Firstly i don't own kurobas, i only own my own oc Sae. And i do apologize because it'll be many ooc characters =u=" this story's setting is in Teiko high, yes GOD!~ GOM doesn't split up*shout to the lord*/SLAPP.
Lastly mind my grammar; i'll do my best from now on. Minna, please enjoy
Fyi italic and bold words means speaking in his/her mind
Normal p.o.v
"It's been a week since i transfer to this high school, yet i can't understand a single thing. The schedule is fine, but the subjects are all... out of this world... i'm still not used to their teaching method, oh God what to do..." said a girl with medium black hair. She just came from Hokkaido last week and not used to study in Teiko high. She didn't have perfect grades, her sports was so-so, though her best subject was art, her art score was so-so.
"Don't worry too much Sae, you'll be fine~" said a girl with long pinky hair.
"Well it's easy for you to say momo-chan, you have excellent grade..." said Sae.
"Hmm~ well that's true, but hey, you tried your best right? I'm sure the teacher notice it and give you a hand with the subject."Said Momo.
"i guess i need to work hard..." *sigh* "nee Momo-chan, can you teach me math? I'm really stupid-"
*ding dong ding dong*
The bell rang before Sae finished her word. After this was Math. She hurried back to the class room and took a seat. Not long the teacher, Mr kozue came to the class room.
"Good morning everybody..." he smiled a little."okay so i'll be returning your exam paper before we continue to the next chapter."
Sae sweat dropped. She knew what would happen next. She didn't do well on that test and got frustrated afterwards. She knew for sure how low her score would be.
"As always Mr Akashi here get the highest score, congratulation." said Mr Kozue, as he gave the test paper to Akashi.
Sae p.o.v
Akashi is the smartest guy in the school... he's the captain of the basketball team, meaning that he is leading the legendary generation of miracles, he's grade are amazing, and he has this... perfection... aura
Although he is um... cold and ignorant i suppose... i've never seen him talking to anyone other than his basketball members and Momo-can of course.
Not long Mr Kozue looked at me with a sinister look, and started to talk
"On the other hand, Miss Minami, your score... um... it's the lowest in the class..."said him as he returned the damn paper to me.
I faced palm,I didn't say a word and just grabbed that stupid paper. I didn't know why but i felt like Mr Kozue hated me... or something...
I bowed and about to return to my seat when i heard Mr Kozue's voice again
"You should study with Mr Akashi, i'm sure he'll be a good tutor for you."
I got goose bump by his word. There was no way, i mean NO WAY that i would study with him. ... Somehow he... umm... from him... i sensed... danger.
I replied fast "Um.. se-sensei, i don't need a tutor, and i'm sure Akashi-san is busy and i do-"
"i don't mind helping her out." I startled as he said those words. I never expected he would agree to that kind of proposal. Also i ... didn't feel comfortable around him...
"Okay, it's settle then, please teach her Mr Akashi, i'm counting on you..."said Mr Kozue.
After that the lesson began, and i just lost half of my soul because of that shitty agreement.
-after school-
I thought that i need to thank him or something... even if i dislike the idea *sigh*
I walked to his desk, he was packing his bag, and about to go to practice i presumed.
"A-Akashi-san..."i said with a small voice. He looked up, straight in to my eyes. There i found a strange feeling. He looked at me with his heterochromatic eyes, and it was as if i sucked in to that two colours. "What is it?"his word snapped me from dreamland, and i shook my head without even realizing it. "U-umm... thank you for ... you know for agreeing to be my tutor... and maybe we can start on Monday?"
Since today was Friday, it was obvious that he would start to teach me on Monday, but what the heck i was only confirming things with him...
he looked at me with a strange gaze, and then he pulled out a piece of paper and wrote something down.
He gave that piece of paper to me "here's my e-mail address and home address, come to my place tomorrow at 10 a.m." i never said anything back, but he walked out as if it was the end of the conversation.
He left me alone in the empty class room. I stared at the door he just walked out from. My mind went blank, before long i shout to my self
Wh-what is that?! Why do i need to come to his place? I- i don't get him at all!
He... won't do anything strange right? I mean... Akashi would not do something strange... it's Akashi on the topic, the top Of course not, right? AGHHHHHHH what am i thinking...
I tried to calm my mind but it was useless. I went down to the first floor and walked to the shoes locker room. There i met someone. He was huge, quiet man. He was eating tons of snacks. I felt a little uneasy, so i grabbed my shoes and when i was about to flee, he grabbed my wrist all of the sudden. I was shocked and took a glance at him. He knelled down, he was now at the same height as me. He then asked me with his poker face look. "You are Minami Sae?"
i thought to myself, did i met him before? He knew me from somewhere?
"Um... do you know me?"i asked him while trying to loosen his gripped
"... don't you remember me? I'm Mukkun..." he stared at me with his puppy eyes *back image is hushpuppies*
Mukkun? I think i know that name... but where? It's been only a week since i'm here... i was in Hokkaido during middle school... hmmmmm...
"You are Mukkun from my elementary days right ?" i grabbed his hand instead. I felt so energic all of the sudden. It was such a coincidence; I've never thought that i would meet him again.
He's eyes soften and petted my hair. He nodded at me and stood up.
"nee~you are so tall now... i guess we have like about 40 cm gap" asked me
"... you are still the same... your face didn't change at all... although... your hair is long now..." said him with a monotone voice.
"hmmm~ look who's talking, your hair is pretty long for a boy tee-hee~"
I took a glimpse on what he was wearing so i playfully asked him "so you are in the basketball club?" he nodded "i shouldn't bother you then~ see you on Monday mukkun~" he nodded and saw me leaving the shoe locker room.
Normal p.o.v
"Atsushi, what are you doing, let's go practice." Said a familiar voice
The giant high schooler looked at him lazily and began to walk to the voice source. "Aka-chin, wait for me..."
Akashi p.o.v
So they know each other... i need to be careful or else...
I who always win... don't need to worry, specially dealing with someone like him... it'll be a piece of cake
"Atsushi, what are you doing, let's go practice." Shout myself to the 2m baby.
He looked at me with a poker face, no... more like a lazy face, he ran towards me and followed me to the gym.
Haha i guess starting the next chapter, it'll be war between both of them XDD
Which one do you think is suitable for Sae?
Review please~