PLEASE NOTE: I have changed it from "(words)", said (character), to (character): (words). It is more simplified,
They all entered Slender.
Ralph: i want my mama...!
Vanellope: Aw, Cheer up you
(They all hear a HUGE hiss sound and hear someone collapsing.)
They go after slender and slender goes after them next.
Ralph: AAAH!
Felix: HELP ME TAMM-oh she isn't here-HELP ME!
Slender: (Yells out of the screen) Alright everyone, arcade is CLOSED!
Ralph: *Phew* I thought you were going to kill us!
Slender: Of course not! I'm not bad! It's just that I have to Pretend to do that! It's the program!
Guy: HE ALWAYS HURTS ME! HE-For goodness sakes! It's the Wreck-it Ralph Crew!
Ralph: Are we that famous? (Happy)
Guy: Of course! Well..I don't have a name...
Slender: Over 2 Years OF my job...Doing the same thing..Having dumb ol' fans. For POV, nobody can see you, Guy.
Guy: Right...
Slender: Well..(Generates mouth) I'm heading into tapper with guy, let's go. (They leave to tapper)
Ralph: Let's head to that new game!
(They all go into the Project Diva: Hatsune Miku Game)
Felix: Jiminy Jaminy! This place looks like...Dance Dance REVOLUTION! Except..More.."Robotic".
Ralph: Maybe it's meant to...
?: Hello! ^/^
Ralph: WHO'S THAT?!