Hey guys! First off, thank you for all the nice comments! I'm sorry it takes me so long to update the story, it just that a lot of people loves this so I try to come up with many different things for everybody to enjoy. I think about how to twist the plot, take out scenes, etc.

The reason I skipped 'Swords & Magic' is because I've been thinking but can't come up with a lot to make this episode a little more 'Kick'.

So without further ado, I give you, 'Road to Wasabi'

Jack's POV

I skated my way through the strip mall all morning, outrunning Joan and many other security guards. Finally, I stopped and told them that's enough exercise for the morning and entered the dojo.

Inside, everybody was decorating as if it was somebody's birthday. Huh, don't remember anybody's birthday today.

"You're late," I heard Kim's annoyed voice directed at me.

"For what?" I asked.

"Rudy's surprise party, remember?" Eddie replied. "The one he's been planning for himself for two weeks."

I sat down on the mats and started playing with the piñata when the room went dark.

Really, Rudy can be so wise sometimes but he acts like a two year boy whenever it comes to birthdays.

"He's coming," he even whispered that.

Kim and I shook our heads as he walked in and turned on the lights.

"Surprise," the dojo filled with bored expression, but hey, Rudy acted surprised.

As he put on his party hat he walked over he said, "You better not have brought gifts. But if you did, now is the time to load me up."

Milton got up from sitting next to me on the mats and headed towards his locker. I'm panicking right now so I followed him and asked, "Hey man, I don't have anything. Can I get in on your gift, please?"

"Absolutely not," he opened his locker and pulled a box out. "I put a lot of time, thought and effort into this."

He sped walked over to Rudy and handed it to our sensei, "This is from Jerry, Eddie, and me."

I sighed as I walked up to Kim and hug her from behind. Her honey-blonde hair gave a beautiful cherry smell that filled all nose. I nuzzled her hair and kissed her head. As she kissed my cheek, we watched Rudy starring at a roll of toilet paper.

"Oh, Joke-a-Day Toilet Paper, get out!" he said.

Kim and I exchanged an amused look as he continued talking, "My cousin had this at his house. I literally laughed myself off the bowl. Thank you, guys."

"Now I don't want to turn this whole thing into a competition," Rudy made his way towards us, "But Kim, it's time to top that gift."

Kim untangled herself from my arms and walked over to the other side of the dojo. I took two quick strides and was soon by her side.

"Kim, do you think I could get in on your –" but she cut me off.

"Forget it, Jack," she smirked. "I got a winner right here."

She brushed pass me, "Unlike some people, I put a lot of thought into my gift," she handed the rectangle wrapped in blue to Rudy. "I hope you like it, Rudy."

As Rudy examined the gift with excitement, I ran my fingers through my hair and sat down on the benches, thinking of an excuse and hoping Rudy is too absorbed in Kim's autographed photo of Bobby Wasabi to notice that I'm here.

"All right, Jack," spoke to soon, "Rock my world."

"Yeah, Jack," Kim was right behind Rudy and she's adding gas to the fire. "I'm sure Rudy saved the best for last."

I wiped the sweat off my brow and stood up, taking the picture from Rudy, "Well, you know, I was thinking. Everybody knows how much you love Bobby Wasabi and I asked myself, what could be better than a picture, right?"

Nailed it.

I looked at Kim. Her arms were crossed and her brown eyes looking at as to figure out my plan. I don't really have a plan and just winging it.

Though I'm going to get Kim back for not reminding me about Rudy's birthday. She asked me to ask my grandfather for the autograph in the first place.

"Only the man himself," Rudy started than stopped, surprised. "Wait a minute. Are you saying what I think you're saying? You found a way to get Bobby Wasabi to come down here so I could meet him?"

I gave a pfft yeah.

"Wait the founder of this dojo," he took the picture back as I went up to Kim and mouthed, 'Help me!'

She just uncrossed her arms and placed them on her hips, annoyed and looked at me with an unbelieving look.

Rudy went on and on about Bobby until he sat down and hugged the picture, rocking back and forth like a child, "I can't believe it."

"None of us can believe it, Jack," Kim had disappointment in her voice.

I was about to say something but Milton was yelling, "Let's get this party started."

Everybody whipped around and saw him blindfolded and swinging the metal rod used for the piñata around. He headed in our direction and we all ducked just in time.

"Milton!" we all yelled trying to get the stick from any further damage.

I was at my locker on Monday morning. As I shut it, I turned around and saw Kim just watching me while shaking her head.

"I cannot you told Rudy that Bobby Wasabi was coming," she said, coming down the stairs.

"I couldn't believe it either," I said. "Words just kept exploding out of me. It's like I had a case of Liarrhea."

I felt her hand on mines as she continued, "He's never gonna show, Jack. And Rudy's gonna be crushed."

"Bobby could show," I covered. "I mean my grandfather was his sensei," I pulled her down to sit with me on the bench. "I mean, my grandfather was his sensei. I found his number and left him a message."

She sighed before continuing, "This could be bad. Remember how disappointed Rudy was when he lost the Name-The-Baby-Panda contest at the zoo?"

"Oh I know, he put on his crying boots," I shuttered as the image flashed in my mind.

"But don't you worry, Kim," I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, "I know what I said was wrong. But I mean, who's crazy enough to believe that Bobby Wasabi was actually coming to our dojo."

She nodded in agreement with me until we heard screaming above us.

"I can't believe Bobby Wasabi is actually coming to our dojo!" talk about good timing.

We looked up at our friends. Jerry saw us so he walked down two steps before jumping the rest, pretty soon he was right in front of our face.

"Look, Jack, bro," he started, "Since Bobby's coming for Rudy's birthday, we decided to take to take advantage of this once in a life time opportunity."

"We spent a whole night in Jerry's garage writing his comeback movie," Eddie finished.

Kim leaned in until her breath tickled my ear, sending bumps down my arm, "Wow, you hear that, Jack? Our friends spent all night in the garage writing a comeback movie for Bobby Wasabi."

I know she wants me to suffer the punishment of my big lie but I'm not losing this fight, "What's bad about that? What if they wrote a really great movie?"

"Oh, it's better than great. It's epic," Milton continued, "Bobby Wasabi is the biggest martial arts action star in history."

"But now he'll battle with the most diabolical force he's ever faced," Eddie added jumping from behind us.

"It's half piranha, half octopus," Milton continued. Kim and I exchanged a look.

I was wrong about this movie, wasn't I?

"It's Piranhapus!" all three yelled.

Oh the horror.

Milton tried to shove the little movie poster in my face but I pushed it out with my free arm.

Now it was Jerry's turn to scare the crap of us, "Eight arms, nine mouths, and one bad attitude."

After he was done, he jumped down and the three pretended they were actually the thing.

Kim and I watched in disbelief as they walked the whole way down the hall acting stupid all the way.

"You better find a way to fix this," Kim said, pushing my arm off her shoulder and standing up.

"I will and I can," I said.

"They're all really weird to start off with," she continued. "If this continues, a rat has a better mind than to date any one of them."

"Look," I replied, taking her hands in mines, "My mess, I clean up. I promise you though, I get everything cleared up."

Kim just gave me a cute smile before the bell rang. I have her a reassure smile, covering up the fact that I have no idea how I'm going to break the news to the guys.

"Can't be late for math again," she said.

"Same with biology," she leaned up and we shared a quick kiss before running in opposite directions.

Gonna end it here! Hope you guys enjoyed it! Part II coming soon!

News for all you 'Raymond Academy' folks! Story's about to get a little actiony, I'll update it soon, promise!

Love ya all!
