Hi there, fellow otakus! Sita-chan reporting live from her computer! This fic is from Nagi's P.O.V. I love Nagi with a passion, and I felt the need to write some angst. Thus, this fic was born! I'm just not in the mood to write insane fluff like TCMUWOSCAFC right now...But if you're in the mood, go read it! This has been Sita-chan's shameless self-promotion ^_^ Also, this fic contains two original characters. Don't worry, they're not the annoying kind where the entire fic focuses on them and their past lives and them getting it on with half of the main cast. *gags* I wanna introduce them just in case they decide to be in one of my Weiß ficcies. Tell me if you hate them, though, and I won't put them in. Oh, and I completely made up everyone's past except Farfie's, which was in the series, and Nora's, which was determined by Fae-chan.

Disclaimers: Sita-chan does not own any of the anime characters in this story except for Ivy Mercoda. Nora is the property of her good buddy Fae-chan. Please do not sue Sita-chan. She has no money, anyway.

Warnings: OOC-ness, angst, SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 18!

blah= thought or something in another language...depends on the context.

//blah\\= Schu's thought speak

Reflections of a Teenage Telekinetic

I leaned my head against my window. The glass felt nice and cool against my forehead, which felt like it was on fire. I removed the thermometer from my mouth when it began to beep. I had a temperature of 103.4. Great. Perfect. Exactly what I needed. After a massive coughing fit, I trudged out of my room towards Ivy's room.

"Ivy?" I said in a surprisingly croaky voice. I poked her in the shoulder. She squinted in her sleep and rolled over, her blond hair smacking me in the face.

"Gonna get a tattoo..." she muttered in her sleep. I sighed and poked her again.

"Wake up, Ivy." With an enormous yawn and a lot of stretching, I finally got her to sit up.

"Whadda ya need, Nagi?" she muttered. "Madre de Dios, it's three in the morning!" she cried.

"I'm sick." She frowned.


"Yeah, you know, sick? As in, my immune system screwed up and now I'm bacteria-ridden?"

"Don't give me your sarcasm," she said with a smile. "What do you want me to do about it?" I stared at her.

"Ivy, you're my mother figure! Give me medicine or chicken soup or something!" Ivy shook her head as she got out of bed.

"I'm not your mother figure. Nora's your mother figure. I'm your irresponsible, duty-shirking older sister figure," she said with a grin. "Let's go get Nora." I followed her into the hall and walked past Crawford, Schuldig, and Farfarello's rooms. She walked into the last door. "Wake up, Nora." Nora whirled her chair around causing her black braid to fly behind her like a flag.

"I'm awake," she said in that quiet, sweet voice of hers. Ivy raised an eyebrow.

"What were you doing?"

"Sewing," she replied cheerfully. She held up a pair of pants from my school uniform. I recognized them as the pants that had been almost destroyed two days ago when one of the stupid jocks at school beat the shit out of me. There had been at least two hundred tiny rips in them. Nora had restored them to new.

That girl never ceases to amaze me.

"Might I ask why you were sewing at three o'clock on a Tuesday morning?" Ivy questioned. Nora shrugged.

"I couldn't sleep, so I decided to fix Nagi's pants." She smiled at me. Her smile faded when she continued to look at me. "You're sick," she said with concern in her oddly colored red eyes.

"Perceptive," I said with a smile, then began to cough.

"Did you take his temperature?" Nora asked Ivy.

"I took it myself. 103.4." Nora frowned.

"You need to get back to bed," she said and began to shoo me out of her room. "Get him settled," she said quietly but firmly to Ivy. "I'll go get some cough medicine out of the bathroom. And something to get that fever down." Ivy grinned at me.

"Come on, kid," she said as she pulled me back towards my room. I hopped into bed. "So how am I supposed to get you settled?" I shrugged.

"I'm okay. Could you get me a glass of water, though?" She saluted me.

"Can do, captain." I rolled my eyes as she walked towards the kitchen.

"Farfie, no!" I heard Nora cry. I quickly jogged into the bathroom and shuddered at the sight. Farfie was holding one of his longer, more dangerous knives, which was currently covered in blood. He had apparantly carved some kind of design into his arm, and blood was rushing all over the immaculate white marble counter top. A lot of it had dripped to the white tiled floor, causing a pleasant little puddle of blood to form. "Farfie, you made a mess," Nora said sadly. Farfarello smiled at her.

"But I made God sad." Nora bit her lip. Farfie's like a brother to her, and she hates to see him cut himself like that. "Look, Nora." He began pointing to the lines on his arm that were still gushing blood. "There's you and there's me and there's a church burning in the background." Nora looked like she was about to cry. Ivy walked up behind me and whistled softly.

"Crawford is going to shit a brick," she muttered.

"You got that right," I replied.

"Ivy, go get Farfarello back in his straightjacket," Nora said quietly. "Hook him to the ceiling this time. Nagi, can you do me a big favor and go wake Schu up? I need help cleaning this up before Brad finds it." I nodded.

"You got him?" I asked Ivy.

"Yeah. Come on, Farf. Let's go back to bed," she said as she calmly plucked the knife out of his hands.

"Can I have my knife?"

"Let me wash it. You can have it back in the morning." She led him out of the room. I walked back down the hall and into Schuldig's room.

"Wake up, Schuldig." I shook him. He groaned and sat up.

"What time is it?" he grumbled sleepily. His eyes widened when he saw the clock. "Mein Gott, it's three thirty!" He threw himself back on the bed.

"You need to get up, Schu," I said, suddenly dizzy. Shit, this was not a good thing.


"Because I'm about to throw up," I replied bluntly as I felt my dinner rising in my throat.

"That's a good enough reason," he said and quickly rolled out of the way as I deposited my dinner all over his bed. "Well, I'm awake now," he said with a smirk. "That is putrid," he said gesturing to his newly christened bed.

"I didn't do it on purpose," I said, still a bit shaky. At least my stomach wasn't churning any more. "You need to go help Nora clean up the bathroom."

"Did you hurl in there, too?"

"No, Farfie bloodied it up, and she doesn't want Crawford to find out."

"If he does, he'll bash Farf's head in. This is the third time this month."

"I know." Schuldig yawned and made one more face at his bed before heading towards the bathroom.

"Thanks for retching on my bed, chibi," he said. I gritted my teeth at his stupid pet name. He always calls me chibi.

You're welcome, you bastard, I thought.

//I heard that,\\ he thought at me.

//You were supposed to,\\ I thought back. I was rewarded with a mental laugh. I trudged back down the hall, stopping to listen in on Nora and Schuldig's conversation. I carefully shielded my mind so Schuldig couldn't hear me. Yeah, I'm an eavesdropper.

"I think Farfie's getting worse," I heard Nora say sadly.

"You may be right," Schuldig replied.

"I'm really scared, Schu. One of these days, he's going to screw up and bleed to death."

"We'll just have to be more careful with his medication." I walked past the bathroom and stopped to listen in on Ivy and Farfie in the padded cell known as Farfie's room.

"You know, Farf, you really shouldn't do that," Ivy said.

"Do what?"

"Cut yourself."

"But it makes God cry."

"You can find other ways to upset God that don't involve slowly killing yourself. And every time you do that, you hurt Nora. And not just her. All of us." There was a little pause.

"Nora...Nora hurts when I do that?" Farfarello's voice sounded generally surprised.

"Of course she does! You may not realize it, but you hurt yourself when you stab your arm."

"It doesn't hurt."

"But you're losing blood! You could- Oh, screw it. I can't get through to you." Ivy sounded thoroughly exasperated. It sounded like she was walking towards the door, so I scooted back.

"Ivy?" She stopped.


"If it hurts Nora...I'll try to stop."

"That's good, Farf." I didn't bother to hide as she walked out of the door. "You were listening?" I nodded.

"They really care about each other, huh?" Ivy nodded.

"Nora's just Nora. You couldn't expect her to have a family with what she is. But Farfarello should have been a normal kid with a normal family. I guess he views her as the sister that he should have had. "

"You never had much of a family either, Ivy," I said quietly. She didn't say anything for a few seconds. Then, she turned and walked away.

"Let's get some medicine in you," she said softly. I knew that I had hit a vein, and I instantly regretted saying that. Ivy hates talking about her childhood.

"I puked on Schuldig's bed," I blurted out suddenly. That stopped her. She turned around and looked at me for a few seconds. Then, she burst out laughing.

"That's so great!" She proceeded to laugh hysterically. A minute or so later, her laughter died down. "Es muy divertido," she said, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Go get back in bed. I think that the bathroom's clean by now. I'll go wake up Crawford and tell him that you can't do the mission tonight." I groaned.

"Oh, shit, the mission. Crawford's gonna beat my ass!"

"Don't be stupid! Of course he won't!" For the hundredth time that night, I collapsed into my bed. A few minutes later, Nora came in with two bottles.

"Here you go, Nagi," she said with a smile. "Cough medicine and something to bring down your fever." I drank them both. They tasted awful.

"What's Mercoda saying about you not going on the mission tonight?" a stern voice asked. Crawford did not sound like a happy camper. Nora frowned at him.

"Brad, he's sick, and he's sixteen. For once, he needs to act like a normal teenager and get some rest," she said firmly.

There are two things that Crawford hates. One is being called "Brad." The other is being argued with. Somehow, Nora is able to get away with them both.

"Fine," he said reluctantly. "Mercoda will just have to take your place."

"Dammit, Crawford, call me Ivy!" Ivy demanded as she walked in with my water.

"Shut up, Mercoda."

"Whatever you say, Brad." Crawford gritted his teeth but said nothing. He knew that he'd set himself up for that one. "Here you go, Nagi." Ivy handed me the glass, and I immediately gulped the water down.

"Everyone get some sleep," Crawford ordered. "We have a big mission tomorrow. You have school," he said, looking pointedly at Nora.

"I know," she said. "Good night, everyone. Feel better, Nagi." She walked back to her room. Ivy ruffled my hair and headed down to her room, flicking Crawford off as she left. I felt slightly relieved when Schuldig entered. Being alone in a room with Bradley Crawford was not my idea of a good time.

"How are you feeling, chibi?" he asked. I chose to ignore the fact that he had yet again called me "chibi."

"Like shit." Crawford nodded.

"Get well," he said. Damn, he even said that like it was an order. I can picture it now: Me throwing up blood and Crawford saying something like, "Naoe, get well now so that we can treat you like an inanimate object instead of a normal teenager!" I snickered at my mental image as Crawford left the room. So did Schuldig.

"I'm heading off to clean my bed. Hope you feel better, kid." I glanced at my clock. The glowing green numbers informed me that it was 4:07 in the morning. I didn't have to be awake for another three hours. Since it was apparent that I wasn't getting back to sleep, I decided to do what I do best: think.

There are times that I really hate being in Schwarz. I've got no friends my own age. Everyone at my school hates me. I get beaten up regularly. That's the part that pisses me off. Physically, I'm pretty shrimpy. But if Crawford didn't have a rule against using our abilities outside of missions, I swear I'd throw every jock in the school on the roof and leave them there until they starved. I could kill them easily if I wanted to in numerous ways, but I have to listen to Crawford. I'll leave school on a Friday and hear all the normal kids talking about their weekend plans while I concentrated on hacking into a government computer file.

Then there are other times when I couldn't imagine life without telekinesis or my partners. I love all of them. Despite Crawford's strict rules, Schuldig's nicotine and alcohol addiction, Farfarello's insanity, Nora's reserved nature, and Ivy's avoidance of work, I love each and every one of them. Then again, we're all reasonably fucked up in our own little ways, so we get along pretty well.

Crawford's from America, which I always found interesting. He's got black hair and wears glasses and Armani suits. He looks like an important businessman. Crawford is usually stressed out because of his precognitive abilities. He'll randomly catch a glimpse of the future, but he might not know how to change it if it's bad. He gets really mad often because he can't choose when he wants to see the future and when he doesn't. Sometimes, his visions don't have anything to do with anyone that we know. Crawford isn't very good at dealing with stress. When he gets too pissed off, he starts taking it out on us. More specifically, on Schuldig. I feel sorry for Schuldig when Crawford's in a bad mood.

Crawford's past was as messed up as all of ours'. He wasn't born a precog. He was made. Esset kidnapped him from right in front of his house when he was twelve. They locked him in a room, jabbed needles in his head, and injected him with something that let him see the future. I think that's how his vision got screwed up. Don't quote me on that one, though. For awhile, he was Esset's prize show dog. Their little pet oracle. They dragged him to business meetings and told him to tell them what he saw. If a vision wouldn't pop up or if it had nothing to do with anyone that they knew, Crawford got punished. Severely. I don't particularly want to think about it, so I won't. When Esset wasn't showing him off, he was locked in a shitty little hole that they called a room. It looked like a cell, complete with bars on the door and windows. He was eventually able to talk the guards into letting him out once and awhile. Now, he can convince anyone of almost anything. He's pretty manipulative. But I can't blame him for being a manipulative asshole. If someone had done to me what they did to him...It scares me to even think about it.

Crawford doesn't know that we know about his past. Schuldig probed his mind when he was sleeping. He'd probably kill us if he realized that we knew.

Crawford is the leader of Schwarz. Nobody ever questions him. Why should we? He's a good leader. His job used to consist of talking Takatori out of doing something irrational. Like the time Farfie killed his precious jewel of a daughter, Ouka. What a bitch. Takatori wasn't too happy about it. He proceeded to beat the shit out of Schuldig and Farfarello with a golf club. Crawford managed to shift the blame to Weiß and stop him from bashing their heads in. Schuldig managed to get past his mental barrier for a split second when he stopped Takatori. He told me that he got two words:

//Thank God.\\

That's it. Ever since then, I've been convinced that Crawford isn't the heartless bastard that he appears to be. He can be a jerk, but I think he really cares about us. Even Schuldig and Ivy, who annoy him to no end.

After Abyssinian killed Reiji Takatori, Crawford started taking care of our dealings with Schrient. Nobody else will get anywhere near Schrient. Well, except for Nora.

Nora is interesting. When I first met her, I was scared, to tell you the truth. Her hair isn't just black. It's like an abyss. It seems to suck out all the light within a three-foot radius. And her eyes are a scary kind of red. But when you get to know her, it's crazy how incredibly nice and selfless she is.

Nora is seventeen, but she seems a lot older. I'd have to say that out of all of us, her past (or what we know of it) is the strangest. She was genetically created from the DNA of some woman from the 1920's. That's all we know about her. Nora is the newest member of Schwarz and, despite how open she seems, I don't think that she trusts us enough to tell us anything about her past. Not yet, anyway. And her mental shields are way too strong for Schuldig to even make a dent in them. We're just going to have to wait until she decides to tell us about herself.

Farfie took to Nora right off the bat. We warned her about him, of course. "Farfarello's crazy. Stay away from him." We thought that he would try to kill her or cut her or something. Instead, he showed her his knife collection and had a three-hour conversation with her about the finer points of hurting God. I'm pretty sure he mentally adopted her as his little sister.

Nora is the glue that keeps Schwarz together. No doubt about it. When Crawford loses his temper, Nora's there with a cup of coffee and a big smile to calm him down. When Schuldig comes home at four in the morning, smelling like beer and drunk off his ass, Nora puts him to bed and leaves a glass of water and some headache medicine where he can easily reach it. When Farfarello feels the urge to kill someone, Nora sits in his room and talks with him until he calms down. Without Nora, I think we all would have killed each other by now.

Nora has an "ability" (as Crawford likes to call them) just like all of us, but we aren't quite sure what it is because she never uses it. During a fight, she usually dodges and provides distractions instead of attacking. Crawford says that it has something to do with a person's luck and probability and ratios and all kinds of crap. It would make sense, though, that she could alter a person's luck. Bullets never seem to hit her, she always seems to be in the right place at the right time, and she constantly finds money and stuff on the ground. She usually gives whatever she finds to Farfie.

Farfarello's only nineteen, but his hair is white, and he only has one eye. He's covered in scars. Oh yeah, and he is crazy. We just found out awhile ago why. Farf's real name is Jei, and he's from Ireland. When he was younger, he was a good little Catholic boy. It's still hard for me to visualize Farfie being Catholic. Anyway, he found out that the people he thought were his parents weren't. His real mother, apparantly, was a nun, which goes against everything that the church teaches. Therefore, Farf got it into his head that God had lied to him, went crazy, and killed the nun and what he thought was his family. None of us had really expected anything like that. When Schuldig told us what he had seen, I think that all of us froze for a good thirty seconds and just stared.

Farf now tries his damnedest to hurt God in any way possible. Unfortunately, the stuff he does usually hurts himself or someone else as well. Okay, it always does. One of his favorite pastimes is carving designs on his arm with one of the knives from his massive collection. Another is killing any kind of religious person. We keep him sedated in a padded room in a straightjacket hooked upside down on the ceiling. That is, when we're not on a mission. Farfarello usually ends up doing the dirty work that nobody else wants to do. When our target is a large group of people instead of an individual, we just give him a few knives and set him loose. He also takes care of torture. Yes, we do that. Not that we enjoy it. Ivy has a huge problem with it, which is ironic considering that she's usually stuck helping Farfie do it. Or at least keeping him from killing the person.

I'd have to say that out of all of the Schwarz members, I'm closest to Ivy. Ivy Mercoda is a year or so older than Farfarello. She has wavy blond hair and purple eyes, which she swears are real. Ivy definitely had a screwy childhood. Her mother was an Italian prostitute and her father was some big shot politician. Her father only thought of her as "proof" of his little escapade, so he shipped her off to Spain when she was four. All by herself. He told her that her aunt would be waiting for her at the airport. Well, she wasn't. She didn't exist. Ivy lived on the streets and spent ten years looking for her aunt. When she realized that there was no aunt, she conjured up enough money to get back to Italy. Her mother was incredibly happy to see her. Her father tried to kill her. Came at her with a lead pipe. And that's when she first found her little mental quirk.

Ivy can bore into a person's brain, not unlike Schuldig. However, she doesn't see the whole mind. She sees one thing and one thing only: what they're most afraid of. She usually describes it as pressing a button. One mental tap and the victim's lying on the floor, shaking and sobbing.

Anyway, she terrified the shit out of her father and got a pipe smashed against her head for her trouble. She recovered and went back to living on the streets. Crawford found her three years later, and she's been part of Schwarz ever since. Ivy told me her past and made me promise not to tell anyone else. She doesn't have very strong mental shields, but that one part of her brain is guarded like a maximum-security prison.

Ivy is usually reasonably friendly. She has a very sarcastic sense of humor, but we've learned to accept it. But sometimes she gets incredibly solemn. Like "Pay your last respects to the deceased" solemn. This usually occurs when we have to fight Weiß. I don't think any of us really want to fight Weiß, but Ivy hates it more than anyone. She's developed a massive crush on one of them. Balinese. That made us all nervous, so Schuldig probed his brain. Balinese has got the whole, "Grr, kill the enemy!" thing going on, though. I'm glad that he doesn't like Ivy. If he did, Crawford would have had to kill her. So, it sucks for Ivy, but at least she's alive.

Ivy is the sister that I never had, just like Nora is the sister that Farfie should have had. I've told her things that I wouldn't dream of telling anyone else. Like my problems at school and my irrational fear of cockroaches (I'm a trained assassin! Why am I afraid of roaches?!). She tells me things, too, like her whole obsession with Balinese and her past.

Ivy doesn't seem fucked up, but she is. She has a whole inferiority complex because of her bastard of a father. She told me about her past when we were in Italy for a mission. I tracked down her father, and I killed him. With my bare hands. I won't get into it, but what I did to her father would make Farfie proud. I never told her, either. I think I'd die if anything happened to Ivy.

A knock at my door brought me out of my thoughts.

"Come in," I called. Schuldig walked in with a cup in his hands. "What do you need?"

"The Bitch told me to bring this to you," he said, handing me the cup. He calls Ivy The Bitch. Ivy calls him The Slut. They like to pretend that they hate each other.

"What is it?"

"Hell if I know. And can you think more quietly? You're keeping me awake." Schuldig snickered at the shock written across my face. "Don't get your underwear in a knot, chibi. I didn't hear anything, but the sound waves are beating against my brain." He grinned at me. "Good night, Nagi."

"'Night, Schu." I took a sip of whatever was in the cup. I still didn't know what it was, but it tasted nice. Kind of sweet.

Schuldig is another interesting case. His hair is orange, and his eyes are green. For some reason, he reminds me of a Jack-O-Lantern with his orange hair and the big, shiteating grin he tends to have plastered across his face. I never really understand how Schuldig can smile so much. He's got no reason to.

Nobody knows his real name. I think even he may have forgotten. Schuldig grew up in a slum in Germany. His father had walked out early. All he had was his mother and three older sisters. All three of the sisters were prostitutes. His mother hated it, but she didn't have much of a choice in the matter. They were dirt poor. She refused to let her son follow in their footsteps, though. Schuldig knew about his telepathy from a very early age. He used to manipulate people into giving his sisters more money than they deserved. He attracted Esset's attention, and they spent four years looking for him. His mother refused to part with him, so the family ended up running, staying in various slums for a couple of days before disappearing again. They got all these phone calls stating that if Schuldig didn't come with them, he'd regret it. When Esset started closing in, his mother began dressing him up like a girl to throw them off. It worked for awhile, but Esset eventually found him. They killed his mother and sisters.

"Schuldig" is German for guilty. I think he named himself that because he feels guilty that he couldn't save his family. After Schuldig told us all this, we realized that his big, shiteating grin was a mask.

Every member of Schwarz has a job. Crawford is the bond that holds together the reluctant alliance between Schwarz and Schrient. Farfarello is the mass murderer, if you want to put it that way. Nora is the negotiator. Ivy deals with extracting information. I'm the behind-the-scenes hacker. Schuldig, however, is everything else. He fights, he manipulates, he kidnaps. On top of his telepathy, Schuldig can sneak up on someone silently and disappear just as quietly. It's almost inhuman.

Schuldig and Crawford have a very odd relationship. They often seem to hate each other, but I know for a fact that they're very good friends. They don't have much of a choice. Farfie has Nora, I have Ivy...If they didn't have someone to talk to, they'd go insane. Schwarz can use one madman, but three? Crawford and Schuldig are the original members of Schwarz. I came after that, then Ivy, then Farfie, then Nora. I don't know exactly what happened between the two of them before I got there. I can only assume. What I think happened is they screwed each others' brains out and destroyed any kind of friendship that was going to happen. Neither one of them has ever said anything about it, but I'm almost positive that they used to be more than just friends. I could be wrong, but I doubt it. It took them awhile to begin to trust one another again. I still don't think they completely trust one another. Hell, we're assassins. We're trained not to trust anyone. They're good friends now. Even if Schwarz breaks up, they'll remain friends. Schwarz's demise might actually help their relationship. It sure as hell would help my life in general.

My past? It's an interesting story. I'm the only member of Schwarz born and raised in Japan. On the outside, I'm a pretty ordinary teenager. Brown hair, brown eyes, good with computers. My parents always assumed that I was normal just like them. I'd grow up to be a good, little Catholic boy. Just like Farfarello. Heh. I can be bitter sometimes. They didn't realize that I was telekinetic until I was nine or ten. Neither did I, actually. I don't even remember how I found out. My earliest childhood memory is my parents taking me from doctor to doctor, trying desperately to rid me of my "mental deformity" as they liked to call it. The doctors that said I was gifted. My parents said that they were heathens. They diagnosed my telekinesis as the mark of the devil and started trying to beat it out of me. I killed them. It was a complete accident. My mother was hitting me over the head with a Bible and spraying me with holy water when my telekinesis decided that it had been jostled around enough. The bookshelf exploded, and the heavy books knocked my father unconscious. He fell into the fireplace and burned to death. My mother flew into hysterics and started attacking me like a crazy woman with anything she could reach: the Bible, her teeth, her nails. I just started screaming, and I guess I passed out. When I came to, my parents' bodies were burning nicely in the fireplace. With nothing left to do, I lived out on the streets. I lived on the streets for three years before Schwarz found me. I was twelve.

I think that my past is another reason why I'm so close to Ivy. Nobody else knows what it's like to have your parents hate you. Schuldig's mom loved him with all of her heart. Farfarello had a great family before he went crazy. So did Crawford before Esset got ahold of him. Nora has no parents, so she doesn't to worry about that. It's the worst feeling in the world to look up at the face of the woman who brought you into this world and have twist into a mask of unfathomable disgust whenever it looked in your direction. I loved my mother. I still do, despite everything.

I know that I can never have a normal life. Even if Schwarz disbands. I'll never be able to grow up with a normal family and get married and have kids or any of that crap. I probably won't live that long. Even if I did, who'd want to marry me with all the people I've killed? Tot would, but I don't want to be around her any more than I absolutely have to. ...Why the hell am I thinking about marriage all of a sudden?

I suddenly heard a soft sob coming from the room next to me. Ivy. Ivy's prone to horrible nightmares involving her father. I checked the clock. 5:27 A.M. With a sigh, I trotted into Ivy's room. She was lying on her bed, curled into a tiny ball and shuddering.

"Lo siento, Padre," she choked out in between sobs. "W-Why don't you love me, Daddy?" After a few more seconds, she jolted upright. "Nagi?"

"You were having another nightmare," I said softly. Ivy wiped the sweat off of her forehead.

"Fucking nightmares. Fucking bastard of a father," she hissed. There was a pause. "Was I keeping you up?" I shook my head.

"I was keeping myself up. Thinking." She leaned forward and rested her chin in her hands.

"Thinking about what?"

"You guys." She smiled. "I'll let you get back to sleep." I started towards the door.

"Hey, Nagi?" I turned around.


"Do you think..." She looked embarrassed. "Do you think that you could...stay with me for a few minutes? Just until I fall asleep again?"

"Sure." I sat in the chair next to her bed. "And I'll be sure to keep all the big, bad meanies away." Ivy smirked at me.

"You're pushing it, Naoe. Good night."

"'Night." She closed her eyes. She was asleep within a few minutes.

Sure, I'd never have a normal life.

But did I really want to?

The six of us are stuck together. Normal people will never be able to understand us. All we have is each other. God, that sounds so fucking sappy. Now I know why Ivy's obsessed with those stupid Spanish soap operas. They say shit like that all the time. And I can see why. It's true. Sometimes, you can't help the way that things are. I will never be a normal teenager. I know it, and I've accepted it. Besides, some normal people end up alone for the rest of their lives. I know that no matter what happens, I'll have five friends that I can truly count on.

I gently pulled the blanket up around Ivy as I left the room.


"Pissing in Crawford's cereal hurts God."

"Oh, dear....Farfie, stay here. Crawford, go brush your teeth. I'll get you more cereal."

"Can you guys SHUT UP?! I'm trying to sleep!"

"Mein Gott, woman, you're not the only one! You're not helping the noise level any!"

"Don't give me your shit, Schu!"

"Don't fight, you guys."

"My toothbrush tastes funny..."

"Dipping Crawford's toothbrush in the toilet hurts God, too."

"Farfie, you shouldn't have done that!"

I smiled to myself. It was going to be another interesting day in the apartment of the assassin group known as Schwarz.


I think this fic turned out really good, considering how sucky I am at writing serious stuff! I'm much better at insanity and humor. Tell me if you guys hate Ivy and Nora and they'll disappear. ^_^ Reviews are nice...Reviews are your friend...And if you're in the mood for insanity and general amusing-ness, check out my other story, The Crazy, Mixed-Up World of Sita-chan and Fae-chan located in the Yu Yu Hakusho section. Shameless self-promotion hurts God. *grin*