I do not own The Big Bang Theory or any of the characters!

I Will Always Love You.

Chapter 1-

After Raj had asked Leonard if they wanted to watch Bridget Jones Diary he climbed into Sheldon's un-used bed. Leonard looked into Penny's eyes and sighed, Raj had ruined it for him, ruined the chance of getting back with his ex girlfriend who he was still madly in love with.

"Well, guess we should get some sleep then." Penny whispered with a slight smile of disappointment.

"Yeah, guess so..." Leonard replied. He turned over to face the opposite way to Penny.

Leonard thought that was that, as they settled down for the night Penny, about 5 seconds later, tapped him on his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Leonard asked in a quiet tone turning to face the beautiful woman with his weight rested on his elbow.

"Hold me?" She answered with a voice of embarrassment.

Leonard, without saying a word, slipped his right arm under Penny's back to it was on her waist and his left grabbed her right side making her twist to face him. She then placed her face on his chest and her right hand rested on the top of his back playing with the curls at the back of his neck.

Penny loved being in Leonard's arms, she loved it when he held her, she felt safe, she felt wanted. Leonard knew this wouldn't turn into anything more serious, he knew Penny still wasn't ready for the commitment of a long term relationship again yet but, for now at least, this was perfect for the both of them.

After 10 minutes of this Penny removed her head from Leonard's neck, he looked down to see what was wrong, but then Penny rested her forehead against Leonard's, he looked into her deep green eyes and smiled slightly. Penny looked back into his dark brown, puppy dog eyes whilst her hand moved from the back of his neck to his stubbly cheek.

Leonard moved his hand from Penny's waist to her cheek stroking it gently with his fingers.

Leonard didn't take his eyes away from hers and, to his surprise; a tear fell from Penny's eye. He pulled her closer to himself and whispered to her "Its ok, everything's ok, I'm here and I always will be."

These words from Leonard made penny cry even more, he didn't know what was wrong so he decided to ask her... "Hey, what's wrong?!"

"Leonard, I made a mistake breaking up with you, you were the best thing in my life and I screwed it up! I'm such an idiot, Leonard I'm in love with you and I'm sorry that I didn't say it when you said it to me. I was just scared!"

Leonard took Penny's hand and asked "Scared of what? You knew... You know I'll always love you and be here for you! Penny, from the moment I saw you unpacking your things in your apartment I knew you were the one I wanted to be with for the rest of my life! You are the love of my life."

Penny looked into Leonard's eyes in disbelief, what was wrong with her? In front of her was a perfect man pouring his heart out to her and she let him go! She knew she loved him but she needed to take things slow, make sure things would work if they tried being together again.

It all got too much for Penny at that point and she fled the room slamming the door on the way out.

"What was that?!" Raj asked Leonard sleepily.

"Nothing, go back to sleep." Leonard told Raj. He did what Leonard said and laid his head back down on the pillow.

Then Leonard left the room chasing Penny, he had no idea what was wrong, he headed down the stairs to the lobby to find the girl he loved... But on the second floor, as he was running down the stairs, he heard sobbing. He knew it was Penny. He could just tell.

He slowly walked over to her, she had her back against the wall, her arms wrapped around her knees that were extremely close to her chest and her head leaning on her knees. Leonard slid down the wall beside her, not saying a word.

Even though Penny didn't look up she knew Leonard was there, she could smell him, he smelt beautiful.

"Sorry." Penny whispered choking back tears.

Leonard replied with "You don't need to be sorry, this is all my fault! Every time something good happens between us I always take it one step too far, I always put more pressure on you when I know you're not ready. The truth is Penny, I will do whatever it takes to be with you, I will give up everything to be the one you rely on, for you to be the mother of my children, for you to be my wife; that's my dream Penny, to have you forever, and I know you probably don't want to hear this right now but I love you. I am in love with you Penny.

At that point Penny raised her tear-stained face and looked Leonard in the eye, just like earlier on when they were lying in bed. Leonard took her left hand in his right and intertwined their fingers.

"From the moment I saw you, I knew you were the one. I will always love you." Leonard told her, a tear dropping from his face landing on his knee. Penny knew it was time for her to tell the truth to Leonard…

Not really sure where I'm going with this, reviews would be nice! There will defiantly be a Chapter 2.