* i do not own anything. credits goes to dreamworks.

just a short, very short fluff.

Sweet Bunny

"Hey Kangaroo!" Bunny's long ears twitched by the name given to him and showed his grumpy face towards the new Guardian, glaring.

"I can't believe ya' for still callin' me by that name, mate." Jack chuckled nervously,

"I was just joking, my Sweet Bunny ~" he teased.

If Bunny was a human, Jack was sure that his face would be reddened when he called him by "Sweet Bunny".

It meant nothing for Jack, but that meant a lot for the Pooka.

"Bloody hell, mate. D-did you just call me Sweet Bunny?" Jack gave him a mischievous, trademark smirk,

"Want me to say it again?" Bunny looked away, his ears flattened to the back. He was nervous.

Jack stepped forward, he was really close to the older Guardian. Bunny's heart pounded so fast, he thought of things he should never have.

He tried to avert his gaze, but Jack's blue eyes captured him. Their eyes were locked together.

"Jack- y-your face is too bloody close!" He muttered under his breath, tried to pull away. He felt little butterflies flying in his stomach.

"Hush, Bunny. Sweet Bunny." The greyish-white haired boy put one finger in front of his lips. The words swiftly played in his bunny ears.

Jack grinned, he leaned forward, just an inch away from the Pooka's furry lips.

"S-stop it!" Bunny tried to keep his cool although he was obviously nervous and embarrassed like hell.

"I said sto-" Jack's cold lips were now touching his furry one lightly. Just one small kiss. Jack pulled back and smiled.

Bunny couldn't think straight, he was still in state of shock after being kissed by the Guardian of Fun although it was just a small one.

The blue eyed boy plastered his smirk on his face again, waiting for a response from the older man.

Silence. Bunny was still standing straight and stiff. He couldn't say a word.

"Umm, Bunny?" Jack broke the silence between them.

"Uh- why- uh? Yes?" the Guardian of Hope replied nervously, getting back to his senses, and glared at Jack. "Ya steal my first kiss, mate."

Jack blinked his eyes in surprise. What? It was his FIRST? Damn that was unpredictable!

Actually it was his first too. But he didn't want to say it to Bunny. It was too embarrassing.

"I-uh... Sorry? I was just teasing you.. I didn't mean to steal your first kiss or whatever.." He said, scratching his hair nervously.

He felt guilty for playing that prank to him. But on the other side he also felt happy that he was the very first one to kiss him.

Bunny sighed. Actually he was hoping for this too. He dreamed about the boy almost like every twice a week. Probably it might be Sandy's work.

"Whatever, Frostbite. Just this once, I forgive you." The Pooka said, looked away from the younger man. He was still feeling shy.

Jack smirked, "Thanks, Sweet Bunny!" Teased him, again. And Bunny just let out a small growl, made his way out from the room they were in.

His priceless expression caught Jack's eyes while he walked past him. "He's so cute." He thought.

"I should do this more often." Jack chuckled.

*actually i posted it one by one to my twitter because i'm really bored. so that's why every sentence is only 140 characters short. edited it a bit though. and still very straightforward because it's been a long time since i wrote any fic, especially in english. never plan to publish it here. but i just want to know what review i will get since everybody just ignore me on twitter lol