If there was one thing I needed to do before the world ended, it was to have my first kiss.

Why did I think the world would end, you might be asking? Well, I'll tell you. Stupid Alfie heard from his friend's brother's older sister who heard from her cousin that their aunt was talking to her mother about her friend's cousin's conversation with their brother about the end of the world, and that it would end this Friday, December 21st, 2012! How could the world be so mean? It's not even Christmas! More importantly, though, I haven't even kissed a boy yet, and it wanted to end before I could do so? Rude, right?

So, I was determined to kiss a boy before the world ended! Now, who to kiss was the question, right? I had just the boy in mind: Fabian Rutter. A bit of a strange name for the boy giving me my first kiss, yeah? Hopefully, he kissed me since the boy should make the first move, even if he was one of the shyest people I knew.

My plan was to trap him under the mistletoe, a.k.a. the most romantic way to have a kiss around this time of year! I would ask him to follow me to the staircase because I wanted to talk to him and private, I would point up, since there was always mistletoe in the hallway, and then we would kiss! It would be amazing and fantastic and full of fireworks and completely indescribable - something only books could explain.

Amber and Patricia have already gotten their first kisses, and they told me all about them. Amber said it was magical, like in fairy tales, while Patricia said it was weird because it was on a truth or dare thing, so it was completely unplanned and awkward.

I hope it was more like Amber's than Patricia's; I'd prefer Fabian and I's first kiss to be very lovely because, after all, we were both lovely people.

So, the plan, or Operation FIFK: Fabian and I's First Kiss, would commence at midnight in the hallway next to the staircase of Anubis house. Don't look at me - Amber made up the plan's name; she usually does when we create these plans.

The day began normally: I woke up at six to straighten my hair like my aunt taught me how to, put on the nice, earth-toned makeup that complimented my skin tone perfectly, then I dressed in my unflattering school uniform. Seriously. Maroon and gray? It's obvious that the designers of the school's uniform had no sense of fashion.

Then, I took the usual route to school with Fabian and Patricia on either side of me, and we all talked like it was a normal day, though my stomach was fluttering with butterflies at the thought that in less than seventeen hours I was going to get my first kiss.

The day passed incredibly slow: each hour dragged on like a slug crawling through a field of salt, each minute seemed to take a day to pass into the next. The only thing that kept me from slamming my head into my desk repeatedly was my meeting Fabian's occasional glances and small smiles.

Finally, the last bell rang, and I could not be more relieved to get back to Anubis. However, there were still about eight hours until The Kiss, so I needed to kill time somehow.

Do homework? Why? The world was ending tomorrow, so there was no need to do homework since there wouldn't be school tomorrow! It's weird how calm I was about the whole thing - the possibility of dying on this one day, completely aware of it all, should have terrified me way more than a kiss. Still, the kiss is a bit more important to me at the moment; hopefully my death is a quick, peaceful, painless one.

Amber and I planned the moment to the minute for those eight or so hours, and I even practiced how to kiss with a pillow. Everything was going to be perfect. It had to be.

The last hour went by quicker than the entire day, and, before I realized it, I was getting dressed, Amber did my hair and made sure not a single strand had strayed out of place, along with a cloud of perfume that followed me with every step. My makeup was perfect, my hair was perfect, and my outfit was perfect: a form-fitting, white, cashmere sweater, a ruby red, pleated skirt with black tights and sparkly black flats, a red poinsettia in my hair and dangling white diamonds as my earrings. Everything would go perfectly. Everything was perfect. Perfect.

Finally, I dash down the stairs to find Fabian, trying not to make a sound in fear that Victor would come downstairs and yell at me. Now that would ruin everything. The door was slightly ajar, not enough for him to be able to see me, but enough that I could clearly see him. Mick was sound asleep, snoring in his bed on the other, dimmer side of the room. Fabian was sitting up in bed with his lamp still on, reading a magazine about the "Mysteries of the Ocean" with a focused expression on his face as his eyes scanned over the words on the page. His brown hair hung in a fringe in front of his eyes, barely obscuring his view, yet he still pushed it aside with his free hand, never moving his eyes from their position. Those eyes were . . . wow. They were blue like the endless ocean, like the vast sky, like the color of a robin's egg - they were every shade of blue, but only one at the same time. It was such a mixture of colors that blended together so beautifully, like the golden sunlight melting into the eternal darkness of the night at sunset. Whenever he gazed at me with those eyes, I couldn't stop staring, honestly. I felt my face get hot at such a familiar sight, and I knew a rosy blush colored my cheeks. A chill went up my spine, giving me goosebumps up and down my entire body. My heart skipped a beat, and I felt myself sigh softly. I'd always wondered if this was what it felt like to be in love . . .

Fabian must have realized that someone, me, had been staring at him for more than a minute, and he put down his magazine to look up and face me with that infamous smile of his.

"Hey, what's up?" He tilted his head at me, his tone was confused, and I guess I wouldn't blame him - I had just been gawking at the back of his head for about a minute straight, not saying anything at all.

"Uh, h-hi," I said, stuttering for once. Usually, he was the stuttering one, especially around girls, and I was the confident, cool one. Apparently, at night, the roles liked to reverse themselves.

"Is there a reason that Amber told me to stay up until midnight, still dressed in my regular clothes?" he asked me.

I reddened even more at the question, silently cursing Amber for being so obvious about it. Maybe he wouldn't guess what we were planning? Hopefully.

"Y-Yeah, um, about that, I, uh, I mean, we, no, um, me . . ."

Fabian raised an eyebrow at my stammering words, probably as surprised at it as I was; seriously, I never stuttered - until today, that is.

"A-Are you okay?" he inquired, the smallest falter in his words putting me at ease but also giving me more fear. He wasn't the only one nervous but . . .did that mean he knew and was nervous because of what was going to happen?

I bobbed my head in reply, not able to speak without blurting out what I was about to do. I glanced at the alarm clock on Fabian's bedside table and panicked slightly. Only three minutes until midnight; we needed to get out there!

"F-Fabian, can we talk outside in the hallway?"

I saw the faintest blush on his face - or maybe it was my imagination? - and, with a nod, he got out of bed, leaving his magazine, and followed me out the door.

We tried to be as quiet as possible, and I looked at the grandfather clock next to the doorway to the living room, noticing the time: 11:59pm, the seconds ticking by. Less than one minute.

The words spilled out of my mouth without control, the floodgates of my mouth dropping open and a tidal wave of words washing out. "Fabian, I know this may sound silly, but since the world is going to end tomorrow, er, in a minute, I've always wanted to kiss someone, especially now because of tomorrow. So, please don't hate me for this. Please look up." I pointed toward the banister on the second floor, where a single bundle of mistletoe hung, red berries glistening in the dim light, its emerald leaves shining in the moonlight streaming through the large stained glass window along the staircase.

We turned our faces up at the same time, and when our eyes met again, his full of questions that I didn't want to answer right now, I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him toward me. The faintest word "Joy, what-?" came from his lips, but I ignored it. Just as the clock let out its first chime, I pressed my lips against his in a sparkling, fantastic kiss.

Inspired by the end of the world occurring on December 21st, 2012. The world is supposed to end at 4:11 in the morning my time. I just thought I had to write something to make up for my quitting so many stories. Hope you all enjoy! (:

Please review! And hopefully none of us die in the apocalypse! Good luck, everyone!


PS: I honestly don't think we will die, and when tomorrow, er, now today since it's past midnight, ends, I'll update this with the repercussions of Joy's actions.

Don't hate the ship, please! I was just feeling some Jabian tonight...