A/N: this is just an epilogue of what happened a week after the gun fights. Hope you liked the whole story. I've worked so hard on this.

News reporter:

"Last week was one of the most devastating moments of Los Angeles. A massive gun fight was broke out in the street of Hollywood between police and gangs, leaving behind a destruction that was known as a message from the most dangerous gang, The Eastern Howlers.

Investigators arrived to the scene hours later to find the convoy completely destroyed along with a black helicopter. Over 75 FBI agents and SWAT wolves have found dead along with the body of FBI chief Michel Shepherd and Johnson Ramirez.

Also connected, the tenth floor of the FBI headquarters has been destroyed by a bomb moments before the gunfire fight. A body had been found which has been identified as Robert England, a FBI agent as well.

No one knows where The Inner Circle 6 are at this moment, but police are becoming more aware and to keep a look out for them and bring them to justice.

There is still no whereabouts of FBI agent Humphrey Menendez"

At the L.A cemetery, a male wolf walked down the walkway in the clothes of the Inner Circle 6. The male wolf stopped near a tomb stone that read: 'Wilson Menendez: a good husband and a good father.'

The male wolf knelt down and spoke. "Hey dad, it's me. I've gone with what you said for me to do." The male wolf chuckled and spoke again. "I hope your resting in peace right now. I finally understand what it is like to be a gangster, and I've made the right choice."

A tan female, wearing similar clothes as the male, walked up from behind him and watched him speak to the tombstone. The male wolf pulled out a brown journal and placed it on the base of the tombstone. "I saved this for you father; hoping that you could rest with a piece of memory you left 14 years ago." The male wolf said as he stood up.

"He's so proud of you Humphrey, and I'm so proud of you" Said the tan female wolf, putting a paw on Humphrey's shoulder. Humphrey turned around and held the female's paw. "He should be proud of me; I followed in his footsteps and lead me to the right place in my life, all because of him Kate" Humphrey said to Kate.

Humphrey walked away holding Kate's paw walked besides him. "So what is the right place for you Humphrey?" Kate asked. She and Humphrey continued walking in silence back towards a 2014 black 300 Chrysler.

"My right place Kate . . . . Is being a street wolf" Humphrey answered. He and Kate got into the car and drove off out of the cemetery.

A/N: thanks for reading this everyone. Now I don't have to send the Inner Circle 6 to your house and kill you painfully. Please leave a nice review and thank to you all.

Goodbye and goodnight!