Wow, So its finally chapter 6 ^^

I hope you guys don't mind, But I'm gonna be adding in a few OC's into the mix, not that they will be of much importance I just like to add a personal touch ^-^

Just as shown on the map the lodge was encased by tree's, tall trees with leaves a variety of shades of green. Behind the lodge lay a gigantic lake, a lake that shone with a reflection of the sun and contained that same gleam even under the moon light. It was perfect. Naruto gazed over such beautiful landscape, it seemed more of a holiday home than a shinobi hide-away.
"Well Naruto, We're gonna be living here for a while!" She smiled, making her way into the lodge straight away, "Hey brat! There's even a double bed in here!"
The dark haired woman heard a few bangs and booms before the blonde boy burst into the room.
"Really? A double bed? I still need to thank you for coming with me" Naruto grinned, pushing the kunoichi over on to the bed and sitting next to her. The genin grabbed Anko and pulled her in close, locking their lips together. He closed his eyes, engulfing her body in a hug and her mouth in a passionate kiss. She also closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of the genin's lips touching her own. Soon Anko's hand slipped down the blonde's body, running her hand over the large bulge in his crotch area. She could hear muffled noises coming from the boy as her hand manoevered its way into his pants massaging the bulge with skin to skin contact. Naruto pulled away from the kiss for a moment just to mutter his lovers name, but it only lasted a second before he was pulled back into another lip lock.
The door creaked. The two carried on. The door shut. Still, they continued. Another door creaked. Anko pulled out of the kiss to look at the door, her face was mortified to see who stood there.
"I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" The masked man ran a hand through his silver hair and stared at the bulge in his pupils pants, as well as Anko's hand which was in with the bulge.

Anko pulled her hand away, twitching her eyebrow.
"Have you never heard of knocking, Kakashi Bastard?"
"I didn't expect to find that" The jonin replied nonchalantly,
"What are you doing here anyway?!" She shouted at the man, though he didn't seem bothered in the slightest.
"I was sent to accompany the two of you, though I was late and missed you leaving."
Naruto sniggered, "Kakashi Sensei is always late"
"Lets carry on this conversation in the front room" Kakashi decided, ignoring Naruto's remark and heading out of the room.
"Darn that Kakashi bastard" Anko cursed, muttering under her breath.
"Don't worry, I'm sure we will find time" Naruto grinned, "I won't let you down 'ttebayo"
Anko ruffled his hair and smiled back,
"C'mon then brat, we better get this sorted" She jumped to her feet and walked into the front room, beckoning Naruto to follow along.
Kakashi sat down in an arm chair, leaving the sofa for Anko and his pupil who happily sat together.
"Now, both of you, Lady Hokage sent me here to help you. She's worried about the both of you"
"Worried about us?" Naruto grinned, "We're two of the best shinobi in the village!"
"Look Kakashi. We aren't gonna have any problems dealing with this." The kunoichi added.
Kakashi sighed and leant back in the chair, then he leaned forwards and looked at Naruto,
"I'm not doubting your strength, but think of the Hokage's feelings about this." To prove his point, Kakashi lifted the headband and looked into Naruto's eyes with both of his, "Naruto, What did I teach you back when you were a new genin?"
The blonde thought for a moment,
"Those who break the rules are trash, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash."
"Exactly. To me you are both a comrade and friend, I cannot abandon either of you here"

-Else where-

Surrounded by large metal doors, tiny holes for windows and owning nothing but the clothes they entered with. The in mates were mainly large built men, eyes filled with evil and vengeance. The officers on the other hand seemed to have more of a normal build, not being particularly strong or agile. In normal circumstances if the officers were attacked killing them would hardly take a second, but these circumstance were anything but normal. Each inmate had a seal placed somewhere on their body when they first entered, always being somewhere visible for the officers to see. The inmates were currently eating lunch, all sat in a line down tables with benches for seats. A large officer -probably the only one with an equal build to most of the inmates- patrolled up and down the room, watching the inmates with eagle eyes. He stopped as he was approached by an officer of much smaller build.
"Is that so? Let the chief know I will handle this right away." The large built officer plodded to the head of the table.
"Inmate 5120" His voice echoed all around the room, it was gruff and demanding. "I repeat, Inmate 5120"
The room became silent for a moment, no-one answered.
"INMATE 5120 ANSWER NOW" He balled, intimidating the officers more than the inmates.
"You mean that guy?" One of the inmates spoke out, "You officers do know that guy doesn't know his number, right?" He smirked,
"If you want him go to his cell and use his name."
"Are you suggesting I, An officer, Use an inmates name?" The officer raised an eyebrow, not impressed by the inmate who was replying.
"Koji, Koji Shinwa. You will need to remember that name"

Hehe. That marks the end of chapter 6, and I added an extra surprise!

Who is Koji?

Yet again, thanks for all the reviews, follows and favourites ^^ This story is doing much better than I expected.