Long-overdue update! Sorry, homework and ballet got the better of me!

Back to Joy's POV, and this is the last chapter! Hope you enjoy! :D

After that completely embarrassing kiss under the mistletoe, Fabian and I didn't talk for the rest of the time at Anubis. Passing each other in the halls was extremely awkward because we always avoided each other's eyes, which only ended up with us hitting shoulders or some sort of body part and having to say "sorry" for not paying attention. When i said sorry, I tried to put extra meaning into my words, hoping that he would understand that I was apologizing for the kiss. A part of me thought that he was doing the same thing, seeming to enunciate the word, though it was only a whisper, and give more to it than usual. Then again, it was my imagination that had concocted this crazy idea, so I wasn't sure if I could, should, trust it.

School technically ended on the 21st, but Trudy had wanted us all to stay for the night because she was making one of her best dishes as a sort of end-of-term meal. So I switched spots with Mara so that I wouldn't have to sit next to Fabian since that would have increased the awkwardness between us.

Constantly, during dinner, Fabian met my eyes and held them for the longest time. It seemed like he was trying to send a message through his eyes, but I never looked into it because I always looked away first. Did he have to keep making things so awkward? Couldn't we just avoid each other for the time we had to remain here?

The usually-delicious mashed potatoes that Trudy was famous for tasted like dirt in my mouth. I felt his eyes on me again and glanced up at him through my lashes. His blue eyes were unwavering, an insistent nagging at the back of my mind, a reminder of how stupid I was last night.

I quickly finished my food and stood up to leave the table. Fabian stood up as well, and, for what seemed to be the hundredth time that night, we locked eyes. Our housemates stopped conversation, leaving us all in complete silence as they awaited our next moves.

As usual, I was the one to look away first, and I left the table and marched up the stairs to my room. I knew I'd done it, and tonight was only the clarification: I'd completely ruined our friendship.

I buried my face in my pillow and felt a few tears fall down my cheeks. Faintly, I heard a few knocks on my door, and, without turning my head, I screamed at them, "Go away! I just want to be alone!"

I tried to figure out who it was that was outside my door. All of the girls were ruled out because I knew that they would come in, despite my protests. That left Mick - whom I barely talked to and would be the last person I'd talk with about that kiss - Jerome - scratch that last bit out, he would be the last person I'd talk to about that because he would tease me about it to no end - Alfie would attempt to cheer me up with one of his lame jokes, so, it must've been . . .

I raised my head from my pillow, turning it towards the doorway, and whispered into the empty room, "Fabian?"

Somehow, he must have heard me because he responded quietly, in a very Fabian-like way, "Can I come in?"

I seriously considered saying no, but then I eventually relented. "Sure."

The doorway opened and in came Fabian, looking as cute and nerdy as I remembered from ten minutes ago.

And still completely unobtainable, I added silently to myself. Thanks to that stupid kiss.

He closed the door behind him, looking just as uncomfortable as I felt. Examining his shoes for a few seconds, he raised his eyes to meet mine, and we had yet another of our silent conversations that I had no idea what we were talking about when they occurred.

"So, um, can we talk?" he asked.

"About what?" I said, trying to act my usual cheery, upbeat self.

"A-About the k-kiss," he replied, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"Oh. Yeah. That."

"Um, I-I wanted to say th-that, uh-"

He seemed as much at a loss for words as I was about the subject. What was there to say about it, really?

I turned my attention to my charm bracelet that Patricia gave me for my birthday last year. It was really pretty: silver links with small silver charms. Then, there was the gold one. A solid gold heart, given to me by the one person that stood in the same room with me at the moment.

I felt the bed move beside me, indicating that Fabian had sat beside me. I twisted the heart between my fingers, around and around and around.

"Joy, will you please talk to me?"

"I don't want to."

He sighed, and, though I knew this wasn't his character, I was expecting a snarky reply, like: "That's obvious", but he didn't say that.

"Does that mean we're not friends anymore?" he said quietly.

"I hope not," I mumbled. Around and around the heart goes.

"Me, neither."

More silence. This was getting annoying.

"Would it be easier t-to just forget about it?"

"What do you think?" I peered over at him, halting in the twirling of my heart charm.

"What do you think?" he parroted back to him.

We locked eyes for what seemed to be the longest time. He searched my eyes for answers, just as I was doing to him. His blue eyes were full of uncertainty, but also hope, like he knew I would be able to solve it all.

I could only nod. It was so minute, so unnoticeable, that I hoped he didn't notice and was still awaiting my reply. But, being the ever-observant Fabian, he saw it and also nodded.

"So it doesn't exist, we forgot about it?"

"Y'know, mentioning it again isn't forgetting it, Fabes."

Fabian smiled, a true, genuine Fabian smiled. The smile that I loved to see every day. He nudged my shoulder, usually just a form of teasing, but I knew it was a silent reassurance that we were back to being friends. He'd have my back. And because of that, I smiled back.

While I smiled on the outside, I knew it was full of melancholy. A secret, annoying thought that I fought futilely to push out of my mind whispered, But . . . I don't want to forget.

Five cupcakes for you if you can guess what I'm referring to in the last line of the story! Hint: the next movie's coming out in November (in the US)!

Please review!
