A/N: Hey there! Hope everyone's well, it's coming up to Christmas and I'm super excited! Is anyone else? Just before you read I really can't thank this person enough, TheHarlequinRevolver! They read this and helped me out a lot, so a big thanks! Go check out her amazing stuff! Okay, enjoy the read and I hope everyone has the merriest Christmas of all time! :D
Saints Row: Skyfall
Gabrielle studied her bronze face in the shattered mirror. These bright blue eyes seemed to stare back at her accusingly. Gabrielle sighed, tucking a strand of long, wavy, dirty blonde hair behind her elf-shaped ears. Her lips seemed raw, and she longed to apply lip-stick, not that she could afford any.
Gabrielle stepped back, examining herself fully. She felt along the soft fabric of her white tank top, Johnny had always told her to lose the habit of feeling it, even though it relaxed her. She examined her black track pants; they fit her well, and reminded Gabrielle of her wonderful days back in her home town of France.
Oh France, Gabrielle missed it dearly. Remembering all the years of going to the beach every Sunday afternoon made Gabrielle grin. Her train of thought was crushed by a shrill thump on the door.
"How long does it take to get dressed?" shouted Pierce, who was hammering like a maniac on the door. "Our flight leaves soon."
Gabrielle glanced around her room for one final time. Her bed looked so uninviting, with purple pillows and white sheets spewed all over it. Ugh, the whole room looked worse than Vogel's corpse.
Suddenly, she had mixed feelings about leaving her apartment. Another deafening pound at the door was enough encouragement for Gabrielle. The Saints leader quickly slipped on her beloved black and white Converse before rapidly dashing for the door.
The top two lieutenants of the Third Street Saints, Pierce Washington and Shaundi, greeted their leader with black suitcases clutched tightly in their hands. "It's about damn time, the fuck took you so long?" asked Pierce, who was heading for the building's lengthy flight of stairs.
The golden haired girl smirked before responding. "Just packing up my stuff, you know?"
"You don't have anything to pack up besides a chainsaw and some ammo." Pierce retorted, shaking his head before gruffly jogging down the flight of stairs, his partners in crime tagging along.
"Anyway, how are we meant to afford this flight? Flying back to Stilwater ain't cheap." questioned Shaundi, trailing after Pierce down the steps at a brisk pace. Gabrielle furrowed her brow and glimpsed at her lieutenant.
"Pierce, you've been the one setting this shit up, not me." replied Gabrielle, shrugging and hurriedly bearing for the exit. Pierce beamed and pushed open the exit door, letting both women step out into the breezy air.
"It's simple, I was thinking we could-" Pierce began before Shaundi barged in. "No, fuck that. Let's just hijack a plane."
Gabrielle chuckled and gazed up into the gloomy, dull sky, it was chilly today, and by the looks of it the weather wasn't going to change. "Good plan Shaundi, let's go, I just want to make one quick stop."
Viola stepped aside, welcoming the three into her apartment. Shaundi analysed the room cautiously, as if something was to jump out and kill all three of them. Gabrielle made way into the living room, leisurely throwing herself down on one of the red leather couches.
Pierce examined the room suspiciously, knowing that he couldn't quite trust Viola. He noticed black tiles neatly fitted all over the floor, while the rest of the room was tinted with a dark red colour, supposedly to represent Viola's recent past with the Morningstar. The rest of the room was pretty normal; a small glass table neatly placed in between some red leather couches.
Pierce gladly spotted an elegant mirror and didn't hesitate approaching it. He fixed his eyes upon it, admiring his purple silk top that Gat had let him keep. Johnny hadn't even noticed that Pierce had later stolen the pants to it too, and Shaundi said it suited him. The only unusual thing was that Pierce had no cap on, revealing his short brown hair.
"So, what's up Vi?" asked Gabrielle, her eyes fixed eyes on the other woman's.
Viola gulped anxiously, which signalled that something was up. "Kinzie's been getting reports from over in Stilwater." replied Viola, while keeping her distance from the other Saints.
"Reports of what kind?" demanded the brunette lieutenant, her eyes narrowing. Pierce now decided to pay attention, and turned to take a seat with Gabrielle. "Gryphon's been pulling strings. He's setting up a new project to keep the Saints out of Stilwater." answered Viola, afraid that her Boss may lash out.
"Shit..." Shaundi muttered, her face beginning to well up with rage. "First they cut us off then keep us out of our own fucking city?" Gabrielle remained silent as Pierce tried to read the expression on her face. He reluctantly gave up seconds later, not knowing how to decode the woman's mind.
"Viola, inform the others that we're leaving. Say I wish them the best and I hope to see them soon." ordered Gabrielle, starting to rise to a stand. "Pierce, Shaundi...we're doing this like we used to, no more corporate whore shit."
The lieutenants nodded, feeling somewhat happy that some action was about to take place soon. "Viola, what do these scumbags plan on doing to keep us out from my god damn city?" growled Gabrielle, anger slowly rising up inside her.
Viola shrugged and folded her arms, flicking her black hair back and throwing her purple sunglasses on the nearest red couch. "I'm not sure, but I can tell you one thing for sure." she started.
"After Vogel was killed and you thrashed the Pyramid, Ultor almost went bankrupt. If it wasn't for the Saints/Ultor media group, Ultor wouldn't be profiting anything, so I'm guessing nothing like STAG will be involved." she explained while stepping back to let the trio pass.
"Right Viola, thanks for your help. I'll see you when I see you." said Gabrielle, leading her Saints out.
Once the door was closed Viola peered out the window and watched the Saints climb into separate purple Neuron in order to head towards the airport, Shaundi and Pierce went a separate way, probably to avoid Police in case they were being tracked by Ultor.
She took a seat on the couch and pulled out a small black phone. Her hands quickly manoeuvred on the touch pad and a number was soon dialled. After she put the phone to her ear, Viola allowed a sly grin to appear over her face.
"It's done."
Gabrielle gripped her 45-Shepard tight, swiftly lodging another bullet into the brain of a Morningstar. Her other hand was fixed on the bright purple wheel of her beloved Saints style
Neuron. The leader decided to throw on a smug grin just as another red neon Infuego decided to show up.
What Gabrielle didn't understand was how the hell the Morningstar knew that they were heading to the airport. The French woman thought it was a coincidence, but Shaundi thought it was something to do with the women she hated most, Viola DeWynter.
"More fun for me." Gabrielle grinned, steadily tossing a metal grenade out the cracked window.
The crazed psychopath watched in delight as the Infuego's wind shield burst into shards, just as her sharp bullet impacted with the glass surface, allowing the small grenade to prop itself inside.
She gently bit her upper lip, maintaining a steady face. Gabrielle slightly furrowed her brow, trying to see if a Morningstar vehicle was in sight. Luckily, her vision allowed her to spot several cars advancing.
The Boss hastily retrieved her little slim phone, and she began to hurriedly click a tiny button. She waited for a few brief moments, waiting for someone to pick up. Gabrielle suddenly grew impatient, as she speedily glanced back. The Morningstar were closing in, and the Saint could see at least three, four at most, Infuego's advancing towards her.
"Damn it! Pick up," Gabrielle shrieked, grumbling loudly, she could smell a faint smell of smoke. She took a short glimpse behind herself, there was defiantly three cars. The Boss gulped hard as one of them advanced towards her, slowly moving into her right, lightly ramming their vehicle into her Neuron.
Then the next one took action, slowly closing up behind Gabrielle, and then gently clicking their bumper against the back of her car. Just as this was happening the last one found its resting place on the left, lightly swerving onto the footpath and back. The Boss was pretty sure the driver was high.
"Boss," Gabrielle heard a faint voice trough the end of the phone. "Were at the airport, but some Morningstar tracked us here!"
"Wait, what?" Gabrielle blurted, dodging several bullets. "Shaundi, hold on I'm coming. Get a helicopter or something."
The Boss's eyes were locked with the Morningstar on her right side. She lightly aimed in for the driver, which was an easy target for her. Gabrielle gently pulled back, and watched the bullet sharply plunge into his neck, making him drown painfully in a pool of his own blood. The red Infuego swerved to the right, luckily crashing as the wheel was unoccupied.
"What the fuck is going on?" Gabrielle stammered, her face flushing with anger as she missed her next target.
"Boss, there's too many-" The Saint lightly drew in a deep breath, listening for someone's voice, but the call was ended rather abruptly.
"Shaundi," she muttered shaking her head slowly. "Fuck this, I'm taking the easy way out!"
Gabrielle made a low growl, rapidly lowering her treasured 45-Shepard. The Boss slightly edged over and quickly leaned into an awkward position, gently reaching for something with a little more power.
She eagerly gritted her white teeth, carefully letting her hands find their resting place on the heavy weapon she had easily decided to use in a heartbeat. The Boss slowly wrapped her finger around the rusty trigger, this sure hadn't been used in a while.
She waited patiently, easily dodging a light a spray of thick bullets from the supposed high driver. Gabrielle calmly eyed the runway up ahead, which would defiantly lead her to her lieutenants. She glimpsed back, making sure the targets were in place, they were.
Gabrielle stealthily hammered down on the gas pedal, franticly swerving to the right, smoothly blocking the Morningstar vehicle. She heard a fierce blast of a horn before several bursts of a gunfire.
This was her chance. The Boss courageously pulled the rusty weapon up: an AK-47. Gabrielle pulled the trigger, quickly sending a sharp burst of bullets into the Morningstar, successfully splattering blood all over the red neon car.
Once again the Boss rammed her foot into the gas pedal; deliberately power sliding onto the runway. The last Morningstar took a surprise as he failed to power slide too, making him collide with another vehicle, instantly killing him.
Her dotted eyes were remotely fixed with her destination, but only for a few seconds. Out of the very corner of her blue shining eyes Gabrielle spotted something: a bright yellow device that the Boss had used many times, a satchel charge.
Viola defiantly had something to do with this. Morningstar first, and now satchel charges?
"Viola, you fucking-" Gabrielle was suddenly cut off, the bright satchel quickly blasted into hot flames, painfully sending the frail old women besides it flying backwards, Gabrielle couldn't help but leave a quick laugh escape her raw lips.
Of course the smile was briefly wiped out as she noticed the rest of the bright yellow satchels, coincidently placed exactly all the way to the very end of the runway.
"That bitch!" The Boss growled, pressing swiftly down on the pedal.
Gabrielle neatly dodged a few, but one of the last caught her out. The quick blast sent her vehicle franticly spinning in all different directions, her head pounded slightly. She let out a brief shriek just as another yellow satchel blew. This time she blindly clicked open her door, rapidly sprawling from the Saints vehicle.
She cursed several times under her breath; her trust for Viola was gone.
A/N: So did you like it? Please drop a review, it really motivates me, that way I know people enjoy this! Thanks, review! :)