A/N- Due to a death threat and being compared to Bellatrix Lestrange, I have decided to put up chapter one of part three right away. Plus, if the world ends tomorrow, I cannot leave the story on a cliffy.

"I am so sorry…"

That simple little phrase had been how the doctor had begun before he explained what had become of the wife of der Ritter. How could it be so simple for the human to write off the life of another human being? It made sense that the One would be able to do so, for he had been killing humans for many years. Were humans not supposed to care more for those of their kind that passed away? Still, it was the Little One who had died, so der Groβman was less than happy over the whole situation.

There had been complications during the birthing process. Something had caused her to begin bleeding and no amount of medical intervention had been able to stop the bleeding. Her life source had slowly left her while the doctors stood by helpless, unable to help in any way. No amount of medicine had been able to clot the blood. Nothing had been able to help. It was a miracle in and of itself that the baby had been able to survive the entire ordeal.

The doctor and the silent husband were making their way into the room where the body had been left. It was supposed to have been cleaned up while the doctor went to inform the husband of the situation. As the two entered the room, they were greeted with something that neither expected to see. The entire medical team was dead. Each person was scattered across the room and each was covered in blood. All of them had various wounds. Blood coated every inch of the room-the floor, the walls, and even the ceiling. What was the most surprising was that Ellaina's body was gone. It was nowhere to be found amongst the gore of the room. It seemed that the only thing that might be alive in the room was one man, who was trapped under some sort of medical table.

Slender knew who this man was, and he spent no time in going to help the man. The doctor, meanwhile, had proved how incredibly useful he was. He had passed out and was currently lying face down in a puddle of blood. It was a wonder how the man had gotten through medical school. One would think that the sight of blood should not perturb him. Then again, a murder scene was rather different than that of a surgical scene. Still, the condition of the doctor was not the first thing on the Slenderman's mind. All he cared about was getting down to the bottom of whatever had happened here. The whole scene was suspicious. The only one who might have the answers had just been unburied from the pile of medical supplies.

"God, what hit me?" Totheark questioned while rubbing his head and pulling himself up to his feet. He looked around the room, only now noticing what had become of the doctors. "Um, Dad, did you do this?"

Why would I kill these people? They have done nothing to me. The doctor, the one passed out over there, said that Ellaina had died… Slender replied, trying to make sense of everything that was happening. It seemed that his adoptive son had no idea what had happened. A quick scan of the man's memories confirmed this. The last thing he could pull from the mind was Ellaina bleeding. He forced that image from his mind. It was not something that he wanted to see. Do you remember anything before you passed out?

The normally masked man looked at the bloodied room once again before bringing his attention back to that of his adoptive father. "Ellaina was bleeding pretty badly after they delivered the baby. A nurse took the baby away to the nursery and then… I don't really know what happened. The last thing I can remember seeing were two glowing, red eyes."

Red eyes, he echoed. How many beings were on this planet that had that defining characteristic? How many beings in this city alone had those eyes? To search out every one of them would be foolish. It seemed that something had taken Ellaina's body. There could be the slim chance that she was alive, though Slenderman refused to put his hopes on that fact. It was because of him, because of his seed, that the mother of his child was possibly dead. Still, he would like to at least see the child, even if it was the reason for Ellaina's demise. Had they never had the child, would Ellaina still be here with him? The answer was that she most likely would still be here. She would be at home with him celebrating Christmas, and likely finding some cute way to annoy him.

"Slen? Have I lost you to thought again?" Totheark questioned, waving a hand in front of the face-well, lack thereof-of der Ritter. He glanced about the room once more, noticing that the cameras had somehow been destroyed. It was likely that security would be here soon to find out what was going on, and to avoid possible arrest for murder, he and Slender would need to leave quickly.

Picking up on Totheark's thoughts, the Slenderman turned away from the man and made his way back toward the door. They really did need to leave this place. It would be easiest to simply teleport away, of course. There were no cameras here. He turned back to his adoptive son, who nearly ran into him. He offered a hand to the shorter one. We should be leaving now. Give me your hand, and I will take us home.

"What about the baby?" Totheark asked, brow furrowed. It could not be that Slender had forgotten the child. He had been talking so much about the baby. The man had even spent time caring for his and Anne's child to get practice at caring for a baby.

The baby is the reason Ellaina is gone, that baby and my seed. I do not need a child to remind me that I killed my Little One, Slender replied, anger in his voice. He knew that it was not always advisable to make decisions when stressed or angry, but at the moment he did not care. He wanted to be out of this hospital. He wanted to go looking for whatever had taken Ellaina.

Totheark glared at the Faceless One. "I have known you to be cruel, but you are not cruel enough to abandon your own child. I will not leave this place without your baby." When Slender tried to grab him, he only moved out of the way and began heading toward where the nurse had gone, to the nursery. He continued on through the hall, not allowing himself to be caught to be teleported back home. The man entered the nursery, finding it to be in the same condition as the other room. The babies, however, were all fine. Only the adults had been harmed. Whatever had been here had not found what it was looking for. Slender's baby was bundled away in a corner, blue blanket wrapped tightly over the small body. He picked the baby up and turned and forced the child into the arms of his adoptive father. "Now we can go home. And congratulations, it's a boy."

Slenderman only held the child close to him as he finally got a hold of Totheark. He could waste time on the baby later and what he would call it. For now, they had to get out of this hospital. He could not risk them being caught and accused of murder. He planned on teleporting them away, to bring them back to Ellaina's home. It was therefore a surprise to him when they suddenly disappeared from the hospital. They ended up in Totheark's home, and it had not been the Slenderman who had brought them to the location.

A/N- Please excuse my mistakes. My brain doesn't want to proof read. LOL