Word Count: 647
A/N" Day thirteen of a writing challenge.
Summary: They've gotten very good at disagreeing.


Through their years of knowing each other The Doctor and Harry have made an art out of denying each other; whether the request be of a silly nature or a serious one.




"Drawing out the word doesn't make me want to agree with you."

"Pretty please?"

"No, Doctor. No."

"But Harry! When's the next time we'll be able to swim with two headed penguins? Just this once, for me?"

"No, Doctor. We have a schedule to keep. The polar bears are going to ravage the village if we don't stop them."

Harry stared at The Doctor, his chest felt tight; dimly he realized it was because he was in pain. Not physical pain, oh no, he hadn't felt that in ages. His heart, which had been walled off to all besides the man that wept in front of him, was crumbling. It hurt; pain flared in his chest as he heard his friend beg. The once strong man knelt in front of him, pleading for death; saying that he didn't want to be anymore. That he didn't want to exist. Harry looked at the trembling man, his face blank as he turned away. He refused to be the one to end The Doctor.

The Doctor laughed happily as he watched Amy and Rory poke fun at Harry. Harry was so oftentimes seen as ominous or frightening, something that carried over from being Death's Master; it was nice to see that his aura hadn't kept the Ponds from trying to be his friend. He needed more friends, more people that he could depend on.

"Doctor! Call them off already!"

The only answer that Harry received was loud laughter as the Time Lord collapsed in a fit of giggles.

It was the ninth time that Harry and the recent regeneration of The Doctor had met, and Harry wasn't sure if he was happy to see The Doctor or not. Oh sure, he had been overjoyed to see his friend at first. But that feeling had quickly left as the Time Lord shoved a bow-tie in his face and demanded that he wear it, stating that bow-ties were cool. Harry had given The Doctor a look while shaking his head no. The taller brunette had squawked something before tackling the immortal.

Harry had fought with The Doctor for a good twenty minutes before he got fed up with the man's antics and had Apparated nine feet away; he rose to his feet while dusting himself off. "I said no Doctor, while you may like bow-ties now it doesn't mean that I do." And with that he Apparated again and disappeared before The Doctor's eyes.

The day that Harry asked The Doctor to trap him in a time lock was a day that The Doctor wouldn't soon forget. It was a day filled with misery and rain and all sorts of bad things. It was a day that he saw how deep Harry's depression ran. It was the day that The Doctor abandoned his friend; if only for a moment. Because Harry wasn't thinking right and he needed chocolate. But not any chocolate, Wizarding chocolate. So The Doctor left Harry for a split second, he found the desired sweet, and when he returned his friend was already gone.

That was the last time that The Doctor saw Harry. His friend hid after that, concealing himself in glamours and spells and veils. He never saw his friend again, but he did have a way of contacting him, Death was more then happy to be his messenger. Taking his request to Harry; a plea to come back. To return from where ever he was.

He sent the message with Death when he took his final breath, his last death finally upon him.

By the time that Harry got there The Doctor was dead.