"...Blumiere, Timpani, and Dimentio then left the Mushroom Kingdom the falling night," the old woman says as she finishes the tale. "They traveled far away, so far so that no one could ever find them ever again. A place...where Dimentio could fully heal and live the rest of his life in peace."
Pennington stares wide eye at the old woman. He looks down at Dimentio's fading mask, almost like he could see the Phantom's eyes looking into his.
"...I can't believe it," Pennington says softly. "I would never imagine that the Phantom's story..."
"Would be like this?" the old woman cuts him off. "I know, and only a few people can understand it. Only people...who are willing to look past the mask and see the man underneath."
There is a long silence, as both Pennington and the old woman stare at the mask. Eventually, Pennington stands up and turns to the old woman, who's long gray-green hair has fallen over her eyes.
"Thank you for everything," he says. "I will make sure that my story gets published and lets the whole world the Phantom's story, Mimi."
The old woman's eyes widen in shock as Pennington says her name. Pennington smiles slightly.
"Am I correct that you are the ballet girl that was Madame Merlee's daughter?"
Mimi blinks a couple of times. Slowly she gives a small smile.
"You are quite the detective," she says. "Yes, I am Mimi, or now Madame Mimi. Also known as the crazy old woman trying to save the fallen opera."
"And you will succeed," Pennington replies. "For I'm sure once my story gets sold, no one will want to. Though, there is one question that remains unanswered..."
He pauses.
"How did you get Dimentio's mask?"
Mimi looks off into the distance, her eyes gazing at her reflection in the old mirror.
"After the fire," she says softly, "the opera was officially closed and everyone who worked there had to get new jobs. Madame Flurrie, Koops, and most of the others left the Mushroom Kingdom to perform elsewhere. Mario and Luigi took over a new business in the Mushroom Kingdom, though in a new town, while my mom and I... Well, Merlee never fully recovered from what happened, grief overcoming her as she blamed herself for the disaster. I was able to get a few part time jobs and to keeps us fed, along with a few friends helping us out. And when I finished my jobs, I would always come to the opera, as I remembered all that happened. My life before the fire. Since it was abandoned, no one really cared that I went inside."
She pauses for a moment.
"And then, five years after the incident, I came to the opera that night like always. But, to my surprise, I found someone else was there. No one ever came to the opera, so I was a little concerned. I approached the person and asked who they were and what they were doing here. And to my delight and shock, that person turned out to be Timpani."
Pennington gasps. Mimi turns to him.
"Only, she was completely different then what she used to be. She had grown older and was no longer a big opera singer, but a well known foreign music writer, along with her husband."
"'Her husband?' So she did..."
"Stay with Dimentio? Yes, Timpani told me that Blumiere took her and Dimentio to a far away country, though she wouldn't tell me where. Apparently, Blumiere had some wealth overseas and used it to start a new life for the three of them. There, he helped Dimentio blend into society, even help designing a mask to look like a real human face. Slowly, Dimentio recovered and became less hostile towards people. Timpani helped him through it and eventually, they got married."
"But what about Blumiere?" Pennington asks. "Was he okay with that?"
"Well, from what Timpani said, he never really got over her completely," Mimi explains. "He, and would always, have feelings for her. But, he was able to move on. For he hired a secretary to work for him when the arrived at the new country, and they eventually, fell in love."
"So a happy ending for all three of them," Pennington says. "I'm happy to hear that. But that still doesn't explain..."
"I'm getting there, just be patient. Anyways, I asked Timpani what she was doing here and she told me that she was trying to, like Blumiere said, spread Dimentio's story. So that we would all learn from the tragedy and prevent anything like that from happening again."
Mimi's eyes darken.
"But, no one would listen to her. Of course, Timpani never told them who she was, but everyone would freak out at the mentioned of the opera, let alone the Opera Ghost himself. She tried and tried to get someone to listen to her, but nothing would work. I, still thinking that the Phantom was evil, got curious as to why she would want to bring up bad memories. And so, being the only person who was willing to listen, she told me the exact story I told you. And like you, I was just as shocked and wanted to make a difference. I told her that I would do all that I can to help, I would make sure Dimentio's story was heard and took to thought. Timpani was thrilled when I said that. 'If one person was willing to listen,' she had said, 'Then in time, everyone would.'"
Mimi moves her gaze to Dimentio's mask.
"...But before she left that night, Timpani took out Dimentio's mask from her purse. Apparently she went down to the underground lake and got it. She was going to take it home with her...but then she gave it to me. 'I want you to have this, Mimi,' she explained as I was so shocked she would give this to me. 'I want you to keep it until the time is right. The time...to give the world this mask and except the truth.'"
Mimi looks into Pennington's eyes.
"And so, I give his mask to you. For the world is now ready...to hear the whole story of the Opera Ghost."
Pennington nods his head.
"And I will make sure they do. Again, thank you for everything, Madame Mimi."
Mimi smiles and chuckles softly.
"I should be the one thanking you, Pennington. For now, my long task is finally done. I can now finally rest and move on, knowing that someone was finally willing to listen. So that the whole world would listen."
With everything in place, Pennington and Mimi walk out of Timpani's old dressing room and leave the opera. As they step outside, Pennington gives one last glance at the old building.
At last, the mystery is finally solved, Pennington thinks, his eyes never blinking. At last, the truth will be known for all to hear. At last, the people who lost their lives can finally rest in peace. At last...the tale of the Phantom of the Opera can end.
Author's Note:
And thus, are tale comes to an end. This story really came and went, didn't it? I really enjoyed writing it, and I'm glad it end on a slightly happy note.
Though, I do hope that one thing came out of this. Even though I haven't been with Mario fanfiction for very long, I've been surprised that there are so few DimentioXTimpani stories. I find it so weird that this couple (which can potentially form great stories) is so underrated compared to others (official and unofficial) I've seen. I do hope that this story encourages more DimentioXTimpani to be written, since this couple does deserve more stories (and if you do write one, please let me know. I would love to read it!).
Finally, I would like to thank you all for reading, reviewing, and enjoying the story.