DISCLAIMER: I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn or anything else related. Any cameo appearances, I also do not own. I am merely a fanboy making fluffy stuff about two teens. 8027 rules!

Word count: 5, 570 approximately.


Chapter 2: It's Him!

"Tsuna, do you want your chocolate with milk or just plain chocolate?" Yamamoto shouted from downstairs.

"J-Just plain chocolate!" Tsuna answered somewhat flustered. "C-Can we do this later?"

Yamamoto blinked and cringed. "O-Oh right, I forgot about… A-Alright!" Footsteps followed signaling his departure.

Tsuna released an exasperated sigh. He was in the middle of a hot bath Yamamoto offered when they got to his home. The snow had become heavy meaning that he was stuck there. Well, according to Yamamoto's father, Tsuyoshi, who never let him out and even went as far as closing the store with the reason of "No customers will come anyway since it's snowing hard." He was allowed to call home and when he did, only Bianchi answered and said Reborn was out of the country and she couldn't go there to get him since Nana wanted help in cooking for the party. He didn't get to say anything regarding that matter since Bianchi slammed the phone without saying goodbye.

In the end, he was forced to take the hot bath Yamamoto offered beforehand.

Why Reborn left the country and how he could stop Bianchi from doing what she was about to do was beyond him so instead he got up, dried off with a towel Yamamoto gave him, and went outside to Yamamoto's room.

His room was surprisingly normal. Just a single bed, a bookshelf, a table in the middle of the room, something to hang his sports equipment and that's pretty much it. It wasn't what you would exactly expect of a sporty person.

He was too busy comparing it to his room's own state to notice nearing footsteps.

"Are you done, Tsu-," The Rain stopped dead in his tracks and Tsuna squeaked. "S-Sorry 'bout that!"

Too shocked to speak, the brunet merely nodded, glad that it was just his back Yamamoto saw. He didn't know what he would do if he saw his face at the moment.

Yamamoto rubbed the back of his head nervously. "I'll just leave this here." He meant the tray that carried two hot chocolates topped with marshmallows. "I-I put my smallest clothes on top of my bed. It should f-fit you. Well," With the tray on the floor, he took his leave, stumbling a little which brought a laugh from the brunet.

A small smile fit on Tsuna's lips. His best friend really planned everything out. He looked over to the bed as Yamamoto instructed and he found several articles of clothing there. But he had to wonder.

'These are your smallest clothes, Yamamoto?'

"C-Can I come in now?"

"Yeah, s-s-sure."

The brunet's heart thumped hard as the door opened after a tentative push, revealing his best friend, if he could still think of him that way after what happened at the mall rooftop.

"Oh, he-," The Rain's eyes widened. "T-Tsuna?!" He almost shouted, stupefied by the sight before him, he himself turning quite red.

The plain white T-shirt Yamamoto always wore during practice proved too large for Tsuna's small frame, one side just right but the other hanged below his shoulder blades, slightly showing his pale skin. On the other hand, the baseball print pajamas weren't exactly what people would call 'fit' as it sometimes required the young Decimo to hold it up at one side when he moved too much.

"It's f-fine, Yamamoto." stuttered Tsuna, a bit red. "It's a bit cold though."

Instead of saying anything to reply, Yamamoto rushed passed him, confusing the smaller teen in so many ways and even made him blame himself for being too small for his present clothes until he felt something placed on his shoulders. It was a large blue towel.

"This should help keep you warm." Tsuna heard the taller teen say from behind him, his tone tuned low. The Rain's hands kept the towel in place while he rubbed on his shoulders to warm the other.

But as good and warm it made him, he was still embarrassed. "You don't really have to do that, Yamamoto." said the red-faced brunet.

The hands suddenly came to a stop and began to remove themselves but not the way Tsuna thought, or didn't want. Instead, the taller wrapped his hands around the brunet's upper body and his head rested on his shoulders.

"Tsuna, you should be more conscious about the way you look. You're driving me crazy here."

Blushing, he could only apologize in reply. "E-E-E-Eh? I-I didn't m-mean to."

The taller teen released a long, exasperated breath followed by a low chuckle. "You don't know what you do to me, Tsuna." Yamamoto's words came out hoarse, low and desperate. The arms around his chest tightened considerably, closing off the space between their bodies. "You make me think stuff I shouldn't think."

Wait, shouldn't think? The brunet could almost scream from being embarrassed at that statement alone, making him wonder what kind of stuff he thought of him. He didn't get that long of a moment to ponder as he felt Yamamoto move.

If it was possible, he drew closer and inhaled his scent. Fresh milk. "You used my soap." Yamamoto mumbled blankly against his neck.

The Rain's warm breathing felt good against the brunet's skin, making him go restless. "I d-didn't have anything else to use."

"It's nice." and he breathed in more. "I didn't say you shouldn't have." Somehow, Yamamoto had dragged them both backwards, landing on the bed with Tsuna between his legs and continued to breathe in his scent like it had a calming effect on the Rain.

Tsuna would be happy, just to stay like this. He knows Yamamoto would too, just frozen like that until the next day came and he would still be satisfied. But he still had to confirm something. He was anticipating it since he walked into their house so he might as well let it out.

"Yamamoto," The brunet mumbled but he knew the he heard. "About that kiss… at the rooftop…" It was hard to keep his voice up now that he was actually saying it.

He could feel the other teen stiffen when he asked. It was no secret that Yamamoto's frantic heartbeat was just as equal as his own, and he was sure Yamamoto knew.

"I was kinda hoping you'd ask that." Yamamoto laughed humorless, eyes trained on the wood floor beneath.

Well here it was, the moment of truth. If possible, his heartbeat went faster and he could feel Yamamoto's do the same.

The Rain's tight grasp on his body tightened. "I-I," Wow, it was very rare for Yamamoto to stutter. His arms around him were shivering, like he was embarrassed just like he was. No, embarrassed wasn't the right word. Perhaps Yamamoto was just as nervous as him.

Yamamoto took in a deep breath. "I think I like you Tsuna."

"Y-You think?" came out unexpectedly, surprising him and the other.

Again, he laughed humorlessly. "No, my mistake. I like you, Tsuna. You're strong, selfless when it comes to the gang and friends, strong when it came to battle, heck, you even got rid of the kid's curse."

Well that was true. He did all those things because everyone was important to him. He would gladly do everything for his family, and he's not talking about the mafia. But those words felt empty. It wasn't what Tsuna wanted to hear. That was respect, admiration but not what he quite wanted to hear.

"But that isn't why I like you." He could feel the Rain smile. "I like Tsuna because he's Tsuna."

That really wouldn't make sense if it came from other people but knowing Yamamoto's nature at explaining things, which meant a lot.

Yamamoto wasn't finished yet like Tsuna thought. "Every time I see you, I really want to smile and do my best at everything. When you come to my game, I always make homeruns. I remember when I looked at you and you smiled, I did the best homerun yet." he chuckled and Tsuna smiled a little until he heard him sigh. "But you know, I just thought all of a sudden."

"Being friends with Tsuna is the best thing that happened to me but just staying friends, or best friends, wasn't enough for me. I found myself really wanting your company every single day. Your smiles, your attention, your touch, your… warmth," Yamamoto breathed in and nuzzled his neck, earning himself surprised gasp. "I want it all for myself."

Hearing such a honest, straightforward confession, Tsuna smiled. He never thought Yamamoto could come up with such words but he guesses even the most oblivious of people could notice and fall in love. And be so annoyingly corny.

"So Tsuna, your answer?" Yamamoto asked as he continued taking breathing against his neck relaxed.

Even if it was winter, the red on his cheeks turned scarlet red. "I-Isn't it obvious?"



"Tsuna-san," Tsuyoshi called. "Come down here for a minute."

Somewhat annoyed, Yamamoto replied, "Later, oyaj-"

"We'll be right there, Yamamoto-san!" Tsuna used the chance to break free and run downstairs, leaving the other teen gapping.

"Wait!" But he was too late. Yamamoto groaned out loud, a hand covering his face.

"Nice timing, oyaji."

Meanwhile, somewhere else…

At the living room of the Sawada household, the phone rang. Answering it was no other than Bianchi.


"Ciaossu, Bianchi." came the infant hitman's greeting from the other side. Judging from the background sound, he was someplace quiet as she could only hear murmurs.

"Ne Reborn, you do know you're calling a long distance call right?" Bianchi giggled.

"It's fine. It's CEDEF paying anyway." Reborn smirked.

"No we aren't paying, Reborn!" Iemitsu could be heard complaining.

"He's also paying for tickets back to Japan." added mischievously by the baby. Another complaint was heard from the elder male Sawada but it was muted soon after. "So Bianchi, did anything happen today?"

A short pause. "Mukuro called. He had something to say about Tsuna."

Hearing his student's name involved, the hitman's eyes sharpened. "I had a feeling."

Bianchi would have laughed if she could but her words turned serious. "Mukuro reported Tsuna was talking to himself at the mall. Tsuna was also asking him if he felt any mist flames before running off."

The other line went silent. Mukuro and Chrome didn't go to the mall and meet up with Tsuna by chance. They sent them like they assigned individual missions to all the guardians, except Yamamoto.

"Sending Chrome and Mukuro was a good idea after all. Did they sense anything?"

"That's the funny part, they didn't. Even with the Daemon Spade's Devil Lens equipped, there was nothing to see. There also weren't any rings in the vicinity or else they would know it too."

"What about the other team?"

"Hibari's search for the gifts is unsuccessful. They weren't anywhere in Namimori." Bianchi reported grimly.

The other line was silent. "This is troublesome. I just got information from Iemitsu and formulated a hypothesis why this is happening."


"It makes sense, what the thief said, and that."

"What the thief said?"

"Yamamoto's otou-san asked Tsuna what happened."


"Ne, I'll call you back. There's another huge spike. Dying will flames."

"Fine, Iemitsu and I were just about to board the jet. What are the coordinates?"

"It's close by, in," The female could hardly believe her eyes seeing the specific address on the device Giannini made to spot Dying Will flames.

"Inside Yamamoto Takeshi's house. And it's rapidly rising."

"Yamamoto-san, where are we going? And why am I blindfolded?" Tsuna asked warily, hoping it wasn't actually a surprise party he was walking into.

"Maa, don't worry. I'm not taking you hostage or anything." Tsuyoshi reassured as he pushed the brunet. "And blindfolds make everything fun." he added.

Tsuna wasn't sure he would agree to the older man's last sentence but he still laughed. The elder Yamamoto felt a lot like his best friend, only older. Well, they were father and son.

"And call me Tsuyoshi-san. You've been taking care of my boy for so long and it's not so bad to have someone calling me that. It makes me feel younger."

Really? It was the other way round actually. Yamamoto was taking care of him. "T-Tsuyoshi-san."

"That's better!" Tsuyoshi smiled, though he forgot Tsuna couldn't really see him doing that.

After a little while of almost trips and stumbles, the elder Yamamoto pushed a sliding door sideways, and left the brunet for a second to open the dojo lights.

"You can untie the blindfold now."

Tsuna didn't hide his awe as he saw it after untying the said piece of cloth. The tree was a regular size pine tree just about 6 feet tall. Different colored spheres decorated it together with Christmas lights wrapped around it, shining brightly together. On top of the tree was what caught Tsuna's attention the most. Instead of the regular star, a blue swallow rested on its peak, standing majestically as it gazed up to the sky.

"It was my master's. He gave it to me before I left and made the eight addition to the Shigure Souen style." Tsuyoshi chuckled at the memory. "Takeshi didn't want you to see this yet but I think it's enough with the secrecy."

"It's so amazing."

Tsuyoshi nodded. "Well, there's another story about that swallow but that's not really the reason I brought you here." Tsuna shifted his gaze to the elder Yamamoto with a questioning look. "I wanted to show you what's under the tree."

Curious, he looked for anything that may seem out of place under the tree. There were only wrapped presents ranging from small to large. From the outline, he could guess what gifts they were, like the box of the electronic cigarette they brought for Gokudera, bird feed for Hibari, a new pair of gloves for Ryohei, a skirt for Chrome and that manga for Mukuro and the rest of his gang. The others were also easy to guess but he had yet to identify one gift, a small square box. The box was light but hard when tapped. Leather maybe? Checking the tag, his eyes widened.

"That's for you, Tsuna-san. The first gift he bought." explained Tsuyoshi. "He brought it before this month if I recall correctly. He saved up quite a lot for that."

"E-E-Eh?!" Tsuna stuttered. In his mind, he could only think of one thing regarding the small box in his hands. If he was right, and he really hoped he wasn't, it was most possibly a ring.

"Tsuna-san, you're turning pale. Are you hungry now? Let's head back."

"N-No, I just…" He was clearly over-thinking this if he even thought it was a ring. For Pete's sake, Yamamoto just confessed to him!

Then it came.

"Love problems?"

The brunet's eyes turned to saucers, almost exclaiming, "Tsuy-" but he clamped a hand over his mouth in time. The elder Yamamoto shot him a curious glance and Tsuna understood why. It was just like before, nobody else could hear, nobody could feel. It was only him the red man revealed himself to.

"You can go back first Tsuyoshi-san. I want to stay a bit longer."

"You can't stop me." The voice teased.

Tsuyoshi raised an eyebrow but nodded. "Just don't let Takeshi see you. Follow me soon." Tsuna nodded and the elder Yamamoto left, closing the sliding door of the dojo behind him.

Now it was just him and the thief. Right now, he only has his mittens but Reborn didn't pack him his pills. This would be hard.

"It's impossible. You can't stop me." The thief's voice resounded from the surroundings though no exact point where.

"Show yourself!"

"But I am."

Suddenly, his head throbbed, eyesight dimmed. It felt like someone was toying with his body.

"Presents! I finally found my precious presents!"


"I'll be taking them now. Too bad, Tsu-na-nii!"

And his world turned dark.

The tree was no longer shining from inside the dojo when he arrived, which only made his fears grow worse. Yamamoto stood outside of the porch, a genuinely troubled look on his features. His father had just confessed about letting Tsuna see the tree even though he specifically said not to and now, Tsuna was supposed to be inside but not even a peep could be heard.

'What If the thief followed us home?' Yamamoto feared the worst. Tsuna did say something about a catching the thief, even almost jumping off the roof to do so. He thought Tsuna was seeing things, or someone was tricking him with illusions so he had to stop him from jumping. Whatever the reason, he believes it wasn't a suicide attempt but maybe he did see the thief, whoever or whatever he was.

He pushed the door sideways, just enough for him to pass through and closing it after. There was no killing intent like he had initially expected but a presence that didn't feel natural. Far from natural. He made his way to the lights and switched it open.

Then he saw him. A person standing next to the tree held a red bag over his shoulder. The gifts were gone, which he guessed was stuffed into the red bag. The man completely wore red, red Santa hat, red shirt, red pants. The only color different were his white gloves and black shoes.

Yamamoto's eyes narrowed, immediately at fighting stance with a sword loitering nearby. The figure remained still, hands up in the air like he was shocked about getting caught. "Who are you?" Yamamoto asked.

The red man still didn't move or bother giving a reply. The hat had completely covered the top half of his face, only leaving his gaping mouth to be seen. Yamamoto questioned if this was really a professional thief from Bianchi's description.

Even though the thief acted like an amateur, he didn't let his guard down. "Where's Tsuna?"

At this, the figure flinched, turning a bit sideways to look at Yamamoto. From afar, the Rain could see his bright orange eyes shining brightly even under the shadow of his cap. Yet that color reminded him of someone.

Judging from the thief's actions, it seemed he could be talked to calmly. Well, Yamamoto wasn't one to be heartlessly serious; rather he was the calmest and friendliest among guardians. "Can you return those gifts now, please?" he asked nicely, even lowering his blade a little.

The thief blinked and regained his composure, stepping away with the side carrying the bag first. "No! These are mine!" he shouted, his tone childish despite his size.

"Eh, so you can talk." Yamamoto commented, smiling happily like he made an amazing discovery. "You should return those gifts now. Stealing is a bad habit."

"Who asked you?" The red man crossed his arms and stuck out his tongue.

Yamamoto smiled, amused the way the thief talked and acted. He took a step forward. "Don't be stingy. I just want my gifts back. It's gonna be Christmas soon and I want to make everyone happy."

The thief took an equal step back. "I don't wanna! I told you these are mine now so back off, Yamamoto!"

The way it came off the thief's tongue felt familiar, but it was too childish to be anyone he knew, Yamamoto thought. Instead of being shocked however, "Eh, so you know my name? Cool, mind if I know yours?" Yamamoto chirped with a matching smile.

For a second, Yamamoto saw him blush. "Y-Y-You're weird. Don't come any closer or I'll break these presents!"

Yamamoto paid it no heed, taking another two steps in advance. "Maa, maa! There's no need to go that far."

"T-Then d-don't come any closer!" He stuttered, utterly intimidated.

"At least give me my gifts first." Yamamoto pleaded and took another step, still smiling friendly.

"Stop. Or I'll break them." The thief's tone turned threatening all of the sudden. Having pushed up to the wall (literally), he had no other choice. "Will you listen now?"

Unfazed, the Rain still smiled. "We can't have that now, can we?" He took his necklace of the Rain version Vongola X. "Jirou, I need your help on this one." he said and the necklace shined.

A blue swallow appeared on the Rain's head and flew around the room, showering the dojo with rain. The thief blinked, seemingly aware of it and threatened,

"Wait, Yamamoto! I'll break this for re-"

The thief didn't get the chance to finish his threat as he found himself suddenly facing the person he thought was still a few steps away and his hands trapped by strong hands spread on either side of him.

"Gotcha! No running now, Red-kun." Yamamoto said and smiled in victory while the thief struggled in vain for release but was no match for the taller teen's strength.

"Let me go! I want to bring them with me! I want those gifts!" He continuously pleaded, orange eyes staring pleadingly at Yamamoto's hazel ones. "I don't want to be the only one again." The thief's voice began to break.

Yamamoto flinched when he saw tears beginning to well up in his eyes. "Maa, maa! Don't cry!" But he already did, crying waterfalls like his life depended on it. Sighing in defeat, Yamamoto let the thief go but not before he kicked the bag far away.

"M-M-My presents!" He lost all senses and fell down, falling flat on his butt, reaching out desperately as if that would get them back.

"Shh." Yamamoto soothed, patting the thief's head like a poor child. "Stop crying first and then we'll negotiate, Red-kun."

True to his word, he did wait for the red… teen to calm down, sitting next to him and rubbing the teen's back calmly to show his sincerity. It was only natural for the swordsman to do so, and maybe he was guilty for making the teen cry. Perhaps it was because of his nature. Or there was just something about the thief that made him interested.

After a while, the thief stopped crying but his sniffs remained. "Are you alright now?" Yamamoto asked with his ever present smile. When he nodded, "That's a relief, Red-kun. Crying really doesn't suit your cute face."

"W-W-What?" The thief asked startled, pulling the edges of his cap over his reddening face. "I don't know what you're t-talking about, Yamamoto. And stop calling me Red-kun."

"Hehe!" Yamamoto chuckled amused that he could pull such a reaction. "So why are you stealing gifts, Santa? I thought you were giving gifts, not stealing."

"D-Don't call me Santa either!" The red thief pouted, lifting the edges of his cap until it reached his orange eyes and glared at the Rain, who returned a friendly grin. The hushed words 'Are you an idiot?' came as a whisper but Yamamoto didn't mind, rather his grin grew bigger. "I'm only doing this for myself."

Yamamoto went deep into thought, hearing something familiar with the story his father used to tell him to sleep. "Are you Red Robin Hood? The girl that stole from her evil, rich grandmother and gave what she got to the wolves in the forest?"

"Uh, what?" He gaped at the said story, then holding a hand on his mouth to stop the incoming urge to laugh out loud. "Y-You really are an i-idiot." The thief said between breaths. "T-Those are two different stories!"

"Haha! That's what Gokudera calls me sometimes when he gets bored of 'yakyu-baka'."

"R-Really?" The thief's smile began to fade, his hands played on the hard wooden floor. "Must be nice, having friends."

After a brief look at the smaller teen, the Rain said, "What are you talking about, Red-kun? You have one already." And the thief looked up at him, confused until h found a hand held out. "You already know but my name's Yamamoto Takeshi from class 2-A at Namimori Middle."

The teen didn't know what to do, continuing to look up at him with his innocent orange eyes. For him, it was hard to believe such an opportunity came when he least expected it. When he was stealing.

"Eh, you're supposed to shake it, Red-kun."

His gulp was audible even Yamamoto could hear it. "A-Are you sure? I mean, I-I'm trying to steal your presents. Don't you hate me?"

Yamamoto still held his hand out. "I know but I figured you don't have many friends. That's why you're stealing gifts, right? I'll be your first friend!"

The thief could hardly believe his ears, his eyes began to tear up again as he replied, "Y-You're serious?"

Yamamoto was taken aback. "Hey, what do you mean? I'm always serious, Red-kun!"

Again, a faint blush formed on his cheeks while he met his hand. "A-Alright, but stop calling me Red-kun, Yamamoto. I have a name." he said arrogantly his voice said otherwise.

"OK." Yamamoto did a thumbs up. "What is it?"


"Tsuna, where's Tsuna?" Bianchi asked the elder Yamamoto by the front desk after she arrived.

"Ah, Bianchi-san!" Tsuyoshi greeted with a wave. "I'll get the sushi you ordered on time tomorrow. I'm already done halfway tonight."

That wasn't why Bianchi came however. "Have you seen Tsuna? The Dying Will flames are got stronger. Tsuna's other self is awake."

"Oh, I know, I know." Tsuyoshi replied indifferently.

"Y-You know? But why aren't you…"

Tsuyoshi laughed and smiled. "I think my son has this one, there's no need to bring everyone here during this time at night."

"Yamamoto Takeshi has this one?"

The sushi chef laughed heartily, making the female confused in so many ways. "My son has always been the best when it comes to kids."

Back at the Dojo,

"Eh? You're kidding. That's a good one, 'Tsuna'-kun." Yamamoto chuckled, not believing the thief when he said his real name.

"But really it's true, I'm Tsuna!" He insisted.

Yamamoto still didn't believe it, smiling as he declined politely, "Sorry, the Tsuna I know has brown warm eyes, not orange."

Annoyed, the thief immediately took of his hat. The Rain's smile faded, followed by a unbelieving expression on his face. Indeed, this was Tsuna. From the spiked, gravity defying brown hair to the familiar cute pout, it was Tsuna except for the childish orange eyes.

Finally, he admitted, "You really are Tsuna. B-But how?"

"A-About that, haha…ha" The thief laughed lamely. "I-I'm what you guys call his dying will but I'm slightly different. I don't know how I came to myself."

Dying will? Yamamoto was familiar with it. He saw Tsuna go into that mode many, many times. "So where's the flame on your head?" He asked out of curiosity.

"I did say I'm different." Tsuna pointed out. "I'm like the embodiment of Tsuna-nii's regret." Yamamoto didn't comment so he continued. "I- no, Tsuna-nii was very sad when he was a kid whenever Christmas came."

"I… I," Tsuna's voice croaked, tears were coming again. "It's because I was lonely a-and…" Yamamoto rubbed his back reassuringly. "T-Thanks, Yamamoto."

"You were lonely because you're alone right?"

Tsuna nodded. "W-When I was a kid, I never got a gift in class. Even when we had a class activity about exchanging gifts, I would only get money. I-It was very lonely."

Yamamoto couldn't exactly relate to the feeling since he was popular for his looks alone during the early days of middle school. He would get gifts, but not exactly from what he'd call his 'friends' and he was pretty lonely too but not as much as the brunet crying softly beside him.

"I never even got to play outside. Other kids would play snowball fights in the park and skate but I never experienced even once getting hit by a snowball."

Another faint memory rose from the Rain's deep subconscious. He wasn't really the most favored player when it came to snowball fights. When he threw, it would hit. Very hard. His target always ended up crying no matter how weak he tried throwing the ball.

"Are you even listening, Yamamoto?" Tsuna pouted.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah!" Yamamoto grinned sheepish. "I was just remembering some stuff." he added lamely.

The brunet's face fell. "You probably had the best childhood."

Alarmed, the baseball ace cringed, scrambling for a good explanation. "Wait, no I didn't. Really!" Tsuna didn't believe him, sulking and even moving away. "Wait!" He latched his hand on his arm.

"I never had the best childhood in my life but it's never too late to make the next part better." Yamamoto stared deep into Tsuna's orange ones unashamed. "When I was a kid, I never had friends. When I played snowball with others, I would always get kicked out in the end. When I-"

A small hand clamped over the Rain's mouth. "Fine, I get it Yamamoto!" said the red-faced Tsuna. "P-Please stop staring at me like that."

But no, Yamamoto wouldn't be restrained, giving his hand small nibbles until he let go. "The best part of my life was when I met my two best friends, eating lunch on the rooftop together with senpai, being chased around school for being late by Hibari, walking home together with Chrome, playing with Lambo and I-pin at your house and saying goodnight to everyone when it was already late."

The Rain looked sincerely into his orange eyes as he said, "But the very best part is when I get to spend them all with you, Tsuna, my one and only Sky." Then he leaned in, until he met… a leather shoe pushing his face away.

"W-Wait! Wait!" Tsuna leaned away, eyes wide and cheeks flushed. "I-I'm still young! You can't do that! I'll tell you to my otou-san! Kaa-san too! I'll even file restraining order for pedophilia!"

"Aww, c'mon Tsuna! Just one!" Yamamoto insisted, pushing the dreaded foot away.

"I said no!" Now, he stopped him with his other knee.

Yamamoto pouted. "Is that a way to treat your boyfriend?" he retorted, still insisting.

"I'm not Tsuna-nii! Stop it, Yamamoto! And last time I heard, Tsuna-nii didn't tell you he liked you yet."

And he did, sighing and returning to sitting position. Tsuna didn't trust that much space, thinking he would be pounced on again, and got on his feet. Silence ensued until sometime later, both of them just laughed.

"Yamamoto/Tsuna, I-" Thy both started just as they both stopped, ending up staring at each other with incredulous looks.

Being the gentleman he is, Yamamoto said, "You go first."

"Y-Yeah, well I was gonna say I'll stop stealing."

"That's good to hear." replied Yamamoto nodding, giving the brunet a thumbs up.

"But," Tsuna smiled with warmth. "I'll still have to go. And this will probably the last time we'll see each other."

His smile faded. "W-What? Tsuna?"

The brunet laughed at the taller teen's shocked face. "No, not that, baka! You'll still see Tsuna-nii!"

Yamamoto's face turned serious as he jumped to his feet and grabbed Tsuna by the shoulders. "No, I mean why can't we see each other anymore? It doesn't have to be that way."

The smile still played on his lips. "Technically, you will still see me. I am Tsuna." Yamamoto opened his mouth to voice another complaint but a finger kept his lips shut. "I was given free control over Tsuna-nii's body because of hiss regret. No, actually there was something more. I came to be because of his Dying Will."

Successfully shaking off the finger, he asked, "When did Tsuna drink the pills?" He faintly remembered only seeing Tsuna's gloves then among the rest of Tsuna's laundry when he took a bath but never the pills.

"He didn't. Even I don't know how. "The brunet giggled while Yamamoto's face remained blank. "But I'm very sure that I am Tsuna's dying will, therefore, I am Tsuna."

Tsuna broke free of the arms holding him in place and went to pick up the gifts. "You know, if you hurt Tsuna-nii in any way." he ended it there when he saw him nod. Satisfied, Tsuna walked towards the door with gifts in hand. "Well, I have a lot of stuff to do. See ya, Yamamoto!"

"Wait," Yamamoto grabbed the brunet by the arm. "Where are the stolen gifts hidden?"

A mischievous smirk found its way on Tsuna's lips. "You'll have to find it yourself but I told Tsuna-nii that he already knows. I think he does. I think." he said, not quite sure of it himself. "Oh, tell Reborn-san that his stuff isn't damaged. I kept it in a safe place."

"Will do." Yamamoto saluted and Tsuna laughed. "But can I ask one last question?" A nod. "Why are you gonna stop from stealing gifts?"

"Well," The smirk stayed as he neared the Rain. "A big baka told me not to and he's my first friend, so I don't anymore. And,"

He didn't expect it, far from expecting it. Tsuna went on tip toe and planted a quick peck on Yamamoto's lips then walked away, leaving the baseball ace stunned but grinning from ear to ear.

"Don't make Tsuna-nii lonely, or you'll be hearing from me!"

A chuckle escaped Yamamoto's lips. "Hey, isn't that cheating? Tsuna might kill me if he knew."

The brunet stopped in his tracks and turned. "I don't think so, since I am his dying will. Therefore, I am Tsuna." He winked again before jumping over the wooden fence with gifts over his shoulder.

Yamamoto shook his head smiling. "Yeah, you're my Tsuna."

Chapter 2 End

Author's Note (Ramblings):


So you finally got to know who the red thief was. I have no skills in writing. I didn't even feel the fun... in knowing the red man. I was initially planning on revealing it on the third chapter. Eh, I'll rewrite it when I finish Flowers.

I think... I should stop writing. Either I'll go on vacation with only books to bring so I can improve my writing style of go on permanent 'Hiatus' on my works. Eh... I dunno. I'm too fluffy it hurts. Hahaha!

About this chapter, I was supposed to make it a hurt/comfort moment. Ah, I really had no time. No, I'm not blaming you ilYamaTsuna7227li. I blame my laziness. And my new shiny Vongola Ring set which I still don't know how my dad knew I wanted them. Oh wait, my little bro.

I Wanna Thank You: (I keep making up corners don't I?)

Thanks sseskagthebest for being my first reviewer and your honest opinion.

LoveOneself-san, hope it wasn't too disappointing. Hey, we're all fellow fans, reviewing your stories is only natural for me. Thanks by the way!

Tenebraelis-chan, you say my first chapter was fluffy? Arigatou! About that Skull theory, well, haven't really known him well enough to write him yet but from the manga, he's loud and obnoxious I think? Well he left that impression on me.

Dodonchaka-san, I know I screwed up about that in the prev chapter. *sigh* I tried being less wordy because someone told me I was being that. I'll make up for it somehow. Oh also, keep writing 8027, please :D

MinaNaru4ever-8027forever, my best FFN friend, thank you for reviewing my stories always. We reached over 180 PMs and we're still chatting about 8027. I'm not complaining. It's shows our dedication. Hahaha! Man what am I saying?

Guest-san, thanks for lovin' it! Oh, and your answer to m two questions.

Will continue to love, and write, 8027 above anything else,


P.S. Merry Christmas!