Sasuke opened a door that was leaning on a tree. We walked through and he d me back to the round room from earlier. He led me through another door in the room and down a long hallway. It was the same hall I followed Sasuke down earlier.

"Oh! I have a gift for you!" Sasuke smiled,Sasuke held up a ribbon with a pattern of all the people I've met here in wonderland.

"Wow thanks!" I smiled, tying it in my hair.

"Just so you don't forget us." Sasuke shrugged. I smiled and looked up the hole.

"How do I get back up?" I asked Sasuke thought for a moment.

"Well," He started then I looked up the hole again, the desk that was falling with me when I first fell shot down the hole and hit me on the head.

Everything went black.

I shook my head and opened my eyes.

"Naru-chan!?" It was rabbit Sasuke. He was shaking me.

"What?" I asked. He didn't seem to hear me.

"Naru-chan are you alright!?" He called again. I sat up, outside my body again. I tapped Sasuke. He looked around.

"Sasuke! I'm fine!" I yelled as loud as I could. Sasuke seemed to relax. He smiled.

"Well! This is one way to get back!" He chuckled. Then, he picked up my uninhabited body and sat it in a chair. "You can come back anytime!" He waved.

I looked at Sasuke and my 'body'. Then, I floated up. And up. And up. And out the rabbit whole, Sasuke waving the whole time before turning and leaving. I was pulled out of the forest back to the field and back to the tree where my real body was still laying. I flew back into it.

I felt a shake on my shoulder.

"Naruko?" A far off voice called. "Dobe, you'll catch a cold out here." I felt my self shift and move. I opened my sleepy eyes. I lifted my head and saw raven colored hair. And hey, No rabbit ears!

"Sasuke?" I yawned. He let me down. I looked up at him. Then down at myself I was in my regular clothes. He sighed.

"So you fell asleep anyway?" He said. I rubbed the back of my head.

"No, well, I guess I did." I laughed. Sasuke looked at me strangely. Then held out a hand and looked to the side.

"Let's just go." he said. I grabbed his hand and we started back to town. Sasuke looked at my hair. I looked at him.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Where'd you get this?" He asked. Slipping the ribbon from my hair. I looked at it. It was the ribbon Rabbit Sasuke gave me before I left! So it wasn't a dream?! Wonderland was real!? I looked back at the forest. "Naruko?" Sasuke asked. I smiled.

"It was a gift." I told him, tying my hair back up. "So I wouldn't forget." I told him. Sasuke rolled his eyes and threw an arm around my shoulders.

"Your acting strange." He muttered. Then I slipped away and jumped on his back.

"Buy me ramen!" I cheered. Sasuke sighed and we went back to town.

He would think I was crazy. Maybe one day I'd tell him about them. Sasuke W. Rabbit, Gaara the Duke, Sai Cheshire, The Three Mousekateers... and everything else. But for now. I guess I'll make this Sasuke, my real Sasuke, carry me to the Ramen shop for some food.

The End...?