author's notes at bottom
Meganium had been Silver's first real Pokemon. He doesn't count the ones back in Kanto that the Rocket grunts had let him order around, or the curious Pokemon in the back alleys of every city that had sniffed at his pockets for food. She had been his starter, however unofficial his Pokemon journey had been, and that meant something.
He opens the Pokeball and steps to one side, allowing her to trot happily alongside him. She's as cheerful as always, and as clumsy as always, almost tripping Silver up as she runs up and down the narrow path.
Silver walks in silence for many minutes. He listens to Meganium chirping about the fresh air and the nice breeze – he finds it a bit easier to understand his Pokemon these days, especially when they make such an effort to get their message through to him. She returns to his side and nuzzles his forehead affectionately.
"Hey," he starts, rubbing her long neck. "Hey... I wanted to tell you something, Meganium."
She squeaks and falls into rhythm, matching his footsteps. Tell me!
"I know I treated you badly, before. I shouldn't have done that..."
Meganium makes a 'mrr' sound and ruffles her collar of petals. Silver stops for another neck rub, and she closes her eyes contentedly.
"But I suppose you know that. I wanted to say that..." He's finding it harder and harder to talk, because he's hugging Meganium's neck and she's sitting down and wrapping herself around him like a thick green blanket. It's not just the lack of breathing space, it's Meganium – she's so innocent and trusting and wonderful, and Silver hates thinking about how he treated her as a stolen Chikorita. "I wanted to say that I'm sorry. For everything."
"Mrrrr," says Meganium again. Her stubby tail thumps the ground a couple of times. I've already forgiven you.
A few weeks ago, Silver even tried to make amends with the professor in New Bark Town. He'd brought Meganium back to the laboratory that he'd taken her from and shoved her Pokeball into the professor's hands, before muttering very quietly in a voice filled to the brim with passive-aggression, "... I'm sorry I stole your Pokemon."
But it seemed that everyone in New Bark were on the same unnaturally friendly wavelength – at least, judging by Gold and Professor Elm – because he'd stopped Silver before he could escape and handed back the Pokeball. Apparently, so or Elm had told Silver, Meganium had actually bonded with Silver – unbelievably enough. He'd waved away all of Silver's stumbling apologies and excuses, telling them to go off and continue their journeys, and then Meganium had ruined the mood by knocking Elm to the floor with her well-intentioned gratitude.
"I know I should have just returned you ages ago," Silver says, back in the present. "I... just... you shouldn't have to come with me just because that professor doesn't want you back..."
"Mega," says Meganium, and it's simple enough for Silver to understand; I'm staying with you.
"Don't you think," Gold says, "those two would make a great couple?"
"What? No, that's stupid," scoffs Silver. They're going for an evening stroll around the National Park, Feraligatr and Meganium leading them, because Gold thinks he's too heavy for Togekiss to carry him after their recent meal out in Ecruteak. Gold had never learned how to give in when it came to facing huge piles of food.
"Hey, just between us, I think Feraligatr likes her."
"I thought he hated her." Feraligatr and Meganium had been mortal enemies ever since Meganium, as a Chikorita, had pounded the young Totodile into submission in the outskirts of Cherrygrove. As a rule, Feraligatr did not like Pokemon – or people – who could beat him in a fight.
"It's so cute," says Gold dreamily, oblivious to Silver's protests. "I knew they were meant for each other..."
"He's trying to bite her face off," Silver points out. Sure enough, the two Pokemon had started an impromptu battle further up the path.
"Oh shit," says Gold, running to catch up with them. "Ah... my stomach... I mean, guys! No battling! This is a peaceful walk, damnit!"
A few minutes later, and the park is still and quiet once more. Gold drops back to walk alongside Silver again, and holds out his hand for Silver to take. (He's a bit wet and has stray razor-sharp leaves sticking out of his hair, but he looks so proud of his fight-stopping abilities that he looks almost like a hero.)
Silver panics a bit before muttering, "... I hope there's no-one around." But he takes the proffered hand, checking round quickly to make sure there are no crazy fans or reporters. It's been only a couple of weeks since their first date in Cherrygrove – Gold is determined to for them to have a date in all the gym cities of Johto – and Silver still isn't sure where he stands. Gold is always so certain of everything, so confident in all that he does; he's never had to question or change himself, after all. And he's the Champion, so how could anything he tries go wrong?
"I don't want to be in some tabloid tomorrow with a big label saying 'Champion's secret gay date'," elaborates Silver. "You and your crowd of Champion-worshipping paparazzi."
"Hey, I thought you wanted to be a legend! People would worship you for getting me, the most ultimate and greatest and best and awesomest guy ever, into your bed. They totally would. And they'd be like, 'WHAT'S HIS SECRET,' while you stand there and pose dramatically and be all mysterious, and I'll-"
"I want to be a Pokemon trainer legend," says Silver, glaring dangerously. Gold talking about getting into bed with him was a bit too much for his brain to handle. "Not a... whatever it was you just said."
"Okay okay, there's no-one around," Gold says, looking a bit crushed at Silver interrupting his fantasy.
They walk on. Meganium, up ahead, body slams into Feraligatr. He punches her in retaliation.
"That didn't look very cute to me," remarks Silver.
"No no NO, you don't get it!" says Gold, pulling him closer so that their shoulders bump. "He's being all fierce and scary and violent now, but then he'll realise how cute Meganium really is and then he'll be like, 'Aw actually I don't really want to bite her face off because it's so cute,' and then she'll be like, 'Even though I'm a grass-type and I'm probably still gonna win, you're so strong and cool and shit,' and then-"
"... no really, I think they're trying to push each other into the lake. Maybe you can set them up another time... I don't want to deal with Meganium shaking lake water onto my bed again."
"Excuse me, princess, but I was still talking," says Gold. "And then we'll, uh, 'accidentally' leave them with Lyra's grandparents in their breeding park and then they'll be all like, 'Grr I hate you,' at first but then after a few days they'll have to-"
"Shut up!" shouts Silver, who had been restraining himself for far too long. "I said, look over there you moron because your asshole Feraligatr just pushed my Meganium into the lake!"
"Yeah, yeah, I was totally listening-"
"And my name's Silver! Not princess!"
"-and he's not an asshole, he just likes lakes! Don't you like lakes? I like lakes. Hey, when was the last time Megs lake watered your bed then? Anyway, as I was saying, Feraligatr here is a classic case of a macho dude trying to impress-"
"Do you want to be pushed in too?" says Silver, narrowing his eyes. (Right now, Meganium is squeaking in panic and floundering about while Feraligatr is standing on a bridge looking far too pleased with himself.)
"NO DON'T DO THAT," yelps Gold as he is swung around and flung into the lake next to Meganium.
One of the advantages of holding hands, Silver notes, is the acquisition of a good flinging pivot.
"Ninetales, dry meee...," Gold whines. "I'm dying... of wet..."
The Pokemon sighs and rolls her eyes – Silver didn't know that fire foxes could roll their eyes, but she's managing it. Still, she obliges, and after a few minutes standing in the middle of a column of hot wind Gold is back to his normal non-sodden self.
"Rali..." mutters Feraligatr in what could be an apology. Meganium has flopped on the bank in a heap of wet soggy grass-dinosaur. She perks up immediately at the sound of Feraligatr's voice, though, and jumps up to playfully headbutt him – unfortunately showering everyone else with water. At least Feraligatr doesn't mind. They, plus Ninetales, decide to continue their steady squabble-filled walk around the park.
"Noooo," groans the sodden again Gold. "I am so gonna get indigestion now..."
"This is all your fault," Silver informs him as he rubs dirty water off of his face.
"Hey man, what? My fault? Who pushed who into the river, huh?" Gold pokes him in the chest.
"Yes, but it was your fault to begin with. Obviously."
"C'mon, now you're just being mean. Let's hug it out. Hugs make everything better." Gold reaches out to hug Silver – and stops. "Ew, you're... wet."
Silver gives him a disbelieving look. "I can't believe I'm dating you."
"Yeah, because I'm so amazing, right?"
"Because you're an absolute moron who can't remember what water is!" Silver snaps.
"Psh," says Gold, flicking a wet strand of hair away from Silver's eyes. "I'll have you know that I know EXACTLY what water is, and I know that it's wet. So that means no hugs for you, princess."
"I hate you," growls Silver as he forcefully pulls Gold into a tight hug, which he knows is exactly what Gold was trying to get him to do. "For the record, I'm not at all sorry about throwing you into the lake."
"Well the joke's on you, mister, because you're about to get lake water IN YOUR MOUTH."
Many minutes of lake-flavoured kissing later, Silver realises to his embarrassment that Meganium, Feraligatr and Ninetales have stopped walking, turned around, walked back to them, and are now sitting on the grass making soppy 'aww' sounds. (Actually, only two of them are making the 'Aww' sounds - Ninetales would never stoop to that level.) Gold looks around and sees them too – he, of course, immediately joins in with the soppy noises.
"Do... do you want to go inside and get lake water on my bed?" says Silver, feeling like all previous awkward moments of his life had merely been building up to this one, the king of kings among awkward moments. But he had to say something to get Gold to stop saying, "Aww!" at Meganium saying, "Aww!" and so... there it was.
"Aww," says Gold, looking like his heart is melting out of his ears.
For a moment, Silver is tempted to throw him back in the lake.
Silver thinks privately that Meganium reminds him of Gold and Gold reminds him of Meganium; maybe Gold thinks the same thing about him and Feraligatr.
It's been a couple of years since they started their journeys, all four of them in a tiny lab in New Bark Town. It seems an age ago. Has he found the path yet? Is this the right direction, following Gold and walking together with Meganium? How much further is there to go?
Silver doesn't know the answers and he doesn't think there are any answers. But now there is Gold, and Meganium, and Feraligatr, and all the others…
Maybe the real lesson is in finding other people, not in finding his own way.
a/n: 1. My 'canon' team for Ethan is Feraligatr, Ampharos, Togekiss, Dragonite, Bellossom, Ninetales because that was my team in the games! I just really like the idea of Silver having a cute squishy Meganium. (Meganiums are so cute, I want one ondlkdflgjfk.)
2. I really don't like the last ending section... but I rewrote it about five times before deciding SCREW THIS I'M GONNA POST IT ANYWAY.
3. I know the Johto National Park doesn't have a lake, but I also don't think New Bark Town literally has five houses and eleven residents, or that you can cycle from one city to the next in half a minute.