"I'll talk to you tomorrow Rach," Quinn said holding back a yawn. It was another late night video chatting with Rachel.
"Goodnight Rachel!" Jenna shouted from her bed. Quinn rolled her eyes. Her roommate Jenna always loved to intrude on her and Rachel's conversations.
"Goodnight, Jenna," Rachel said smiling, "I hope Quinn doesn't keep you awake with her snoring."
"I don't snore!" Quinn protested.
"That's what you think," Jenna said getting underneath her blankets.
"I don't snore," Quinn turned around in her chair, sending Jenna her best 'HBIC stare'. Jenna simply rolled her blue eyes at the blonde and lay in her bed. Quinn turned her attention back to her computer screen where a giggling Rachel sat, "I don't snore."
Rachel laughed, "Ok, goodnight Quinn. Good luck and on your literature test tomorrow."
Quinn smiled staring right into her webcam, "Goodnight, Rachel." Quinn's continued to smile as Rachel's face disappeared from her computer screen. The blonde sighed as she shut down her computer. Slowly she made her way to her side of the room, trying to keep quite so she wouldn't wake Jenna. She slipped on a pair of sweats and a black tank top. She slipped underneath her blankets and reached over to the other side of her bed turning off her lamp. She laid on her back staring at her ceiling, basking in the bliss that she felt after talking to Rachel.
"So, another night talking to, Rachel. You too have been talking everyday this summer."
Quinn sat up in her bed, "You scared me. I thought you were asleep."
"No, I stayed awake and watch get into bed with that goofy Rachel smile," Jenna teased.
"Shut up," Quinn said coldly. She laid back in bed trying and continued to stare at her ceiling.
"Oh, is this Lima Ohio Quinn that I'm hearing? I thought you were trying to move on from that Quinn." Jenna said, continuing to tease Quinn. Quinn could hear the sly bitch grin Jenna always wore when she got Quinn to act like her old bitchy self. "Not talking, Quinn? Trying to repress the old bitch?"
Quinn sighed, turning onto her side trying to block out Jenna. Just when she thought she no longer had to deal with Santana, she met her roommate Jenna. It was amazing how much she loved and hated Jenna. It was exactly like the relationship she and Santana had. Though her roommate was different, she never tried to physically fight with Quinn.
Jenna laughed, "I'm just kidding, Quinn. Come on talk to me." Jenna waited for a reply, but Quinn stayed silent. Jenna sighed and quietly got out of her bed. She jumped onto Quinn's bed and sat on top of her. "Come on, Quinn. You know I love you." The blonde continued to stay silent. "If you don't speak I'll sit here all night. Or maybe I shouldn't; I wouldn't want you to confuse me for Rachel as you have your dirty dreams about her. You know I don't swing tha-"
"Shut up!" Quinn hissed. "I don't like her."
"That's not what your hazel eyes say," Jenna said in a sing song voice. "Well, when you finally want to confess your love for Rachel Berry, I will be here eagerly awaiting to hear all about it." Jenna smiled down at Quinn. Her favorite pass time was getting her roommate angry, though she always made soon that she never pushed her roommate too far. She leaned down and placed a quick kiss on the blonde's cheek. "I'm always here when you need to talk, Quinn. Well, you know, except when I'm with Roger." Jenna heard a small giggle come from her roommate, that's when she knew she was OK. Jenna got off of Quinn and went back to her bed.
Quinn felt Jenna get off her and listened to the springs on the other mattress squeak as she got into bed. Quinn smiled to herself; it was nice knowing that Jenna was there to talk too. Even though she had no intention to ever reveal the feeling she had buried for Rachel a long time ago.
A/N: This was my second time writing a fic! This isn't edited so please excuse all the mistakes! Hopefully you all enjoyed it! I would love it if you left a review!