Title - Running For Life
Chapter title - Laughter And Promises
Author - OblivionsGarden
Genre - Romance/Sci-Fi
Disclaimer - I do not own Attack The Block in anyway shape or form. I only own my original character, Robyn Hill. (And her mum.)

A/n - I changed the ending a teeny weeny bit, because it works better for the fic. Please don't hate me.
Please read and review, I'd greatly appreciate it. Hope you enjoy, xx (:

The explosion was heard up in Ron's and we took that as our queue to head out. Even though we were sure the aliens had gone after Moses, I couldn't help but feel jumpy as we left the weed room.
"Calm down, they ain't here." Jerome whispered as he brushed past me.
"Where are we going?" I asked. "Who's flat?"
"Mine, I want to make sure my Nan's alright." Pest answered.
"Alright. Which floor?"
"Nothing. You're only one floor up from me. Would've thought I'd have seen you around."
"You're the one who said you usually keep to yourself." Dennis reminded me.
"Here." Brewis handed me a rolling pin as he was clutching a wooden sweeping brush.
"What's this for?"
"In-case there are any more of those things out there."
"A rolling pin?" I frowned. "What exactly am I supposed to do to an alien with a rolling pin, flatten 'em?"
Suppressing a laugh Pest handed me his metal bat and took the rolling pin for himself. "Better?"
"Much." I smiled and followed behind Dennis and Jerome out of the flat. As I passed the walk in cupboard I tapped the bat on the door. "Ron, we're leaving now."
The door was yanked open from the inside. "Is it safe."
"Think so." Dennis answered.

The hall was still full of smoke as we tiptoed down the passage way.
"Feel like I'm on stars in their eyes." I mumbled attempting to ease the tense tightening in my stomach. "I hope Matthew is by the lift."
"Who are you gonna be tonight?"
"Tonight Jerome, I am going to be..."
"Jedward." Dennis interrupted me with a laugh.
"I'm one girl how can I do Jedward?"
"I'll team up with you but I'm not doing my hair." Pest laughed, squinting as though to see better through the fog.

Eventually we reached the lifts and headed down to Pest's flat. The six of us were silent and I used a hand to cover a yawn.
"It's been a long night." I leant my head on the back wall of the lift and closed my eyes.
"You can sleep when we get to mine."
I heard someone let out a laugh and then someone hit someone else and then lots of muffled whispering. When I opened my eyes, Pest was facing the doors with his jaw clenched and the others seemed to be holding back smirks. Shaking my head I re-closed my eyes. Boys are odd.

When we reached Pest's flat, he hushed us all as he unlocked the door. We followed him inside in silence, hiding our weapons from view.
"Alright Nana?"
"Hello darling. Who are all these people?" Pest's Nana was small but healthy looking. She didn't look frail like most old women.
"Just a few friends Nana. We're gonna chill in my room for a little while alright? We won't be too loud."
"Alright then. I might go to bed soon anyway."
"Alright, nan." Pest leant over the back of the sofa, placing a soft kiss to his Nana's head before gesturing for us to follow him.

His room was average sized and kind of messy. Clothes on the floor instead of the wardrobe or wash basket, x-box games by the tv instead of on the shelf, the bed wasn't made... Exactly the kind of thing you'd expect to find in a teen boys room. Spotting a bean bag beneath the window, I made a bee line for it. Once I was seated I lifted the hood on my jacket, slumped down low and close my eyes.

I woke up to the sound of a loud television. It sounded like the news so I groaned and rolled over, only to land on the floor. Frowning, I sat up and found myself in someone else's room. As I rubbed my eyes the memories of the night came back to me. The bedroom was empty save for myself.
Silently, I opened the door a crack to see Pest's Nana watching the television as she had been when we came here. I turned back to try and find a clock but there wasn't one. I tried checking my phone but it was dead. Pest was no where to be seen. I stepped out of the bedroom and went into the living room.
"Oh, hello love." Pest's Nana stood up with a warm smile. "You must be Robyn. Pest's gone out, he told me to give you this." She handed me a small folded bit of paper.

I pouted a little at the misspelling of my name.
'Moses got taken in by the feds. Sam's down there now telling them he was protecting her but we need to back her up. They'll never believe me and the lads on our own. When you wake up can you come down here too? We need all the help we can get. Especially since he was caught with some white before the shit hit the fan. Pest. x'

"Thank you...Erm..."
"Thanks Pearl." I headed for the front door.
"Don't you want a cup of tea?"
"No thank you. Bye."

I ran out of the building as fast as I could, running to the nearest taxi rank and catching a taxi to the police station. Jerome was stood outside when I arrived.
"Jerome!" I called as I payed the driver with the money mu had given me for a takeaway.
"Robyn, what you doin' here?" As I neared him I saw the bandaged taped to his cheek covering the wound from the alien.
"Pest asked me to come. Says you could do with some help for Moses."
"Yeah but...I mean you barely know us." Jerome seemed bemused.
"Like I said to Pest, there's something about an alien invasion that can really bond people together. Moses is a hero."

If you'd had come to be a few days ago and said soon I'll be fighting aliens with people I'd never met and then trying to get one of them out of jail, I'd have laughed in your face. And yet here I was sat with the chief inspector with a tape machine recording my every last word.
"And your full name please." Said the inspector.
"Robyn Hill."
"Where do you live?"
"Wyndham Tower. Fifth floor with my mum. Susan."
The inspector noted something down. "Right." He took a deep breath and looked at me with his tired eyes. "Why did you insist on speaking with me."
And here it was. The moment where I was going to have to try and guilt trip him into letting go of the drug charges and bargain with him to get Moses out.
"Moses is in here for everything that happened in the ends last night, yeah?"
"Possession, murder, armed robbery and-"
"He's not guilty." I interrupted.
"He was caught with white powder in a cigarette box."
I sighed. "Look, Sam is our neighbor. He didn't mug her you can even ask her that."
"We did, but it's likely for people like her to be intimidated by people like him."
"People like him? You mean people who can't afford to live in a nicer area so they do what they can to get by in the ends. On estates all over England kids end up getting into crime cause people like you don't trust them enough to give them a chance. If Moses had white on him it wasn't out of choice. Hi-Hattz probably told him to get it sold. And if you live on the block when Hi-Hattz says jump you don't even ask how high, you just jump and hope it's good enough." Again, he scribbled something down on his notepad. "You've seen those things in the block, yeah? The big black things with glowing aren't from this planet, they're the things that killed your police officers last night. They nearly got Jerome and Dennis. Moses has cuts on his face, Pest had a bite wound in his leg. They even got Hi-Hattz."
"The aliens."
"Don't say aliens like that. If I was making stuff up to get Moses out of here I'd come up with something more convincing that aliens." I leant back in my chair, hoping I was doing enough to get Moses out. "And something else, why would I risk my own freedom by coming in here and lying. I only met Moses last night when he and the others helped me not get eaten."
"I think we're done here Miss Hill."
"Listen..." I added as he switched the recorder off. "You don't want to cause a national wave of hysteria over aliens right? We won't say a word to anyone, if we get Moses back."
"Are you trying to blackmail me?"
"No. Just telling you the truth is all." I stood from my chair and left, leaving the disgruntled inspector behind.

I found Dennis and Jerome in the reception area with a boy with afro style hair.
"Where's Pest?"
"With Sam talking to Moses. Only two of us allowed to speak to him at a time." Dennis said as I sat beside him. "This is Biggz. Biggz this is Robyn."
"Alright." He smiled and nodded.
"I think we might be able to get him out but only if we don't say anything about the aliens."
"What like cover the whole thing up?"
I nodded as Sam came into view through a side door. She smiled as she approached and all three of us stood up.
"He's fine." Was all she said. It was all she needed to say.
Pest emerged behind her with one crutch in hand. I smiled when I saw him although I couldn't fathom why I was so happy to see him.
"Robyn, you came."
"Yeah. I've spoken to the inspector."
"What'd you say?"

The four of us left the station as I told them pretty much word for word what I'd said in the interview room.
"I don't know if he's going to let him go yet, but he seemed to want to cover the whole thing up. And I don't blame him really. If this gets out the whole country is going to simultaneously shit their pants."
"You're amazing you know that?" Pest smiled. Again I heard the muffled laughter or Dennis and Jerome. Biggz looked just as confused as I did at whatever they were laughing at. And Sam had a smile on her face.
"What is wrong with them?" I asked, moving to walk next to Pest.
"I'll tell you later."
"Alright. How's your leg anyway?"
"I had some stitches and stuff and had it all washed out. The crutch is just for a few days cause it stings a bit. The skins a bit tight."
"Well, at least you're alive, eh?"
"True say."

As we approached the block, I suddenly remembered the one thing I hadn't thought about all night. My mum.
"Robyn! Where the hell have you been? I get a phone call from out neighbor about some kind of hostage situation going on here and you don't answer your bloody phone!" She was marching towards me now, still in her black dress but her shoes were gone.
"It died. I was going to call you, I was just...Busy."
"Busy? Too busy to let your mother know your safe?"
"Yeah or too busy to stay in at home with your daughter." I shot back, angry that she was embarrassing me in front of my new friends.
"Don't start."
"I'll see you later." I said, turning to the others.
"No you won't. You're grounded."
"Like you'll be home long enough to enforce that." I grumbled as I stomped past her and into the building. "You know I really don't understand you." I hit the button for the lift, noticing that one was cordoned off by police tape. Must've been the one Brewis said was full of bits of dead people. "One day you're telling me I should go out and have fun and now you're freaking out at me."
"I just wanted to know you were safe."
"Like I said, my phone died. Not my fault."
"Charge it!"
"I wasn't home, I was at Pest's place."
"Pest?" Suddenly her mood changed. "Boyfriend?"
"One nighter?"
"What? Oh god mum no, I have some respect for myself."

We arrived on our floor and headed straight into the flat. I shedded my jacket and went to my room, finding my charger and plugging my phone in.
"There, it's on charge. Happy?"
"I'd be happier if you spoke to me about this Pest." She went into the kitchen and flicked the kettle on. "What his real name?"
"Uh...I don't know. I only met him last night."
"How'd you meet?"
"It's a very long, very unbelievable story." I mumbled. "He came to Tia's with his friends." I said louder hoping it'd appease her sudden interest in my private life.
"Oh, friend of a friend."
"I don't think so. Tia didn't seem so keen. More like friend of a friend of a friend. Although now he's just a friend." Mum pushed a cup of tea towards me in my 'Best daughter' mug.
"I miss this." She said quietly. "Just talking about things with you."
"You're always out."
"I know. But when I'm not you're always in your room."
"That's you're fault for getting me a laptop last Christmas." I smiled.
"So you weren't in any danger last night?"
"No. Promise." There was no way she'd believe me if I told her anyway. "I chilled at Tia's for a bit then up at Ron's and then to Pest's."
"And you slept at Pest's did you?"
"Yes. On a bean bag with his Nana in the next room. Get your mind out of the gutter." Some people would find conversations like this with their mum embarrassing but for me she was more of a sister. She had me young so she was only fourteen years older than me. At a few months to thirty she was still young and even younger at heart. I guess now she was just living her teenage years since she was looking after me when she was actually a teenager.
"I promise to stay in more. Not all the time I want some fun too but just a bit more as long as you promise to talk to me more."
"Good. Now why don't you go to Pest's place. Give him a kiss from me."