I was walking in the woods, and I had a bag with me, but it only carried my lunch. As I was walking I found this old cottage, with a old man sitting on the porch twirling a crooked peso in his hand. he looked at me for I was quite strange. I slowley walked away, but after three hours, I realized I was lost. I couldn't call for help, for nobody was in the woods at this time. There was only one thing I could do, I had to go back to the cottage. When I got there however, it wasn't there, it disappeared. I was bewilderd, I couldn't believe it if I tried. I decided to go look for it.

While I was on my search I came across a little creek, it had sparkly water in it, I took my water bottle and scooped some water in it. Than I came across a most unusual sight, a field in which all the flowers are red or blue with purple stems, I couldn't decide which one was prettier, so I just took one of each. I next came across a man, he was dead for what seemed like three eons. It was quite obvious he was falling apart, I took a few blood samples and a peice of skin but wat really surprized me was the fact that the cells regrew. I put all I had in my bad, then I stepped on something, something familiar, a twisted peso. I put that in my bag and decided to go back where I came.

What happend next was a shocker. The house appeared again, right where it was before, the old man was still there, this time he was standing. "Felix" he said with a happy tone in his voice "I must thank you, you have saved me from the duke of zill's power." I was shocked especially at the fact that he knew my name "Felix, is there anything I can do to repay you?" I knew exactly how to answer the question "I'm lost, I need to get home, can you help me?" The old man looked grateful, "I have seen your travels from Oriana, I can help you with this. You have all I need to help you with this." I gave him my bag and he let in his house, I could tell right away he was a big sorceror. He emptied my bag and quicky opend my water bottle he put in the dead man's blood and skin and poured in the sparkly water, he then took the nectar from the flowers and poured that in to, he then gave the bag back to me. "Now Felix, you can turn this bag into whatever you please, however the side effect is a great one, the magic may cause your tail to fall off repeatedly, but you can control that in due time." He than quickly turned my bag into a small jet and took his twisted peso back. He than picked me up and put in the cockpit, he used a spell to open a small hole in the cieling, and off I flew.

And that is how my bag became magic.