(c)Hetalia - Himaruya Hidekaz

England gave an annoyed sigh as he headed towards the World Meeting building, which was currently taking place in New York City. Why was England annoyed? The meeting was called last minute, three days before Christmas.

Turning around the corner, the English nation saw a crowd outside the building. Walking up to the group of nations, the Brit noticed a small handful of the nations that are usually at World Meetings. In the center of the crowd stood America with his usual goofy smile.

"Why are we all suddenly here, Hamburger Bastard!?" Romano yelled out what everyone was thinking.

"I know!" Prussia added. "It's three days 'til Christmas; shouldn't we be on a break or something!?"

"Everyone please!" America shouted, gaining everyone's attention. "I'll explain everything once everyone arrives! There're still a few people left."

The small grouped looked around, knowing for a fact that there as not nearly enough nations around for 'everyone' to really be here. And there were just a 'few' people left?

"Who exactly are we missing, America?" Germany asked.

"Um, looks like the Asians, Nordics, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and England."

"I'm right here. Idiot..." England shouted, adding the second part silently to himself. Everyone turned to him as he made his way to America.

"Sup, Engla–"

"You better have a good bloody reason for calling us all here..." England growled, interrupting America and grabbing him by his jacket collar. He really did not enjoy getting a late night call saying there was going to be a meeting the next day.

"J-jeez, England. Chill." America responded. England's eye twitched and next thing anyone knew was that the Bad Touch Trio plus Germany were struggling to hold back an outraged Brit from chewing off America's head. England really was a bit cranky. And during the craziness, everyone else seemed to have arrived, even Sealand.

("Sealand! I thought I told you to stay at the hotel!"

"You can't tell me what to do, Jerk-land! I have the right to be here as a nation!")

"Okay! Seems like everyone's here!" America shouted, looking around at the different faces.

"Um, America-San," Japan called, gaining said nation's attention, "I am sorry to interrupt, but not all the nations are present."

"Ve~ Japan's right!" Italy agreed.

"Let me explain! I only invited certain people here in the first place!" America grinned as everyone went silent.

"What..." Norway bluntly asked.

"Well, we all know that Christmas is coming up in a few days, right?"

"Really? I thought Finland was spazzing out for no reason." Denmark sarcastically said, nudging towards the panicking Fin. He was ahead of things when it came to this year's Christmas, but was still worried.

"Well," America started again, ignoring the Danish nation,"how is it usually celebrated?" Everyone went silent, curious as to where America was going with the question. "With friends and family of course!" the American answered himself.

"But not everyone here follow its religious beliefs." Japan added.

"Pssh, so what!"

"Is that why we're standing out in the freezing cold instead of inside aru?" China asked question.

"Yep! Now, let's go!" America shouted, starting to walk off in a random direction. "Follow the hero!"

"Where exactly are we following you to?" England asked as everyone hesitantly followed the 'hero'.

"Central Park, duh! We're going iceskating!" America answered. Everyone else looked at each other. It didn't exactly seem like a bad idea. It defiantly beat sitting through an insane World Meeting. Soon the hesitant following turned into excitement.

As the large group of diverse nations neared Central Park, eyes were drawn to them, but only for a second. No one really noticed, however. Especially not a specific ancient Chinese nation. China was busy looking around the large, restless city. The towering skyscrapers had done nothing to shield the snowfall that fell previous that morning.

Distracting him from sightseeing, China felt a tap on his shoulder. When he turned to see who it was, the Chinese nation saw England looking back at him, providing an answer as to who tapped his shoulder. "Nihao, Opium." China said neutrally before looking around again.

"Jeez, I come to strike up a decent conversation, but all you do is turn away." England replied with a sharp tone, much to China's annoyance.

"Fine." the Oriental started, turning back to England, "Hello ahen. How are you today, Opium?" China sarcastically asked with a monotone voice. England just shook his head with a tsk.

"Anyways, I'm a bit surprised you actually showed up." England smirked, "Even if it was suppose to be a meeting."

"What's that suppose to mean ahen?" China growled, hands balling into a fist. "If it was a meeting, of course I would show up! But I do much prefer staying warm at home and listening Hong Kong blow up a tree than be here with a bunch of rowdy and annoying nations such as yourself." the nation added with a huff. In the background, a certain young nation could be heard saying in a monotone voice, 'I did not blow anything up.'

The two personified counties went back and forth at each other, not noticing that they and the rest of the group arrived at the New York City park. China had had enough and left England for his siblings, who were up front.

Right as England gave another sigh, he felt someone place their hand on his shoulder; France. "Hon hon hon~ You are hopeless, mon ami." France said with a shake of his head.

"What are you talking about!?" England fumed with a flushed expression. "And get your slimy hands off me, bloody wanker!" France only laughed, happily skipping off to Prussia and Spain before the seething Brit could do any harm to him.

Copy and Pasted from IPad... Reviews are loved! First Christmas fic...