Greetings fellow readers and writers! This is my fourth volume of Path of the Keyblade Master and I hope you like it! And if you're reading this, we're all alive past December 21, 2012! So here's to another Mayan Long Count cycle, a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year!
Okay, this volume has Sora and the gang finally traveling to Hogwarts to learn more about magic. This story takes place in the Harry Potter universe about a year or so after the epilog of Deathly Hallows, making it the second year for Albus Severus Potter, Rose Weasley and Scorpio Malfoy. Also in this story are some of my Rambler characters and a few new Meta Humans, as well as some wizards I came up with.
Now, it should be known that I had this story planned for volume 6, but it worked better for me to do it now.
Also, some of my fellow writers have asked me that, since I've just finished a Super Sentai crossover, why not do another and have The Keyblade Wielders learn magic from the Magirangers? Or even Kamen Rider Wizard.
Well, I do have ideas for further stories involving Super Sentai, including Mahou Sentai Magiranger, as well as ideas for the various Kamen Rider series, especially W, OOO and Fourze, but not for this story. As for Wizard, it's still too soon in the series for me to have any really good ideas for a story.
The idea I had involved crossing with Harry Potter and that's how it's going to be. I will do further work with Super Sentai, and Kamen Rider too, but not now. I'm sorry if this upsets and disappoints some people, and of course there'll be some whom simply dislike my writings for various reasons, some because they just don't like it, others simply for the sake of hating. Well, you have that right, but if you don't like my stories then don't read them and don't clutter up my review pages with negative comments. Still don't like it, well, just remember that THIS IS FANFICTION!
Now, I don't own in this story except for my original characters, so please don't sue me, I'm just trying to tell a good story and expand on the magic and adventure that is Harry Potter and Kingdom Hearts.
And now, without further delay, please enjoy…
Kingdom Hearts: Path of the Keyblade Master
Volume 4: The Sign of the Sacred Heart
Chapter 1: Arrival at Hogwarts
…Radiant Garden…
Dear Malcolm,
Ah am well, as are mah mother, father and brothers. Now that that mass of evil has been absorbed back into the world, things are more harmonious among DunBroch, Macintosh, Dingwall and MacGuffin, albeit more boring than before. As for the old witch and her husband, no one has seen hide, hare or feather of them, doing who knows what. And considering that Ah accidentally destroyed her house, ah'm not surprised that the witch doesn't want to talk to me.
But ah'm not worried too much. Ah'm fine and so is everyone here. Ah'm so glad that ye and yer friends won against that horrible trickster and his horrible master. Give mah best to Riku and Tess.
Ye won't believe what mah brothers have been up to. Hamish, Hubert and Harris got hold of the stone bust of mum that dad was making for her birthday and 'altered' it. Mum actually thought it was funny but dad was furious. He threatened to lock the boys up in the dungeon for a week. But then Hubert showed that the changes to the bust were only clay, not stone. Mum's present was alright and dad forgave them.
One rather unpleasant thing happened after ye left. Mah sword, the one ah used to stab one of the eyes of that giant drill monster, it's gone. Ah dinna' ne lose it, it just, well, fell apart. It was fine for a while, but then the gammy thing completely rusted through in the blink of an eye, no pun intended mind ye.
Ah tried to talk to the old witch but she's nowhere to be found. Not really surprising since ah accidentally destroyed her home, long story. Me dad said he'd make me a new sword soon enough.
Ah hope ye and yer friends are well and continue to be well. Ah also hope that when we meet next, we'll be able to have more time to get to know each other better.
With much love and light,
Merida of DunBroch.
"Hey! Malcolm! You done with that yet?!" Sora called out to Malcolm.
"Huh?" Malcolm asked as he looked up from the enchanted writing desk that had just received Merida's letter, "oh, right, sorry." He then ran over to Sora and the others.
"They've already started rebuilding again," said Kairi as she, Sora, Riku, Aiden, Tess, Roxas, Naminé and Malcolm, outside Merlin's house with their bags packed. They saw that all the rubble from the recent giant monster battle had been removed from the streets and that the demolished and damaged buildings were currently being rebuilt.
One of the new buildings was an office for the new accountants, Joshua and Janice Baker, Tess's real parents, whom had been reunited with their daughter after nearly seventeen years. Alegra, they mysterious and immortal woman whom had dedicated her centuries-long life to the battle against evil, had helped our heroes and Super Sentai allies defeat the insidious Puppeteer whom had targeted Tess as his new host.
After the vile sorcerer had been destroyed, Alegra kept her promise of bringing Tess together with her birth parents, whom had been watching Tess from afar and have now settled on Radiant Garden with Tess' older brother and two sisters.
"It's a good thing we've got a really great disaster insurance," said Yuffie, "and contracts with construction companies. We should be back on our feet by the time you guys get back from Hogwarts."
"At the rate this world keeps being attacked, you'll have to upgrade your insurance policies," said Riku.
"Isn't there some way we can better protect Radiant Garden?" Aiden asked, "and how much longer is it going to be for Yen Sid and Merlin to finish working on copying The Cornerstone of Light?"
"They said they've still got years of work ahead of them," said Kairi, "but I agree, something needs to be done. This is still my world, though Earth is my home, I still have a connection to Radiant Garden. There's got to be a better way to keep the world safe."
"Whatever it is," said Tess, "it'll have to wait until we get back."
"Aren't you jumping the gun a bit?" Riku asked, "you just found your real mother and father, and now you're ready to leave them again. Are you sure you're okay with this? Are they okay with it?"
"They've been okay for a long time," said Tess, "Alegra kept them in the loop of my life since she took me from them, which I'm okay with now, but I'm still pissed that she had to dump me on Metamore. But that's something else. Anyway, thanks to Malcolm, he's provided me with one of those enchanted writing desks so I can send them regular letters wherever I am."
"Glad to he of help," said Malcolm as he held up his writing desk.
"I still don't like leaving Radiant Garden unprotected," said Kairi, "I know that Leon and the others will be here, but there's got to be something more that can be done."
"There is," said Ansem as he and King Mickey walked towards our heroes.
"Hiya guys!" said King Mickey, "so, you all ready to go to Hogwarts?"
"Ready, willing and able, your majesty!" said Sora, while Riku, Kairi and the others nodded in agreement.
"Swell," said The King, "now, I've made all the arrangements with Headmistress Minerva McGonagall. She has everything ready for you guys, so all we need to do is turn on the machine."
"I've recalibrated the portal projector," said Ansem as he brought over the machine, "it'll bring you all right to the nearby town of Hogsmeade near the school."
"Why can't we just go there directly?" Sora asked.
"Because teleporting to Hogwarts," said Malcolm, "or Apparating as it's known on that world, is impossible. The whole school and surrounding grounds are so full of magic it makes Apparating so unstable, it's not worth the risk."
"Risk what?" Kairi asked.
"Of splinching," said Malcolm, "it's when you teleport and accidentally leave a small part of yourself behind."
At that Sora, Riku, Kairi, Aiden, Tess, Roxas and Naminé all winced uncomfortably.
"How…did you know that?" Aiden asked.
"We have splinching in The Magical Dimension too," said Malcolm, "I never bothered to learn how to teleport, the idea of leaving an arm or a leg behind isn't rather appealing, know what I mean?"
"You don't have to tell me twice," aid Roxas.
"So, we'll be walking from Hogsmeade to Hogwarts," said Sora, "okay."
"Then there's nothing more to say," said Ansem as he powered up the machine.
"Except good luck!" said King Mickey, "and have fun."
"Will do, your majesty," said Riku.
"And if there's any trouble while we're gone," said Kairi, "just let us know and we'll come right back."
"It's alright," said King Mickey, "we'll be fine while you're gone."
"Are you sure?" Sora asked, "a lot of bad stuff keeps happening around here."
"And we always end up having to take care of the trouble," said Aiden.
"That's what being a Keyblade Wielder is all about," said Riku, "wherever we go, trouble is sure to follow."
"Let's hope that we don't bring any trouble with us to Hogwarts," said Kairi.
"Oh come on, Kairi," said Sora, "you'd think that just once, we'd have an adventure without getting involved in some insane crisis."
At that Kairi and the others looked at Sora like he just said something crazy and stupid, "Sora?" Kairi asked, "just think about our lives."
At that Sora did think about it, "oh, yeah, we do have that kind of luck."
"Just don't let it get to you, Sora," said King Mickey, "consider this a learning vacation. Just enjoy yourselves and have as much fun as you can while learning more about magic."
"We will, your majesty," said Sora, "but I'd feel better if I knew that things would be alright while we were gone."
"Things won't be so difficult while you're away, Sora," said Ansem, "I have a few plans to keep The Realms of Light safe, at least from outside threats."
"What do you have in mind?" Riku asked.
"Mostly theories and ideas," said Ansem, "but I do have one that may prove to be viable in the short term, assuming I can get it working, but that's for later. Just enjoy Hogwarts and all it has to offer."
"Will do," said Riku, while Sora and the others nodded in agreement.
With that, Ansem powered up the portal projector. The machine then opened a large portal.
"We'll be back in a few weeks or so," said Sora, "hold the fort until then!"
"Good luck, everyone!" said King Mickey, "and have a hot dog time!"
At that Sora gave The King the thumbs up and he walked into the portal, followed by Kairi, Riku, Tess, Aiden, Roxas, Naminé and Malcolm. The portal then closed up after them
"Okay, they're gone," said King Mickey in a serious tone. He then looked at Ansem and Yuffie, "you know what to do."
"I shall prepare the invitations and send them out to the other worlds," said Ansem.
"And I'll get the meeting hall set up," said Yuffie, "a big sit-down between all the heroes and Princesses of Heart; all our friends and allies in The Realms of Light and beyond. Awesome."
"This won't be a casual meeting, Yuffie," said Ansem, "this gathering, this Grand Conclave, may determine the future of The Realms of Light. We now know that Maleficent has found a new body, albeit a temporary one, and has joined forces with Xehanort; two of the most dangerous beings to walk the realms. Add to the various villains in their respective cabals, including Doctor Insano, and we have an enemy force capable of destroying all that we hold dear. And then there's the unknown factor of any future villains we may encounter."
"Which is why we need to get everyone together and decide what to do," said King Mickey, "all the heroes and the Princesses of Heart. We need a plan, and we also need to figure out what Xehanort and Maleficent are up to, what their endgame is."
"But why have the meeting while Sora or the others are gone?" Yuffie asked, "wouldn't they want to help?"
"Of course the will," said The King, "but this is something we have to do ourselves. We just can't rely on Sora and the others for everything. Besides, they deserve a break and a chance to advance in their training for The Mark of Mastery."
He then smiled reassuringly at Ansem and Yuffie, "it's okay, guys. Sora and the others will be back in a few weeks. By then we'll have had a chance to figure out what to do about Xehanort and Maleficent. What's the worse that can happen?"
"Don't say that!" exclaimed Yuffie, "every time someone asks 'what's the worst that can happen?' it usually does."
"Okay, sorry," said King Mickey, "but we still should hope for the best."
"And prepare for the worst," said Ansem, "which is why I'm pushing forward my plan…wait," he then pulled out his PDA and activated a program, "there, now Maleficent and Xehanort cannot spy on us, not as well as before that is."
"A jamming program," said Yuffie, "cool."
"Not as cool as my Planetary Shield program," said Ansem, "it won't be able to completely stop a Dark Corridor, yet, but it will be able to protect the world from physical invasions from space."
"It's a good start," said King Mickey, "but there's still more. We've got a lot of work ahead of us, for all of us, so we'd better get started."
Just then Pete lumbered in, "I hears that you've got a job for ol' Pete," said the reformed villain.
"Indeed I do, 'captain,'" said King Mickey, "it's a very special job, one only you are qualified to do, well, you and your family."
At that the oversized cat blinked in confusion, "what'd'ya mean my family?" he asked, "what'd'ya want with my wife and kids?"
"This job I need you to do, Pete," said King Mickey, "it's something that you, your wife Peg, your children, P.J. and Pistol, even your dog, Chainsaw, it'll be a group effort."
"And what's that then?" Pete asked suspiciously.
King Mickey made a 'come here' gesture with his finger. Pete bent down and The King whispered something into his ear. After a moment, The King stopped whispering and Pete bent up in surprise.
"You want me to do that?" he asked, "and you want the wife and kids involved too?"
"I wouldn't ask it of you and your family if I didn't think you could do it," said King Mickey, "so, will you do it?"
"Of course I'll do it!" said Pete in a boasting tone, "ain't no mission assigned that I can't do! And there ain't no way thu' wife and kids would want to be left out. So, when do we leave?"
"As soon as possible," said King Mickey, "just get your family together and go, and good luck."
"I don't need no luck," said Pete, "I wuz born lucky!" with that he lumbered out of the area.
"You think it's a good idea giving him a mission?" Yuffie asked, "he's not exactly trustworthy. He did spend all that time working with Maleficent."
"He's on our side now," said King Mickey, "and if this is going to work, we need everyone we can get to work together."
"I'm not doubting your choice of helpers in this endeavor," said Ansem, "but what could be so important and potentially dangerous as to involve Pete?"
"Something only he and his family can do," said King Mickey, "but I can't say yet. I'm sorry, but the fewer who know the better."
"But won't he blabber to the first person who asks?" Yuffie asked, "and his wife, Peg, I heard she's a notorious gossip, and their kids, who knows whom they'll tell."
"They won't talk," said King Mickey, he then gave a slight embarrassed smile, "I put a spell on Pete when he wasn't looking. Neither he or his family will tell anyone, at least until they get to where they're going, and no, I can't say where or what they'll be doing."
"Aren't we feeling mysterious today," said Yuffie.
"So this is Hogsmeade," said Riku as he and the others found themselves in the only all wizarding village on the world. It was late afternoon in mid October. A chill wind was blowing through the village.
"It's awesome," said Sora, "but I can't wait until we get to Hogwarts."
Just then a nearby tabby cat with square markings around its eyes walked up to Kairi. "Aww, hello there," she said as she bent down to scratch the cat behind the ears, "and what is your name?"
"Don't pet stray cats!" said Aiden, "you don't know where that thing's been!"
"Oh come on," said Kairi, "this little one is clearly domesticated, you can tell how familiar she is with people."
Just then the cat morphed into a tall woman in her late 60's or early 70's or so, but seemed much older yet still had an aura of vitality, with graying hair in a tight bun and wearing tartan robes and a wizarding hat with a long feather in it. She leaned on a walking stick and wore square glasses. She had the aura of a person whom was strict but fair-minded, one not to be crossed yet still compassionate.
"How right you are," said the woman in a Scottish accent.
"Professor McGonagall?" Riku asked.
"In the flesh," said Professor McGonagall, "welcome to Hogwarts, young Keyblade Wielders."
"We're glad to finally be here," said Sora. He and the others then introduced themselves to Professor McGonagall.
"So, what do we do now?" Sora asked.
"Now, we head up to the castle," said McGonagall, "a feast has been prepared in your honor."
"Oh, that's really not necessary," said Kairi in a modest tone.
"Nonsense," said McGonagall, "you young heroes helped save the life of one of Hogwart's best students, whom returned just in time to graduate at the top of her class with full honors."
"Victoire Weasley," said Tess, "how is she?"
"Doing well, last I heard," said McGonagall, "she and her new husband are currently on holiday in France."
"She and Teddy got married?" Naminé asked, "that's so sweet."
"They're perfect for each other," said Roxas.
"Makes you wonder what the other wizards we teamed up with are up to," said Riku, "Harry and the others."
"Harry Potter is on a well earned holiday with his family," said McGonagall, "as for the others, you'll soon be seeing Professors Longbottom, Connor and Johnson-Weasley. Now, the feast awaits."
With that Sora and the others followed McGonagall up a long path from the village towards the grand castle overlooking a lake. Along the way she informed our heroes of some of the rules of the school, as well as the names of the teachers and the subjects they taught, and the visiting Meta Humans from The Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense.
"The Bureau and The Ministry of Magic set up an annual program where a handful of Meta Humans spend a year at Hogwarts to teach extra curricular courses," said Professor McGonagall, "you would be surprised how often witches and wizards find themselves against an opponent without use of their wands, especially in recent years."
"Wow!" said an impressed Sora as he and the others gazed in awe at Hogwarts for the first time.
"Is everyone this awestruck by Hogwarts?" Malcolm asked.
"Just about everyone," said McGonagall, "the effect is more pronounced for first year students."
She lead our heroes towards the front gates, into the courtyard and up a short flight steps to the entrance hall, where off to one side Sora and the others could see an area that had dozens of staircases going up several levels and off to other areas of the castle.
"Did that staircase just move?" Aiden asked.
"All the staircases here move," said McGonagall.
Sora and the others were then shown to the Great Hall, a huge room capable of holding a thousand people and more. The first thing they saw were the hundreds of floating candles illuminating the hall, while the ceiling above was enchanted to reflect the sky outside.
Our heroes then saw four long tables each sitting hundreds of students, with each table belonging to one of the four Houses; Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. At the far end of the hall was a table reserved for the staff. Currently only a handful of students were at their tables, but more and more were filtering in as the sky darkened to evening. The air was permeated with delicious cooking smells.
"Where do we sit?" Sora asked.
"There won't be a need for chairs for this feast," said McGonagall, "but let's wait until everyone is here."
It wasn't long before all the staff and students were in the hall, anxiously waiting for dinner. Not sure where to be for this, Sora and the others stood to one side of the hall, while McGonagall stood at a stone podium at the end of the hall in front of the staff table.
"If I may have everyone's attention," said McGonagall in voice that carried throughout the hall. Within seconds, all the chattering students had gone quiet and had given their headmistress their undivided attention.
"Tonight's feast is to welcome a group of brave young warriors whom helped save the life of one of Hogwart's finest," said McGonagall, "these young men and women have traversed many worlds, fought many foes and defeated the forces of darkness time and time again. And now, they've come to our illustrious school to sample the magical arts that are taught here. I expect you all to welcome them with open arms and open minds, to treat them not just as visitors, but as fellow students for the duration of their stay here at Hogwarts. And most of all, to welcome them as friends."
At that the students and staff clapped and cheered. Sora and the others noticed that, while those wearing the red and gold markings of Gryffindor house on their black robes clapped and cheered the loudest, most of the ones wearing the green and silver of Slytherin house, only gave cordial applauses, with only a few Slytherins looked at our heroes with anything more than standoffish eyes.
"And now," said McGonagall as she pulled out her wand, "if everyone would stand up, this special feast can begin." All the students got up from the tables as McGonagall waved her wand. The tables and benches vanished and were replaced by smaller round tables, each one loaded with different foods of all kinds.
"Sweet! A buffet feast!" said Roxas.
"Then let's mingle," said Kairi.
Our heroes began sampling the many dishes and found them all to their liking. They also began talking to the students, mostly just saying hello and making small talk.
But then they found three familiar faces among the staff. Neville Longbottom, Herbology professor, Angelina Johnson-Weasley, Transfiguration teacher and Cho Connor, whom taught History of Magic.
"It's good to see you blokes again," said Neville after he, Angelina and Cho met up with Sora and the others at a table full of various types of pastries.
"Good to see you too," said Riku, "you guys were awesome when we fought on The World that Never Was."
"But now it become Zumakalis again," said Cho, "how are they, the new Zumakali?"
"They're doing alright," said Kairi, "last we heard they were remaking their new home into some place wonderful."
"We'll get to see it some time," said Angelina, "but it's going to have to wait. So, you Keyblade Wielders are here to learn about our kind of magic."
"That's on the agenda," said Malcolm as he eyes a nearby group of Slytherins, whom had been suspiciously eyeing him, "Is everyone in greens here this…coarse?"
"Ah, Slytherins have a bit of a mean streak about them," said Neville, "but not all of them are as evil as Voldemort."
"A few are surprisingly decent people," said Cho.
"Name one," said Roxas as he came back from a dessert table with an ice cream bar, "can you believe it? They've got Sea Salt Ice Cream here!"
"Seriously?!" Sora asked eagerly. He then hurried over to the dessert table.
"I take it he's easily happy," said Angelina.
"You ain't kidding," said Kairi, "so, you were saying about decent Slytherins?"
"There's two over there," said Neville as he pointed to a table that was serving different fruits. Sampling some pineapple was a girl, about 14, with violet eyes and had long black hair with silver and green highlights. Next to here was a boy, about 15, with orange eyes and short brown hair. Both of them were wearing Slytherin green and silver.
"Cordelia Greenfield and Orion Caulfield," said Angelina, "two of Slytherin's finest, and two rather decent human beings."
"They're part of a small but growing group of Slytherins whom think that being Pure Blood doesn't make them superior than Muggle Born wizards," said Neville.
"What does that mean?" Sora asked as he came back over with several sticks of Sea Salt Ice Cream and shared them with Kairi and the others.
"There's two types of wizards," said Cho, "those whom come from all wizarding families whom can trace their lineage back almost to the dawn of recorded history. Then there are witches and wizards whom come from Muggle families. You already know that Muggles are non magic folk, just ordinary human beings."
"We still don't know why some wizards are born in Muggle families," said Neville, "anyway, most Pure Bloods still think that because they're from all wizard families, their blood makes them better than Muggle Born wizards."
"That's just plain stupid," said Tess.
"And illogical," said Malcolm, "magic is magic, regardless of whom your parents and ancestors are. The same applies to blood."
"There's a lot whom agree with you," said Cho, "but there's still many Pure Blood families whom hold on to the old prejudices, especially those families whom were supporters of He Whom Must…I mean, Voldemort."
"He's been dead for twenty years," said Neville, "and there's still people who fear him."
"I'm not afraid of Voldemort," said Cho, "I mean I was, who wasn't? Old habits die hard, I guess."
"A lot has changed in twenty years," said Angelina, "most of it for the better. The Death Eaters whom were captured after Harry killed Voldemort, while those whom were under the Imperious curse were given amnesty and those whom willingly sided with Voldemort were sent to prison, their families weren't punished. Most have decided to change with the times and accept Muggle Born wizards as fellow wizards, or, at least tolerate them."
"Cordelia and Orion are among the few whom actually made friends with Muggle Borns while at Hogwarts," said Neville, "and have volunteered to help you Keyblade Wielders get settled in here."
"Then why are they just standing there, looking at us?" Tess asked.
"I think they're a bit afraid of us," said Riku.
"Afraid of us?" Sora asked, "now why would they be afraid of us?"
"I can guess," said Neville, "you wielded The Sword of Godric Gryffindor against a terrifying monster. And you all stood up to the source of all evil in all of existence."
"Chernabog was a pushover," said Sora boldly, "yes, we've done some pretty scary stuff, but that's no reason to be afraid of us," he then walked over to Cordelia and Orion, "hey, how's it going?"
"Uh…it's going…pretty well," said Cordelia in a slightly nervous tone, "how are you?"
"Fine," said a smiling Sora, "we're all fine. Come on over, meet the gang," he then lead Cordelia and Orion over, to Kairi, Riku and the others, "I'm Sora by the way."
"Hello, Sora," said Orion, "nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too, Orion," said Kairi.
At that Orion looked slightly annoyed, "don't call me that! Only my parents call me that."
"Call him Ryo," said Cordelia, "everyone does."
"Well, Ryo," said Riku, "anyone else here have nicknames?"
"Quite a few," said Ryo. He pointed to a 16 year old Gryffindor girl with long, braided blond hair and sea green eyes, "That's Chrysanthemum Meadows, but she likes to be called Kylie, after the pop star Kylie Minogue."
"Mostly because she sings just as good as the pop star," said Cordelia, "and she's the lead Chaser for the Gryffindor Quidditch team."
"Then there's Cassiopeia 'Cass' Stonebreak," said Ryo as he pointed to a Ravenclaw girl, about 15, with light blue eyes and had long brown hair with blue and bronze highlights, "she's the Keeper for the Ravenclaw team."
"There's also our Scanner for the year," said Cordelia as she pointed to a group of men and women wearing brown jackets over t-shirts and blue jeans, "they're the Meta Humans from the BPRD for the year. That one, the one with the sunglasses," she indicated a man in his early 20's with short brown hair and wearing heavy wraparound sunglasses, "That's Jefferson Davis Wallencheck, but insists on 'J.D.'"
"Before you ask," said Ryo, "he's completely blind, but sees with other senses."
"J.D. not only can hear, smell and feel better than a normal man," said Cordelia, "he can also see with his mind, and hear your thoughts if you let your mental defenses down."
"So they really do let Meta Humans teach at Hogwarts," said Riku.
"Mostly hand to hand combat," said Ryo, "He Who Must Not Be Named and The Death Eaters were the worst the 20th Century had to offer, but the 21st Century has shown some pretty horrible horrors, no doubt about that."
Just then two Gryffindors and a Ravenclaw walkedover. The first Gryffindor, a boy, age 15 with light blue eyes and brown hair, the other, a girl, about 15 with light brown eyes and long brown hair, the Ravenclaw, a girl about 17 with greenish brown eyes and shoulder length brown hair.
"At last we meet, Keyblade Wielders," said the Ravenclaw girl eagerly as she held out her hand, "Tara Underhill, Head Girl, at your service."
"Matthew Northvale, Gryffindor 5th year Prefect."
"Alison Waterfield, other Gryffindor 5th year Prefect."
"Nice to meet you all," said Kairi as she and the others shook hands with Tara, Matthew and Alison.
"We're all on the special liaison committee for you guys," said Alison.
"How'd you get that job?" Naminé asked.
"We volunteered," said Matthew, "As did the rest of us," he then looked over at another group of students, "oi! Get over here and say hello!"
Sora and the others were then introduced to the rest of the liaison committee. Among them were Cass Stonebreak and Kylie Meadows. There was also Nathanial Leftbridge-Stewart, a 4th year Ravenclaw with dark blue, almost black eyes and short blond hair, Yasmine Manfredi, a 6th year Huffelpuff Prefect with dark brown eyes and long auburn hair, and Lancaster Taming, a 5th year Huffelpuff with blue eyes and brown hair.
"We've all come together to make sure you Keyblade Wielders enjoy your stay at Hogwarts," said Cass Stonebreak.
"Us too," said Ryo, while Cordelia nodded in agreement.
"The four Houses of Hogwarts, joining forces in the spirit of friendship and cooperation," said Tara Underhill, "We prepared a special welcoming card for you Keyblade Wielders. Kylie…?"
"I don't have it," said Kylie Meadows, "I gave it to Yasmine."
"And I gave it to Nathanial," said Yasmine Manfredi.
"And I gave it to Cass!" said Nathanial Leftbridge-Stewart.
Cass Stonebreak then felt in her robe pockets, her expression changing to that of nervousness as she failed to find the card, "I had it before coming to The Great Hall, I swear it!"
"Could you have dropped it somewhere?" Ryo asked.
"No chance," said Cass, "I swear, I made sure it was safe in my pocket. How could I…ouch!" she then jerked her hand out of her pocket with a small black creature biting into her index finger. She pulled it off her finger, revealing it to be a humanoid creature with four arms, four legs, four wings and covered with coarse black fur.
"A Doxy!" said Kylie Meadows.
"James!" shouted both Matthew Northvale and Alison Waterfield.
"This is the second time he's pulled this prank this term," said Tara, "it's got to stop! James Sirius Potter! Where are you!?" she then walked over to a nearby group of Gryffindor 3rd years, "have you seen James anywhere? He's up to his neck in trouble!"
"Found him, Tara!" said a cheerful tone that came from a tall 7th year Huffelpuff boy with short dark blond hair and light blue eyes, whom was dragging a 3rd year Gryffindor boy with short, tangled black hair and brown eyes, over to the group, "found him with his usual gang."
"I didn't do anything!" said James Sirius Potter, "honest!"
"Oh really," said Tara as she took the still thrashing Doxy from Cass, "you didn't happen to nick a bunch of these from Hagrid during Care of Magical Creatures earlier in the month, did you?"
"Doxies?" James Potter asked, "no, we were studying Knarls and Kneazles."
"You are now, but these particular buggars went missing," said Tara, "and one of them was found in Beatrice Kiddo's handbag two weeks ago."
"Oh, now I remember," said James Potter, "yeah, that was just a joke."
"And putting one in my pocket?!" Cass Stonebreak demanded as she rubbed her finger, which wasn't bleeding but looked sore, "now I have go to see Madam Pomfrey!"
"Aren't you forgetting something?" Cordelia asked.
"Oh, right," said Cass. She then glared at James Potter, "where is it?"
"Where's what?" James asked innocently.
"The card, you arrogant little monster!" snapped Cass, "we worked very hard to make that card for our visiting friends and you decided to nick it for a practical joke! Now where is it?! Tell me, or I'll beat it out of you!"
"You can't hit me!" said James, "it was just a joke, just for giggles, that's all."
"You'll find the back of my hand worth laughing about," said an irate Cass.
"She'll do it," said Tara, "she'll probably spend the rest of term in detention, and get kicked off of her house Quidditch team, but she'll do it."
"Alright, alright!" said James Potter as he pulled the card out of his pocket, "for crying out loud, it was just a prank, a little joke to break the ice, honest."
"We were doing that without your help, thank you very much," said Tara in an annoyed tone as she took the card from James, "five points from Gryffindor, and don't complain or it'll be ten! Now apologize to Cass and to our new friends, or I'll tell Hagrid and Professor McGonagall."
"Oh, be serious," said James, "Cass isn't hurt that much. It's a special breed of Doxy that Hagrid brought in. It's harmless."
"Huh, you know," said Cass as she looked at her finger, "the swelling is going down."
"See, harmless," said James, "no harm's been done, so there's no reason to get any of the teachers involved."
"This really isn't worth a detention, Tara," said Alison. "And you have to admit, it was pretty funny."
"He still should apologize," said Tara. She then looked down at James, "alright, Potter, I won't get the staff involved. But I will send an owl to your mother."
At that James looked like he was given a death sentence, "you wouldn't," he said nervously.
"I would," said Tara, "your parents talked to me when I was made Head Girl and they asked me to keep an eye on you. Now, you can say you're sorry for an albeit harmless but still inappropriate prank, or I can drop a letter to your mum and have her come here and talk with you."
"Or she could send a howler," said Yasmine, "that'll teach him a lesson he'll be hard to forget."
"Alright, I'm sorry!" said James, "I'm sorry for the Doxy, and I'm sorry for taking the card."
"That's more like it," said Tara, "now get back to your friends, and please behave. You're getting just as bad as Fred and George Weasley were."
"Please," said James, "I'm nothing like Fred and George," he then smiled mischievously, "yet!" with that he ran back to his friends.
"I swear," said Tara in an annoyed tone, "if I ever have children like that, I'll put the Imperious curse on them."
"Oh come on," said the 7th year Huffelpuff who brought James over, "kids aren't that bad."
"Before you get started, Louis Allgood," said Tara, "just because you're Head Boy and I'm Head Girl, doesn't mean I'm going to wind up marrying you, I'm not particularly fond of you anyway."
"Are you still upset about that time I set off that dung bomb in the girl's bathroom?" Louis Allgood asked, "that was five years ago!"
"I have a very long memory," said Tara, "we're collogues, nothing more."
"Are you sure?" Louis Allgood asked, "for a while now, you had seemed to be warming up to me."
"Not likely," said an annoyed Tara.
"Oh come now," said Louis Allgood, "deny it all you want, but I'm wearing you down."
"The day I ever warm up to an arrogant troll like you," said Tara, "will be the day I jump off the Astronomy Tower without a broomstick!"
At that Louis Allgood looked like he wanted to say something else, but decided against it and walked away.
"What a git," said Tara, "he thinks that time heals all wounds, but he did more than throw a dung bomb into the bathroom. How did that chowder head get picked to he Head Boy, I still don't know."
"Oh, he's alright," said Lancaster, "he just likes you."
"He has a strange way of showing it," said Tara. She then smiled brightly at Sora and the others, "but enough about that. I hope you all are enjoying the feast."
"Oh, yes, it's delicious," said Sora, "especially the Sea Salt Ice Cream. It's exactly the same as they have on Radiant Garden and Twilight Town."
"It's true," said Roxas, "the same in every detail. How's that possible?"
"I believe I can answer that," said a mildly quiet voice. There stood a man in his mid 30's with slightly balding brown hair, brown eyes behind glasses and wearing a white shirt under a brown jacket with green shorts and brown boots. "I negotiated a deal with Scrooge McDuck. His recipie for Sea Salt Ice Cream in exchange for three of mine. He wanted five but I argued him down a bit."
"Andrew Carpenter," said Sora.
"It's been a while since The World that Never Was," said Andrew Carpenter as he glanced at his watch, "excuse me, Zumakalis."
"You know Chef Andrew?" Ryo asked.
"He helped disarm a neutron bomb and turned it into an EMP bomb," said Riku.
"And made these really delicious energy-boosting snacks," said Tess, "but what are you doing here?"
"Trying to teach basic cooking," said Andrew as he looked at his watch again, "you'd be surprised how little magic users on this world know about preparing their own food. They think that they can just wave a wand and it'll come. But you can't just magic it out of thin air, no, you have to have the ingredients in advance. Take this feast for example," he then looked at his watch, "I purchased everything in Hogsmeade, just for this occasion."
"You made the feast?" Kairi asked.
"With a little help from the Hogwarts resident House Elves," said Andrew, "they were really eager to learn some of my recipes. I'll admit, they were much more eager to learn than the human students at this school, and they're so nice."
"Yeah, kindness is a natural trait of House Elves," said Kylie.
"And they still happily serve wizards," said Tara, "even after all the new laws promoting elfish rights had been established."
"Yeah, well," said Andrew, "they're still eager to learn my recipes. I've already published several cookbooks in the mortal realm, excuse me, Muggle world, so I might as well try them out at Hogwarts. I'm also teaching the House Elves here the secrets to the perfect BBQ."
"BBQ at Hogwarts," said Ryo, "only in the 21st Century."
"Oh, you don't think BBQ is appropriate for Hogwarts?" Andrew asked in an annoyed tone, "or would you rather prefer fish and chips? Or bangers and mash?"
"No one has ever complained about your recipes, Andrew," said Tara in a placating tone, "you're one of the best visiting chefs to ever visit Hogwarts."
"Don't let Molly Weasley hear that," said Alison, "she'd turn you inside out."
"Oh, Molly wouldn't do anything like that," said Andrew as he looked at his watch, "I'm practically a cousin, she likes me that much. So," he looked at Sora and the other Keyblade Wielders, "you've been into some pretty intense stuff since we tore Maleficent and Gideon off of their high horses."
"If battling Wamphyri, psycho witches and shape shifting sorcerers, illusionists, different types of monsters and soul stealing maniacs intense, then yeah, we have been busy," said Riku.
"And we made more than a few friends," said Kairi.
"Hmm," said Andrew as he looked at Malcolm, "you've been busy, in more ways than one."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Roxas asked.
"It means he knows that I'm well versed in the dark arts of The Magical Dimension," said Malcolm. He then looked at Tara, Alison, Nathanial, Ryo, Cordelia and the other witches and wizards, whom were all looking at him as if he was a villain, "yes, I practice the dark arts, but I am nothing like Voldemort and the Death Eaters. For one thing, I don't hurt people for fun. I hate that kind of lunacy. Anyone whom takes pleasure in hurting people, whether their physical, emotional or other, anyone who does that should be locked up and made sure that they never hurt anyone again!"
"He's telling the truth," said Yasmine. She then looked at Sora and the others, "I've always been able to read the hearts of others, so I know when people are lying."
"His mind is also telling the truth," said Tara as she looked at Malcolm, "I'm studying Legilimency."
"Yeah, Hogwarts is just full of psychics and empaths," said Andrew in a bored tone, "just like home. I came here for a change of pace, to shake things up a bit and teach some of my recipes to aspiring young minds. Instead, it's the same old same old."
"Same old same old?" Ryo asked, "how many times have you and The Ramblers have saved the world in the last 20 or so years?"
"More times than I'd like to count, kiddo," said Andrew as he looked at his watch, "now, if you'll excuse me, I'm needed in the kitchen." he then headed for the main hall.
"It never fails," said Cass as she looked at her watch, "every night at 10:00 PM, two glasses of warm milk, two pieces of toast and whatever book he's reading."
"That man has some of the most bizarre habits," said Cordelia.
"Oh, he's alright," said Tess, "sure, he's a little strange, but…"
"He keeps looking at his watch," said Ryo, "and I once heard that he picks his feet."
"He doesn't do that any more!" said Kylie in annoyed tone, "I don't know what you heard about Andrew Carpenter, but I won't stand for you to insult him! He's a great man, almost as great as Harry Potter."
"You're just saying that because you've got a crush on him," said Lancaster.
"For shame," teased Cordelia, "he's a married man."
"I do not have a crush on him," said Kylie, "he's just a friend who helped me out once, and no, I don't want to talk about it."
"I'm just saying that I don't know what you see in the man," said Cordelia.
"He's just a friend!" Kylie insisted, "and a great man who's done great things for the world, as did the rest of The Ramblers."
"Oh, now I get it," said Ryo, "hero worship."
"And proud of it," said Kylie as she confidently crossed her arms.
"Yeah, that's the thing," said Aiden, "we know that The Ramblers came to The Realms of Light to help us, but we really don't know anything about them, other than that they've all got super powers and fight evil a lot."
"And we hardly know anything about Harry Potter," said Kairi, "other than he's one of the most loved wizards on this world."
"And he defeated one of the most evil wizards to ever exist," said Riku, "but yeah, we are in the dark about a lot of things."
"That's why we're here," said Sora, "to learn more about magic and to meet new people."
"Well, you've come to the right place," said Matthew, "anything you want to know about Harry, Dumbledore's Army, The Ramblers and just about anything else you want to know."
"You've got questions, we've got answers," said Tara.
"Good, we've got a lot of questions," said Aiden.
Our heroes then spent the next few hours talking with their new friends, learning more about the famous wizards and Meta Humans on the world, as well as the muggle heroes of The Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense, as well as the alliance between the magical world and the BPRD.
"It's all because of The Technomancers," said Tara, "robotic aliens hell bent on wiping out all magic in the universe. They attacked Earth and it took the combined efforts of The Ramblers and Dumbledore's Army to destroy them."
"That was more than ten years ago," said Matthew, "most of us barely remember what happened, other than what's in the history books."
"Everything you need to know about the alliance is in the school library," said Alison, "and I'm sure that most of the staff here, including Professors Longbottom, Connor and Johnson-Weasley, will tell you all the details."
Just then the school clock tower struck midnight.
"Good grief! Midnight already?" Tara asked, "and we have classes tomorrow," she then raised her voice, "everyone to bed now!"
"Indeed!" said Professor McGonagall, "off to bed, all of you! There'll be plenty of leftovers for lunch tomorrow. Now go to bed!"
"We'd better get going," said Kairi to our heroes, "I've got the feeling that it'd be really bad if we're caught out of bed after hours."
"You'd better believe it," said Cordelia, "the previous caretaker, Argus Filch, was a nasty piece of work. The new one, Zane Phelops, isn't as nasty, but he'll still throw the book at you if you cross him."
"Whatever happened to Filch?" Kylie asked, "I heard he retired."
"I heard he ran away with Madam Pince, the old librarian," said Alison.
"I heard he died," said Yasmine.
"He was too nasty to die," Tara, "my first year was his last. Believe me, Argus Filch is still out there, grumbling and wanting to punish rule breakers." she then looked at Sora and the others, "well, off to bed, you lot. I'll show the way to the guest quarters. Your luggage is already there, so let's get going."
Our heroes then said goodnight to their new friends and followed Tara through the many staircases and corridors of Hogwarts to the guest rooms on the 3rd floor, where, they heard, once held the entrance to a series of magical protections that guarded The Philosopher's Stone.
"Dumbledore had the whole corridor marked out of bounds," said Tara as she showed our heroes the indicated hallway, "at the far end is the door where Hagrid put his three-headed dog to keep watch on the trap door. And you know what, having met Fluffy when he's had a chance to run around a bit and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine, he's just a big puppy at heart."
"We also know a three-headed dog," said Sora, "he was a real monster until someone showed him a little kindness."
"Cerberus just wanted some love," said Tess, "hard to expect from a genuine asshole like Hades."
"We still have so much to learn from each other," said Tara, "but it can wait until daylight."
She then showed our heroes to a large suite that had a living room with a warm fire already going, several overstuffed chairs and sofas, a full bookshelf and a spiral staircase in one corner.
"The suite is enchanted to have as many bedrooms as needed," said Tara, "each bedroom is further up the staircase. Sorry that they're singe beds, the school has a no 'hanky-panky' rule that the Four Founders set up."
"Spoil sports," said Tess in a teasing manner.
"Well, at least the rooms are comfy," said Tara, "your stuff is all in your rooms and the beds already turned down, so goodnight, everyone, and I'll see you all at breakfast."
Sora and the others said goodnight to Tara. She left and they all went up to their respective bedrooms. It wasn't long before they were all ready for bed and fast asleep. But not before one of them had a few words to write.
Dear Merida,
Hogwarts is everything I hoped it would be and more, and we only just got here. We all received a warm welcome from the staff and students to a feast to die for. Now, your mother's recipe for haggis is great, but the feast I just experienced would make Queen Elinor jealous.
Already, Sora, the others and I have made a tone of friends among the staff and students of Hogwarts, as well as meeting a handful of Meta Humans, men and women with extraordinary abilities. Some of these people helped Sora and the others out before, while many more were eager to get to know us, they were practically jumping over each other to say hello to us.
Tomorrow we begin observing the many classes they teach here. My penmanship may be unreadable to others, but I'm sure I'll be able to take adequate notes.
I'm sorry to hear about your sword. It's strange that a blade of forged steel would rust into uselessness in the blink of an eye. I could be wrong, but maybe stabbing Drill Org's eye caused your sword to absorb some of the creature's evil, and considering that Orgs were created out of negative emotions and sought to contaminate worlds to their liking, it's not all that surprising that your sword was rendered useless. I hope that your next sword is even better than before.
Sorry for the inkblot above, it's been a long day and I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open, so I'll wrap things up. I miss you, a lot. I'm adamant about my decision to travel with Sora and the others, but part of me wishes I could be right back with you this instant, if only just to say hello.
Give my regards to your mother, father, brothers, friends, and Angus, how could I ever forget him?
Though we're separated by time and space, know that you have been in my heart from the moment we first met. With much love and friendship,
…Castle Oblivion and Maleficent's Cavern…
"Are you sure your machine cannot see them any better?" Lady Tremaine asked.
"I've run three diagnostics on The Interocitor," said Xehanort, "there are no software or hardware faults."
"It's not the machine," said Regina, "my magic mirror is having difficult focusing on Sora and his companions too."
"I get it that that old goat Ansem set up an anti-spying field," said Dio Brando, "so we can't see what's going on at Radiant Garden."
"Which I shall soon counter," said Xehanort, "my former teacher may think he has the advantage. He will soon find out that the ball has always been in my court."
"Yes, that is all well and done," said Regina, "but we cannot clearly see or hear what Sora and the other young fools are up to at Hogwarts either."
Both the Interocitor and the magic mirror were trying to focus on Sora and the others, but all they got were either static or fog, with random flashes of semi-clear, yet off colored images of our heroes.
"It is Hogwarts," said Maleficent, "the very walls and grounds of that castle are saturated with magic that prevents some powers from being used."
"Teleportation and remote viewing," said Dio Brando, "so what now?"
"Isn't it obvious, you addlebrained blood-addict?" Doctor Insano asked, "we send our new weapons there, just outside the anti-teleportation field of Hogwarts."
"And use them to destroy Hogwarts," said Dio Brando as he smiled viciously, "smash the castle to pieces, while wiping out an entire generation of little witches and wizards. Now that's my idea of a party!"
"And just when are these new weapons to be completed?" Sephiroth asked.
"Today," said Maleficent, "or, at least my potion for Lady Tremaine, that is finished."
"Then where is it?" Lady Tremaine asked urgently. "I've done everything you've asked of me since I've joined with you, everything. You keep promising me this new power, now where is it?"
"Right behind you," said Maleficent.
Lady Tremaine turned around and saw a bronze goblet hovering in midair. The cup was full of a purple liquid that was bubblling slightly and giving off orange smoke.
"This is it?" Lady Tremaine asked cautiously.
"Indeed," said Maleficent, "drink it and you shall be transformed into a creature of dark powers beyond your wildest dreams."
"Are you certain?" Regina asked as she looked at the potion, "this concoction doesn't seem to be up to your usual standards."
"What!?" exclaimed Maleficent as she glared wrathfully at Regina, "you doubt my prowess in the dark arts? Am I not still the mistress of all evil?!"
"There's never been any doubt in my mind of your mastery of dark magic," said Regina, "I was merely commentating on your host. Have you not spent enough time in that slip of a girl?"
"She has a point," said Xehanort, "as pleasing to the eye your new body is, you have made repeated remarks on acquiring a more suitable body, one that better serves as a vessel for your powers."
"When the time is right, I shall have a new host," said Maleficent in an irate tone, "and when I am in my new form, my power shall be greater than ever before!" she then roughly handed the goblet out to Lady Tremaine, "now, drink this and take your new powers! Or, if you feel that my abilities aren't up to my usual standard," she then took a step away from Regina, "I can simply pour this onto the floor and let all of my hard work go to waste."
"I never said anything about doubts!" snapped Lady Tremaine as she took the goblet from Maleficent. She held it up, "with this potion, I begin my revenge on that wretched Cinderella!" she then brought the goblet up to her lips and drank the entire potion, licking a stray drop or two from her lips with her tongue. She then looked at Maleficent, "strawberry-mango? How did you know…?"
"I know more about you than just your favorite fruits," said Maleficent, she then smiled wickedly, "now, brace yourself, and feel free to scream."
All of a sudden, Lady Tremaine clutched her stomach, her face twisting in agony as she fell to her knees.
"You poisoned her!" said Dio Brando in a delighted voice.
"Hardly," said Maleficent, "if I wanted her dead, then simple poisoning would hardly suffice."
"You backstabbing witch!" snapped Lady Tremaine as she struggled to get back up, yet could barely maintain her balance, "how dare you do this to me?!"
"You took the portion of your own free will," said Maleficent, "it is not my fault that you are unhappy with the side effects. Now, the pain should be subsiding momentarily."
Lady Tremaine did stand up as the pain began to leave her body.
"Now," said Maleficent as she directed her to stand in front of the magic mirror, "watch and behold. Witness your transformation!"
"Impressive," said Regina as she saw Lady Tremaine grow younger; the lines of age vanishing, her gray hair darkening to a rich chestnut brown and falling out of its tight bun, growing longer and more curly, as well as her figure filling out more.
"Incredible!" said Lady Treamine as she touched her reflection, then touched her now flawless face, "I…I haven't been this lovely in decades, since before my daughters were born!"
"Well," said Xehanort, "underneath those cruel, hawkish features, indeed lies a creature of dark beauty."
"She's more than young and beautiful now," Maleficent, "and I do believe that my host feels that a change in wardrobe is more appropriate."
"What do you mean?" Lady Tremaine as she looked at her dark purple dress with puffed sleeves, "what is wrong with my outfit?"
"It seems hardly fitting for your new youth, beauty and…assets," said Dio Brando.
"Allow me," said Maleficent, "my host has some…ideas," she then cast a spell on Lady Tremaine, turning the dark purple dress into a gold and black, sleeveless gown split up the sides up to the knees with dark blue stockings and calf-length leather boots, as well as wrist length gloves.
"Fantastic!" said Lady Tremaine as she admired her reflection, "most fantastic! I'd like to see my daughters wear something like this! Now, what about my new powers?"
"You shall experience the full range of your powers once your body fully adjusts to your new form," said Maleficent, "a day or two, then we shall see what you can do."
"Yes, yes, that's all well and good," said Insano, "and now for my part of the show!"
"Then let us take this show to your lab," said Xehanort.
"Gladly," said Insano. He, Xehanort, Sephiroth and Dio Brando, all walked to the mad scientist's laboratory, a room full of sinister scientific equipment and computers. In the middle of the lab was a large machine with three beam projectors pointing at an operating table that was bolted to the floor.
"All is in readiness," said Insnao as he went to one of the computers and checked a program, "all is needed now is the test subject, and the experiment can begin!"
"Where is the test subject?" Regina asked as she, Lady Tremaine and Maleficent watched via the magic mirror.
Just then Lefou wheeled Gaston into the lab, "you can still back out of this, Gaston," said Lefou, "you don't need this maniac to get your strength back. You were doing just fine all by yourself and the doctors at St. Primrose hospital."
"And how long would it have been before the doctors said I was back to normal?" Gaston asked, "we've been over this dozens of times, Lefou! The so-called doctors said that I would never be back to my old self! That I would have a limp and never be able to shoot a bow and arrow again!" He indicated his 'lazy eye,' "and do you honestly think that with this face," he then indicated his many scars and atrophied muscles, "and this body, would attract any girl? No, Lefou, this is the only answer, the only way I can regain my old self, the only way I can get my revenge on Belle and that filthy beast of hers!" he glared at Insnao, "I'm ready, do your worst!"
"You'd never survive my worst," said Insano, "now, just hop onto the table and we can begin. Oh, before I forget," he then pulled out some papers from his lab coat pocket, "you'll need to sign these medical wavers. Just standard insanity insurance polices, you understand."
"Perfectly," said Gaston as he took the papers, while Lefou handed him a pen, then Gaston signed the papers on Lefou's back.
"I'm not so sure about this," said Sephiroth to Xehanort, "it's bad enough that we have that lunatic to deal with. Do we really need another villain around here?"
"Just having you guys around makes this place crowded," said Dio Brando.
"I admit, Insano is…an acquired taste," said Xehanort, "yet, I am curious as to how this little experiment of his will play out. Will he succeed and create a new villain? Or will Gaston meet an untimely and almost surely gruesome end?"
"Yeah, that I want to find out," said Dio Brando.
"My curiosity has also been irritated," said Sephiroth.
"Then let us watch," said Xehanort. He then looked at Insnao, "whenever you are ready, good doctor."
"Just as soon as the red tape is finished," said Insano. Gaston then handed him the last of the signed forms, "now we're ready. Hop onto the table."
Gaston needed Lefou's help to get onto the table. Insano then bade Gaston to lie back and relax, only for straps to shoot out and restrain Gaston across the chest, arms, legs and head.
"Just to make sure you don't move around and hurt yourself," said Insano as he typed into one of the computers. The machine began powering up with an insidious hum.
"Is it supposed to make that noise?" Gaston asked as he nervously looked at the three beam projectors, which were now pulsing with yellowish green light.
"It's perfectly normal for the machine," said Insano, "or at least I think so, I've never done this before."
"What?!" exclaimed both Gaston and Lefou.
"Oh, don't fret, this is going to be fun," said Insnao, "for me at least!" he then giggled madly.
"Let me out!" exclaimed Gaston as he struggled to free himself from the straps, "I've changed my mind! I don't want to do this! I want to go back to the hospital!"
"Too late," said Insano as he activated another program in the machine, causing the machine to hum and pulse more, "you signed all rights to your safety to me! You're mine to do with as I please!"
"I knew we should have read the fine print!" exclaimed Lefou.
"Just one more button to push!" said Insano. "Any last words!"
"Screw you!" snapped Gaston.
"Well spoken," said Insano. With that he pushed the final button. The beam projectors flashed and shot their insidious rays at Gaston, enveloping him an mutating energies, yet he did not scream, he barely made a sound.
"Either he is enduring the pain better than I expected," said Insano, "or he's passed out. Either way," he looked at the data on the screen of the computer, "he's accepting the genetic resequencing. A few more seconds and…that should do it!" he then pressed another button and the beam projectors powered down.
"What did you do to him!?" exclaimed Lefou.
"I've made him into a new man," said Insano, "see for yourself!" he then commanded the straps to open.
"He's not moving," said Dio Brando as they all looked at Gaston's still form, "I think you killed him."
"Have a little faith in my science, will you!" snapped Insano, "he's not dead," he then walked over to Gaston, whom was still unconscious. The mad scientist then slapped Gaston across the face, "Wake up! Wake up, damn it!" he then made to slap Gaston again, but Gaston, with his eyes still closed, grabbed Insnao's had before it could touch his face.
Gaston opened his eyes, now red and glaring at Insano, "don't ever touch me again, you maniac!" he then hopped off of the table with fluidic ease.
"Gaston!" said a joyful and relieved Lefou, "you're alright!"
"I'm better than alright," said Gaston, "I feel fantastic!"
"You look fantastic, my young friend," said Xehanort, "and looking more fantastic all the time."
Before everyone in the room, Gaston's body changed; his scars vanished and his muscles regained their previous mass and tone,, as well as increasing, taking his physic to new heights.
"It worked!" giggled Insano, "my experiment worked!"
"Yes, he is impressive," said Sephiroth, "but what of his new powers?"
"Yeah, you did promise me that," said Gaston to Insano, "aside from feeling better than I have in a long time, I don't feel any different."
"Oh, your body needs a day or so to adjust," said Insano, "your new powers will show up then."
"It seems we have a rather interesting situation," said Maleficent, "two advocates of the darkness, each restored to new glories and awaiting new powers."
"I suggest that we wait before attacking Hogwarts," said Xehanort, "at least until our friends have a better grasp on their powers."
"A proving ground event," said Regina, "yes, that will work out nicely."
"And I have just the tests in mind," said Insano as he eagerly tapped his fingers together, "one that our friends will find most challenging. I'll have the obstacle course set up by the time our friends DNA have settled down."
"And once they've grown accustomed to their new powers," said Maleficent, "they shall lead the attack on Hogwarts. What Voldemort and his Death Eaters did shall seem a trifle compared to what is to come!"
The end of chapter 1
Next chapter finds our heroes living the Hogwarts life as they experience the many classes taught there. Reviews will be rewarded with cake and pie, see you then!