It is already being written and published here as Re: Final Stand.
It has better story, it flows better, and has much better grammar. If you liked this story, you'll probably like that one much better.
I do not own any of the characters from Kingdom Hearts, Disney, Final Fantasy, or other shows/games/and movies
All rights belong to Disney, Square Enix, Hasbro, Hang Zhou StarQ, Nelvana/ BBC One, Nintendo, Hanna–Barbera Productions, Dreamworks, Focus on the Family, FilmDistrict, TriStar Pictures, Warner Brothers, 4kids Entertainment, Mirage Studios, and DiC Entertainment
Kingdom Hearts 3: Final Stand
Chapter 1: Mysterious Tower
The stars glittered in the sky above the mysterious tower as the tall red- headed girl stared out into space. She closed her eyes as a tear slid down her cheek. A face appeared in her mind, the face was of a boy her own age with brown spiky hair and a silly smile on his face.
"Hey Kairi!" Kairi turned and a silver haired boy came and sat down beside her.
"Hey Riku what's up," Kairi asked. Riku shrugged and she turned her gaze back to the open space. "Riku, I was thinking about Sora; when do you think he will come back?"
Riku shrugged, "I really don't know Kairi, but I'm sure it will be soon, he promised me that he would come back once he found the answers he sought." Another boy with fiery red spiky hair came up behind them and dropped down on the other side of Kairi. "Nice to see you Lea," Riku said.
Lea laughed and scratched his head, "I heard you two talking about Sora, don't worry he'll be back soon, and he'll be in top form; got it memorized!" Kairi giggled and Lea grinned widely, "Oh and Master Yen Sid wanted to talk to all of us." The three of them got up and walked towards the tower.
Kairi had been training under Master Yen Sid for almost nine months. Her red hair was shoulder length. She wore a hot pink turtle- neck with purple stripes along the outside of the sleeves, covered by a sleeveless hot pink dress that went down to about the top of her thighs, under it were hot pink leggings with a violet stripe down the sides, she had knee high white combat boots with purple laces, on her right shoulder jutted up a small light pink and dark violet piece of armor, and on the armor was a dark violet ring with a silver button in the middle.
Riku was the only master of the group and had short- cut silver hair. He wore a yellow short-sleeve shirt covered by a black vest. He had dark blue pants and black shoes with yellow laces.
Lea was the oldest of the three; he had long spiky red hair. He had a polo shirt the same shade as his hair and an black scarf wrapped around his neck and black pants with red shoes.
Master Yen Sid had been preparing the three of them, mainly Kairi and Lea, for an evil that he knew was on its way. They all were wielders of the legendary Keyblade. Riku's was called The Way to Dawn and it kind of looked like his former sword, but it was slimmer and had a wing of an angel on the top of the blade. The keychain was the symbol of the Heartless without the x in the middle.
Kairi's was called Destiny's Embrace and was orange and became a darker orange as you went up the blade, it was wrapped in khaki colored vines and the blade was made up of yellow, orange, pink, and purple flowers. The handle had a guard that was the beginning of the vines around the blade on one side and looked like a wave of the sea on the other side. Its keychain was a paopu fruit.
Lea was the oldest of the three. He was a newer Keyblade wielder. His blade was called Blaze Bond, its blade was like a stream of fire it came out of the handle and curled up at the top it was yellow at the bottom, and the top was a dark orange the handle looked identical to Lea's other weapon, the chakrams. The Keychain actually was a chakram.
As they walked up the tower's long spiral staircase Kairi's mind once again turned to Sora; his trademark smile burned into her memory and she remembered the bright look on his face right before he left for his Mark of Mastery exam. She summoned her Keyblade and looked at the paopu fruit keychain and her mind turned back to the drawing she and Sora had done on the wall of the secret place back on their home world.
She put away the Destiny's Embrace and the three went inside Master Yen Sid's study. The Master was in there; in his long dark blue robe and tall hat that was the same color with yellow stars and moons on it. His long gray beard stretched down to his waist and his thick gray eyebrows always made him look angry. But the three were shocked to see three others in there too. One was a short mouse in red and yellow attire, another was a duck in different shades of blue, and the last was a tall dog that wore a green shirt, yellow pants, and a tall yellow hat.
Kairi smiled broadly, "Mickey, Donald, and Goofy!" She ran to them and hugged her old friends. Lea came over and gave the three a high-five. Riku shook their hands.
"How is the training going," Mickey asked.
Lea scratched his head, "Pretty well, all things considered."
Master Yen Sid gruffly stated, "Now that you are done saying hello I would like to address the matter at hand." Everyone turned to the master. "During the last few months Xehanort has been gathering his forces around him, mostly including copies of himself in different forms. He is preparing for the final battle. It is time to bring together the warriors needed to defeat him. They will not be easy to find or to bring together. At this moment I am sending Riku, Lea, and Mickey to Radiant Garden; Leon has been monitoring Xehanort's affairs and I need you to gather all the information you can. Kairi, Donald, and Goofy I am sending out to look for Sora." Kairi gasped, this is what she had been waiting for since she came here.
Lea leaned over and whispered to Riku out of the side of his mouth, "He just said the magic words!" Riku silently laughed.
Donald cocked his head, "How are we supposed to find him? There are many worlds out there that he could have gone to and some we might not even know."
Everyone nodded in silent agreement.
"I am leaving that up to you," Master Yen Sid stated, "there is a reason why I chose the three people who probably know Sora the best for this assignment." Kairi glanced over at Riku who nodded in agreement. Yen Sid turned his gaze to Lea, Riku, and Mickey, "You three take your gliders and leave as soon as you are ready." The three bowed and walked out.
He turned back to the three that were left; Donald and Goofy straightened up as his gaze shifted to them, "Donald, Goofy prepare the gummi ship and wait for Kairi. Kairi I would like you to visit the three fairies; they will have some information for you." The magician and knight left and Kairi went into the room next door.
Inside were the three good fairies, Flora in red, Fawna in green, and Meriwether in blue; "Hello Kairi dear, Master Yen Sid sent you?"
"He said you would have some information for me before I leave."
They nodded to each other, "Kairi, we gave you those clothes you are wearing when you first got here but we didn't tell you of all the abilities that come with them." Kairi glanced down at her clothes. "Those clothes have powers like Sora's."
She gasped in delight, "You mean I have drive forms too?!" The fairies nodded and an orb appeared in front of the Keyblade wielder.
Fawna said, "Now dear grab the orb." Kairi reached out and was surrounded in a flash of light.
She was lifted off the ground and then the light subsided. The fairies gasped in delight and Kairi turned to a mirror and saw her outfit had changed colors. Her outfit was now a violet cat suit with long sleeves, a skirt, and a V- neck, under it was a gold tank top and leggings, and her boots were now violet with black laces; she also held a second Keyblade. The blade was purple with a green stem rising up it; on the end was a red rose in full bloom. The guard was leaves at the top and was gold on both sides and the keychain was a rose in full bloom; the name Divine Rose appeared in Kairi's mind.
"This is your Warrior Form, the other forms will have to be earned later on," Meriwether said. Kairi's clothes flashed again and they were back to normal and she only had one Keyblade.
She went up and hugged the fairies, "Thank you so much!" She then turned and dashed back out. Master Yen Sid was waiting for her.
As she passed him, his hand grabbed her shoulder, she turned to him and he slowly warned her, "Kairi, you are closer to Sora than anyone and you are the least experienced so you will most likely be a target; Sora would never let anything happen to you but, you must fend for yourself as well. For extra help until you find Sora here is a summon gem." Kairi took the gem; it was purple with a yellow bat- signal on it. "Now go on and complete your mission but don't come back here go to Radiant Garden."
She nodded, "Yes sir, bye!" She ran out and jumped into the gummi ship.
Once inside Jiminy Cricket hopped onto her shoulder and asked, "So where to?"
Donald shrugged, "Who knows, but I think we should go by the Coliseum first because that would be a great place to train." Goofy nodded and the gummi ship zipped off through interspace.
The armored boy flew through interspace on his glider. He headed towards a lone world that he knew was called Twilight Town. The boy slowed down to a stop before the world and said out loud, "You know my friend I still think you should tell me what this is all about!"
Then a voice that had been in his head for nine months said, "Well you will find out soon enough Sora. You have trusted me this far, so please don't stop now. And one thing if you do stop I won't stop nagging you about it till you do it!" Sora sighed and flew to the world.
"You know I wish you would at least tell me your name so I wouldn't have to keep calling you, my friend," Sora stated.
"As I just said, everything will be revealed soon!"
As Sora flew to Twilight Town he couldn't help thinking he might have been a little crazy. The day after he left to train on his own this voice, that seemed familiar, had started talking to him in his head. It had guided him the entire nine months to different worlds. Most of which he had never been to before. The voice had never let him down though, Sora had come to train alone and the voice led him to places that he could train at, and the voice had let him do all his training on his own without giving any advice.
Two nights ago the voice was quieter than usual; and Sora had asked, "Hey is something wrong?"
The voice nearly screamed, "I must go back, I must help! It is time!"
This woke Sora up and he groaned, "Yea, something is wrong. Your screaming nearly damaged my brain!"
The voice was quiet then, but now it was back and leading him to Twilight Town.
Sora landed and his silver and red armor changed into his black pants, shirt, and jacket. The shirt had a red trapezoid on it and the pants had two crossing yellow straps and had a red bag that hung down on the side. He wore black gloves that had a yellow stripe on the bottom and had two crossing white lines on them. Around his neck was a chain that had a crown emblem. And he had black, yellow, and red shoes. His light brown hair was spiked in all directions and his bright blue eyes stared in delight at the familiar town, as usual, blanketed in twilight.
He thought, "Well I'm here so let's do this thing!"