A/N: This is written for day seven of Jaria Appreciation Week on tumblr. It is free choice day so I decided to fix one moment when Aria could have chosen Jason instead of Ezra. This is obviously AU but I did directly pull the beginning dialogue from the episode and for that I take no credit. This is Aria's point of view and shortly I will be posting Jason's point of view to complete this story. Please excuse any spelling or grammar errors. Since I wrote this and am posting it all in one day I do not think it is my best work but it is passable. Please review and let me know what you think. =)
Warnings: Swearing.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. No copyright infringement intended. This is not written for profit.
A kiss is a lovely trick, designed by nature, to stop words when speech becomes unnecessary. - Ingrid Bergman
Aria found herself running from his haunting words in her dreams all day so she was not surprised to hear Jason's voice calling her name. She was nervous being around him alone even if they were out on the street. Her heart picked up speed and butterflies danced in her stomach. A feeling she once only associated with Ezra. Nerves and all she turned to greet him.
"Taking a study break?" Ugh, that was such an awful lie. Aria was sure Jason saw through her the moment she started speaking but she knew at the time it was best for her to be away from him so she would stick with her story.
"More like a sugar break." She indicated the bag in her hand and the butterflies increased as he stepped out and away from his car toward her.
"Sounds like more fun then what I've been up to. Had to buy a pad lock for my shed. Somebody broke in today." Aria's mind whirled with the information, anything to distract her from his close proximity.
"Really?" She was surprised that someone would do that and her first thought was of course Mike. She missed the days when he was not the top of her suspect list for breaking and entering.
"Yeah." Jason sounded frustrated and she wondered if anything precious to him was taken. Then she remembered it could not have been Mike. He was holed up in his bedroom still.
"Well, it couldn't of been Mike. He hasn't even left his bedroom since Thursday."
"I didn't go there." From the look on his face she knew Jason meant it. Somehow that set those butterflies fluttering ten times faster.
"Listen, I'm glad I bumped into you. I was hoping we could talk." Aria knew she was in dangerous territory but nodded her head so Jason would continue. "I hope I didn't step out of bounds earlier. I really was trying to help."
"No. You didn't." How was she supposed to ease his worry without telling Jason that he made her nervous because she wanted him. Always better off with a good lie right? Maybe just a half-truth. "I just have a lot going on right now. So..." Aria left the sentence hanging not really knowing where she was going with that thought. Looking back into his eyes Aria could see he was gathering his courage. For what she could only wait and see.
"The truth is I do care about your brother, but I also care about you." Her breath hitched, did he just say what she thought he said? "And I wanted to tell you in the off chance that you might feel the same way."
Jason closed the distance between them slowly; likely giving her time to react and move away but she just could not bring herself to stop him. His hand cupped her face and his lips descended upon hers. It was a sweet gentle pressure, slowly inviting her to take part in the dance. Without meaning to she hesitantly kissed him back.
Her mind raced with thoughts. This felt so right and so wrong all at the same time. Jason was opening him self up to her, laying his heart at her feet to hold or to crush. A big part of her wanted to hold on and never let go. Something else was screaming at her that she could not do this to any of them though. Oh shit, Ezra. Aria almost pulled back then and said something. Almost told him she was not available to be kissed like this. The way he kissed her though, she felt like she was the most precious thing in the world to him. That gave her the assurance she need to kiss him back fully, consequences be damned.
Jason responded to her by letting his tongue glide across her bottom lip. Aria opened her mouth slipping her tongue out to slide against his. She dropped the bag she was carrying to wrap her arms up around his neck. When she did the hand he had on her face twined into her hair and the other curled around her waist bringing Aria closer to him. The new angle allowed him to deepen the kiss. Aria's mind was completely consumed by him. Nothing outside this kiss existed right now.
The kiss only ended when their lungs were burning from lack of oxygen. Panting they rested their foreheads together. Keeping her eyes closed Aria sorted through all her thoughts and feelings. She had a choice to make and it would be cruel to the man holding her not to have a real answer for him. Searching her heart she found the answers there just waiting for her to look.
Aria's eyes fluttered open and she melted at the affection shining at her in Jason's eyes. Stepping back out of his arms she knew this was going to be hard but she needed to do this right or not at all. She needed to remember to breathe if this was going to come out at all right. "I shouldn't have done that."
"Why not?" He sounded confused and more than a little hurt and Aria hated being the one to hurt him.
Deep breath again. Looking directly into his eyes so Jason could see she was telling the truth she explained, "I shouldn't have done that because I have a boyfriend and I shouldn't be kissing another guy especially like that."
Jason reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear making her heart flutter all over again. "Why did you then?"
"Because I want this. I want you." Breathe in and out. "I don't want to hurt either of you though by being with both of you. I won't do that." Aria refused to ever be her father. She could not hurt someone the way he hurt her mom.
"What does that mean then Aria?" He searched her face and spoke again before she could answer. "You want me but you don't want to let him, who ever he is, go?" Jason licked his lips hesitating before he said his next words, unconsciously making her want to kiss him again. Aria held back knowing they needed to have this conversation. "Or does it mean you're willing to try this with me? Whatever that entails."
He was doing it again, being open and vulnerable with her. How could she not care for him in return? "It means, tomorrow I have to break up with my boyfriend. Then maybe, if your willing, we can take things slow so that I can really let him go before we try moving forward together."
Jason's entire expression lit up with her words, finally settling into a soft smile. "Yeah, I would like that. I'll wait for you as long as you need me to. Just tell me please if he somehow changes your mind."
"He can't. Yes, I feel safe with him but I feel like you and I fit, if that makes sense. I promise you though that I will tell you. I don't want to be the reason for your pain." Aria meant every word. They did fit. She did not really ever get a chance to know Ezra before things were intense and crazy between them. With Jason, she had known him for most her life and these past few weeks they had grown close. Aria knew the other girls did not trust him but she did, completely.
"Thank you. It does make sense." Jason leaned down and picked up her discarded bag. "How about I drive you home?"
"Yeah, that would be great." Damn it, she just laid her soul bare for him and somehow Jason still made her feel like a shy school girl. As he opened her door then after she was in closed it and walked to the other side to get in himself she smiled to herself. Aria could not remember the last time she felt like the seventeen year old girl she was. She was not looking forward to the conversation she would soon have with Ezra but she was eager to see how this slow fall would play out. A shiver ran down her spine as she thought of getting to kiss him like that again. She was not sure she could wait.