I made this to honor Robb and Jon. Hope you guys like it. Must say, I hated the end of ADWD.

Review and let me know what you think (:

Disclaimer: ASOIAF belongs to George Martin.

The King and The Lord Commander

Holding hands, the two girls carefully descended the stoned stairs. Their father was just behind them, holding the torch that lightened up their path. It was their first time visiting the crypts that accommodated their Stark ancestors.

Their father stopped walking, letting the fire light illuminate one of the statues.

"This is Lord Rickard, murdered by King Aerys Targaryen, the Mad King. Along with him perished his elder son, Brandon and his daughter Lyanna, both killed by the very same king."

The girls shivered with the explanation. They had heard stories about the Mad King before, stories that involved innocent people burning alive to his amusement.

They walked a bit more, into the next Lord's family.

"This is Lord Eddard. He was beheaded by the Lannisters with a false accusation of betrayal."

"That's why our Houses are enemies, father?" one of the girls asked, the one that inherited her mother's colours.

"Yes, Mya, that's the reason. His murder made his elder son stand against the crown, becoming the first King of the North since the arrival of Aegon, the Conqueror."

Moving again, the fire showed them Robb Stark, King of the North and Riverlands, however, there was someone else's statue just by his side.

"Lord Commander Jon Snow." The other girl whispered, the one that inherited the Stark's colours.

"You're right, Nina. He was a very important Lord Commander. He opened the gates of the Wall to the wildlings, ceasing the conflict that had always been present between us and them. He prepared the Wall to the white walker's attacks, but was deeply misunderstood by his brothers on the Watch."

Nina let go of her sister's hand and approached the statue. She had heard all stories about him repeatedly, and she felt close to him, as if she had been there with him on that ancient time.

Mya also got some steps closer, but for her, it was Robb's statue that was truly alluring. Delicately, she placed her hand on Grey Wind's head. Her blue eyes filled up with tears.

"I don't like to hear the stories about the Red Wedding." She whispered, trying to disguise her tears.

Their father nodded.

"And with that with have our second enemy House, the Freys from the Twins."

Both girls nodded and ran back to their father's side. Ghost and Grey Wind seemed to be looking at them.

"But there is one enemy missing, father." Nina said, not daring to take her eyes away from Jon's statues.

"The Boltons are gone for decades, and there is no one left to try and rebuilt their House." Their father explained. "The War of the Five Kings almost destroyed the House Stark, but the North always remembers and northerns are worth much more than southerns."

"And Winter is always coming." Mya and Nina said in unison.

Smiling to his daughters, Lord Stark nodded and led the way back into Winterfell's castle. They had already disturbed the dead enough for one day.