Naomi: Youngest girl.
Bright, bubbly, the jokster of the family.
Loves to eat candy and give people nicknames.
She can be annoying sometimes though.
She falls in love with Donnie.
Height- 5'5
Marissa: Second oldest.
Smart, happy, the brains of the family.
Doesn't want to tell anyone how smart she really is.
She falls in love with Leo.
Height- 5'6
Anisa: Third oldest.
Timid, keeps to herself sometimes.
She likes to hang with her family.
She falls in love with Mikey.
Height- 5'6
Levina- Oldest.
Honest, faithful, has a crush on Raph (Tamipopo).
Spends her free time training and daydreaming.
Height- 5'7
Their story- President Bishop created them before extraterrestrials were allowed to be on Planet Earth. He made them from the turtles DNA and was going to use them to help finish of his greatest enemies. They escaped his clutches and hide in the home they are in now. He hasn't discovered that they are alive and well.