Where Angels Fear to Tread
Part Eighteen

Disclaimer: I don't own X-Men Evolution or Dragonball Z. I'm just borrowing the characters for a little while.

Author's Notes: All right, The formatting has gone screwy again, and I just hadn't noticed it last time I posted, so I'm going to go ahead and try to reformat these chapters in the next few weeks. They're driving me crazy. As consulation, however, I'm posting a new chapter with good formatting. So, I'm really, really sorry about this.

Also, Chapter seventeen unwent major revision. I totally redid that last half. So, if you haven't done so, please GO RE-READ CHAPTER SEVENTEEN! I'm hoping that caught everyone's attention, with how little I use all caps.

And then, please,


Gohan sighed and put his head in his hands, staring down at the papers he still had to grade with blurred eyes. It had been just a little over a month since the brotherhood had moved in, and he was tired. Exhausted, really. The man yawned and streatched, back popping. The school day had ended not ten minutes before, and Kurt, Trunks, and Goten had run out, shouting excitedly. They didn't spend much time together as just the three of them now that the brotherhood was around. Gohan had to admit that the trio were very patient, but they had also grown up together and shared a very close bond.

"Gohan!" Todd's reedy voice caught his attention, and Gohan dashed out of his room. The small fourteen year old wiggled in the grip of the current football star, Duncan. Gohan frowned at the blond. Kurt had told him of Todd's other run in with the jock. "Help!"

"Is there a reason you're attacking my son in the corridors?" Gohan crossed his arms, glaring. Duncan stiffened and glared at Todd but dropped the much smaller teen. Gohan shooed Todd along, then gripped Duncan's shoulder calmly.

Duncan glared at Todd, but followed Gohan down the hall, obviously thinking that he would flahs his football status and be able to get away with beating up the smaller students like on the other teachers. Todd smiled at Gohan, hurrying away to find Lance, Peitro, and Fred. Gohan smirked at the teenager in his grip. "It is very dishonorable to pick on those smaller than you," Gohan commented absently, forcing Duncan into a chair.

"What would you know?" Duncan sneered. "You're just a science teacher. I bet you couldn't fight if you tried."

Gohan laughed, the sound chilling. "You would be surprised what I can do," Gohan told him calmly. "Now, stop attacking the other kids, or I will be forced to give you dentention. I will not do it this time, but if you do it again, you'll wish it was only this one dentention you had gotten. Understand?"

Duncan nodded, looking confused about not getting dentention. Gohan raised an eyebrow and offered a thin sneer, showing his larger-than-normal canine teeth and sent Duncan from the room quivering slightly. Sighing, Gohan put his papers away, locked up, and followed after.

"Trunks, Goten! Wait up!" Kurt would never be as fast as the two demi Saiya-jins, and they all knew it. But his lack of training for so many years had made him much slower. Turnks glanced back, catching Goten and dropped up to wait for Kurt. "Sorry," Kurt panted, blushing.

"Hey, it's no problem," Trunks waved a hand. "You're out of pratice."

"I'll say," Kurt panted, wiping sweat from his brow. "Not training for a few years sure makes a difference."

"Use it or lose it," Goten quipped, and Turnks slapped him, groaning. Chichi enjoyed the phrase immensely, and it drove both of the demi Saiya-jins insane.

"Not that you can tell with that watch on," Trunks commented absently. Kurt winced. It was true, it was hard to tell when Kurt was tiring or had something wrong with him because the hologram didn't show it well. "Why do you wear it, anyway? You never needed it at home."

Kurt turned away, feeling ashamed of himself. Dropping the hologram he dropped slowly towards the earth, not wanting to look at his best friends. Trunks and Goten exchanged looks and followed him, frowning. "Kurt? What's wrong?"

"You don't understand," Kurt sighed, burying his face in his hands. "You two might have tails, but you're still human-looking. I'm human, but I don't look a thing like one."

"That doesn't matter," Goten replied, crossing his arms. "I just don't understand why you're so attached to that watch now, when you never felt the need for it when we were kids."

"I'm different," Kurt told them. "Maybe too different. Maybe you'd hate me, if you knew me better. This strong person you see is nothing but a facade. The person under it is terrified of loosing everything, and everyone, because he's a freak and people hate freaks. I mean, I can't even figure out why you still hang around me."

"Who cares that you're different?" Goten exploded. "I mean, we're half alien! And so what that you have no self esteem! You're still a Son, and you're still Gohan's son and Videl's son! And you're still our friend!"

Kurt looked up at them, and Trunks and Goten each wrapped an arm around him. Kurt was biting back tears, trying to keep his friends from seeing them. Turnks slighed. "We're just trying to understand, Kurt. You're so scared of everyone knowing who you are. I hate seeing you so afraid."

"I know," Kurt sighed. "But everyone here, they've never dealt with mutants or aliens, or anything like what you have. They don't understand. They don't want to understand."

"But they can." Trunks grinned. "We're a weird family. A lot of people at home hadn't either, really. But they accepted you. And the people here can accept you too. You've been letting other people decide for you. And that's not you. You might be unsure of yourself right now, but you've never been one to sit back and let everyone else boss you around. Not even Gohan. You can make your own choice about that watch, Kurt. What are you going to do?"

Golden eyes hardened with resolve and he gave a decisive nod. "You're right," Kurt had to agree. "I have been lacking in backbone lately. But I'm so scared of what they'll say about me, and too me. It's been hard, these last few years, and I don't think I can change all that in one day."

"We know that, silly." Goten laughed, and Kurt was struck with the boy that he had first met nearly ten years before. The fifteen year old grinned at his friend and shook his head.

Kurt nodded at them, and flicked his tail around, toying with his hair and refusing to meet their eyes. "I'm going to do it," He told them, biting his lip. "Tomorrow. I'll leave the watch at home."

"Okay," Trunks smiled. "And we'll support you, even if you wake up in the morning, and change your mind."

Kurt grinned and slowly floated upward. "You two are my best friends," He admitted. "I know you'll always be there for me. No matter what."

The other two laughed and shook their heads. "We're beginning to sound like girls," Trunks joked. "Can you imagine what Dad would say?"

"I can, I'd rather not," Kurt replied, as Trunks laughed. Then he shot into the air. "I'll race you home!"

"You're on!" Trunks called, already flying off. Goten stared at the spot they had been, trying to process their leaving. Pouting, he followed them, crying about the unfairness and that it wasn't his fault he was a little slower than they.

Kurt looked longingly at the watch sitting on his nightstand the next morning, but then clentched his teeth with resolve. He was not wearing it, he didn't care what everyone thought. He was going to be himself for the first time in years, and if the students didn't like it, he really didn't care. Dressing carefully, pulling on his nicest clothes, Kurt looked himself over in the mirror.

It was nothing new for one of the Sons to sew tail holes into clothing, since most of them had tails, and they had all gotten very good at it. Gohan promised to teach Kurt over the weekend. Kurt smiled as he danced around in his loose blue jeans and plucked uncertainly at the blood colored shirt he was wearing. A black overshirt decorated with golden dragons flapped loosely with his movement. Gohan had brought the shirt from Japan from him, and Kurt loved it very much. It was only fitting he'd wear it the first chance he got.

"Kurt?" Gohan's soft voice made him look at the door and blanche. "You're sure you want to do this?"

"No, not really," Kurt admitted softly to his father. "But I think I have to, no matter what I want. Because if I don't, I'll spend the rest of my life hiding. And I'm tired of hiding."

Gohan drew the teenager into a hug, squeezing him gently. Kurt relaxed into the touch, clinging to Gohan like a drowning man to a life raft. His shoulders were shaking, but no tears were dropping down his face, and Gohan knew he was terrified. "Don't force yourself into anything," Gohan told his son. "I want you to remember that we will support you through everything."

"And Trunks and Goten will be there, too." Kurt agreed. "And the rest of my family. I'll do this, and I'll be okay."

"You're very brave," Gohan pressed a kiss to his forehead. "I want you to remember that."

"I don't feel brave." Kurt confessed, and Gohan smiled.

"Do you remember what I told you about me having to fight Cell?" Gohan smoothed Kurt's hair. "I was a terrified eleven year old, and I didn't think I could do it. But my Dad believed in me, so I did it for him. He cheered me on, and even through I was scared, I did it. That was barvery. You're terrified, but you're going to do this anyway. That's bravery."

"No matter that I don't feel that way," Kurt choked, and smiled. "But I'll do this."

"Good boy," Gohan smiled. "I'll send a note, so the teachers can't argue over your identity. And if they try, I'll be there, and Goten and Turnks will too."

"Thanks, Otousan," Kurt squeezed Gohan one last time and made his way downstairs, leavign Gohan by himself.

The demi Saiya-Jin stared at the door and shook his head. "Good luck, my son," He murmured, and follwed Kurt out.

It was a long walk to school, but Trunks and Goten spent most of it distracting Kurt. The brotherhood were long gone by the time Kurt made it to breakfast, so even they didn't know he was without his holowatch. "How're you doing, Kurt?" Goten asked, slinging an arm around the other's shoulders.

"Surviving," Kurt laughed. "Thanks, Goten."

Turnks stopped just before the entrance to the school. "Ah, the moment of truth. Hey, Goten, you want to play a bit?" His tail, purple but several shades darker than his hair, waved merrily behind him.

"Oh, yeah!" Goten nodded. "We can have some brilliant fun!" Goten's own tail, a deep brown, also waved in excitement. Kurt laughed, glad his friends would be there to take at least some of the attention away from him. Golden eyes took on a relieved look as the two offered one of their secrets.

"Thanks, guys. But you don't have to do that."

"Yeah, but my tail is getting cramped, leaving it like that all day," Goten whined. "We already asked Gohan, and he didn't care. He said he might do the same thing."

"Is that wise?"

"It'd be bad if they fired him," Trunks shrugged. "After all, Okassan would be pissed, and she's really powerful around the world. It's be bad publicity."

"He's got a point," Goten nodded. "So, let's go!"

"All right," Kurt sighed and followed them inside. All conversation ground to a halt as the students saw them, some of the screaming and running away, others gaping in shocked surprise. One teen, a girl the same age as Kurt, with brown skin and dark, cocoa colored hair and eyes of the same shade approached shyly. Her friends gasped at her, trying to drag her away, but she ignored them.

"Are--are you really furry?" The girl asked, blushing.

"Hm? Yes," Kurt blushed under his fur.

"That's really cool," She smiled. "You're Kurt, right?"

"How did you know?" Kurt blinked.

"You got angry, once, and turned into this before disappearing in a poof of smoke," The girl blushed. "I thought you were cute before that, but. . . I liked you even more then."

"Only you could take off the watch and get a date," Goten complained. Trunks threw his head back and laughed as Rogue approached.

"Kurt?" She blinked. "What are you doing here, like that?"

"I got tired of hiding." Kurt tilted his head to study the girl more closely. She certainly was pretty. "I'm afraid I don't know your name."

"I'm Amanda," The girl offered a hand. "It's nice to meet you."

"And you. Would you be interested in going out Friday?" Kurt grinned. "We can go alone, or if you're uncomfortable, we can go with a group."

Amanda smiled. "I'd like that. A group, maybe? Just this time. . . It would make my parents more comfortable."

Kurt nodded, getting her phone number, and headed down the hall in a state of bliss. Goten was still complaining, but Rogue tugged his hair, effectivly shutting him up. Trunks was laughing at Goten's poleaxed expression as Kurt entered his first peroid class. "What are you?" The teacher shrieked, and Kurt blushed under his fur.

"I'm Kurt Son." Kurt replied, still bright red. "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I. . . ah. . . normally wear a hologram, but I was tired of hiding under the image."

"You're a mutant?" The woman looked ready to faint, so Trunks patter her shoulder.

"It was a good watch," He consoled the woman. She turned and smiled at the other, then saw his tail and screamed.

"Are you a mutant too?"

"Mutant? No." Turnks laughed. "Birth defect? No. Just the friendly neighborhood half alien."

"Yeah, one of four," Kurt muttered, rolling his eyes.

The teacher offered Goten an imploring look until she saw his tail as well. "I'm a half alien, too." Goten shrugged.

"But you're Gohan's little brother! Surely your mother or father wouldn't have--"

"No, he's half alien too." Goten waved a hand. "Don't take it too hard. If we call ourselves mutants, will you feel better? We're not out to take over the world or anything."

The woman let out a thin whimper, and Goten pouted. "What's her problem? It's not like I'm going to hurt her!"

"People fear the unknown, Goten," Kurt scolded.

"But she knows me!" Goten protested. "I'm nice!"

"A bit stupid, but nice," Trunks agreed. The woman still looked ready to faint.

"But you're Trunks Briefs!" She was nearly hyperventilating.

"Where do you think my mother found someone to deal with her?" Trunks asked dryly. "I'm sure you've seen her on television, she can be a total spaz."

The woman nodded mutely in agreement, and Trunks grinned. "Well, Dad's the only one that can deal with it. Come on, don't look so scared. We don't bite. We haven't cause you any trouble, we promise not to start now."

"Well. . . okay. . . take your seats, please." The teacher's voice was still breathless with her fear, but she was beginning to regain her composure. That, at least, was a good sign.

The class was whispering loudly about Kurt's appearence, and most of the comments were not nice in the least. Kurt listened, feeling somewhat miserable, but doing his best to ignore the whispers and stares. "Demon," He heard someone muttered. "Devil," He heard another whisper. Frowning, Kurt turned to look at his book. Goten grinned at him. Tail waving happily.

"Boy, Trunks, I wonder what they'd do if they knew the truth about your dad," Goten grinned. He was no louder than usual, but no quieter either.

"What, you mean when he tried to take over the world that one time?" Trunks gave a confused frown, then smirked when half the class squeaked and turned hurriedly to their notebooks. Goten snickered as Kurt rolled his eyes. Those two wouldn't let anything lie, not if they had anything to say about it, and especially not considering their best friend.

"You guys don't have to do that," Kurt told them, raising an eyebrow. "I am capable of ignoring the insults."

"I'm a half Saiya-Jin, Kurt," Trunks rolled his eyes. "Being sadistic is in my nature. Please don't deprive me of my fun."

"Oh, fine," Kurt huffed and crossed his arms. "But when the mob goes after you, I'm leaving you to deal with them."

"As long as it involves blood and gore," Trunks agreed cheerfully, making Kurt sigh and roll his eyes. Goten was nodding happily.

"Yeah, as long as you get the throat, you get this really nice blood spray--what? I was talking about deer!" Half the class was somewhere between green and white by then, and the demi Saiya-Jins were terrible confused. What was wrong with blood? It was red. . . and tasty. . .

Kurt groaned and thumped his head onto the table. At least Gohan was fairly normal, right?

Kurt was ready to run away from the school when lunch finally arrived. He had been bullied, teased, and otherwise harassed every moment of the day Turnks and Goten weren't stuck to him like glue. Pulling out his lunch, he flopped down at his normal table, waiting for Goten and Trunks, and stuffing half a sandwich into his mouth. He didn't eat like a Saiya-Jin necessarily, but he did eat quite a bit because of his high metablolism caused by the amount of ki in his body.

"Kurt!" Amanda called, hurrying over and smiling shyly.

Kurt made an effort to swollow his sandwich, then smiled. "Hello," He offered, a blush tinting his cheeks under his fur. Thankful for the stuff right then, he allowed Amanda to give him a hug in greeting. "How are you?"

"I'm on cloud nine," Amanda giggle, and Kurt chuckled as well. She was trying a bit hard to ignore the looks everyone was giving her, but he appreciated the effort. "I was just wondering what time you'll pick me up Friday?"

"Is seven all right?" Kurt asked with a grin. Amanda nodded, pulling a salad out of her lunchbag.

"You don't. . . mind if I sit with you?" She asked, a small smile tilting her lips.

Kurt felt his mouth go dry. She was so pretty. . . "Of course not," He managed, wondering how most guys did it. "I don't mind at all."

"Are you sure your friends won't either?" Amanda questioned, and Kurt shook his head.

"Rogue will be joining us too," Kurt offered, and Amanda grinned slowly. She really did like Kurt, no matter his appearence, and she hadn't been lying when she said that Kurt was a lot better lookign without the hologram. Sliding a little closer to him, she leaned into him when he wrapped his tail loosely around her waist.

"Is it like. . . an extra arm?" She asked, petting the soft fur of his tail.

"Sort of," Kurt absently replied, nearly groaning. "It's a lot more sensitive. . . please, stop petting it!"

Snatching her hand away as though, burned, she started apologizing profously. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!"

"You didn't hurt him," Trunks was nearly doubled over in laughter. "His tail, and ours, are an extension of our spines. Meaning they're extreamly sensitive to stimulation."

"Wait. . . petting his tail was. . ." Amanda's cheeks flamed as she lowered her voice. "Sexual?"

"Of course it was," Goten plopped down next to his friend. "What did you think it'd do? And why do you think he's so adverse to people pulling it or touching it in any way? Extension of the Central Nervous System too. Stimulation, lovely."

"Shut up, both of you!" Kurt groaned, burying his face in his hands. "Just. . . stop talking!"

"Oops, I think we embarressed him," Trunks was completely unrepentant. "Us bad."

"Shut up!" Kurt snarled. "Or I'll trounce you when we spar next!"

"I'm quaking," Trunks snorted. "You've not been able to trounce me yet!"

"I will!" Kurt promised, golden eyes flashing. Amanda laughed softly and Kurt finally smiled. Goten and Trunks exchanged looks. Kurt was caught hook, line, and sinker.

Sometimes Kurt wished he was normal. He wished that he had been a normal human with no strange fur, and normal feet, and not tail, and that he simply wasn't the monster he sometimes thought he was.

By the time school ended, Kurt was wishing for a normal life. Even if it meant never meeting Gohan and Videl, or Goten and Trunks, or even Amanda. He just wanted to be normal. To be like everyone else. But then Gohan or Videl would smile and say they loved him, and Kurt would be glad he was different. Glad he was a freak.

"So you're a freak," Trunks had once said. "That's all in how you make it."

But it wasn't nearly so funny when he was bullied and beaten because he was a mutant. And he wished, not for the first time, he wasn't.

"Kurt?" Gohan's soft voice made Kurt unbury his face from his pillow. He'd been half hoping to suffocate himself. "Are you all right?"

"Just a bad day," Kurt admitted, moving so Gohan could sit next to him.

"I heard about what the kids did to you," Gohan stroked Kurt's hair. "Why didn't you fight back?"

"And prove I'm a monster?" Kurt shook his head. "No way!"

"Fighting back doesn't prove anything, Kurt." Gohan held his son close. "Being a man, being a monster, those things are defined by how you act. If you defend yourself, and then continue to hurt someone, then you are a monster. If you defend yourself and walk away with honor, then you are no monster, but a man."

"It doesn't feel that way, when they call you monster," Kurt admitted.

"I know," Gohan sighed. "But you have to believe that."

Kurt nodded sadly, resting his head against Gohan's chest, as he had when he was a child, and listened to his father's heartbeat. "Do yout hink it will turn out okay? Do you think everyone will hate me?"

"I think you will become a better man than all of them," Gohan replied, pressing a kiss to his son's head. "Because you are a wonderful person, and you haev your heart in the right place. I know you will honor the Son name."

"Thanks, 'Tousan," Kurt replied softly.

Gohan nodded, resting his cheek against his son's hair, and just sat with Kurt for some time, holding his child close as the boy was forced to overcome the demons he had once thought buried.

And once he stared into the abyess, he found it staring right back.

(A/N) Hey! Just thought I'd pop in down here and remind everyone to review! And, as always, Flames are for S'mores!
I love you all!
Lady Foeseeker