
"Banished to Midgard as Thor was? I would rather rot in a cell for the rest of eternity."

"You must learn to appreciate the very race you sought to dominate."

"And to do that I must live among them?" Loki demanded, eyeing the man he once called Father. Odin looked back at him solemnly.

"I will allow you to keep your gift of magic," he told him. "But should you use it for greed, or to create fear among the Midgardians, I shall not hesitate to withdraw it."

Loki opened his mouth to make a retort, but Odin's booming voice announced his punishment for all to hear; Loki was to be banished to Midgard. Darkness invaded his vision, and suddenly he was falling . . . falling . . . falling.

Olivia was on her roof when she saw it.

"Starlight, star bright, first star I wish tonight," she said softly. "I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight." Pausing, Olivia sighed. "I wish that something would happen . . . something that will change my life."

A flash of light suddenly shot across the sky. Jumping up in excitement, Olivia watched as it hurtled down towards the ground, landing in Central Park.

Any other person probably would've ignored it. Olivia's curiosity, however, was her downfall; she wanted to know what that was.

She ran back to her apartment.

Her hands shaking with excitement, Olivia pulled on her coat and helmet, grabbing the keys to her Vespa. She picked up her bag and, too impatient to wait for the elevator, bounded down the steps. She almost ran into three different people on the way.

The engine of her Vespa started almost immediately, and soon Olivia was zooming through the streets of New York.

Stopping outside Central Park, she cut the engine and leapt off her Vespa, pulling a flashlight out of her bag. She felt a sudden urgency and need to be quick, wanting to be the first and only person to find whatever had fallen through the sky.

Olivia was running so fast that she almost toppled straight into the crater.

Skidding to a stop, Olivia stared at it; the crater was huge.

And inside was a man.

He was lying on his back, his eyes squeezed shut and his face contorted with what looked like pain. He wore knee high boots, dark trousers and a long tunic, covered by golden armour that shone in the moonlight. His hair was dark and his face was white, almost too white, made of sharp angles and lines.

"Er, hello?" Olivia called down, shining the light on him.

His eyes snapped open.

Almost immediately, they shut again, and he raised his hand to cover them. Realising she was shining the light directly in his face, Olivia blushed and lowered it.

"Are you alright?" she asked him. "Do you need help?"

"I doubt you can be of any service," the man responded dryly, sitting up and wincing slightly.

"You sure? You look kinda . . . stuck."

He looked up at her. "You talk a lot."

"Yeah, it's a habit." Shuffling as close to the edge of the crater as she dared, Olivia extended her hand.

The man eyed it warily. She sighed.

"Look, dude, you just fell out of the sky. You are sitting in the middle of a huge crater in Central Park. I am trying to help you because I won't put you in an x-ray machine and poke you with sticks. Just take my frickin' hand."

The man continued to look at her with obvious suspicion, but finally stood up and placed his hand in hers.

"I'm Olivia, by the way," Olivia said, helping him out of the crater. "What's your name?"

He hesitated slightly before answering.


The woman, Olivia, talked all the way back to the Midgardian vehicle she referred to as a Vespa. Loki eyed it with disdain, certain it would not be as effective as horses.

"Ok, just hop on the back and we can get going," Olivia said, picking up her helmet.

"Go where?" Loki asked.

"Well I thought that seeing as you're obviously not from around here, you could come back to my place." Olivia shrugged. "Y'know, to sort yourself out. I can even offer you a couch."

Loki considered the offer. With no money or home, he knew he would be mad to turn it down. He nodded.

"Yes, I would be grateful for that."

"So . . . get on."

Watching Loki climb onto the back of her Vespa was probably one of the most hysterical things Olivia had ever witnessed. He looked at it for a long time, as if expecting it to suddenly strike him, before finally swinging one of his long legs over it. He hovered over the seat slightly before finally sitting, his hands resting on his legs. Loki glanced at Olivia.

Quickly disguising her grin, Olivia climbed in front of with practiced ease and looked over her shoulder.

"I'm guessing you've never been on one of these before." Loki shook his head. "Then you may want to hold on to something."

Loki was about to ask what he should hold onto when they were suddenly lurched forwards as Olivia started the engine. His hands caught her waist and he clung onto her as they sped down the streets. The wind whipped his face and hair, but the ride was enjoyable. The vehicle was faster than a horse, and far less temperamental.

When they finally stopped, Olivia looked over her shoulder again, grinning at Loki's windswept appearance.

"Nice hair," she teased, waiting for Loki to climb off the Vespa before following him.

Olivia's apartment was small, but had a home-like feel to it, Loki decided. The first thing he really noticed was the vast amount of books littered across the room.

"You have a lot of books," he commented, striding towards the nearest shelf and examining the spines.

"I like reading. Do you want some coffee?"

Frowning, Loki turned back to face Olivia. Without waiting for an answer, she had already begun making him a mug of coffee.

The beverage was nice; it helped warm him. While Loki sat on a stool by the counter, sipping his drink, Olivia searched for a blanket and some pillows.

"I don't have any pyjamas you could wear, but help yourself to anything in the fridge. Bathroom's down there and if you really need me, I'll be in my room." Olivia hesitated slightly. "Well, goodnight, Loki."

"Goodnight, Olivia."

Once inside her bedroom, Olivia leaned against the door and grinned.

Maybe wishes could come true.