I did it! I finally wrote an Akuroku story! I planned first to make it only one chapter, but then my friend told me if it was to long, the readers would lost intresst so I posting it in chapters.

Hope you will enjoy it. And please if you don't like the story, stop reading. No one is forcing you!

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom hearts! I tried to steal the ide but the real owners threatened to go to court so i had to back off. =(

Warnings: This story contain blood, gore, murder, sex, yaoi, stalking, death and probably much more.

"P-please. D-don't hurt my children!" Sobbed the woman. That lay on the bloodied floor in the kitchen. Bleeding from the stabbed wound in the stomach. She wouldn't live much longer, soon she would have bled to death from the serious wound.

The man in a black trench coat and a long knife in his hand, just grinned as he sat on a chair near the woman.

How pitiful of her. That her last words would be the begging of not have her children hurt. Too bad they were already dead. Should he tell her? No, it would be more fun if she didn't know in which condition her children was in.

The man only looked at. She was unable to see his face because the hoddie he had over his head, but she was sure the man only smirked evilly at her.

She let the tears fall from her eyes when she tried again to say something, but couldn't get anything out from her mouth. Her eyes filled with horror when she saw the man kneeling down before next to her and with strong, fast hands, pull out the knife that she had in her stomach.

She screamed in pain. But the man only smiled as he once again stabbed the woman in the stomach. Another scream in pain comes out of the woman's mouth and her eyes feel tears. As he watched more blood float out from her wound and let the crimson colour fill the floor with a large dark red spot.

Months later:

It was summer. The weather was warm and sunny. The young blond haired boy gazed up at the new house as he saw the moving men was carrying in the furniture's from the moving truck.
The house was nothing special. It was a grey wooden house that had two floors, three bedrooms, a kitchen, two bathrooms, a big living room, a hall and of curse a library. And don't forget the big garden back of the house that led into the woods. Just a normal house that most families with children would buy.

A perfect place to grow up in.

The boy though and sighed.

His mom had bought the house, that was a bit from the small town, that you could only see if it was night and lamps was on. His mom was a writer and loved quiet places that she could write without being disturbed by load traffic or noise neighbours.
Their other home, before this one, was also a bit town and traffic. But after eight years living there, others had started to build houses there and more houses, meant more noises. And his mom always exclaimed that she needed her quiet time to write.
So during his childhood, he had always been given quiet games and toys to play with. Not those video games and stereos, like the other kids got from their parents. Even now in his sixteen's, there was only one thing that he had gotten from her that other kids has been given from their parents too, that would count like a normal gift. A computer, that he have been given for his fifteen birthday. That computer was the thing the boy trouser the most, the one thing that let him get contact with others and let him play games, that was not a quiet boarding game.

"Roxas sweaty, are you ok?" His mom asked as she put her hand gently on his shoulder. Making Roxas to jump and led her hand to let go. He hadn't heard his mom walking behind him.

"Mom, you scared me." He said and smiled at the blond haired woman. As she smiled back at him. "How does the moving the furniture's goes?"

"Great, actually. How about you take your boxes and put them in your room, while we others get the furniture's in?" She suggested.

"Sure." He answered. Raters carrying in boxes then help the moving men and his mom with the heavy furniture. And not to mention chose the furniture's placements. He knew that his mom was fastidious when it came where things should be placed. That could take hours.

Poor all those moving men.

He thought as he went to the truck and picked up one of his boxes and went toward the house. He had made sure that his boxes weren't too heavy for him to carry, when he had packed them.


Down there in the dark woods, a man stood, hiding from sight, and watched as men was moving furniture and boxes from a moving truck to the house. The man smirked. Surprised that someone was moving to that house, that was so near the town. Who would think someone would move near that town, special when people had been murdered and disappeared for the last two years around the area. But of course, they probably hadn't been warned. Like so many others hadn't been.

This could be fun.

The man thought. Decided that as soon the moving had left, he would go closer to the house, and see who it was that have been moving in.

The man smirked again and brought out a long knife that he had had in his pocket.

Fun indeed.


Roxas let out a deep breath, when he putted the last of his boxes on the floor in his new room. The room had a dark blue colour on the walls. The room wasn't really that bad, but he missed his old room. He hadn't been too happy about the move. Not only that he would miss the old house that he had spent almost all his childhood in, but also his school and friends, Pence, Olette and Hayner. God he would miss them. Luckily he could still have contact with them on his computer, but it wouldn't be the same.

He looked out the window and looked at the woods that seemed spread miles away and nothing else then trees, grass and rocks. It started to dark outside, the clock was almost seven and he could feel a hunger in his stomach. He hadn't eaten since his Mom and he stopped at burger king on their way here, at two. He began to go down the stairs and look for his mom and ask her if she needed help to cook some food for them. He couldn't start unpacking until his bed and shelves was there anyway.
As he walked down he could see how much of the furniture's had been placed just as his mother wanted it. The only furniture's that was left in a corner was his own. He went out of the house only to see his mother wave the moving men's truck as they left the house.
His mom turned around and smiled when she saw Roxas go toward her.

"Hi, honey. Have you carried all your boxes to your room?"

"I hope so." He chuckled. "Or else you have to run after the truck, to bring it back."

She laughed as she took his hand went toward the house, while inside she took one end of the shelf, as Roxas took the other one. And they started to lift his furniture up the stairs toward his room.

"Why didn't you let the moving men do this?" He asked as he tried not to drop the heavy shelf. "You know, that is why you are paying them for." He puffed, realizing how heavy this stuff could be. Also realizing that his mom didn't seem a bit tired or having problem with the shelf.
God, she's strong. Or am I weak?

"I know, but it was starting to get late and I didn't want them to drive home in complete darkness." She stated, with a happy smile.

Roxas only shook his head. His mom was too nice sometimes.

After they had putted all the furniture that was left, in Roxas' room, they headed toward the kitchen. His mom had already started unpacking and had putted glasses, plates and other utensils in the kitchen cabinets. She opened the fridge and looked around. They didn't have much food, except the little stuff they had bought on their way here at the gas station.

His mom let out a heavy sigh when she looked in the fridge. "Well we have milk, bread, jam and a jar of pickles. So...How about a dinner with bread, jam, pickles and a glass of milk?" She asked with a warm, playful, smile on her lips.

Roxas laughed when he saw the silly look on his mother's face. "Sure, mom, that would be great."

Roxas sets the table, as his mother took out their dinner from the fridge and put it on the table. And then they sat down. Eating as they talked about their new house and how they were going to furnish it. Also about Roxas' new school and stuff they would need to buy for him. After they had done eating and their stomach filled with bread, jam, milk and pickles (mostly pickles in Roxas' mom stomach, who just loved pickles) they both started to dish together. Like always. A thing Roxas had been learned from his mom, that always help with the dishes after dinner. Roxas didn't mind, doing dishes wasn't that bad like other though.
It was really dark out now, the clock was almost nine.

Thank God it's Saturday tomorrow. He thought, Thankful that he didn't need to go to school the first thing after he had just moved in.

"Roxas, can you take the garbage out? The garbage can is outside near the garage."

"Sure." Roxas said. Not minding to go out with the garbage. "But how will I be able to see?"

"Oh, there should be a switcher outside near the garage door. You will have to feel to it. But then the garage lamp will light."


Outside he was. Wearing a dark hoodie and black pants, so he could easily blend into the darkness outside. He was standing near the house; he could easily see a woman, with blond hair, in the kitchen washing the dishes.
He almost laughed out loud when he saw the place on the floor that a big blood stain had been only for a couple months ago. There he had stabbed the a woman in her stomach when she had been cooking dinner and left her to bleed to death and left a big blood stain on the floor, was now gone.

Oh, he remembered that day. It had only been for a couple of months then a family with three children had moved in there. A sweet family, he had learned when he saw all of their family pictures and loving embrace they showed each other. But not as sweet as when he had first killed the kids one by one, by strangle them in their sleep. And then go down the stairs and killed the woman as she cooked dinner for her family. How she cried of pain and horror when he watched her slowly bleed to death. After that, he had been waiting for the husband to come home and when he noticed his wife dead, the husband had tried to run out of the house, but he had grabbed him and put a knife in his back and then he had tortured the man slowly, before he had killed him too. He had enjoyed that.
Ah, yes. The Robinson their name had been. The cops had found them two, or three days later. Without finding any evidence from whom it might be for doing this crime.
Why? Because he was too smart, that's why. No one ever caught him, never. And no one would ever do it either.

Suddenly he heard the back door open. Quickly he hides himself behind the big bushes that were planted in a long row from the house all the way toward the woods. Perfect place to hide and walk without letting anyone see him.
The woman was still standing in the kitchen and washing the dishes, so who was it.

Her husband? Whoever it was it didn't matter, the person would be dead soon enough.

He pulls out his favourite tool, the long sharp knife, from his pocket and holds it steady in his right hand. Ready to attack whoever that will come out from the back door. He sits still in the darkness behind the bushes, making sure that no one will see him.

He watches as the door opens and a person comes out. It's too dark to see who.

If only the person could light the lamp to the garage, then he would be able to see who the person was and attack. He chuckles silently to himself, when he sees the shadow tries to reach the button to the lamp. After his last visit to the house he remembered all how the house looked inside.

Just a little closer.

He thinks as he sees the shadow reach over to the button. As soon the shadow had pressed the button, he would attack. Jump behind the shadow and slice his or her throat. And then go in and kill the woman in the kitchen as well.

Suddenly the shadow pushes the button and light comes up from the lamp on the wall outside.

Ready to attack, but the man was taken aback. And the man was sure his heart skipped a beat. The shadow was a young boy and he was absolutely beautiful. His beautiful blond hair that looked like gold sparkled in the light from the lamp. And his eyes, those loving blue eyes that looked like the ocean that he wanted to drown in.
Without noticing that he had accidently let the knife slip out of his hand. Luckily he stood on the grass so the knife didn't do any load sounds when it had fallen.
The man was completely stunned, as he watched the boy smile when he saw the garbage can. That smile was simply glorious. Amazing. A smile that seemed to belong to an angel from the most beautiful part of heaven.
He could now feel his heart race, like he had been running miles. He felt a big, needing, urge, too jump from the bushes and take the blond into a loving embrace. There he would hold him for hours, kiss him, caress him and tell him how beautiful he was.

But he couldn't do that. The boy would be frightened. He had to introduce himself. Yes, that's it. But how? Even how much he wanted to, he couldn't do that now, not at this time of the day. What would the boy think?

Suddenly the back door opened again, and the woman from the kitchen came into view. "Oh, good you found the switch."

The boy opened the garbage can and dropped the garbage in it. "Yep."

Oh, his voice. It was wonderful. He watched as the boy went to the door and the woman, probably his mother. She was too ugly and disgusting, to be his wife. Not mention that she was at least thirty years older than him. The boy could only be seventeen, eighteen at the most.

"Don't forget to turn off the lamp, Roxas." The woman said as she went into the house, out of the man's view.

"Yes, mom." He replied as he pushed the switch and turned the lamp off and it was dark outside once again. But he could still see the boy's shadow go inside and close the door. He heard the click sound that confirmed that the boy had locked the door. The man came out from his hiding place. He took off the hood, that had kept his face hidden, and exposed his red, spiky hair. And two tattoos that were beneath under his green eyes.

"Roxas..." He breathed out.

What a beautiful name. Roxas...


Two hours later, he is still near the house. Looking in every window that was on the first floor, trying to get a view of that adorable, Roxas. But in his despair, he didn't get one. It seems that after he had taken out the trash, both Roxas and his mom and went up to the second floor.

He could just get up on the veranda that was on the second floor, but it could cause to make too much noise and they would hear. And he didn't want them to know that someone was looking at them. And what if Roxas would see him? He would be scared and leave and never come back. He didn't want that, no. Beside he didn't have a ladder to climb up on, that he had the other time. He sees the lamp goes on and off around the house and after a while the whole house is completely dark.

They probably went to bed. He though and looks at his watch. Almost twelve.

Even how much he wants to stay near the house, where Roxas was in. He knew that he probably wouldn't see him for at least tomorrow. Oh, how much he wanted to see him again. To hear his wonderful voice.

But that had to wait. Right now he had to get home so he could come up with a plan how to meet and introduce himself too Roxas, so he could talk to him.
He sighed deeply and said quietly.

"Tomorrow, Roxas. I promise we'll meet tomorrow."

As he turned around and went to his car, that he had parked far from the house, so it was out the house windows view. He went in the car a drove away. Leaving the house there Roxas was in. After driving a couple of minutes, he felt an emptiness in his body.

Roxas, that wonderful blond. God, how he missed him. He just wanted to turn around the car and wait outside the house until the sun rose again and the blond would wake up. So he could see Roxas again. He sighed. He knew better. To make sure that he would meet the boy again and talk to him, he had to come up with a plan. On how he would introduce himself, what he should say.
Oh, how much he wanted Roxas to talk to him. But the only thing he could do now was to wait and come up with a plan of what he would do tomorrow when he should get back to the house.


Roxas woke up that morning from the annoying sound from the alarm clock. One of the few things he had unpacked yet, from his boxes. The clock was 8:00 am. It was Saturday, so he could sleep longer. But his mom wanted to get up early so they could unpack the rest of the stuff today. Roxas grunted as he swung his legs over the side of his bed and let his feet touch the floor. He forced himself to get up from the warm bed and went in the bathroom; there he took a warm shower. He could hear his mom get up too. Her load yawn was a thing Roxas could not miss hearing. For a person that loved quiet, she sure could yawn out loud.
After he was done showering, he took a towel and wrapped it around his waist. And walked back into his room to get dressed.

After he was done he went down, to find his mom, new showered and clothed, in the kitchen, looking in the fridge again.

"Well, we still have some things, from yesterday." She said as she started to put the food on the table. "I will have to buy some groceries later. I had to buy new food anyway." She sighed.

Roxas only smiled. Even if his mom used to be the wake-up-first person, she was always the tired one.

And so their day began. After they finished their 'breakfast' and washed the dishes, they started to unpack the boxes. His mom started to unpack all the boxes that held books that she was going to put in the library. She had probably hundreds of different books. "If you are a writer, you have to read much." She used to say to Roxas. The library was old fashioned, with dark brown walls, floor and shelves. As the rest of the house had lighter walls, this room was rather dark.

After hours of unpacking the boxes, the clock was almost at lunch, when Roxas could feel his stomach being empty again and begs for food. When he told his mom, she just sighed and smiled. Told him that she was starting to get hungry too. After they had written a grocery list what they would want to buy, his mom took the car keys and drove away toward the small town that was an hour away from their house. She asked if he wanted to come with her, but he only shook his head and told her it would go faster if he stayed here to do the unpacking. After his mom had left, Roxas began to unpack the boxes that in holding stuff to the living room. It didn't take long before he could hear the doorbell.


The red haired man woke at 10:00 am that morning. The red haired man had taken a quick shower, put on new clothes and taken his car toward the house, where Roxas was. He needed to see the blond again. He just had to.

The night had been painful for him, he couldn't stop thinking of the blond. Roxas. The name just rolled from his tongue. Roxas. It had taken him hours before he had drifted off to sleep.

When he was near the house, he parked the car at the same spot he had the day before. And walked toward the grey house, and hide himself in the bushes, like he had the other night. In the window he could see the woman in the kitchen, unpack some things from the boxes that lay on the floor. So, they were up. But where was the blond beauty? Where was Roxas?
Suddenly the blond comes in the kitchen to help the woman unpack from the boxes.
Roxas, there you are. He thought as he saw the boy come in the kitchen.

God, he was even more He was even more beautiful at day time. Then the red haired man could see more of the young, blond, boy. God his skin looks so soft, like silk. He wanted to touch it. Caress it. Lick it.

Suddenly, he felt a burning feeling of jealousy grew strong in him. When he saw the woman laughing with Roxas, and hug him. Jealous that she could talk, hug and see him. His eyes were filled with burned hate. He hadn't liked her when he first saw her and he didn't like her now. A few of his jealousy dropped when he saw her release their hug and take up a piece of paper and a pen, as she started to write. He looked at them when he saw them write on the paper and talk to each other. After they were done the woman took the paper and she and Roxas, went out to the hall.

Quickly he gained access to the window that gave him a clear view of the hall. Where he clearly remembered he had killed the husband of the house when he had gotten home.

He watched as the women put on her jacket and took the car keys, as she went through the door and waved goodbye to Roxas.

The man felt a smirk curl on his lips. The woman had left to buy food or something and left Roxas there, alone. The man was overjoyed that the woman had left. Now he had his chance to introduce himself to Roxas. Without having that woman disturbs him.

He watched as he saw the boy once again leave again from his view, to another room.

With not really thinking, the man rushed to the front door. He had thought all night about what he was going to say to the blond. And had come up with a perfect lie, so he could introduce himself to Roxas. He took off his hood that was hiding his face, cleaned his clothes with his hand, so it wouldn't be any signs of dirt on him. He wanted to look at his best in front of the blond. He took a deep breath before he rang the doorbell.

It didn't take long before Roxas opened the door. He could almost barely breathe. The blond was so cute, so adorable, and so beautiful.

He tried to talk, but the only thing he could do was to stare at those amazing blue eyes.

"Hello?" The blond said, unsure how to tell someone you never meet, hello.

Quickly, the red haired man had to get away from his some kind of a shock, and started to talk.

"Hi, I'm Axel. I saw the moving-truck yesterday and wanted to say hi, to my new neighbours." Axel said as he gave a smile to the confused blond.

At first Roxas looked a little uncertain and confused at him. Axel prayed a silent prayer. Please, please, don't get freaked out and shut the door in front of me. Please, say something!

As Axel's panic started to grow for every quiet second, that seemed like hours. Roxas only looked a little confused at first. When his mom told him about the house and its location, she also had said that it wasn't going to be any nearby neighbours at all. Not for miles, anyway. Roxas caught himself staring at the red haired man in front of him and realised it was really impolite to do that, so he shook the offering hand the man offered him and started to talk.

"Oh, my name is Roxas, nice to meet you." He said as he smiled at the man in front of him, that had introduced himself as Axel. Axel could feel his panic feeling get away. Roxas had talked to him. What a relief. Not mention that Roxas took his hand and shook it. Axel could feel the soft and in his. It felt like the smoothed silk ever.

Axel felt a sad feeling in his chest, when he felt the silken hand let go of his. He didn't want to let go. He wanted to hold his hand a little longer, to memorize the feeling of his hand. Instead he continued to talk.

"Roxas, what a cute name." No, why did I have to say that!? Now he will think I'm some sort of a pervert! He thought, once again panicking, a feeling he usually didn't have. Was it to think about Roxas that caused that feeling? Causing him to be afraid to say or do something to the blond that would cause that he never would see him again? However, his panic dropped, when he heard the blond laughed. What a beautiful laugh, it could open doors to heaven.

"I guess. It was my mom who gave me the name. I'm named after one of her favourite characters from a book."

"So, your mom lives here too?" Axel asked, and tried to sound surprised. "Anyone else?"

"No, just me and my mom. But she's out for groceries. Would you like to come in?"

Axel felt like his feet was going to fly. Roxas, had asked him to come in. That feeling from to being with the blond, made him happy. And what made him happier was to make the blond happy. Make him smile and laugh. He wanted to be with Roxas always. And he wanted Roxas to want to be with him. Those moments he had spent, even if they were few, with Roxas, he loved those moments. He loved Roxas.

"Sure, I love too." He answered as he entered the house, smiling at Roxas.

For that moment he had found out what thing he really wanted now, and that was to be with Roxas forever. And in that moment he promised himself, in one way or another he would make sure too that. Make sure that his Roxas was going to be with him. His Roxas.


What could it hurt to let a neighbour in? Roxas though as he let Axel get in the hall in the house.

Axel took off his trench coat and put it on the hat shelf. It was then he noticed that Axel was wearing all black. The other colour on him was his skin and hair. Not to mention that the red haired man was rather handsome.

"What a nice house you have here, Roxas."

Roxas couldn't not noticed that Axel had almost rolled his name out, like he was tasting it. But he didn't putt any too much time thinking of that. Instead he offered the man a glass of water, since that was the only thing he had to offer. Axel gladly said yes to that offer. Walking into the kitchen to get a glass of water. With Axel followed closely by.
Only standing and arm reach from Roxas when he poured water in a glass, Axel could smell him. God he smelled so good. Like something sweet and soft at the same time.

"So, how long have you lived here?" The blond asked as he gave the glass to Axel.

Axel hesitated of the question, he couldn't tell the truth to his Roxas. No, that would probably only scare him. He thanked in silence, that he was good at lying and make up fake stories. How else would he get his victims to trust him?

"About five years." Axel answered him. But that was a lie. Axel had barely lived here for one year. He moved often, to find new victims and places to be in. He had done that since he was fifteen.

"Do you live alone?" Roxas asked, as he wanted to start a conservation. Rather that, then stand in silence with a stranger. He thought and leaned his back against the sink and looked curious at Axel, which stood only a foot away, with the glass of water in his hand.

Axel chuckled. "Well what if I do? Would you see it strange?"

"No, but you look rather young to live alone." Roxas said in guilt. He hoped he hadn't offended the red haired with his question. His mother had always told him not to get too far in other lives with personal questions.

But Axel wasn't offended. Not at all. He was only happy to hear Roxas voice. "No, I don't live alone. But how old do you think I am?" He chuckled. Hoped that the blond would laugh again, just like he had before.

Roxas smiled. "I don't know, nineteen, maybe."

Axel wanted to burst out in a laugh. Nineteen? Did he look so young? "Actually, I'm twenty-one." He said with a smile. And looking at the blond hoping that he would give him his age. "How old are you?"

"What do you think?" The blond said and smiled too. Happy that they talked active.

"Well I must say-" he was cut off when they heard the front door open and close.

Roxas went toward the hall, as he saw his mom stand there, with the car keys in her hand.

"I forgot my wallet." She said with and laugh. "I'm happy that I found it out before I got too far." She looked at the hat racket and noticed and unfamiliar coat. "Roxas, whose coat is this?" She asked, a little worried.

"That's mine." Axel said as he stepped into the hall. "I'm Axel, I'm your neighbour."

"Neighbour?" Roxas mom almost yelled terrified by the news. "When I bought this house I was told that the closest persons that lived near us, was the ones in town. So where do you live?" She asked and widen her eyes suspiciously. Roxas sighed, his mom could be very suspicious sometimes to others.

Axel noticed the suspicious in her voice. Not only did she ruin his and Roxas talk, she also pounded him with questions that were not her business. He didn't like that woman. If it not been for Roxas, Axel would kill her and her blood would be shattered over the walls by now. He opened his mouth to answer her question, but then he was interrupted by that wonderful, silky voice.

"Relax, mom! He was only going to say hello to us, because he saw the moving truck yesterday."

The woman relaxed as she apologized for her suspicions. She offered Axel that he could stay for a while and talk. But Axel, turned the offer down gently. He wanted to stay more with Roxas. But if that woman would be there, she would ruin it. With questions about his life, how he lived and his family and stuff. And he didn't want that annoying woman's question that he had to explain too. She smiled and offered him that they could talk another time, when he visits them, when they had got everything in the house done. He gave a fake smile at the offer.

With our suspicion questions? You could dream of it, bitch.

He turned to look at Roxas and smiled a warm smile at him. A smile that wasn't fake. He thanked for the water and put on his coat and went toward the door. As the woman went to look after her wallet. Roxas opened the door and watched the man get out.

"Sixteen." Roxas said to the man, quietly, so his mother wouldn't hear, but loud enough to let Axel hear. Roxas blushed a little when Axel turned around to look at him. "I'm sixteen. It's only fair that you get to know, because I got to know yours." Roxas said and smiled. Then he slowly closed the door before he started to help his mom find her wallet.

Outside Axel started to walk toward his car. Sixteen. His blond had told him his age. Axel smiled and a warm, heart full feeling was inside his body as he thought back to the shorter moment he and Roxas just shared. He was going to meet the blond again. He was going to make sure of that.


It was Monday morning when Roxas woke up at 6:00 am by his alarm clock. Because it took a little more than an hour to get to town and his school started at 8:00 and his bus went at 6:45. He had to get up early to make it. He sighed; this was the time he had to get up every school morning for as long, until his mom wanted to move again. Great, mom, thanks. He though as he dragged himself out of the warm bed. He wanted to take a shower, but because his time limit he had to make it without one, until he gets home after school.

After getting his books into his school bag, he went towards the kitchen. He dropped his bag on the floor there and tried not to make too much noise. His mom was still sleeping and he didn't want to wake her up. Even if it was her fault he had to get up so early to make it to school. He took the cereal box and held some cereals in a bowl and held in milk there too. God, he was tired. He remembered his old school, which only had been twenty minutes from his home. He missed his old school. And his old friends.

After finishing his breakfast, he grabbed his school bag and coat as and he out the door and went to the bus stop. It was a little cold outside, even if it was late summer. Well it was one thing that his mom had done something good about. And that was the moving date. School had started about a week ago and because of the move, Roxas had in a way got an extra week of summer break. He clenched to his coat when he felt a cold breeze went through him. Finally at the bus stop, Roxas picked up his watch and noticed that it had taken him twenty minutes to get there.
Waiting a couple of minutes, the bus finally came. He got in and found a seat to sit. It wasn't hard because he was the only passenger on the darn bus. He was nearly to fall asleep during the whole trip, but he forced himself to stay awake. He knew if he fell asleep, he might not wake up where he would get off. The trip was rather boring. He had now mp3 to listen to or a phone he could play games on. Not many people got on the bus, only an old lady and two men, that looked like they worked on a construction place.

When he stepped out of the bus on the school ground, he realized that he was going to be the only, from school, that would be taken the bus every morning. He watched many other children go into the school building. He watched his clock, it was almost eight. He started to walk toward the entrance of to the school. Even if he didn't have any bad or worried emotions in his head or body, he just felt that this was going to be a long day.


On the other side street of the school stood a black car, with dark windows so you could barely see from the outside to the inside of the car. Sat Axel and looking at the entrance of the school. He had been sitting in his car for a couple of hours. Inside the school where his blond. He had watched the blond since this morning. When he left the house and went to the bus stop. He had followed the bus, the blond had got on, to the school. And then watched his blond, while he was getting into the school.

Axel looked at his watch, it was almost lunch. Roxas was probably in the school cafeteria and eating now. He sighed. He missed Roxas so much, even thought he was only meters away from the building Roxas was in. And even he had been up almost all night and day, yesterday and watched the blond when he was home. Every minute and second, when he didn't watch Roxas, he thought about the blond. He couldn't think of anything else. He wondered how the blond was and what he was doing. If he was tired, hungry, happy, sad, sleeping, reading, eating, awake, horny. Everything. He wanted to know, see, hear, everything, the blond was going through or did. But unfortunately he couldn't watch the blond all the time.

He still hasn't found a way to watch the blond when he was in his room, upstairs. He always thought about the veranda, but that could cause too much sound. And he couldn't risk to be caught for watching. No, that would scare his blonde-haired person. And not mention the bitch he was living with. She was suspicious, scared, feeling uncomfortable around him. He had seen it in her eyes, when she first saw him that Saturday, he had seen it. That that woman would never want him near Roxas. He wanted to talk with Roxas yesterday. But that woman hadn't left him alone at all, that day. He had watched them as they had unpacked more of their stuff and decorating their new home. She hadn't given him one chance to meet or talk to Roxas. Damn that woman.

He growled when he thought about it. Suddenly from nowhere a bright idea came up in his head. The clock was only at lunchtime. His blond wouldn't leave school, before it ended at three or four. He turned the key to his car and drove away from the school, to the nearest electron market.


His first day hadn't been going great. Rather the opposite. First he had gone lost in the school halls, when he had tried to find his first lesson, math. It had taken him twenty minutes to find it. So he had been twenty minutes late. The second classroom was even harder to find and once again he was late, but this time only ten minutes.
Almost 90% of the school had the colour of white or grey on their walls and things. The whole school looked like an old prison, from a white and black movie in the 1920.

So the whole school looked boring, even in the beginning. Not to mention the classes, they're talking with others, except for the teacher, was strictly forbidden. The only thing you should do was to have your nose in a book and write everything the teacher said. God he felt like one of those kids from the Pink Floyd music video. The only thing that missed was the uniforms.
But after two lessons, it was finally lunch. Roxas could hear his stomach growl a little. He had eaten since six this morning that was almost six hours from now. Finding the cafeteria wasn't hard, because all in the school was going toward it.

After getting his lunch tray, he sat down to the nearest empty table that he found. He rather didn't want to sit alone, but he didn't know where his classmates sat. Beside he hadn't talked to one of them yet. As he slowly started to eat. Three people sat there lunch trays and sat down on the same table. And they started to talk with each other. He learned that the three people that sat around him were, Riku, Namine and Terra. Riku and Namine were almost in the same length as Roxas was, when Terra was much taller. Terra told him that this was the second time he went over a year, because his lack of grades, and was two years older than the others in the class.

They all lived in town and ripped Roxas apart with their questions about him. He had told them that he and his mom used to live in another town far away from this one. That his mom was a writer, but worked part time on other jobs, apparently, not all writers could live on their writing. Also that he now lived in a house far away from town. The newfound friends he found seemed nice.

Maybe this school isn't bad after all. He though as they continued to talk with each other.


After finding new friends, the rest of the school day seemed to fly by. He and the three others continued there talking about their other breaks. They also helped him to find in his classrooms. When the clock turned three, the school bell rang and everyone got out of the school. Eager to get to their homes.

Roxas said goodbye to his new friends and walked toward the bus stop and sat on the bench. He was alone there and the bus wasn't going to come until thirty minutes. He once again though how hard it was going to be, to get up early those mornings and wait for the bus in thirty minutes every day.


On other street side of the school. He once again stood, watching his blond that sat on the bus stop benches. He watched as the blond curled into his jacket. It was a little cold outside today. But that only made his plan more perfect.
He drove the car toward the bus stop and pulled his window down and watched at his Roxas. He had to do this right. Or he risked to scare the blond or make me say no to his offer.

"Hi, Roxas." He said and smiled at him.

Roxas looked up and saw who it was that had said his name. The blond smiled back. God, you could die for that smile.
"Hi, Axel." The blond didn't seem frightened or suspicion that he just bumped into his new neighbour at the bus station.

"Waiting for the bus?"

"Yep, I just come from school."

"Do you want a ride home?" Axel asked and looked longing at the blond. Hoped, that he would say yes at his question.

Roxas looked a little unsure at the offer. Even if he didn't have anything against the person that was in the car. He wasn't sure if he should say yes at the offering about a ride home. Sure it would save him a lot of time, but then even if he knew Axel as his new neighbour. He had been told that never get in others cars, especially not strangers. That was the basic rule all the kids were told by their parents and teachers. But Axel wasn't a stranger. He was technically their neighbours. And was really nice. But say yes to a ride from a man you just met two days ago? Roxas hesitated. Could he say yes? Axel was nice and didn't seem weird at all, just a nice, new neighbour that offered a ride home to him. A voice in his back head said: No! Don't, what would your mom say? But he pushed that voice away. As he smiled at the red headed.

"Yeah, sure. Thanks." And got around the car and sat in the passenger seat in the front, beside Axel.

Axel smirked.

Hope you liked it. Was the chapter to long? Please review! I beg you all, it gives me curage!

Well as for all time, it soon christmas and a new year, so happy holiday! And enjoy the ride to hell with me. =)