Disclaimer: I don't own Loveless, or Josh Groban's song "Higher window"
"Don't tell me it's too late"
The passage of several years had taken Aoyagi Ritsuka beyond pre-teen fears and misunderstandings.
Now eighteen he better understood certain aspects of his life. So much changed yet so little. He was set to graduate high school within a month, his father was completely gone, and his mother had stopped beating him as much since his body grew into that of a man. He allowed the violence, and would not harm her. All he could do was block her fists and guard against the objects she tossed.
Soubi, the one who changed his world remained, as promised. Dozens of filled photo albums showed them in good times and bad throughout the years.
They still spent much of the day together, but lately the man seemed far away.
It hurt Ritsuka to notice this, because over time his feelings toward the fighter changed. With time came trust and a greater level of commitment on both ends.
They now sat on the couch in Soubi's apartment, each lost in thought. Ritsuka ignored the papers of homework stacked on his lap. An unfinished sketch sat beside Soubi, it was not his best work. Rain fell outside, not hard but lightly, as if waiting.
Ritsuka placed his hand on top of the man's still larger one. Soubi slowly turned away from the window to look at his sacrifice's face. Displaying a gaze as stoic as ever, he did not say a word.
This caused a lump to form in Ritsuka's throat, and he looked down. After a few moments he slowly explained "Soubi I know how I've treated you over the years... pushing you away and not accepting your…"
Looking up he noticed that dark blue eyes remained emotionless, and couldn't bear it. Filled with a sudden surge of repressed emotions he shouted *"Soubi just… don't tell me that it's too late for me to love you!"
The room rang with the tone of words which did not follow his admission.
Hope you liked it, please review.