Alvin and the Chipmunks: Betrayal
It started with Noah's family geonology report. Instead of doing on his step-family's ancestors, he did a report on Sir Isaac O' Nihil, his biological Great-Grandfather. "Sir Isaac is most remembered in Ireland for his defeat of a rival tribe in the year 1906. He never told my grandfather the tribe's name. He just told him that the chief was a tall chipmunk with flowing brown hair, intellegent gray eyes hidden behind tan spectacles, and he wore a red cloak with a silver Lion's head embroidered on the back." Noah said. When he got home that day, the biggest argument he ever had unfolded.
"Why didn't you tell us you were descended from the man who killed our ancestoral tribe?" Sion asked. "I didn't know, Simon. Like I said at school, Isaac never said the name of the tribe. It's not my fault what my Great-Grandpa did." Noah said. "My Great-Grandma, the only survivor of that mssacure, told me on her deathbed that Sir Isaac Nihil was a demon in an earthly disguise. She made us promise to never come in contact with the descendants of the killer of her husband and her tribe." Alvin said.
"What're you saying?" Noah asked, positivly certain that he would dread the answer. "We're sorry about this, but Noah Jagers, Great-Grandson of Sir Isaac Nihil, you are hereby banished from this house and disowned." Theodore said.
Noah, with tears in his eyes, ran from the house, no longer part of a family.