at the driveway, he saw that there was no car there. His aunt and uncle have left the house once again. Dudley has been going to summer classes for failing practically all of his subjects during the school year. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon both have to attend the classes with Dudley and attend classes to teach them how to help the small whale with studying. More than willing not to go, Petunia and Vernon were going to stay home until they learned that they had to attend. (Boy did they throw a fit. Especially when they didn't have anywhere to put Harry but to leave him home.)
Happy to get out of his small room, Harry made his way downstairs and out the door into the yard. Walking over to a huge oak tree on the side of the house, Harry sat down by its trunk in the shade. After a few minutes of enjoying peace and quiet as well as the soft, refreshing breeze, he closed his eyes and rested his back along the tree. He was relaxing until he heard a hoot from an owl coming from the fence in the front of the property. Opening his eyes, Harry looked towards the noise and saw a girl standing there with a beautiful snowy owl sitting on her shoulder. The girl smiled at him, her blond hair blowing in the breeze and her light blue eyes sparkling. After a nod to her owl, the owl spread it's wings and flew towards Harry. Looking at the owl, he saw a small piece of parchment within its claws. Taking the paper, he unfolded it to find a sentence written in neat print.
Keep safe until we meet again, Harry, and await my owl. ~ A.S.
He looked up but the girl was nowhere to be found. Harry sat there with his mouth open not even realizing that the owl too had left him. Taking the message and his book, he headed to his room to write a letter to Sirius. Sitting at his desk, he took a piece of parchment from his trunk as well as a quill and ink and started his letter to his beloved Godfather.
Sirius- How are you? I'm fine actually even if you might not believe it. My aunt and uncle have to go to Dudley's school everyday and they leave me alone for about eight hours. It's great because I can do whatever I want (as long as my aunt and uncle don't find out). Today was really strange though. I was outside reading a book when I saw this beautiful girl. She had blond hair and sparkling, light blue eyes. She had this owl on her shoulder that gave me a message. She wrote ' Keep safe until we meet again, Harry, await my owl. A.S.' Do you have any idea who she is? She has to be a witch to have a mail-carrying owl right? I just want to see her again. How is Professor Lupin doing? I hope you are safe. Don't worry about me. I like this freedom. Keep safe. ~ Harry
Finishing his letter, Harry turned to Hedwig and noticed how much she looked like the other owl earlier before. Hedwig took the letter and soared out Harry's open window into the sky. Harry walked over to his trunk and pulled out his Potions book and started his homework. A few minutes later, an owl soared into his room. Harry turned expecting to see Hedwig but saw the snowy owl from before. This time, the owl had a package within its talons. Carefully taking the package, he noticed a note on top with the message showing which read:
Harry, I suggest that you read these and memorize a little of each. I'll explain when I see you and I truly hope that it's soon. Keep safe, Harry. A.S.
Harry put the package on his desk and carefully opened it. Inside were four books titled: 'So You Can't Choose Your Animigus Form?', 'Wandless Magic: Impossible?', Fairies and Other Magical Creatures', and 'Do You Control an Element?'. Tossing his books aside, he started reading. These books seemed to have the same effect on Harry as the one he bought in Hogsmead before summer started. He read not even realizing when his aunt and uncle arrived back home or even that midnight came and passed. Finally getting tired, Harry fell asleep and had dreams about what he had read in the books.
Within a few days all of the books have been read. Going back to and finishing his homework, another owl swooped into his room but this time it was Hedwig carrying a letter. After Harry took the letter, Hedwig went over to her cage and drank some water happy to have accomplished her task. Sitting on the edge of his bed, Harry unfolded the letter.
Hey kido. I'm fine so don't worry. Remus is fine as well. Well, about this mysterious girl, she seems beautiful but I don't know who she is. I wouldn't know if to tell you to stay away from her or look for her. I'd look for her but be careful; when you do. She is probably a witch if she uses owls to carry her mail. Did she send you anything else? I don't know who would belong to the initials A.S. I hope you see her again. In her message, she did say that she'll see you again so wait for that time. Hey, its great that the Dursleys aren't home a lot. Have fun with your freedom. Don't get into trouble and be on your guard. Stay safe! ~ Sirius
Harry sighed in relief that this A.S. girl wasn't dangerous (well, as they know). He started to write a response when another owl flew through the window. It was the same owl that has been visiting with news from A.S. This time, there was a blue piece of paper in its talons. The owl dropped it on Harry's lap and disappeared. Picking up the paper, Harry unfolded it. It was a flyer to a teen center just around the block. It showed pictures of sports and activities available there to play free of charge. At the bottom was a message that read:
Harry- Please go here tomorrow at 9 in the morning. It's early but I need to talk to you. I'll be sitting in the front. Please come down. - Ashley.
Ashley! So that's what A stood for. Looking back at the time she wanted him to meet him there, he sighed again in relief. The Dursleys left at 8, which gave him a chance to go there. Placing the flyer on his desk, he wrote back to Sirius and impatiently waited for the next day to come.
"Get down here!" his aunt called from downstairs the next morning. Her screech woke Harry up. He quickly dressed and headed downstairs.
Down in the living room, Uncle Vernon gave him the normal threat of killing him if he broke or ruined anything in the house before leaving. Leaping for joy as soon as the car pulled out of the driveway, he made his way to his room and dressed in something that wasn't oversized. On some Hogsmead trips, he bought some muggle clothes. Quickly dressing and running downstairs, he headed to the kitchen to make himself breakfast. After a few pancakes, Harry washed the dishes and dried them so his relatives wouldn't know what he was eating. By the time he was done, it was almost 9. Running to his room, he quickly decided to put the books he received from Ashley in a backpack and placed the flyer in his pants pocket.
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I've been thinking about this story for a while and I've finally put it down on paper. Expect a lot of chapters. If you have any ideas for the story, review to tell me and you might see it in a chapter. Remember to review!!