Hola, everyone! Sita-chan here with the final installment of Reflections of a Teenage Telekinetic. This has been a joy to write, and I really hope that everyone enjoyed reading it. Special thanks to everyone who reviewed, especially Yoko and Leigh (whose fan art is INCREDIBLE! ^_^) and those who gave me all the positive feedback about Ivy. I'm sure that Fae would say the same about the good stuff you sent in about Nora. ^_^ I probably won't be writing another serious fic for a while, but I hope that you keep reading my stuff. What good am I without you guys? *grins* By the way, the last half or so of this chapter will probably make a lot more sense if you've read The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. It's an incredible book, and everyone should read it. Oyasumi, minna-san!

Disclaimers: You know the drill!

Three years later...

I sneezed loudly yet again and scrubbed at my cherry-red nose with a Kleenex, an action that proved to be absolutely futile.

"This can't possibly be happening," I muttered around the thermometer that was jammed in my throat. Omi carefully plucked said thermometer out of said throat and examined it.

"I'm afraid it is," he said. "102.6." I groaned and buried my face in my pillow. "Look on the bright side! Now Youji and Schu will have to do the rest of the work!"

"I heard that," a disgruntled former Weiß member grumbled as he lugged a cardboard box through the door of our new apartment. "Just be glad that we got all of the furniture in already."

"Otherwise, it'd be out front all night," Schuldig finished, appearing suddenly in the doorway. He grinned. "I sure as hell wouldn't drag all that shit in here by myself."

"That's because you're lazy," Omi said matter-of-factly as he brushed my bangs out of my eyes.

"Learned from the best," Schu said quietly, looking pointedly at Youji. We had run out of meaningless banter, so we remained silent for a few seconds. It wasn't an awkward silence, though.

"So this is it," I finally said. "This is what we've been aiming for."

"A normal life," Omi murmured.

Nobody knew exactly what had happened to Esset. We received an e-mail informing us of their disbanding. They're all dead, of course. We know that. What we don't know is how. Or when or who. But if there was no more Esset, there was no more Schwarz.

With the disbandment of Esset came the disbandment of Kritiker and, therefore, Weiß.

Which meant that we were free.

The four of us decided to celebrate that freedom by buying ourselves a large apartment with the money that had been building up in our accounts over the years.

So, of course, Murphy's Law stated that I had to get sick. I mean, nothing could possibly be perfectly right in our lives, even for a day or two.

"We're going to go set up some of our stuff. Feel better, chibi!" Schuldig added as Youji tugged him out of the doorway.

"Get some sleep," Omi said quietly. "I'll be back in a little while with some medicine or something. But I want you to stay in bed." I rolled my eyes.

"Omi, I'm eighteen. I don't need you hovering over me like a mother hen." He grinned and playfully kissed me on the nose.

"But what good would I be if I didn't hover?" He tucked the blankets up around my chin and headed for the door. "Love you."

"Love you, too."

I settled back into my pillow as I felt another sneeze coming on.

Okay, maybe a little nap could do me some good.


I blinked.

I was standing in grey void of nothingness. Black and white swirls of something that looked like smoke swished around me and brushed past.

"Hello?" I called.

My voice echoed around me.

I had to be dreaming.

But I didn't dream. I hadn't had a dream in years.

"Hello?!" I yelled again.


Familiar, disembodied voices echoed and swirled and whispered around me.

"I stopped thinking of you as Prodigy a long time ago."

I whirled around. What the hell was happening?

"Codename Holocaust."

"Esset'll have a hell of a time trying to kill me."

Lyons?! Nora?!

I had gone crazy.

"Hell, no, I'm a lesbian!"

I shut my eyes and fell to my knees in the solid nothingness.

"Nagi? Nagi, querido, get up."

My eyes snapped open.

This wasn't a memory.

This was...

I looked up, squinting past the swirls of smoke in the void.

The hazy outline of Ivy Mercoda stood before me.

"I-I-Ivy?!" I stammered. "What's going on?"

"You're dreaming." Her voice was strangely fuzzy. She smiled sadly. "I miss you." I decided not to ponder how my dead best friend was speaking to me in a dream.

"Why now?" I whispered. "Why? It's been-"

"Three years. Three long years." She tentatively took a step towards me. "You probably won't remember this when you wake up."

"Yes, I will!" She smiled and shook her head.

"Listen, there's a song that I wanted to tell you about way back when."

I stared at her blankly.

"I can't believe you," I muttered slowly. "I mean, if you were going to randomly pop into my dreams one day, I thought that it would be for something more important than a SONG!" I finished, exasperated.

"You don't understand. This song is..." She trailed off and smiled sheepishly. "Just trust me. You'll know when you hear it."

With that, the swirls of smoke took over, and she disappeared.

I felt my jaw drop.

"Ivy! IVY! How the HELL am I supposed to know what song it is?! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!"

I awoke suddenly, feeling a lot worse than I did when I went to sleep.

"You make even less sense as a ghost, you stupid bitch," I muttered affectionately.

I collapsed back onto my pillow, trying to figure out what the hell Ivy was talking about.


"Bullshit," Schuldig said, matter-of-factly through a yawn. It was almost two P.M. Early for him.

"Look, I know what I saw," I retorted. I hate it when Schuldig falls into one of his "stubborn asshole" moods. Schu rolled his eyes and fell backwards into Youji's lap.

"Are you sure that you didn't imagine it?" Omi questioned hopefully. Ah, wonderful. He was trying to give me a way out. To prove I wasn't nuts.

"Ivy's been dead for three years," Tot chimed in. "Why would he randomly have this dream about her now?"

"I still think it's bullshit."

"Schu, are you saying that you don't believe in the supernatural after you worked for Esset?" Youji asked skeptically.

"I'm not saying that. I just don't think ghosts can communicate through dreams."

"I think they can." Everyone looked at the girl in Tot's lap.

Tot and Sizer (said girl) had become the newest additions to our disjointed little group. Not to mention the first female ones. Tot and Sizer were "friends." Quote-unquote. Cough, cough, wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

"Yeah, and you're crazy."

"I'm not crazy," Sizer replied, waving her goggles menacingly at Schuldig. "Look, by the sound of things, whatever song she's talking about will find you. You shouldn't go looking for it."

"But I don't even know what the song is!" Sizer shrugged and grinned.

"I think Ivy's got that figured out, too." I groaned and held my head in my hands.

"You women...Are all of you this philosophical, or is it just the lesbian portion?" I muttered.

"All of us!" Tot and Sizer replied cheerfully in typical shoujo manga heroine style.

I felt another migraine coming on as I realized exactly WHY I was gay.


"I love Twinkies, and the reason I'm saying this is because we're all supposed to think of reasons to live," Youji said. Everyone grinned.

What happens when a large group of former assassins get bored one night? The pile into someone's station wagon, drive around aimlessly, and discuss their favorite quotes from The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

"I've got one," Tot said with a grin. "I, personally, find supermodels strange."

"Amen," Sizer muttered without taking her eyes off of the road.

"Sizer, what IS this shit?" Schuldig asked, gesturing to the speakers.

"It's my CD of really, really cheesy American music."

"Why did you make a CD of cheesy American music?"

"Why not?" I rolled my eyes and looked out of the window at the neon city. The next song started.

I don't know what it was about that song that was different, but before the words had began, I knew. I knew.

It was Ivy's song.

"Shut up, guys!" I yelled. "SHUT UP!"

They shut up.

"Turn it up!"

Tot raised an eyebrow, but upped the volume.

I hope you never lose your sense of wonder

Get your fill to eat, but always keep that hunger

May you never take one single breath for granted

God forbid love ever leave you empty-handed

I stared down at the seat, wide-eyed, as Omi's hand tightened around mine.

I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean

Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens

Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance

I hope you dance

I hope you dance

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance

Never settle for the path of least resistance

Living might mean taking chances, but they're worth taking

Loving might be a mistake, but it's worth making

Don't let some halfbeat heart leave you bitter

When you come close to selling out, reconsider

Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance

I hope you dance

I hope you dance

I hope you dance

I hope you dance

I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean

Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens

Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance


I hope you dance

I hope you dance

I hope you dance

I hope you dance

I hope you dance...

The song trailed off slowly. Tot reached forward and silently turned off the CD player.

"That was the song," I whispered.

"How did you know?" Omi asked. I knew that he was worried about me.

"I just...I just knew."

"She wanted to give you closure," Sizer said quietly.

We all looked at her.

"She doesn't want you to waste the rest of your life thinking about her. She wants you to live your life the way you want to."

"She wants me to forget about her?"

"No. She just doesn't want you to live in the past."

Everyone was silent for a minute.

"That was so cheesy, Sizer," Tot finally said. We laughed half-heartedly.

I looked up. We were coming to the tunnel over the city.

That's when I realized what I needed to do.

I rolled down the window and started to climb out.

"Nagi, what the hell are you doing?!" I ignored the yelling.

Somehow, I managed to drag myself on top of the car.

I heard the first strains of "Asleep" by The Smiths float from the car.

I smiled. They had caught on.

I suddenly realized that Omi was standing beside me. He grinned.

"What? You don't think I'm going to let you have all the fun, do you?" He quickly kissed me on the cheek as we entered the tunnel.


I felt the wind rush past with an angry howl. My hair whipped around my face, and I felt like I was going to fall off.

I groped for Omi's hand.

Then we were out. The lights exploded around us in neon pink and green and orange. The city seemed to catch on fire for a brief moment. I glanced over. Omi was grinning like an idiot. A cute idiot, but an idiot nonetheless. The colors rushed over his face, then disappeared as quickly as they had come.

Then, I felt it.

The unmistakable feeling that Charlie and Sam and Patrick must have felt.

I tilted my head back and closed my eyes.

"I FEEL INFINITE!" I heard myself yell. I heard Omi laughing beside me. I heard Schuldig telling me to get my ass back in the car. I heard Youji pounding on the roof. I heard Sizer and Tot arguing over which CD to put in at that moment.

But I didn't care.

Because at that moment, I really was infinite.


Well, was that random enough for you? *grins sheepishly* I know it's odd. I tried to do it in kind of a Perks-ish style (kind of blunt), but I don't think I did very well. *shrug* Oh, well. Maybe I'll rewrite it later. This is the first series I've actually finished, so I'm feeling pretty good right now. ^_^ A few notes: "I Hope You Dance" is by Leann Womack. It's one of the...three country songs I like. *grins* Charlie, Sam, and Patrick are characters from The Perks of Being a Wallflower, which all of you must read. And I know the thing with the song is kinda cheesy. *shrug* I felt like writing cheese. *grins*

Thanks again, everybody, for all the help that you've given me! I love you all, and don't forget to read my other schtuff! *glomps* *bows* *leaves*