To my readers, I accidentally deleted all first 4 chapters! So I decided to just delete all the current chapters and then repost them! So please bear with me! =)))) I'm currently rewriting the chapters.

Chapter 1: Replacement

- (Lucy's P.O.V) - At the Guild -

The time that Lisanna got back. She hangs out with everyone in the guild, well not with everyone at the same time. It's just that every time I hang out with someone, she always finds a way to...well what's the right word..? Interrupt us? I guess. Can't blame her though. Everyone here missed her, especially her siblings and maybe even Natsu and Happy. And I'm happy for them! Really. But I don't really know why I'm feeling..sort of left out, this past few days. Well, I guess it's because of her being with my team all the time. Like all the time. Basically, my partner is Natsu and Happy. And I can't even have a proper conversation with him without Lisanna interrupting us. And every time we go to a mission she begs to come with us. She always says that she wouldn't do anything to distract us, but we always end up not getting the job done. I'm not implying that she's the reason why we can't get the job done. I've seen her fight in one of our missions, she's not weak, she's strong. But the reason is because Natsu, Gray, Erza and Happy, worries way too much for her. They are afraid of losing her, again. I understand that. But they worry too much, even at the little things. For instance, we took a mission where we would fight bandits who stole precious items from a museum and that they were hiding deep in the East forest of Magnolia. And while we're looking for those stupid bandits, along the way, this purplish frog suddenly jumped forwards Lisanna as it landed on her head, causing her to shriek. And the four immediately turned their heads to the young lass, simultaneously saying her name with a worried tone. I know what happened because I was following behind Lisanna. As I watch them quickly surrounding her, like she broke her leg or something. I was also worried, of course, but not as worried as them.

"Ughhh" I murmured, rather frustrated. I guess sitting here in the bar was a bad idea. I can hear their laughter from a table a few feet away from the bar and from where I was sitting on.

"What's the matter Lucy-chan?" Levy asked, sitting on a stool next to me.

I looked at her before responding "It's just I have a problem about that stupid rent again." It's actually true.

"Is that so?" Levy paused for a moment "Why wouldn't you ask your team to go to a job?" Levy asked.

Oh wow, why didn't I think of that? Oh wait, I already did. I thought sarcastically.

I let out a sigh and replied "It's because Lisanna will beg to come again with us. And then we're gonna end up not finishing the job."

"Heh. I never thought that Lisanna would actually beg. " Levy asked, surprised.


"Don't you think you're exaggerating with the begging part Lu-chan?" Levy giggled.

"Mouuu~ Levy-chan!" I sighed before smiling.

"If I can do anything to help I could—"

"Oh no! Don't worry about it I'll eventually find a way somehow" I smiled at her. I don't want to trouble anyone. This is my problem.

She smiled back, but it wasn't that genuine.

Moments later, we finally said goodbye to each other due to Jet and Droy fighting, which I knew Levy would have to stop. Well, I also left the bar and I decided to sit at a table with Wendy, Charles, Gajeel, and Pantherlily. While sitting with them, I felt this bad vibe from Gajeel and Wendy just kept sighing. I don't want to just awkwardly sit there and do nothing. Sighing before I asked "What's wrong with you two?" And with that, the five of us (including the exceeds) finally started a conversation.

And apparently, Gajeel, was annoyed. Reasons are:

1)He hasn't had a good brawl with popsicle (Gray) and the flameidiot (Natsu) ever since Lisanna came back. True..didn't see those two fight or had a good brawl.

2)He's bored. Well, that was reasonable.

3)He's also annoyed because the guild is always talking about Lisanna. He just kept hearing her name. It can't be helped.

And well, Wendy is getting out-of-place. Every time she talks to somebody, somehow the topic is always about Lisanna. Though, why does she have to sigh every minute. Heh. Well, I understand what Wendy was feeling, but Gajeel? Not so much.

It was fun talking with them, especially Gajeel. I didn't know that he used to sing a lot when he was still in Phantom Lord. He said, that he has written a lot of songs, but the song Shooby doo bop was his favorite. Being the cruel guy he was back then, I seriously didn't expect this. Charles, Wendy and I laughed. While Pantherlily sighed, disappointed at him. Gajeel animatedly cries at this.

Later on, Natsu, Gray, and Erza walked up to me.

Natsu hesitatingly looked at me "Lucy...would you mind if we replace you with Lisanna?" Natsu asked. I heard Wendy gasped. Even Mira stopped wiping a table near us, just to look at us.

I stared at Natsu for a while. What? I was just surprised. I mean who wouldn't be? The guy who brought you to the guild. The guy who formed a team with you. The guy who always wear a muffler around his neck and has a blue cat. The guy who always barges in your apartment. He is my best friend, but I'm having doubts about that ever since Lisanna came back from Edolas.


"You are always having problems with your if you can go on a job by yourself you own the jewels!" Gray said. I stared at him, surprised. If you hated helping me with my rent, you should have told me..

"OI FLAMEBRAIN. Don't you think you're going too far?!" Gajeel said, standing up unisonly smashing his hands on the table.

"Don't interfere Gajeel." Erza said, seriously.

"This is for the best Lucy" Natsu grinned, giving me a thumbs up. Why..? I can't believe he's so happy!

"Natsu and Gray are right Lucy" Erza agreed.

I'm surprised that Erza agreed to this! She usually protests in this kind of things!

I noticed that the whole guild started staring at us, waiting for my reply. Okay then, if this is what they want. Fine. I was about to say 'fine' but that wasn't the words that came out from my mouth. Instead I said "So you don't want me on your team...huh Natsu?"

"It's not like that Lucy, we just want Lisanna on our team" Natsu shrugged. Damn you.

"Is that so? Just because she's your girlfriend you'll replace me with her?" I blurted out and looked away.

"She's Not my girlfriend Lucy!" Natsu shouted.

That's it. I'm outta here. I don't have time for this.

"If that's the way it is, fine." I said to them.

Then I stood up and head towards the exit, but before I left. I looked at them and added "I hope you guys regret what you did. But I guess it's to early for you guys to know that feeling." And with that I left, I even heard Wendy and Levy calling my name but I ignored them. I didn't look back.

After I left the guild, I got back to my apartment and I saw landlady standing right in front of the apartment door. Oh god, please don't tell me that she already threw my stuff away.

She glared at me "Miss Lucy!" she said with a stern voice. "You're late with your payment. If you do not pay you will not set foot at this apartment again" she said as she crossed her arms.

My head was lowered down as I said to her "Landlady.. I will pay you right now. I got some savings in my room.."

Why am I so tired? It's still in the afternoon.

She followed me as I went up the stairs, walking towards a pink door at the end of a short hallway. When we finally reached my room. I opened the door, walking inside. I went up to my desk and picked up a small purse where my savings are. I walked back towards her, and handed her the jewels.

"There you go." I said smiling.

She bowed at me"Thank you." She turned her back at me, I was about to close the door when asked "Are you alright Miss Lucy?" I was happy that she was worried about me, really.

"Yeah. I'm alright I'm just in a bad mood. Thanks for worrying about me" I said. "Umm..Landlady I just want to tell you that, this would be my last night here I will travel around Fiore until I get stronger. And I'll try to write you letters and send you money if it's payment time for the rent…" Well this was just a decision I made. I didn't think I was actually serious about traveling around Fiore and quitting the guild.

"I understand. Be careful and hopefully you will become stronger Miss Lucy" Never thought that she was this supportive and caring for me.

"Aren't you gonna ask why I'm going all around Fiore?"

"No, I'm not gonna ask you why, besides I will found out soon" she laughed.

"Thank you, Landlady. I will leave tomorrow at 10:00 am, I just wanted to tell you" I giggled.

"Okay then, Good night Miss Lucy" she said before she left.

"Good Night Landlady.." I said before I slowly closed the door.

(Edited: April 7, 2014)