What the Force Sees
Summary: The Force sees beyond our thoughts and feelings into the very core of who we are.
Disclaimer: All existing copyrights remain the property of their respective owners and I make no claim to them. This story contains elements created by George Lucas and other authors. They are used for non-profit-making purposes only.
Yoda is the ocean, enduring through the ages. Its depths are unfathomable, its gentle waves soothing, its strength immeasurable. Those who underestimate it soon learn their mistake.
Dooku is a saber, swift and deadly. A weapon of elegance and precision, it kills with efficiency. It moves with ease through the graceful dance of Makashi and it shows no mercy.
Qui-Gon is a Wroshyr tree, rooted in the Living Force. Its branches spread wide to protect the creatures that shelter beneath. It stands strong against the storm, immovable as the mountains.
Mace is a sand panther, vibrant strength coiled within its taut sinews. There is warning in its intense gaze. Provoke it to wrath and you will hear its roar; threaten and you will feel its lethal power.
Obi-Wan is a beacon in the darkness, guiding the footsteps of those who seek its radiance. It shines steadily through the blackest night, bringing comfort to those in despair. Its light cannot be quenched.
Anakin is a ticking bomb, waiting to explode. Unpredictable and unrestrained, it rains destruction on all who are near. It is a weapon of terrible potency in the hands of the one who wields it.