Kyo's POV

Something sharp jabbed my shoulder. I threw myself up from the bed where Hatori was with a needle in my skin. Sweat ran down my neck with my heart racing faster. He pulled the needle out to see it covered in blood, light red blood.

"Kyo will have to come with me to my office. I have everything neccesary to heal him properly," Hatori added. With that, he carried me to the door. Shigure laughed at the sight of my ears twitching.

"Put me down! I can walk," I protested.

"Yes, but your legs are immobile. Akito has something to do with this," he whispered. I watched from the back seat as everyone disapeared through the forest. We remained quiet until we reached the Main Sohma house. I had this bad feeling of coming here creep over me. My thoughts were clouded with pictures of Akito throwing me into a wall or Akito shoving me down with his elbow. I shivered at the thought as the car stopped. I stepped out only to fall lifelessly down with Hatori's strong arms wrapping around my waist.

The clouds were dense and threatened to rain soon. I heard thunder in the distance. 'Could this day get any worse,' I thought. A small drizzle began to pour. Hatori pulled out an umbrela as we began to walk into the sohma's estate. He led me to a dark room. Akito stood in the center, his back facing us, head held high.

"Just drop him," Akito commanded. Hatori let me fall to the ground, my legs now too weak to get up. "Leave" The doctor left the room without question. "We have unfinished business, Kyo. Get up"

I stayed where I was. "I said GET UP," she yelled.

Slowly, I used my arms to lift myself up and held onto the doorhandle for balance. Akito turned to glare at my weak movements.

"Pathetic," she stated. "Just plain pathetic"

"What's the deal with this peice of shit," I held out my arm to show the bloody bracelet.

"So, you've noticed," she asked.

"HOW THE HELL AM I NOT GOING TO NOTICE THIS," I yelled in a rasped voice. Akito pushed me into the wall. I felt my body go limp from the rain outside. My eyes darted over around the dark room, searching for the woman I had feared these many years. I just never showed it.

"You should never yell at me, Kyo," her taunting voice ran through my mind. In the thunderclap, the flash revealed her form above me. I couldn't move and instantly felt the urge to punch her sorry face. I grit my teeth when the bracelet sunk into my hand, went loose, then repeated this process. Blood flowed freely above my skin.

Akito grabbed my chin so I would stare into her eyes," You WILL do as I say! Anything I ask and if you don't... YOU WILL SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES!" She threw me across the room, the force of the hit knocked the air out of me. She walked at a slow pace to my quivering bloody form. My eyes barely looked up to meet hers. I only heard one word before pain," weak"

Hatsuharu's POV

The door closed on me and I heard it click which meant I was locked out.

"Looks like I have nothing else to do," I sighed. I walked on until I caught a tuff of orange from inside a window. My eyes peered inside the damp area to see Kyo in a bloody heap on the floor. He was trembling and had his eyes shut tight. His knuckles were out and his face was covered in sweat.

"Psst, Kyo. You hear me," I asked. He moaned and pulled himself closer to the window before he gave up. His body couldn't take this weather. I ran over to the door and pulled to no use. It was raining and I was caught in the downpour but that was the least of my worries.
"Listen, Kyo. I need you to unlock the door," he twitched. This situation was getting on my nerves.

A sudden flash of white took Kyo into another wall and I knew Akito wouldn't let go. He had Kyo pinned to the wall, hands holding the others down. The cat struggled against the older man's grip but couldn't find a way to get loose. That was all I needed to get black.

Kyo's POV

I heard a crash and saw Akito turn his head around but I didn't see Hatsuharu. I felt the bonds loosen until it was off when strong arms grabbed me. When I looked up, I saw the damn cow's face," Tha hell hapened and why am I with you" He looked down to show me that evil grin spread across his face. He was black.

"Well, I'm just saving your sorry ass," he replied. "You should be saving yourself"

"What's that supposed to mean"

"Oh, it means you were depending on someone to come and get you out of there. Or were you having a cup of coffee with Akito," I remained silent. Akito got up and raised a punch to Haru which he avoided easily as black. He ran into the thick dark woods in the rain with me in his arms, tucked under his body so I wouldn't get much wetter.

I heard Akito in the distance," Remember Kyo" It still gave me the shivers.

"I still hate you," I said.