AN: Howdy yall, I hope I'm not flipping anyone's skirt by this, but welcome to my new story. It's called "Come Outside". Now there are some themes that may bother some of yawls. Well this idea sort of comes from an author that has been meaner then a rattle snake as of late but hey, I love the risk she takes as a writer. Some of yawls know her, some of yawls don't. So pay attention to the warnings; yall lets saddle up this horse and ride!

Disclaimer: I don't own Mai-hime.


Warning: Mild and heavy themes of profanity, Futa and underage*

(Natsuki's P.O.V)

"I never knew what was waiting for me on the other side beyond the green wall. Life of love and struggle becomes almost addicting when in the process of success. But still, I always wondered what went on beyond that green gate."

"Natsuki, could you help me with the last box?"

"Sure thing mom," stated the teen. The seventeen year old ran down towards the steps to grab the next box, lifting it up without a struggle as she carried the box towards her destination. Once up the stairs she looked at the western styled house, its structure was that of a true classic. With a large concrete front yard as well as storage, she couldn't help but think this once historic piece was once part of a Shinto shrine. Staring off, she spotted a gate off into the distance polluted with greenery as she squinted her emeralds eyes to try to get a better look at beyond the gate.

"Natsuki, have you got that box yet!"

"Y-Yeah, I'll be there in a sec."

Running up with the box, she looked towards the living room to see the hard wooden floor covered in a sea of boxes as she set the box down among others before observing. Looking at the older woman, she stared at the dark-haired man as he flipped the paper up requesting her mother's signature.

"There we go Ms. Kuga and here you are, the keys to your new life," said the older man placing a pair of keys in her hand. Walking up towards the younger teen he waved a key in her face taking her hand and placing it in hers.

"Here you go little lady, may you have many fun adventures here," said the ember-eyed man. Throwing an ice glare at the older man she spoke.

"Yeah right, fun adventures," said Natsuki before rolling her eyes. Not one to miss the disrespect in her daughter's voice, Saeko chided her daughter for her manners.

"Natsuki since you want to be ice queen you can show Mr. Kanzaki to his car," said Saeko with a light glare.

"Fine. Come on you, I have things I need to do today." After slipping on her shoes, she walked outside without waiting on the older man to put on his pair of shoes.

Once outside she looked over towards the gate as her mind was going in places undirected by her heart. Her blood pumped coldly as a surge of heat threatened to come through as she struggled to see what lay beyond the gate.

"Having an early peak at the neighbors?"

The cobalt-haired teen jumped out of her skin as a certain voice startled her, throwing a death glare at the older man she walked ahead.

"You know if you were of age, I would so date you a woman of few words is a woman of my heart."

"Cut the crap," said Natsuki with a glare.

"Fair enough, so what's with the day dreaming you had back there?" Natsuki remained quite as she walked down the long line of stairs reaching the man's car she spoke.

"Nothing, I just thought I saw something beyond that gate that's all," said Natsuki with a curious accusing look. Looking over with sadness, Natsuki watched as the older man loosened his tie before pushing out the bangs from his eyes.

"What, did I say something?"

"Nothing, you must have saw her." Natsuki watched as the older man took out a cigarette lighting it he offered one towards the younger teen which she accepted. Handing her the lighter the older man blew a breath of toxic smoke before speaking his eyes looked deep with concentrated sadness as he looked up the stairs.

"There was a girl that I knew that lived in that building."


"Well she was kind to everyone, great at school, she had this crush on one of her classmates and when it came time to tell her feelings she was rejected by the girl."

"That must suck…"

"Apparently, she had this secret and because of that secret as well as her rejection, she killed herself by slitting her wrists. It is said when her parents went to investigate they say that her body was taken. Maybe what you saw was her human body in search of her soul."


"Yes taken by demons." Stomping out her cigarette she looked with a glare towards the older man before speaking. "Thanks for the bed time story, I know I'm young, but I'm not that young. Thanks for the cig bud," said the teen before walking away.

Stomping out his cigarette he got into his car but not before looking up the flight of stairs in agony before starting his engine.

Where could you have gone?

Walking up stairs Natsuki looked to the strict but smiling face of Saeko. "Wow, that was a long walk," said Saeko with a smile. Knowing what her mother was getting to, Natsuki rolled her eyes displaying her distaste for her mother's joke.

"He was just telling me about things to do in this boring town."

"Boring town? Excuse me little lady but I'll have you know that I grew up in this town. I had a lot of great memories here thank you very much. Besides, this isn't much too far off from Tokyo. Just give it a chance."

"Yeah chance," said Natsuki thinking back to the recent events. Knowing her daughters pain Saeko walked up towards her daughter placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Look, I know it's hard but it's hard for all of us Natsuki, but just because we aren't together doesn't mean it's the end of the world." Feeling the conversation was pointless the teen shrugged off her mother's hand before standing up. "I'm going to unpack."

Walking up stairs the teen opened her room to start the task ahead. Lying on her stripped bed, she gazed up towards the white ceiling as she let out a smirk.

"Demons, huh? Stupid idiot…"

AN: Well yawl, I figure it's time for this cowgirl to introduce a new element to this outback of fan fiction. Well I hope yawl Read and review, let me know how this goes. But right now I'm looking for a beta to help with the little stuff, I really want this story to run smoothly so let me know now ya here!

Preview: "It was said that Fuuka was known as the demon capital."
