Takes place just after Season 1 finale (Season 2 hasn't aired where I live yet)
A quick sad little one-shot. I don't own Kickin' it
As she screamed, Jack Anderson felt his blood turn cold, his heart rate quicken and his palms start to sweat all while his skin turned deathly pale. This couldn't be happening, it just couldn't be. Kim couldn't be dead. She was Kim Crawford. Beautiful, amazing, martial arts expert; Kim Crawford. The girl Jack admired, adored and secretly loved more than life itself.
Jack rushed forward towards his secret love with his panic causing adrenalin to flood through his veins. He shuddered when he saw the blonde's blood drenched body.
A single tear fell from his eye. This was his fault. He should have been more careful. He should have seen that thug who would have shot him if it had not been for Kim intervening and taking the bullet herself. He was such an idiot. Now Kim was dying, all alone...
Jack kneeled besides Kim, not caring for the blood that soaked into this clothes and cupped her cheek gently. Kim's head fell weakly to the side like she no longer had control over her own head's weight which she probably didn't.
"Kim!" Jack squeaked as he continued to stare at his love's weak form. The bullet from the thug had hit Kim dead in the chest and blood had started pooling from her wound almost instantly. She had lost so much of it... Jack felt scared. Now Kim was dead and he had never been able to tell her how he really thought of her.
"KIM!" Jack repeated, this time with a lot more grief to his tone. Kim... his brave, beautiful Kim... Jack choked on a sob.
"J-Jack..." Kim choked in reply, opening her eyes but even this seemed to be a struggle for her.
"Kim! Your okay!" Jack felt hope rise within him. Maybe Kim wasn't going to die! "Don't worry, everything will be fine! I will call the ambulance now, just try to stay awak-" Kim rest a single finger on Jack's soft lips, silencing him almost instantly. His hope, yet, panic filled eyes glanced down at his love who smiled at him weakly.
Kim seemed strangely calm as blood kept pouring out of her chest wound, blood continuing to stain both her and Jack's clothes. This was the reason people called her brave. Even when she was practically dying she kept her cool. "Jack..." She said again weakly, closing her eyes for a few moments before opening them again. "I-It is no use... Jack... They won't be able to save me."
Jack felt more tears stream down his face. "No, Kim! They will save you. They will! They must-"
"Jack," Kim repeated the name again, giving him a comforting smile. "Don't blame yourself... for the thug shooting me... I know you will anyways... but don't, " Kim gasped for oxygen. "I have... always... loved you... Jack... ever since I met you... I have loved you..."
Jack sobbed as he suddenly pulled her into a hug. "I have always loved you too, Kim. You can't die now, you just can't! I love you so much. More than anyone I have ever met! I want to marry you. Have kids with you. Grow old with you... you can't die here and just end that!"
Kim's eyes started to grow hazy as her massive blood loss started to mess with her senses. "Don't worry Jack... This won't be the last time we meet... In the next life... We will meet again... I will forever look forward to the day I can... fall in love with you, once more... I... love... you... Jack..." It was then Kim's body fell limp, her heart stopped pounding and so did Jack's for many moments.
For the rest of the night, Jack just stared at Kim's body, unable to breathe, as he grieved for the girl he loved. He swore to himself then that he would never go out with anyone, would never marry and would never have children until he met Kim again in the next life.
That was a promise he did keep.