Breaking Point

Trowa x Quatre ; Duo x Heero by glitterynile

" " speech / / thought *~*~*~*~ scene change

Breaking Point

Chapter 1: little one

" Master Quatre I need to."

" Mr. Winner could you please."

" May I bring this to your attention."

Quatre had not even enter his home before the voices began again. / everyone always needs me to fix their problems / he thought angrily. It had been only six months after the war when the Winner Corporations problems were dumped in to Quatres lap. / It's been two years of the pleads, the demands, the voices /. Quatre walked right past the people begging and competing for his attention. Up the stairs and straight into the bathroom of the master bedroom. Where he looked the door and stared into the mirror / you are worthless / a sob escaped his parted lips.


" Rashid have you seem Quatre ? " , Trowa asked the Arab man about his lover.

" Trowa ", Rashid replied " yes I have seen him. He came home about an hour ago. He ignored everyone and went up stairs. I believe he had a long day at work. " Trowa nodded and thanked the man. But fear began to grow in his gut. Quatre had been acting strange all week, he knew something was wrong with his blond, blue eyes love. / I better check on him. He seems so - different./ Trowa slowly began his climb up the carpeted staircase when a scream and what sounded like the breaking of glass filled the upper level. Throwing logic to the wing Trowa leaped over the remaining steps.

"Quatre!" Trowa shouted as he enter the master bedroom. Quatres presents was absent and Trowa made a mad dash to the bathroom door. "Quatre, honey, open the door its me Trowa" screams began to fill the silent room. Trowa rammed his shoulder into the oak door successfully opening it on his third ram. Eyes wide in shock as he drank in the sight before him. Quatre laid naked from the waist up in a pile of shard mirror pieces. His arms and chest were covered in long angry whelps and blood smeared over his small frame. / O ' Allah / Quatres mind reeled / don't let him see me like this/ Quatre sobs began again as well as the mutation of his own body.

" Quatre what have you done!", Trowa shouted as the color drained from his face. Running towards his blond Arab lover. Quatre began to scream and cut deeper into his flesh with a piece of the broken mirror. / I have to be careful / Trowa thought. He slowly approached Quatre whispering soothing words. Quatre continued to scream and began top slash the air wildly.

" Quatre shhh, it's ok, calm down, no ones going to hurt you, - here give me that." heavy footsteps could be heard entering the bedroom. Trowa couldn't let anyone get near Quatre in this state. He made an agonizing decision and headed toward the bedroom. Rashid, majnai, and servants were trickling in.

" Everyone please leave, " Trowa began people began to voice their concern but Trowa continued " Quatre is ill leave!" he punctuated his last word with a death glare Heero Yuy himself would fear.

" Trowa is Mater Quat- " Rashid was interrupted by another scream and sob. " Rashid leave, please, I need to help him. " Trowa rushed back to the bathroom as Rashid exited the and slowly shut the door.

Trowas heart jumped to his throat as he cautiously approached his fallen angel once more. Quatre was bleeding profusely but had stopped cutting. He had pulled his khakis unto his chest and rock in a repetitive pattern back and forth mumbling incoherent words to himself. The ex- heavy arms pilot crouched down to Quatres level and crawled slowly. Quatre began to shack and tried to grab a shard of the broken mirror but Trowas reaction time was much quicker grabbing Quatre and pulling him into his lap.

"No let me go, stop it! Leave me alone!" Quatre angrily cried. Trowa shook his head and gently moved the bloody bangs from Quatres face. Screaming and cursing Quatre started to kick trying to break free, even slapping an punching Trowa in his attempt. Trowa grasped his small lovers hands and locked them between his and Quatres chest. Hugging Quatre to prevent him from breaking free.

" Ahhh " Quatre tried to break free but couldn't. "hush little one, stop don't this to yourself " Trowa talked softly rubbing calming circles on Quatres back " Tell me what is wrong? "


Quatres screams filled the house and threaten to break glass. The occupants had gathered in the foyer when another piercing scream filled the air. " I demand to know what really is going on! " one shouted from the crowd. " Nothing for you to concern yourself with right now "Rashid stated as he slowly presented to the end of the stairs. "Listen, Master Quatre is not to be disturbed and neither is Trowa no matter what circumstance! Trowa is currently working on the situation, carry on, and do not disturbed them. " the crowd mumbled but disbanded. / Trowa I hope you know what you are doing /
